""" Verify the metadata specified in the META.yml files. """ import copy import itertools import pqclean def test_metadata(): for scheme in pqclean.Scheme.all_schemes(): yield check_metadata, scheme.name def check_metadata(scheme_name): scheme = pqclean.Scheme.by_name(scheme_name) metadata = scheme.metadata() specification = EXPECTED_FIELDS.items() if scheme.type == 'kem': specification = itertools.chain(specification, KEM_FIELDS.items()) elif scheme.type == 'sign': specification = itertools.chain(specification, SIGNATURE_FIELDS.items()) else: assert(False) check_spec(copy.deepcopy(metadata), specification) implementation_names_in_yaml = set( i['name'] for i in metadata['implementations']) implementations_on_disk = set(i.name for i in scheme.implementations) if implementation_names_in_yaml != implementations_on_disk: raise AssertionError("Implementations in YAML file {} and " "implementations on disk {} do not match" .format(implementation_names_in_yaml, implementations_on_disk)) EXPECTED_FIELDS = { 'name': {'type': str}, 'type': {'type': str}, 'claimed-nist-level': {'type': int, 'min': 1, 'max': 5}, 'length-public-key': {'type': int, 'min': 1}, 'testvectors-sha256': {'type': str, 'length': 64}, 'principal-submitter': {'type': str}, 'auxiliary-submitters': {'type': list, 'elements': {'type': str}}, 'implementations': { 'type': list, 'elements': { 'type': dict, 'spec': { 'name': {'type': str}, 'version': {'type': str}, }, }, }, } KEM_FIELDS = { 'length-ciphertext': {'type': int, 'min': 1}, } SIGNATURE_FIELDS = { 'length-signature': {'type': int, 'min': 1}, } def check_spec(metadata, spec): for field, props in spec: if field not in metadata: raise AssertionError("Field '{}' not present.".format(field)) # validate element check_element(field, metadata[field], props) # delete it to detect extras del metadata[field] # Done checking all specified fields, check if we have extras for field, value in metadata.items(): raise AssertionError( "Unexpected item '{}' with value '{}'".format(field, value)) def check_element(field, element, props): type_ = props['type'] # Validate type of element type_(element) # Strs are valid lists otherwise if type_ == list and type(element) != list: raise ValueError("Field {} not a list".format(field)) # lists are valid dicts otherwise if type_ == dict and type(element) != dict: raise ValueError("Field {} not a dict".format(field)) if type_ == int: element = int(element) if 'min' in props: if element < props['min']: raise ValueError("Value of field '{}' is lower than minimum " "value {}".format(field, props['min'])) if 'max' in props: if element > props['max']: raise ValueError("Value of field '{}' is larger than maximum" " value {}" .format(field, props['max'])) if type_ == str: if 'length' in props: actual_len = len(element) if actual_len != props['length']: raise ValueError("Value of field '{}' should be length {}" " but was length {}" .format(field, props['length'], actual_len)) if type_ == list: # recursively check the elements for el in element: check_element('element of {}'.format(field), el, props['elements']) if type_ == dict: check_spec(element, props['spec'].items()) if __name__ == '__main__': try: import nose2 nose2.main() except ImportError: import nose nose.runmodule()