# This Makefile can be used with GNU Make or BSD Make LIB = libmceliece6688128f_vec.a SOURCES = aes256ctr.c benes.c bm.c controlbits.c decrypt.c encrypt.c fft.c \ fft_tr.c gf.c operations.c pk_gen.c sk_gen.c transpose.c util.c \ vec.c HEADERS = aes256ctr.h api.h benes.h bm.h controlbits.h crypto_hash.h decrypt.h \ encrypt.h fft.h fft_tr.h gf.h params.h pk_gen.h sk_gen.h \ transpose.h util.h vec.h \ consts.inc powers.inc scalars_2x.inc scalars_4x.inc OBJECTS = aes256ctr.o benes.o bm.o controlbits.o decrypt.o encrypt.o fft.o \ fft_tr.o gf.o operations.o pk_gen.o sk_gen.o transpose.o util.o vec.o CFLAGS = -O3 -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror -Wpedantic \ -Wredundant-decls -Wvla -Wcast-align -Wmissing-prototypes \ -I../../../common/ $(EXTRAFLAGS) all: $(LIB) %.o: %.c $(HEADERS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(LIB): $(OBJECTS) $(AR) -r $@ $(OBJECTS) clean: $(RM) $(OBJECTS) $(RM) $(LIB)