Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Makes SIDH independent on underlying field arithmetic.

Kris Kwiatkowski pirms 6 gadiem
committed by Kris Kwiatkowski
24 mainītis faili ar 2067 papildinājumiem un 1989 dzēšanām
  1. +4
  2. +440
  3. +146
  4. +0
  5. +14
  6. +36
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+ 4
- 2
Makefile Parādīt failu

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ GOPATH_LOCAL = $(PRJ_DIR)/build
GOPATH_DIR = github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh
CSHAKE_PKG ?= github.com/henrydcase/nobs/hash/sha3
CPU_PKG = golang.org/x/sys/cpu
TARGETS = p751toolbox sidh sike
TARGETS = p751 sidh sike
GO ?= go
OPTS_GCCGO ?= -compiler gccgo -O2 -g
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ ifeq ($(V),1)
BENCH_OPTS += -gcflags=-m # Show results from inlining

all: test
rm -rf $(GOPATH_LOCAL)
rm -rf coverage*.txt
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ clean:
mkdir -p $(GOPATH_LOCAL)/src/$(GOPATH_DIR)
cp -rf internal $(GOPATH_LOCAL)/src/$(GOPATH_DIR)
cp -rf etc $(GOPATH_LOCAL)/src/$(GOPATH_DIR)

@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ test-%: prep_targets

bench-%: prep_targets

cover-%: prep_targets

+ 440
- 0
internal/isogeny/curve_ops.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
package internal

type CurveOperations struct {
Params *SidhParams

// Computes j-invariant for a curve y2=x3+A/Cx+x with A,C in F_(p^2). Result
// is returned in jBytes buffer, encoded in little-endian format. Caller
// provided jBytes buffer has to be big enough to j-invariant value. In case
// of SIDH, buffer size must be at least size of shared secret.
// Implementation corresponds to Algorithm 9 from SIKE.
func (c *CurveOperations) Jinvariant(cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters, jBytes []byte) {
var j, t0, t1 Fp2Element

op := c.Params.Op
op.Square(&j, &cparams.A) // j = A^2
op.Square(&t1, &cparams.C) // t1 = C^2
op.Add(&t0, &t1, &t1) // t0 = t1 + t1
op.Sub(&t0, &j, &t0) // t0 = j - t0
op.Sub(&t0, &t0, &t1) // t0 = t0 - t1
op.Sub(&j, &t0, &t1) // t0 = t0 - t1
op.Square(&t1, &t1) // t1 = t1^2
op.Mul(&j, &j, &t1) // j = j * t1
op.Add(&t0, &t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
op.Add(&t0, &t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
op.Square(&t1, &t0) // t1 = t0^2
op.Mul(&t0, &t0, &t1) // t0 = t0 * t1
op.Add(&t0, &t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
op.Add(&t0, &t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
op.Inv(&j, &j) // j = 1/j
op.Mul(&j, &t0, &j) // j = t0 * j

c.Fp2ToBytes(jBytes, &j)

// Given affine points x(P), x(Q) and x(Q-P) in a extension field F_{p^2}, function
// recorvers projective coordinate A of a curve. This is Algorithm 10 from SIKE.
func (c *CurveOperations) RecoverCoordinateA(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xp, xq, xr *Fp2Element) {
var t0, t1 Fp2Element

op := c.Params.Op
op.Add(&t1, xp, xq) // t1 = Xp + Xq
op.Mul(&t0, xp, xq) // t0 = Xp * Xq
op.Mul(&curve.A, xr, &t1) // A = X(q-p) * t1
op.Add(&curve.A, &curve.A, &t0) // A = A + t0
op.Mul(&t0, &t0, xr) // t0 = t0 * X(q-p)
op.Sub(&curve.A, &curve.A, &c.Params.OneFp2) // A = A - 1
op.Add(&t0, &t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
op.Add(&t1, &t1, xr) // t1 = t1 + X(q-p)
op.Add(&t0, &t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
op.Square(&curve.A, &curve.A) // A = A^2
op.Inv(&t0, &t0) // t0 = 1/t0
op.Mul(&curve.A, &curve.A, &t0) // A = A * t0
op.Sub(&curve.A, &curve.A, &t1) // A = A - t1

// Computes equivalence (A:C) ~ (A+2C : A-2C)
func (c *CurveOperations) CalcCurveParamsEquiv3(cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var coef CurveCoefficientsEquiv
var c2 Fp2Element
var op = c.Params.Op

op.Add(&c2, &cparams.C, &cparams.C)
// A24p = A+2*C
op.Add(&coef.A, &cparams.A, &c2)
// A24m = A-2*C
op.Sub(&coef.C, &cparams.A, &c2)
return coef

// Computes equivalence (A:C) ~ (A+2C : 4C)
func (c *CurveOperations) CalcCurveParamsEquiv4(cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var coefEq CurveCoefficientsEquiv
var op = c.Params.Op

op.Add(&coefEq.C, &cparams.C, &cparams.C)
// A24p = A+2C
op.Add(&coefEq.A, &cparams.A, &coefEq.C)
// C24 = 4*C
op.Add(&coefEq.C, &coefEq.C, &coefEq.C)
return coefEq

// Helper function for RightToLeftLadder(). Returns A+2C / 4.
func (c *CurveOperations) CalcAplus2Over4(cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) (ret Fp2Element) {
var tmp Fp2Element
var op = c.Params.Op

// 2C
op.Add(&tmp, &cparams.C, &cparams.C)
// A+2C
op.Add(&ret, &cparams.A, &tmp)
// 1/4C
op.Add(&tmp, &tmp, &tmp)
op.Inv(&tmp, &tmp)
// A+2C/4C
op.Mul(&ret, &ret, &tmp)

