set -e buildDir=../build if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then buildDir=$1 fi for testSource in $(ls -1 *.cc); do test=$(echo $testSource | sed -e 's/\.cc$//') if [ ! -x $buildDir/fuzz/$test ] ; then echo "Failed to find binary for $test" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d ${test}_corpus ]; then echo "Failed to find corpus directory for $test" exit 1 fi if [ -d ${test}_corpus_old ]; then echo "Old corpus directory for $test already exists" exit 1 fi done for testSource in $(ls -1 *.cc); do test=$(echo $testSource | sed -e 's/\.cc$//') mv ${test}_corpus ${test}_corpus_old mkdir ${test}_corpus $buildDir/fuzz/$test -max_len=50000 -runs=0 -save_minimized_corpus=1 \ ${test}_corpus ${test}_corpus_old rm -Rf ${test}_corpus_old done