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New optimizations derived from armfazh/flor-sidh-x64 project.

Look at optimizations.md file.
armfazh 7 yıl önce
6 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 264 ekleme ve 38 silme
  1. +20
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  3. +35
  4. +55
  5. +4
  6. +2

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optimizations.md Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

## List of Optimizations

### General optimizations

The following are general and well-known optimizations.

1. Replace ADD+DOUBLE by a xDBLADD function.
This reduces 1M per iteration in 3-point ladder and 2M per iteration in ScalarMult function.
2. Print for types (useful for debugging purposes)

### Optimizations derived from FLOR-SIDH-x64
The following are specific optimizations based on the FLOR-SIDH-x64 work.

1. New formulas for point tripling.
2. New R2L method for shared secret, replaces 3-point ladder.

+ 148
- 32
p751toolbox/curve.go Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ type CachedCurveParameters struct {
C4 ExtensionFieldElement

type CachedTripleCurveParameters struct {
Aminus2C ExtensionFieldElement
C2 ExtensionFieldElement

// = 256
var const256 = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x249ad67, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x730000000000000, 0x738154969973da8b, 0x856657c146718c7f, 0x461860e4e363a697, 0xf9fd6510bba838cd, 0x4e1a3c3f06993c0c, 0x55abef5b75c7},
@@ -78,6 +83,14 @@ func (curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters) cachedParams() CachedCurveParameters {
return cached

// Compute cached parameters A - 2C, 2C.
func (curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters) cachedTripleParams() CachedTripleCurveParameters {
var cached CachedTripleCurveParameters
cached.C2.Add(&curve.C, &curve.C) // = 2*C
cached.Aminus2C.Sub(&curve.A, &cached.C2) // = A- 2*C
return cached

// A point on the projective line P^1(F_{p^2}).
// This represents a point on the (Kummer line) of a Montgomery curve. The
@@ -226,6 +239,76 @@ func (xQ *ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint) Double(xP *ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint, aPlus
return xQ

// Given xP = x(P), xQ = x(Q), and xPmQ = x(P-Q), compute xPaddQ = x(P+Q) and x2P = x(2P).
func xDblAdd(curve *CachedCurveParameters, xP, xQ, xPmQ *ProjectivePoint) (x2P, xPaddQ ProjectivePoint) {
var A, AA, B, BB, C, D, E, DA, CB, t0, t1 ExtensionFieldElement
x1, z1 := &xPmQ.X, &xPmQ.Z
x2, z2 := &xP.X, &xP.Z
x3, z3 := &xQ.X, &xQ.Z

A.Add(x2, z2) // A = x2+z2
B.Sub(x2, z2) // B = x2-z2
C.Add(x3, z3) // C = x3+z3
D.Sub(x3, z3) // D = x3-z3

AA.Square(&A) // AA = A^2
BB.Square(&B) // BB = B^2

E.Sub(&AA, &BB) // E = AA-BB
BB.Mul(&BB, &curve.C4) // BB = (4C)*BB
DA.Mul(&D, &A) // DA = D*A
CB.Mul(&C, &B) // CB = C*B

t1.Add(&DA, &CB) // t1 = DA+CB
t0.Sub(&DA, &CB) // t0 = DA-CB
t1.Square(&t1) // t1 = t1^2
t0.Square(&t0) // t0 = t0^2

xPaddQ.X.Mul(z1, &t1) // z5 = z1*t1
xPaddQ.Z.Mul(x1, &t0) // x5 = x1*t0

x2P.X.Mul(&AA, &BB) // x4 = AA*(4C)*BB
x2P.Z.Mul(&curve.Aplus2C, &E) // z4 = (A+2C)*E
x2P.Z.Add(&x2P.Z, &BB) // z4 = (4C)*BB+(A+2C)*E
x2P.Z.Mul(&x2P.Z, &E) // z4 = E*((4C)*BB+(A+2C)*E)