// Recovers (A:C) curve parameters from projectively equivalent (A+2C:A-2C).
func (c *CurveOperations) RecoverCurveCoefficients3(cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters, coefEq *CurveCoefficientsEquiv) {
var op = c.Params.Op

op.Add(&cparams.A, &coefEq.A, &coefEq.C)
// cparams.A = 2*(A+2C+A-2C) = 4A
op.Add(&cparams.A, &cparams.A, &cparams.A)
// cparams.C = (A+2C-A+2C) = 4C
op.Sub(&cparams.C, &coefEq.A, &coefEq.C)

// Recovers (A:C) curve parameters from projectively equivalent (A+2C:4C).
func (c *CurveOperations) RecoverCurveCoefficients4(cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters, coefEq *CurveCoefficientsEquiv) {
var op = c.Params.Op
// cparams.C = (4C)*1/2=2C
op.Mul(&cparams.C, &coefEq.C, &c.Params.HalfFp2)
// cparams.A = A+2C - 2C = A
op.Sub(&cparams.A, &coefEq.A, &cparams.C)
// cparams.C = 2C * 1/2 = C
op.Mul(&cparams.C, &cparams.C, &c.Params.HalfFp2)

// Combined coordinate doubling and differential addition. Takes projective points
// P,Q,Q-P and (A+2C)/4C curve E coefficient. Returns 2*P and P+Q calculated on E.
// Function is used only by RightToLeftLadder. Corresponds to Algorithm 5 of SIKE
func (c *CurveOperations) xDblAdd(P, Q, QmP *ProjectivePoint, a24 *Fp2Element) (dblP, PaQ ProjectivePoint) {
var t0, t1, t2 Fp2Element
var op = c.Params.Op

xQmP, zQmP := &QmP.X, &QmP.Z
xPaQ, zPaQ := &PaQ.X, &PaQ.Z
x2P, z2P := &dblP.X, &dblP.Z
xP, zP := &P.X, &P.Z
xQ, zQ := &Q.X, &Q.Z

op.Add(&t0, xP, zP) // t0 = Xp+Zp
op.Sub(&t1, xP, zP) // t1 = Xp-Zp
op.Square(x2P, &t0) // 2P.X = t0^2
op.Sub(&t2, xQ, zQ) // t2 = Xq-Zq
op.Add(xPaQ, xQ, zQ) // Xp+q = Xq+Zq
op.Mul(&t0, &t0, &t2) // t0 = t0 * t2
op.Mul(z2P, &t1, &t1) // 2P.Z = t1 * t1
op.Mul(&t1, &t1, xPaQ) // t1 = t1 * Xp+q
op.Sub(&t2, x2P, z2P) // t2 = 2P.X - 2P.Z
op.Mul(x2P, x2P, z2P) // 2P.X = 2P.X * 2P.Z
op.Mul(xPaQ, a24, &t2) // Xp+q = A24 * t2
op.Sub(zPaQ, &t0, &t1) // Zp+q = t0 - t1
op.Add(z2P, xPaQ, z2P) // 2P.Z = Xp+q + 2P.Z
op.Add(xPaQ, &t0, &t1) // Xp+q = t0 + t1
op.Mul(z2P, z2P, &t2) // 2P.Z = 2P.Z * t2
op.Square(zPaQ, zPaQ) // Zp+q = Zp+q ^ 2
op.Square(xPaQ, xPaQ) // Xp+q = Xp+q ^ 2
op.Mul(zPaQ, xQmP, zPaQ) // Zp+q = Xq-p * Zp+q
op.Mul(xPaQ, zQmP, xPaQ) // Xp+q = Zq-p * Xp+q

// Given the curve parameters, xP = x(P), computes xP = x([2^k]P)
// Safe to overlap xP, x2P.
func (c *CurveOperations) Pow2k(xP *ProjectivePoint, params *CurveCoefficientsEquiv, k uint32) {
var t0, t1 Fp2Element
var op = c.Params.Op

x, z := &xP.X, &xP.Z
for i := uint32(0); i < k; i++ {
op.Sub(&t0, x, z) // t0 = Xp - Zp
op.Add(&t1, x, z) // t1 = Xp + Zp
op.Square(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 ^ 2
op.Square(&t1, &t1) // t1 = t1 ^ 2
op.Mul(z, &params.C, &t0) // Z2p = C24 * t0
op.Mul(x, z, &t1) // X2p = Z2p * t1
op.Sub(&t1, &t1, &t0) // t1 = t1 - t0
op.Mul(&t0, &params.A, &t1) // t0 = A24+ * t1
op.Add(z, z, &t0) // Z2p = Z2p + t0
op.Mul(z, z, &t1) // Zp = Z2p * t1

// Given the curve parameters, xP = x(P), and k >= 0, compute xP = x([3^k]P).
// Safe to overlap xP, xR.
func (c *CurveOperations) Pow3k(xP *ProjectivePoint, params *CurveCoefficientsEquiv, k uint32) {
var t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6 Fp2Element
var op = c.Params.Op

