FROM buildpack-deps RUN hg clone RUN hg clone ENV USE_64=1 NSS_ENABLE_TLS_1_3=1 # Incremental build snapshot disabled as dependencies don't seem to be solid: # the same value changed in a header file would apply to one .c file and not another # RUN cd nss && make nss_build_all # Draft 15 # ARG REVISION=c483e5f9e0bc # Draft 16 # ARG REVISION=3e7b53b18112 # Draft 18 # ARG REVISION=b6dfef6d0ff0 # Draft 18, NSS_3_34_1_RTM (with TLS 1.3 keylogging support) # ARG REVISION=e61c0f657100 # Draft 22 #ARG REVISION=88c3f3fa581b # Draft 23 # ARG REVISION=16c622c9e1cc # Latest ARG REVISION=09ab3310e710 RUN cd nss && hg pull RUN cd nss && hg checkout -C $REVISION ADD *.patch ./ RUN for p in *.patch; do patch -p1 -d nss < $p; done RUN cd nss && make nss_build_all # ENV HOST=localhost # RUN cd nss/tests/ssl_gtests && ./ RUN cd nss && make install RUN mv /dist/$(uname -s)$(uname -r | cut -f 1-2 -d . -)_$(uname -m)_${CC:-cc}_glibc_PTH_64_$([ -n "$BUILD_OPT" ] && echo OPT || echo DBG).OBJ /dist/OBJ-PATH ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/dist/OBJ-PATH/lib ENV SSLTRACE=100 SSLDEBUG=100 # Init test key using an empty noise (seed) file (-z /dev/null). # Use different subjects, otherwise NSS seems to merge keys under the same nickname. RUN mkdir /certdb && \ /dist/OBJ-PATH/bin/certutil -d /certdb -N --empty-password && \ /dist/OBJ-PATH/bin/certutil -d /certdb -S -n rsa-server -t u -x -s CN=localhost -k rsa -z /dev/null && \ /dist/OBJ-PATH/bin/certutil -d /certdb -S -n ecdsa-server -t u -x -s CN=localhost,O=EC -k ec -z /dev/null -q nistp256 ADD httpreq.txt /httpreq.txt ADD / ADD / ENTRYPOINT ["/"]