""" Checks that the implementation does not make use of the `char` type. This is ambiguous; compilers can freely choose `signed` or `unsigned` char. """ import pqclean import pycparser import os def test_char(): for scheme in pqclean.Scheme.all_schemes(): for implementation in scheme.implementations: yield check_char, implementation def walk_tree(ast): if type(ast) is pycparser.c_ast.IdentifierType: if ast.names == ['char']: yield ast for (_, child) in ast.children(): yield from walk_tree(child) # recursively yield prohibited nodes def check_char(implementation): errors = [] for fname in os.listdir(implementation.path()): if not fname.endswith(".c"): continue tdir, _ = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ast = pycparser.parse_file( os.path.join(implementation.path(), fname), use_cpp=True, cpp_args=[ '-nostdinc', # pycparser cannot deal with e.g. __attribute__ '-I{}'.format(os.path.join(tdir, "../common")), # necessary to mock e.g. '-I{}'.format( os.path.join(tdir, 'pycparser/utils/fake_libc_include')), ] ) for node in walk_tree(ast): # flatten nodes to a string to easily enforce uniqueness err = "\n at {c.file}:{c.line}:{c.column}".format(c=node.coord) if err not in errors: errors.append(err) if errors: raise AssertionError( "Prohibited use of char without explicit signed/unsigned" + "".join(errors) ) if __name__ == '__main__': try: import nose2 nose2.main() except ImportError: import nose nose.runmodule()