x, z := &xP.X, &xP.Z
for i := uint32(0); i < k; i++ {
op.Sub(&t0, x, z) // t0 = Xp - Zp
op.Square(&t2, &t0) // t2 = t0^2
op.Add(&t1, x, z) // t1 = Xp + Zp
op.Square(&t3, &t1) // t3 = t1^2
op.Add(&t4, &t1, &t0) // t4 = t1 + t0
op.Sub(&t0, &t1, &t0) // t0 = t1 - t0
op.Square(&t1, &t4) // t1 = t4^2
op.Sub(&t1, &t1, &t3) // t1 = t1 - t3
op.Sub(&t1, &t1, &t2) // t1 = t1 - t2
op.Mul(&t5, &t3, &params.A) // t5 = t3 * A24+
op.Mul(&t3, &t3, &t5) // t3 = t5 * t3
op.Mul(&t6, &t2, &params.C) // t6 = t2 * A24-
op.Mul(&t2, &t2, &t6) // t2 = t2 * t6
op.Sub(&t3, &t2, &t3) // t3 = t2 - t3
op.Sub(&t2, &t5, &t6) // t2 = t5 - t6
op.Mul(&t1, &t2, &t1) // t1 = t2 * t1
op.Add(&t2, &t3, &t1) // t2 = t3 + t1
op.Square(&t2, &t2) // t2 = t2^2
op.Mul(x, &t2, &t4) // X3p = t2 * t4
op.Sub(&t1, &t3, &t1) // t1 = t3 - t1
op.Square(&t1, &t1) // t1 = t1^2
op.Mul(z, &t1, &t0) // Z3p = t1 * t0

// Set (y1, y2, y3) = (1/x1, 1/x2, 1/x3).
// All xi, yi must be distinct.
func (c *CurveOperations) Fp2Batch3Inv(x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 *Fp2Element) {
var x1x2, t Fp2Element
var op = c.Params.Op

op.Mul(&x1x2, x1, x2) // x1*x2
op.Mul(&t, &x1x2, x3) // 1/(x1*x2*x3)
op.Inv(&t, &t)
op.Mul(y1, &t, x2) // 1/x1
op.Mul(y1, y1, x3)
op.Mul(y2, &t, x1) // 1/x2
op.Mul(y2, y2, x3)
op.Mul(y3, &t, &x1x2) // 1/x3

// ScalarMul3Pt is a right-to-left point multiplication that given the
// x-coordinate of P, Q and P-Q calculates the x-coordinate of R=Q+[scalar]P.
// nbits must be smaller or equal to len(scalar).
func (c *CurveOperations) ScalarMul3Pt(cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters, P, Q, PmQ *ProjectivePoint, nbits uint, scalar []uint8) ProjectivePoint {
var R0, R2, R1 ProjectivePoint
var op = c.Params.Op
aPlus2Over4 := c.CalcAplus2Over4(cparams)
R1 = *P
R2 = *PmQ
R0 = *Q

// Iterate over the bits of the scalar, bottom to top
prevBit := uint8(0)
for i := uint(0); i < nbits; i++ {
bit := (scalar[i>>3] >> (i & 7) & 1)
swap := prevBit ^ bit
prevBit = bit
op.CondSwap(&R1.X, &R1.Z, &R2.X, &R2.Z, swap)
R0, R2 = c.xDblAdd(&R0, &R2, &R1, &aPlus2Over4)
op.CondSwap(&R1.X, &R1.Z, &R2.X, &R2.Z, prevBit)
return R1

// Convert the input to wire format.
// The output byte slice must be at least 2*bytelen(p) bytes long.
func (c *CurveOperations) Fp2ToBytes(output []byte, fp2 *Fp2Element) {
if len(output) < 2*c.Params.Bytelen {
panic("output byte slice too short")
var a Fp2Element

// convert to bytes in little endian form
for i := 0; i < c.Params.Bytelen; i++ {
// set i = j*8 + k
fp2 := i / 8
k := uint64(i % 8)
output[i] = byte(a.A[fp2] >> (8 * k))
output[i+c.Params.Bytelen] = byte(a.B[fp2] >> (8 * k))

// Read 2*bytelen(p) bytes into the given ExtensionFieldElement.
// It is an error to call this function if the input byte slice is less than 2*bytelen(p) bytes long.
func (c *CurveOperations) Fp2FromBytes(fp2 *Fp2Element, input []byte) {
if len(input) < 2*c.Params.Bytelen {
panic("input byte slice too short")

for i:=0; i<c.Params.Bytelen; i++ {
j := i / 8
k := uint64(i % 8)
fp2.A[j] |= uint64(input[i]) << (8 * k)
fp2.B[j] |= uint64(input[i+c.Params.Bytelen]) << (8 * k)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mechnisms used for isogeny calculations

// Constructs isogeny3 objects
func Newisogeny3(op FieldOps) Isogeny {
return &isogeny3{Field: op}

// Constructs isogeny4 objects
func Newisogeny4(op FieldOps) Isogeny {
return &isogeny4{isogeny3: isogeny3{Field: op}}

// Given a three-torsion point p = x(PB) on the curve E_(A:C), construct the
// three-isogeny phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A:C)/<P_3> = E_(A':C').
// Input: (XP_3: ZP_3), where P_3 has exact order 3 on E_A/C
// Output: * Curve coordinates (A' + 2C', A' - 2C') corresponding to E_A'/C' = A_E/C/<P3>
// * Isogeny phi with constants in F_p^2
func (phi *isogeny3) GenerateCurve(p *ProjectivePoint) CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var t0, t1, t2, t3, t4 Fp2Element
var coefEq CurveCoefficientsEquiv
var K1, K2 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2