// Given xP = x(P), xQ = x(Q), and xPmQ = x(P-Q), compute xPaddQ = x(P+Q) and x2P = x(2P).
// Assumes that the Z-xoordinate of PmQ is equal to 1.
func xDblAdd_primefield(aPlus2Over4 *PrimeFieldElement, xP, xQ, xPmQ *ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint) (x2P, xPaddQ ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint) {
var A, AA, B, BB, C, D, E, DA, CB, t0, t1 PrimeFieldElement
x1 := &xPmQ.X
x2, z2 := &xP.X, &xP.Z
x3, z3 := &xQ.X, &xQ.Z

A.Add(x2, z2) // A = x2+z2
B.Sub(x2, z2) // B = x2-z2
C.Add(x3, z3) // C = x3+z3
D.Sub(x3, z3) // D = x3-z3

AA.Square(&A) // AA = A^2
BB.Square(&B) // BB = B^2

E.Sub(&AA, &BB) // E = AA-BB
DA.Mul(&D, &A) // DA = D*A
CB.Mul(&C, &B) // CB = C*B

t1.Add(&DA, &CB) // t1 = DA+CB
t0.Sub(&DA, &CB) // t0 = DA-CB
t1.Square(&t1) // t1 = t1^2
t0.Square(&t0) // t0 = t0^2

xPaddQ.X = t1 // z5 = z1*t1
xPaddQ.Z.Mul(x1, &t0) // x5 = x1*t0

x2P.X.Mul(&AA, &BB) // x4 = AA*(4C)*BB
x2P.Z.Mul(aPlus2Over4, &E) // z4 = (A+2C)*E
x2P.Z.Add(&x2P.Z, &BB) // z4 = (4C)*BB+(A+2C)*E
x2P.Z.Mul(&x2P.Z, &E) // z4 = E*((4C)*BB+(A+2C)*E)

// Given the curve parameters, xP = x(P), and k >= 0, compute xQ = x([2^k]P).
// Returns xQ to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xQ.
@@ -239,38 +322,42 @@ func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) Pow2k(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP *Projectiv
return xQ

// Given xP = x(P) and cached curve parameters Aplus2C = A + 2*C, C4 = 4*C, compute xQ = x([3]P).
// Uses the efficient Montgomery tripling formulas from FLOR-SIDH-x64
// Given xP = x(P) and cached tripling curve parameters Aminus2C = A - 2*C, C2 = 2*C, compute xQ = x([3]P).
// Returns xQ to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xQ.
func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) Triple(xP *ProjectivePoint, curve *CachedCurveParameters) *ProjectivePoint {
// Uses the efficient Montgomery tripling formulas from Costello-Longa-Naehrig.
var v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 ExtensionFieldElement
// Compute (X_2 : Z_2) = x([2]P)
v2.Sub(&xP.X, &xP.Z) // X - Z
v3.Add(&xP.X, &xP.Z) // X + Z
v0.Square(&v2) // (X-Z)^2
v1.Square(&v3) // (X+Z)^2
v4.Mul(&v0, &curve.C4) // 4C(X-Z)^2
v5.Mul(&v4, &v1) // 4C(X-Z)^2(X+Z)^2 = X_2
v1.Sub(&v1, &v0) // (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2 = 4XZ
v0.Mul(&v1, &curve.Aplus2C) // 4XZ(A+2C)
v4.Add(&v4, &v0).Mul(&v4, &v1) // (4C(X-Z)^2 + 4XZ(A+2C))4XZ = Z_2
// Compute (X_3 : Z_3) = x(P + [2]P)
v0.Add(&v5, &v4).Mul(&v0, &v2) // (X_2 + Z_2)(X-Z)
v1.Sub(&v5, &v4).Mul(&v1, &v3) // (X_2 - Z_2)(X+Z)
v4.Sub(&v0, &v1).Square(&v4) // 4(XZ_2 - ZX_2)^2
v5.Add(&v0, &v1).Square(&v5) // 4(XX_2 - ZZ_2)^2
v2.Mul(&xP.Z, &v5) // 4Z(XX_2 - ZZ_2)^2
xQ.Z.Mul(&xP.X, &v4) // 4X(XZ_2 - ZX_2)^2
xQ.X = v2
// Reference: A faster SW implementation of SIDH (github.com/armfazh/flor-sidh-x64).
func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) Triple(xP *ProjectivePoint, curve *CachedTripleCurveParameters) *ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 ExtensionFieldElement
x1, z1 := &xP.X, &xP.Z
t0.Square(x1) // t0 = x1^2
t1.Square(z1) // t1 = z1^2
t2.Add(x1, z1) // t2 = x1+z1
t2.Square(&t2) // t2 = t2^2
t3.Add(&t0, &t1) // t3 = t0+t1
t4.Sub(&t2, &t3) // t4 = t2-t3
t5.Mul(&curve.Aminus2C, &t4) // t5 = (A-2C)*t4
t2.Mul(&curve.C2, &t2) // t2 = (2C)*t2
t5.Add(&t5, &t2) // t5 = t2+t5
t5.Add(&t5, &t5) // t5 = t5+t5
t5.Add(&t5, &t5) // t5 = t5+t5
t0.Mul(&t0, &t5) // t0 = t0*t5
t1.Mul(&t1, &t5) // t1 = t1*t5
t4.Sub(&t3, &t4) // t4 = t3-t4
t2.Mul(&t2, &t4) // t2 = t2*t4
t0.Sub(&t2, &t0) // t0 = t2-t0
t1.Sub(&t2, &t1) // t1 = t2-t1
t0.Square(&t0) // t0 = t0^2
t1.Square(&t1) // t1 = t1^2
xQ.X.Mul(x1, &t1) // x3 = x1*t1
xQ.Z.Mul(z1, &t0) // z3 = z1*t0
return xQ

