// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package tls import ( "crypto/hmac"; "crypto/rc4"; "crypto/rsa"; "crypto/sha1"; "crypto/subtle"; "crypto/x509"; "io"; ) // A serverHandshake performs the server side of the TLS 1.1 handshake protocol. type clientHandshake struct { writeChan chan<- interface{}; controlChan chan<- interface{}; msgChan <-chan interface{}; config *Config; } func (h *clientHandshake) loop(writeChan chan<- interface{}, controlChan chan<- interface{}, msgChan <-chan interface{}, config *Config) { h.writeChan = writeChan; h.controlChan = controlChan; h.msgChan = msgChan; h.config = config; defer close(writeChan); defer close(controlChan); finishedHash := newFinishedHash(); hello := &clientHelloMsg{ major: defaultMajor, minor: defaultMinor, cipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA}, compressionMethods: []uint8{compressionNone}, random: make([]byte, 32), }; currentTime := uint32(config.Time()); hello.random[0] = byte(currentTime >> 24); hello.random[1] = byte(currentTime >> 16); hello.random[2] = byte(currentTime >> 8); hello.random[3] = byte(currentTime); _, err := io.ReadFull(config.Rand, hello.random[4:]); if err != nil { h.error(alertInternalError); return; } finishedHash.Write(hello.marshal()); writeChan <- writerSetVersion{defaultMajor, defaultMinor}; writeChan <- hello; serverHello, ok := h.readHandshakeMsg().(*serverHelloMsg); if !ok { h.error(alertUnexpectedMessage); return; } finishedHash.Write(serverHello.marshal()); major, minor, ok := mutualVersion(serverHello.major, serverHello.minor); if !ok { h.error(alertProtocolVersion); return; } writeChan <- writerSetVersion{major, minor}; if serverHello.cipherSuite != TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA || serverHello.compressionMethod != compressionNone { h.error(alertUnexpectedMessage); return; } certMsg, ok := h.readHandshakeMsg().(*certificateMsg); if !ok || len(certMsg.certificates) == 0 { h.error(alertUnexpectedMessage); return; } finishedHash.Write(certMsg.marshal()); certs := make([]*x509.Certificate, len(certMsg.certificates)); for i, asn1Data := range certMsg.certificates { cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(asn1Data); if err != nil { h.error(alertBadCertificate); return; } certs[i] = cert; } // TODO(agl): do better validation of certs: max path length, name restrictions etc. for i := 1; i < len(certs); i++ { if certs[i-1].CheckSignatureFrom(certs[i]) != nil { h.error(alertBadCertificate); return; } } if config.RootCAs != nil { root := config.RootCAs.FindParent(certs[len(certs)-1]); if root == nil { h.error(alertBadCertificate); return; } if certs[len(certs)-1].CheckSignatureFrom(root) != nil { h.error(alertBadCertificate); return; } } pub, ok := certs[0].PublicKey.(*rsa.PublicKey); if !ok { h.error(alertUnsupportedCertificate); return; } shd, ok := h.readHandshakeMsg().(*serverHelloDoneMsg); if !ok { h.error(alertUnexpectedMessage); return; } finishedHash.Write(shd.marshal()); ckx := new(clientKeyExchangeMsg); preMasterSecret := make([]byte, 48); // Note that the version number in the preMasterSecret must be the // version offered in the ClientHello. preMasterSecret[0] = defaultMajor; preMasterSecret[1] = defaultMinor; _, err = io.ReadFull(config.Rand, preMasterSecret[2:]); if err != nil { h.error(alertInternalError); return; } ckx.ciphertext, err = rsa.EncryptPKCS1v15(config.Rand, pub, preMasterSecret); if err != nil { h.error(alertInternalError); return; } finishedHash.Write(ckx.marshal()); writeChan <- ckx; suite := cipherSuites[0]; masterSecret, clientMAC, serverMAC, clientKey, serverKey := keysFromPreMasterSecret11(preMasterSecret, hello.random, serverHello.random, suite.hashLength, suite.cipherKeyLength); cipher, _ := rc4.NewCipher(clientKey); writeChan <- writerChangeCipherSpec{cipher, hmac.New(sha1.New(), clientMAC)}; finished := new(finishedMsg); finished.verifyData = finishedHash.clientSum(masterSecret); finishedHash.Write(finished.marshal()); writeChan <- finished; // TODO(agl): this is cut-through mode which should probably be an option. writeChan <- writerEnableApplicationData{}; _, ok = h.readHandshakeMsg().(changeCipherSpec); if !ok { h.error(alertUnexpectedMessage); return; } cipher2, _ := rc4.NewCipher(serverKey); controlChan <- &newCipherSpec{cipher2, hmac.New(sha1.New(), serverMAC)}; serverFinished, ok := h.readHandshakeMsg().(*finishedMsg); if !ok { h.error(alertUnexpectedMessage); return; } verify := finishedHash.serverSum(masterSecret); if len(verify) != len(serverFinished.verifyData) || subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(verify, serverFinished.verifyData) != 1 { h.error(alertHandshakeFailure); return; } controlChan <- ConnectionState{true, "TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA", 0}; // This should just block forever. _ = h.readHandshakeMsg(); h.error(alertUnexpectedMessage); return; } func (h *clientHandshake) readHandshakeMsg() interface{} { v := <-h.msgChan; if closed(h.msgChan) { // If the channel closed then the processor received an error // from the peer and we don't want to echo it back to them. h.msgChan = nil; return 0; } if _, ok := v.(alert); ok { // We got an alert from the processor. We forward to the writer // and shutdown. h.writeChan <- v; h.msgChan = nil; return 0; } return v; } func (h *clientHandshake) error(e alertType) { if h.msgChan != nil { // If we didn't get an error from the processor, then we need // to tell it about the error. go func() { for _ = range h.msgChan { } }(); h.controlChan <- ConnectionState{false, "", e}; close(h.controlChan); h.writeChan <- alert{alertLevelError, e}; } }