op := phi.Field
op.Sub(K1, &p.X, &p.Z) // K1 = XP3 - ZP3
op.Square(&t0, K1) // t0 = K1^2
op.Add(K2, &p.X, &p.Z) // K2 = XP3 + ZP3
op.Square(&t1, K2) // t1 = K2^2
op.Add(&t2, &t0, &t1) // t2 = t0 + t1
op.Add(&t3, K1, K2) // t3 = K1 + K2
op.Square(&t3, &t3) // t3 = t3^2
op.Sub(&t3, &t3, &t2) // t3 = t3 - t2
op.Add(&t2, &t1, &t3) // t2 = t1 + t3
op.Add(&t3, &t3, &t0) // t3 = t3 + t0
op.Add(&t4, &t3, &t0) // t4 = t3 + t0
op.Add(&t4, &t4, &t4) // t4 = t4 + t4
op.Add(&t4, &t1, &t4) // t4 = t1 + t4
op.Mul(&coefEq.C, &t2, &t4) // A24m = t2 * t4
op.Add(&t4, &t1, &t2) // t4 = t1 + t2
op.Add(&t4, &t4, &t4) // t4 = t4 + t4
op.Add(&t4, &t0, &t4) // t4 = t0 + t4
op.Mul(&t4, &t3, &t4) // t4 = t3 * t4
op.Sub(&t0, &t4, &coefEq.C) // t0 = t4 - A24m
op.Add(&coefEq.A, &coefEq.C, &t0) // A24p = A24m + t0
return coefEq

// Given a 3-isogeny phi and a point pB = x(PB), compute x(QB), the x-coordinate
// of the image QB = phi(PB) of PB under phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A':C').
// The output xQ = x(Q) is then a point on the curve E_(A':C'); the curve
// parameters are returned by the GenerateCurve function used to construct phi.
func (phi *isogeny3) EvaluatePoint(p *ProjectivePoint) ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1, t2 Fp2Element
var q ProjectivePoint
var K1, K2 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2
var px, pz = &p.X, &p.Z

op := phi.Field
op.Add(&t0, px, pz) // t0 = XQ + ZQ
op.Sub(&t1, px, pz) // t1 = XQ - ZQ
op.Mul(&t0, K1, &t0) // t2 = K1 * t0
op.Mul(&t1, K2, &t1) // t1 = K2 * t1
op.Add(&t2, &t0, &t1) // t2 = t0 + t1
op.Sub(&t0, &t1, &t0) // t0 = t1 - t0
op.Square(&t2, &t2) // t2 = t2 ^ 2
op.Square(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 ^ 2
op.Mul(&q.X, px, &t2) // XQ'= XQ * t2
op.Mul(&q.Z, pz, &t0) // ZQ'= ZQ * t0
return q

// Given a four-torsion point p = x(PB) on the curve E_(A:C), construct the
// four-isogeny phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A:C)/<P_4> = E_(A':C').
// Input: (XP_4: ZP_4), where P_4 has exact order 4 on E_A/C
// Output: * Curve coordinates (A' + 2C', 4C') corresponding to E_A'/C' = A_E/C/<P4>
// * Isogeny phi with constants in F_p^2
func (phi *isogeny4) GenerateCurve(p *ProjectivePoint) CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var coefEq CurveCoefficientsEquiv
var xp4, zp4 = &p.X, &p.Z
var K1, K2, K3 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2, &phi.K3

op := phi.Field
op.Sub(K2, xp4, zp4)
op.Add(K3, xp4, zp4)
op.Square(K1, zp4)
op.Add(K1, K1, K1)
op.Square(&coefEq.C, K1)
op.Add(K1, K1, K1)
op.Square(&coefEq.A, xp4)
op.Add(&coefEq.A, &coefEq.A, &coefEq.A)
op.Square(&coefEq.A, &coefEq.A)
return coefEq

// Given a 4-isogeny phi and a point xP = x(P), compute x(Q), the x-coordinate
// of the image Q = phi(P) of P under phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A':C').
// Input: Isogeny returned by GenerateCurve and point q=(Qx,Qz) from E0_A/C
// Output: Corresponding point q from E1_A'/C', where E1 is 4-isogenous to E0
func (phi *isogeny4) EvaluatePoint(p *ProjectivePoint) ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1 Fp2Element
var q = *p
var xq, zq = &q.X, &q.Z
var K1, K2, K3 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2, &phi.K3

op := phi.Field
op.Add(&t0, xq, zq)
op.Sub(&t1, xq, zq)
op.Mul(xq, &t0, K2)
op.Mul(zq, &t1, K3)
op.Mul(&t0, &t0, &t1)
op.Mul(&t0, &t0, K1)
op.Add(&t1, xq, zq)
op.Sub(zq, xq, zq)
op.Square(&t1, &t1)
op.Square(zq, zq)
op.Add(xq, &t0, &t1)
op.Sub(&t0, zq, &t0)
op.Mul(xq, xq, &t1)
op.Mul(zq, zq, &t0)
return q

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (point *ProjectivePoint) ToAffine(c *CurveOperations) *Fp2Element {
var affine_x Fp2Element
c.Params.Op.Inv(&affine_x, &point.Z)
c.Params.Op.Mul(&affine_x, &affine_x, &point.X)
return &affine_x

// Cleans data in fp
func (fp *Fp2Element) Zeroize() {
// Zeroizing in 2 seperated loops tells compiler to
// use fast runtime.memclr()
for i:=range fp.A {
fp.A[i] = 0
for i:=range fp.B {
fp.B[i] = 0

+ 146
- 0
internal/isogeny/types.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
package internal

const (
FP_MAX_WORDS = 12 // Currently p751.NumWords

// I keep it bool in order to be able to apply logical NOT
type KeyVariant uint
type PrimeFieldId uint