// Given the curve parameters, xP = x(P), and k >= 0, compute xQ = x([2^k]P).
// Given the curve parameters, xP = x(P), and k >= 0, compute xQ = x([3^k]P).
// Returns xQ to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xQ.
func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) Pow3k(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP *ProjectivePoint, k uint32) *ProjectivePoint {
cachedParams := curve.cachedParams()
cachedParams := curve.cachedTripleParams()
*xQ = *xP
for i := uint32(0); i < k; i++ {
xQ.Triple(xQ, &cachedParams)
@@ -324,7 +411,7 @@ func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) ScalarMult(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP *Proj
// input scalar. All scalars of the same input length execute in uniform time.
// The scalar can be padded with zero bytes to ensure a uniform length.
func ScalarMultPrimeField(aPlus2Over4 *PrimeFieldElement, xP *ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint, scalar []uint8) (ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint, ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint) {
var x0, x1, tmp ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint
var x0, x1 ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint

@@ -337,9 +424,7 @@ func ScalarMultPrimeField(aPlus2Over4 *PrimeFieldElement, xP *ProjectivePrimeFie
for j := 7; j >= 0; j-- {
bit := (scalarByte >> uint(j)) & 0x1
ProjectivePrimeFieldPointConditionalSwap(&x0, &x1, (bit ^ prevBit))
tmp.Double(&x0, aPlus2Over4)
x1.Add(&x0, &x1, xP)
x0 = tmp
x0, x1 = xDblAdd_primefield(aPlus2Over4, &x0, &x1, xP)
prevBit = bit
@@ -440,10 +525,9 @@ func (xR *ProjectivePoint) ThreePointLadder(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP
bit := (scalarByte >> uint(j)) & 0x1
ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&x0, &x1, (bit ^ prevBit))
ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&y0, &y1, (bit ^ prevBit))
x2.Add(&x2, &x0, &y0) // = xADD(x2, x0, y0)
tmp.Double(&x0, &cachedParams)
tmp, x2 = xDblAdd(&cachedParams, &x0, &x2, &y0)
x1.Add(&x1, &x0, xQ) // = xADD(x1, x0, x(Q))
x0 = tmp // = xDBL(x0)
x0 = tmp
prevBit = bit
@@ -452,6 +536,38 @@ func (xR *ProjectivePoint) ThreePointLadder(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP
return xR

Update: This is the right-to-left method for computing the x-coordinate of P+[k]Q.