// Representation of an element of the base field F_p.
// No particular meaning is assigned to the representation -- it could represent
// an element in Montgomery form, or not. Tracking the meaning of the field
// element is left to higher types.
type FpElement [FP_MAX_WORDS]uint64
// Represents an intermediate product of two elements of the base field F_p.
type FpElementX2 [2 * FP_MAX_WORDS]uint64
// Represents an element of the extended field Fp^2 = Fp(x+i)
type Fp2Element struct {
A FpElement
B FpElement

type DomainParams struct {
// P, Q and R=P-Q base points
Affine_P, Affine_Q, Affine_R Fp2Element
// Max size of secret key for x-torsion group
SecretBitLen uint
// MaskBytes
MaskBytes []byte
// Size of a compuatation strategy for x-torsion group
IsogenyStrategy []uint32

type SidhParams struct {
Id PrimeFieldId
// Bytelen of P
Bytelen int
// The secret key size, in bytes.
SecretKeySize int
// The public key size, in bytes.
PublicKeySize int
// The shared secret size, in bytes.
SharedSecretSize uint
// 2- and 3-torsion group parameter definitions
A, B DomainParams
// Sample rate to obtain a value in [0,3^238]
SampleRate uint
// Precomputed identity element in the Fp2 in Montgomery domain
OneFp2 Fp2Element
// Precomputed 1/2 in the Fp2 in Montgomery domain
HalfFp2 Fp2Element
// Length of SIKE secret message. Must be one of {24,32,40},
// depending on size of prime field used (see [SIKE], 1.4 and 5.1)
MsgLen uint
// Length of SIKE ephemeral KEM key (see [SIKE], 1.4 and 5.1)
KemSize uint
// Access to field arithmetic
Op FieldOps

// Interface for working with isogenies.
type Isogeny interface {
// Given a torsion point on a curve computes isogenous curve.
// Returns curve coefficients (A:C), so that E_(A/C) = E_(A/C)/<P>,
// where P is a provided projective point. Sets also isogeny constants
// that are needed for isogeny evaluation.
GenerateCurve(*ProjectivePoint) CurveCoefficientsEquiv
// Evaluates isogeny at caller provided point. Requires isogeny curve constants
// to be earlier computed by GenerateCurve.
EvaluatePoint(*ProjectivePoint) ProjectivePoint

// Stores curve projective parameters equivalent to A/C. Meaning of the
// values depends on the context. When working with isogenies over
// subgroup that are powers of:
// * three then (A:C) ~ (A+2C:A-2C)
// * four then (A:C) ~ (A+2C: 4C)
// See Appendix A of SIKE for more details
type CurveCoefficientsEquiv struct {
A Fp2Element
C Fp2Element

// A point on the projective line P^1(F_{p^2}).
// This represents a point on the Kummer line of a Montgomery curve. The
// curve is specified by a ProjectiveCurveParameters struct.
type ProjectivePoint struct {
X Fp2Element
Z Fp2Element

// A point on the projective line P^1(F_{p^2}).
// This is used to work projectively with the curve coefficients.
type ProjectiveCurveParameters struct {
A Fp2Element
C Fp2Element

// Stores Isogeny 3 curve constants
type isogeny3 struct {
Field FieldOps
K1 Fp2Element
K2 Fp2Element

// Stores Isogeny 4 curve constants
type isogeny4 struct {
K3 Fp2Element

type FieldOps interface {
// Set res = lhs + rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with res.
Add(res, lhs, rhs *Fp2Element)

// Set res = lhs - rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with res.
Sub(res, lhs, rhs *Fp2Element)

// Set res = lhs * rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with res.
Mul(res, lhs, rhs *Fp2Element)
// Set res = x * x
// Allowed to overlap res with x.
Square(res, x *Fp2Element)
// Set res = 1/x
// Allowed to overlap res with x.
Inv(res, x *Fp2Element)
// If choice = 1u8, set (x,y) = (y,x). If choice = 0u8, set (x,y) = (x,y).
CondSwap(xPx, xPz, xQx, xQz *Fp2Element, choice uint8)
// Converts Fp2Element to Montgomery domain (x*R mod p)
ToMontgomery(x *Fp2Element)
// Converts 'a' in montgomery domain to element from Fp2Element
// and stores it in 'x'
FromMontgomery(x *Fp2Element, a *Fp2Element)

p751toolbox/field_amd64.s → p751/arith_amd64.s Parādīt failu

p751toolbox/field_decl.go → p751/arith_decl.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,59 +1,60 @@
// +build amd64,!noasm

package p751toolbox
package p751

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

// If choice = 0, leave x,y unchanged. If choice = 1, set x,y = y,x.
// If choice is neither 0 nor 1 then behaviour is undefined.
// This function executes in constant time.
func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *Fp751Element, choice uint8)
func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *FpElement, choice uint8)

// Compute z = x + y (mod p).
func fp751AddReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element)
func fp751AddReduced(z, x, y *FpElement)

// Compute z = x - y (mod p).
func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element)
func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *FpElement)

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751AddLazy(z, x, y *Fp751Element)
func fp751AddLazy(z, x, y *FpElement)

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2AddLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2)
func fp751X2AddLazy(z, x, y *FpElementX2)

// Compute z = x - y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2)
func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *FpElementX2)

// Compute z = x * y.
func fp751Mul(z *fp751X2, x, y *Fp751Element)
func fp751Mul(z *FpElementX2, x, y *FpElement)

// Function pointer that should point to one of the
// fp751MontgomeryReduce implementations below.
// When set, it performs Montgomery reduction: set z = x R^{-1} (mod 2*p).
// It may destroy the input value.
var fp751MontgomeryReduce func(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2)
var fp751MontgomeryReduce func(z *FpElement, x *FpElementX2)

func fp751MontgomeryReduceBMI2ADX(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2)
func fp751MontgomeryReduceBMI2ADX(z *FpElement, x *FpElementX2)

func fp751MontgomeryReduceBMI2(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2)
func fp751MontgomeryReduceBMI2(z *FpElement, x *FpElementX2)

func fp751MontgomeryReduceFallback(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2)
func fp751MontgomeryReduceFallback(z *FpElement, x *FpElementX2)

// Reduce a field element in [0, 2*p) to one in [0,p).
func fp751StrongReduce(x *Fp751Element)
func fp751StrongReduce(x *FpElement)

// On initialization, set the fp751MontgomeryReduce function pointer to the
// fastest implementation depending on CPU capabilities.

p751toolbox/field_generic.go → p751/arith_generic.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
// +build noasm arm64 arm

package p751toolbox
package p751

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

// helper used for uint128 representation
type uint128 struct {
@@ -66,40 +70,40 @@ func mul64(a, b uint64) (res uint128) {

// Compute z = x + y (mod p).
func fp751AddReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element) {
func fp751AddReduced(z, x, y *FpElement) {
var carry uint64

// z=x+y % p751
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, x[i], y[i])

// z = z - p751x2
carry = 0
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = subc64(carry, z[i], p751x2[i])

// z = z + p751x2
mask := uint64(0 - carry)
carry = 0
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, z[i], p751x2[i]&mask)

// Compute z = x - y (mod p).
func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element) {
func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *FpElement) {
var borrow uint64

for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
z[i], borrow = subc64(borrow, x[i], y[i])

mask := uint64(0 - borrow)
borrow = 0

for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
z[i], borrow = addc64(borrow, z[i], p751x2[i]&mask)
@@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element) {
// For details see "Hackers Delight, 2.20"
// Implementation doesn't actually depend on a prime field.
func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *Fp751Element, mask uint8) {
func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *FpElement, mask uint8) {
var tmp, mask64 uint64

mask64 = 0 - uint64(mask)
@@ -122,14 +126,14 @@ func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *Fp751Element, mask uint8) {

// Perform Montgomery reduction: set z = x R^{-1} (mod 2*p)
// with R=2^768. Destroys the input value.
func fp751MontgomeryReduce(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2) {
func fp751MontgomeryReduce(z *FpElement, x *FpElementX2) {
var carry, t, u, v uint64
var uv uint128
var count int

count = 5 // number of 0 digits in the least significat part of p751 + 1

for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
if j < (i - count + 1) {
uv = mul64(z[j], p751p1[i-j])
@@ -148,12 +152,12 @@ func fp751MontgomeryReduce(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2) {
t = 0

for i := fp751NumWords; i < 2*fp751NumWords-1; i++ {
for i := NumWords; i < 2*NumWords-1; i++ {
if count > 0 {
for j := i - fp751NumWords + 1; j < fp751NumWords; j++ {
if j < (fp751NumWords - count) {
for j := i - NumWords + 1; j < NumWords; j++ {
if j < (NumWords - count) {
uv = mul64(z[j], p751p1[i-j])
v, carry = addc64(0, uv.L, v)
u, carry = addc64(carry, uv.H, u)
@@ -164,22 +168,22 @@ func fp751MontgomeryReduce(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2) {
u, carry = addc64(carry, u, 0)

t += carry
z[i-fp751NumWords] = v
z[i-NumWords] = v
v = u
u = t
t = 0
v, carry = addc64(0, v, x[2*fp751NumWords-1])
z[fp751NumWords-1] = v
v, carry = addc64(0, v, x[2*NumWords-1])
z[NumWords-1] = v

// Compute z = x * y.
func fp751Mul(z *fp751X2, x, y *Fp751Element) {
func fp751Mul(z *FpElementX2, x, y *FpElement) {
var u, v, t uint64
var carry uint64
var uv uint128

for i := uint64(0); i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := uint64(0); i < NumWords; i++ {
for j := uint64(0); j <= i; j++ {
uv = mul64(x[j], y[i-j])
v, carry = addc64(0, uv.L, v)
@@ -192,8 +196,8 @@ func fp751Mul(z *fp751X2, x, y *Fp751Element) {
t = 0

for i := fp751NumWords; i < (2*fp751NumWords)-1; i++ {
for j := i - fp751NumWords + 1; j < fp751NumWords; j++ {
for i := NumWords; i < (2*NumWords)-1; i++ {
for j := i - NumWords + 1; j < NumWords; j++ {
uv = mul64(x[j], y[i-j])
v, carry = addc64(0, uv.L, v)
u, carry = addc64(carry, uv.H, u)
@@ -204,42 +208,42 @@ func fp751Mul(z *fp751X2, x, y *Fp751Element) {
u = t
t = 0
z[2*fp751NumWords-1] = v
z[2*NumWords-1] = v

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751AddLazy(z, x, y *Fp751Element) {
func fp751AddLazy(z, x, y *FpElement) {
var carry uint64
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, x[i], y[i])

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2AddLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2) {
func fp751X2AddLazy(z, x, y *FpElementX2) {
var carry uint64
for i := 0; i < 2*fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < 2*NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, x[i], y[i])

// Reduce a field element in [0, 2*p) to one in [0,p).
func fp751StrongReduce(x *Fp751Element) {
func fp751StrongReduce(x *FpElement) {
var borrow, mask uint64
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
x[i], borrow = subc64(borrow, x[i], p751[i])

// Sets all bits if borrow = 1
mask = 0 - borrow
borrow = 0
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < NumWords; i++ {
x[i], borrow = addc64(borrow, x[i], p751[i]&mask)

// Compute z = x - y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2) {
func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *FpElementX2) {
var borrow, mask uint64
for i := 0; i < len(z); i++ {
z[i], borrow = subc64(borrow, x[i], y[i])
@@ -248,7 +252,7 @@ func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2) {
// Sets all bits if borrow = 1
mask = 0 - borrow
borrow = 0
for i := fp751NumWords; i < len(z); i++ {
z[i], borrow = addc64(borrow, z[i], p751[i-fp751NumWords]&mask)
for i := NumWords; i < len(z); i++ {
z[i], borrow = addc64(borrow, z[i], p751[i-NumWords]&mask)