Desc: This function replaces the ThreePointLadder function and improves the running
time by performing 1 Addition + 1 Doubling per bit of k.

Reference: A faster SW implementation of SIDH (github.com/armfazh/flor-sidh-x64).
func (xR *ProjectivePoint) R2L(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP, xQ, xPmQ *ProjectivePoint, scalar []uint8) *ProjectivePoint {
cachedParams := curve.cachedParams()
var R0, R2, R1 ProjectivePoint

R1 = *xP
R2 = *xPmQ
R0 = *xQ

// Iterate over the bits of the scalar, bottom to top
prevBit := uint8(0)
for i := 0; i < len(scalar); i++ {
scalarByte := scalar[i]
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
bit := (scalarByte >> uint(j)) & 0x1
ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&R1, &R2, (bit ^ prevBit))
R0, R2 = xDblAdd(&cachedParams, &R0, &R2, &R1)
prevBit = bit
ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&R1, &R2, prevBit)
*xR = R1
return xR

// Given the affine x-coordinate affine_xP of P, compute the x-coordinate
// x(\tau(P)-P) of \tau(P)-P.
func DistortAndDifference(affine_xP *PrimeFieldElement) ProjectivePoint {

+ 35
- 2
p751toolbox/curve_test.go Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -190,13 +190,27 @@ func TestThreePointLadderVersusSage(t *testing.T) {

func TestR2LVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xR ProjectivePoint
xR.R2L(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], mScalarBytes[:])

affine_xR := xR.ToAffine()

sageAffine_xR := ExtensionFieldElement{A: Fp751Element{0x729465ba800d4fd5, 0x9398015b59e514a1, 0x1a59dd6be76c748e, 0x1a7db94eb28dd55c, 0x444686e680b1b8ec, 0xcc3d4ace2a2454ff, 0x51d3dab4ec95a419, 0xc3b0f33594acac6a, 0x9598a74e7fd44f8a, 0x4fbf8c638f1c2e37, 0x844e347033052f51, 0x6cd6de3eafcf}, B: Fp751Element{0x85da145412d73430, 0xd83c0e3b66eb3232, 0xd08ff2d453ec1369, 0xa64aaacfdb395b13, 0xe9cba211a20e806e, 0xa4f80b175d937cfc, 0x556ce5c64b1f7937, 0xb59b39ea2b3fdf7a, 0xc2526b869a4196b3, 0x8dad90bca9371750, 0xdfb4a30c9d9147a2, 0x346d2130629b}}

if !affine_xR.VartimeEq(&sageAffine_xR) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", sageAffine_xR, "\nfound\n", affine_xR)

func TestPointTripleVersusAddDouble(t *testing.T) {
tripleEqualsAddDouble := func(curve ProjectiveCurveParameters, P ProjectivePoint) bool {

cachedParams := curve.cachedParams()
cachedTripleParams := curve.cachedTripleParams()
var P2, P3, P2plusP ProjectivePoint
P2.Double(&P, &cachedParams) // = x([2]P)
P3.Triple(&P, &cachedParams) // = x([3]P)
P3.Triple(&P, &cachedTripleParams) // = x([3]P)
P2plusP.Add(&P2, &P, &P) // = x([2]P + P)

return P3.VartimeEq(&P2plusP)
@@ -292,7 +306,7 @@ func BenchmarkPointDouble(b *testing.B) {

func BenchmarkPointTriple(b *testing.B) {
var xP = ProjectivePoint{X: curve_A, Z: curve_C}
cachedParams := curve.cachedParams()
cachedParams := curve.cachedTripleParams()