+ 322
- 0
p751/arith_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
package p751

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

func TestPrimeFieldElementToBigInt(t *testing.T) {
// Chosen so that p < xR < 2p
x := primeFieldElement{A: FpElement{
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 140737488355328,
// Computed using Sage:
// sage: p = 2^372 * 3^239 - 1
// sage: R = 2^768
// sage: from_radix_64 = lambda xs: sum((xi * (2**64)**i for i,xi in enumerate(xs)))
// sage: xR = from_radix_64([1]*11 + [2^47])
// sage: assert(p < xR)
// sage: assert(xR < 2*p)
// sage: (xR / R) % p
xBig, _ := new(big.Int).SetString("4469946751055876387821312289373600189787971305258234719850789711074696941114031433609871105823930699680637820852699269802003300352597419024286385747737509380032982821081644521634652750355306547718505685107272222083450567982240", 10)
if xBig.Cmp(toBigInt(&x.A)) != 0 {
t.Error("Expected", xBig, "found", toBigInt(&x.A))

// Extended Field

func TestOneFp2ToBytes(t *testing.T) {
var x = P751_OneFp2
var xBytes [188]byte

kCurveOps.Fp2ToBytes(xBytes[:], &x)
if xBytes[0] != 1 {
t.Error("Expected 1, got", xBytes[0])
for i := 1; i < 188; i++ {
if xBytes[i] != 0 {
t.Error("Expected 0, got", xBytes[0])

func TestFp2ElementToBytesRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
roundTrips := func(x GeneratedTestParams) bool {
var xBytes [188]byte
var xPrime Fp2Element
kCurveOps.Fp2ToBytes(xBytes[:], &x.ExtElem)
kCurveOps.Fp2FromBytes(&xPrime, xBytes[:])

return VartimeEqFp2(&xPrime, &x.ExtElem)

if err := quick.Check(roundTrips, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestFp2ElementMulDistributesOverAdd(t *testing.T) {
mulDistributesOverAdd := func(x, y, z GeneratedTestParams) bool {
// Compute t1 = (x+y)*z
t1 := new(Fp2Element)
kFieldOps.Add(t1, &x.ExtElem, &y.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Mul(t1, t1, &z.ExtElem)

// Compute t2 = x*z + y*z
t2 := new(Fp2Element)
t3 := new(Fp2Element)
kFieldOps.Mul(t2, &x.ExtElem, &z.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Mul(t3, &y.ExtElem, &z.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Add(t2, t2, t3)

return VartimeEqFp2(t1, t2)

if err := quick.Check(mulDistributesOverAdd, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestFp2ElementMulIsAssociative(t *testing.T) {
isAssociative := func(x, y, z GeneratedTestParams) bool {
// Compute t1 = (x*y)*z
t1 := new(Fp2Element)
kFieldOps.Mul(t1, &x.ExtElem, &y.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Mul(t1, t1, &z.ExtElem)

// Compute t2 = (y*z)*x
t2 := new(Fp2Element)
kFieldOps.Mul(t2, &y.ExtElem, &z.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Mul(t2, t2, &x.ExtElem)

return VartimeEqFp2(t1, t2)

if err := quick.Check(isAssociative, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestFp2ElementSquareMatchesMul(t *testing.T) {
sqrMatchesMul := func(x GeneratedTestParams) bool {
// Compute t1 = (x*x)
t1 := new(Fp2Element)
kFieldOps.Mul(t1, &x.ExtElem, &x.ExtElem)

// Compute t2 = x^2
t2 := new(Fp2Element)
kFieldOps.Square(t2, &x.ExtElem)

return VartimeEqFp2(t1, t2)

if err := quick.Check(sqrMatchesMul, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestFp2ElementInv(t *testing.T) {
inverseIsCorrect := func(x GeneratedTestParams) bool {
z := new(Fp2Element)
kFieldOps.Inv(z, &x.ExtElem)

// Now z = (1/x), so (z * x) * x == x
kFieldOps.Mul(z, z, &x.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Mul(z, z, &x.ExtElem)

return VartimeEqFp2(z, &x.ExtElem)

// This is more expensive; run fewer tests
var quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (8 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}
if err := quick.Check(inverseIsCorrect, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestFp2ElementBatch3Inv(t *testing.T) {
batchInverseIsCorrect := func(x1, x2, x3 GeneratedTestParams) bool {
var x1Inv, x2Inv, x3Inv Fp2Element
kFieldOps.Inv(&x1Inv, &x1.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Inv(&x2Inv, &x2.ExtElem)
kFieldOps.Inv(&x3Inv, &x3.ExtElem)

var y1, y2, y3 Fp2Element
kCurveOps.Fp2Batch3Inv(&x1.ExtElem, &x2.ExtElem, &x3.ExtElem, &y1, &y2, &y3)

return (VartimeEqFp2(&x1Inv,&y1) && VartimeEqFp2(&x2Inv,&y2) && VartimeEqFp2(&x3Inv,&y3))

// This is more expensive; run fewer tests
var quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (5 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}
if err := quick.Check(batchInverseIsCorrect, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