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
xP.Triple(&xP, &cachedParams)
@@ -308,6 +322,16 @@ func BenchmarkScalarMult379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {

func BenchmarkScalarPrimeFieldMult379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
var xR ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint
var a24 PrimeFieldElement
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{84, 222, 146, 63, 85, 18, 173, 162, 167, 38, 10, 8, 143, 176, 93, 228, 247, 128, 50, 128, 205, 42, 15, 137, 119, 67, 43, 3, 61, 91, 237, 24, 235, 12, 53, 96, 186, 164, 232, 223, 197, 224, 64, 109, 137, 63, 246, 4}

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
ScalarMultPrimeField(&a24, &xR, mScalarBytes[:])

func BenchmarkThreePointLadder379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
var xR ProjectivePoint
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{84, 222, 146, 63, 85, 18, 173, 162, 167, 38, 10, 8, 143, 176, 93, 228, 247, 128, 50, 128, 205, 42, 15, 137, 119, 67, 43, 3, 61, 91, 237, 24, 235, 12, 53, 96, 186, 164, 232, 223, 197, 224, 64, 109, 137, 63, 246, 4}
@@ -316,3 +340,12 @@ func BenchmarkThreePointLadder379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
xR.ThreePointLadder(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], mScalarBytes[:])

func BenchmarkR2L379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
var xR ProjectivePoint
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{84, 222, 146, 63, 85, 18, 173, 162, 167, 38, 10, 8, 143, 176, 93, 228, 247, 128, 50, 128, 205, 42, 15, 137, 119, 67, 43, 3, 61, 91, 237, 24, 235, 12, 53, 96, 186, 164, 232, 223, 197, 224, 64, 109, 137, 63, 246, 4}

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
xR.R2L(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], mScalarBytes[:])

+ 55
- 0
p751toolbox/print.go Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package p751toolbox

import (

func PrintHex(obj interface{}) (out string) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
vector := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
switch vector.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
format := ""
switch vector.Index(0).Kind() {
case reflect.Uint8:
format = "%02x"
case reflect.Uint64:
format = "%016x"
len := vector.Len()
for i:=len-1; i>=0; i-- {
word := vector.Index(i)
return buffer.String()

func (element Fp751Element) String() string {
var out [94]byte
return fmt.Sprintf("%s",PrintHex(out[:]))

func (primeElement PrimeFieldElement) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s",primeElement.A.String())

func (extElement ExtensionFieldElement) String() string {
var out [188]byte
return fmt.Sprintf("A: %sB: %s", PrintHex(out[:94]), PrintHex(out[94:]))

func (point ProjectivePoint) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("X:\n%sZ:\n%s", point.X.String(), point.Z.String())

func (point ProjectivePrimeFieldPoint) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("X:\n%sZ:\n%s", point.X.String(), point.Z.String())

+ 4
- 3
sidh.go Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ import (

import . "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"
//import . "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"
import . "./p751toolbox"

const (
// The secret key size, in bytes.
@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ func (aliceSecret *SIDHSecretKeyAlice) SharedSecret(bobPublic *SIDHPublicKeyBob)

xR.ThreePointLadder(&currentCurve, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, aliceSecret.Scalar[:])
xR.R2L(&currentCurve, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, aliceSecret.Scalar[:])

var firstPhi FirstFourIsogeny
currentCurve, firstPhi = ComputeFirstFourIsogeny(&currentCurve)
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ func (bobSecret *SIDHSecretKeyBob) SharedSecret(alicePublic *SIDHPublicKeyAlice)

xR.ThreePointLadder(&currentCurve, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, bobSecret.Scalar[:])
xR.R2L(&currentCurve, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, bobSecret.Scalar[:])

var points = make([]ProjectivePoint, 0, 8)
var indices = make([]int, 0, 8)

+ 2
- 1
sidh_test.go Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import (

import . "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"
//import . "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"
import . "./p751toolbox"

func TestMultiplyByThree(t *testing.T) {
// sage: repr((3^238 -1).digits(256))