// Prime Field

func TestPrimeFieldElementMulVersusBigInt(t *testing.T) {
mulMatchesBigInt := func(x, y primeFieldElement) bool {
z := new(primeFieldElement)
z.Mul(&x, &y)

check := new(big.Int)
check.Mul(toBigInt(&x.A), toBigInt(&y.A))
check.Mod(check, cln16prime)

return check.Cmp(toBigInt(&z.A)) == 0

if err := quick.Check(mulMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestPrimeFieldElementP34VersusBigInt(t *testing.T) {
var p34, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("2588679435442326313244442059466701330356847411387267792529047419763669735170619711625720724140266678406138302904710050596300977994130638598261040117192787954244176710019728333589599932738193731745058771712747875468166412894207", 10)
p34MatchesBigInt := func(x primeFieldElement) bool {
z := new(primeFieldElement)

check := toBigInt(&x.A)
check.Exp(check, p34, cln16prime)

return check.Cmp(toBigInt(&z.A)) == 0

// This is more expensive; run fewer tests
var quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (8 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}
if err := quick.Check(p34MatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func BenchmarkFp2ElementMul(b *testing.B) {
z := &Fp2Element{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(Fp2Element)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
kFieldOps.Mul(w, z, z)

func BenchmarkFp2ElementInv(b *testing.B) {
z := &Fp2Element{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(Fp2Element)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
kFieldOps.Inv(w, z)

func BenchmarkFp2ElementSquare(b *testing.B) {
z := &Fp2Element{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(Fp2Element)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
kFieldOps.Square(w, z)

func BenchmarkFp2ElementAdd(b *testing.B) {
z := &Fp2Element{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(Fp2Element)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
kFieldOps.Add(w, z, z)

func BenchmarkFp2ElementSub(b *testing.B) {
z := &Fp2Element{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(Fp2Element)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
kFieldOps.Sub(w, z, z)

func BenchmarkPrimeFieldElementMul(b *testing.B) {
z := &primeFieldElement{A: bench_x}
w := new(primeFieldElement)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
w.Mul(z, z)

// --- field operation functions

func BenchmarkFp751Multiply(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751Mul(&benchmarkFpElementX2, &bench_x, &bench_y)

func BenchmarkFp751MontgomeryReduce(b *testing.B) {
z := bench_z

// This benchmark actually computes garbage, because
// fp751MontgomeryReduce mangles its input, but since it's
// constant-time that shouldn't matter for the benchmarks.
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&benchmarkFpElement, &z)

func BenchmarkFp751AddReduced(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751AddReduced(&benchmarkFpElement, &bench_x, &bench_y)

func BenchmarkFp751SubReduced(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751SubReduced(&benchmarkFpElement, &bench_x, &bench_y)

func BenchmarkFp751ConditionalSwap(b *testing.B) {
x, y := bench_x, bench_y
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x, &y, 1)
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x, &y, 0)

func BenchmarkFp751StrongReduce(b *testing.B) {
x := bench_x
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {

func BenchmarkFp751AddLazy(b *testing.B) {
var z FpElement
x, y := bench_x, bench_y
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751AddLazy(&z, &x, &y)

func BenchmarkFp751X2AddLazy(b *testing.B) {
x, y, z := bench_z, bench_z, bench_z
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751X2AddLazy(&x, &y, &z)

func BenchmarkFp751X2SubLazy(b *testing.B) {
x, y, z := bench_z, bench_z, bench_z
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751X2SubLazy(&x, &y, &z)

p751toolbox/consts.go → p751/consts.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
package p751toolbox
package p751

import . "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

const (
// The secret key size, in bytes. Secret key is actually different for
@@ -21,21 +23,25 @@ const (
P751_MaskBobByte = 0x03
// Sample rate to obtain a value in [0,3^238]
P751_SampleRate = 102
// P751 bytelen ceil(751/8)
P751_Bytelen = 94
// Size of a compuatation strategy for 2-torsion group
strategySizeA = 185
// Size of a compuatation strategy for 3-torsion group
strategySizeB = 238
// Number of 64-bit limbs used to store Fp element
NumWords = 12

// The x-coordinate of PA
var P751_affine_PA = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{
var P751_affine_PA = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0xC2FC08CEAB50AD8B, 0x1D7D710F55E457B1, 0xE8738D92953DCD6E,
0xBAA7EBEE8A3418AA, 0xC9A288345F03F46F, 0xC8D18D167CFE2616,
0x02043761F6B1C045, 0xAA1975E13180E7E9, 0x9E13D3FDC6690DE6,
0x3A024640A3A3BB4F, 0x4E5AD44E6ACBBDAE, 0x0000544BEB561DAD,
B: Fp751Element{
B: FpElement{
0xE6CC41D21582E411, 0x07C2ECB7C5DF400A, 0xE8E34B521432AEC4,
0x50761E2AB085167D, 0x032CFBCAA6094B3C, 0x6C522F5FDF9DDD71,
0x1319217DC3A1887D, 0xDC4FB25803353A86, 0x362C8D7B63A6AB09,
@@ -44,14 +50,14 @@ var P751_affine_PA = ExtensionFieldElement{

// The x-coordinate of QA
var P751_affine_QA = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{
var P751_affine_QA = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0xD56FE52627914862, 0x1FAD60DC96B5BAEA, 0x01E137D0BF07AB91,
0x404D3E9252161964, 0x3C5385E4CD09A337, 0x4476426769E4AF73,
0x9790C6DB989DFE33, 0xE06E1C04D2AA8B5E, 0x38C08185EDEA73B9,
0xAA41F678A4396CA6, 0x92B9259B2229E9A0, 0x00002F9326818BE0,
B: Fp751Element{
B: FpElement{
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
@@ -60,14 +66,14 @@ var P751_affine_QA = ExtensionFieldElement{

// The x-coordinate of RA = PA-QA
var P751_affine_RA = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{
var P751_affine_RA = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0x0BB84441DFFD19B3, 0x84B4DEA99B48C18E, 0x692DE648AD313805,
0xE6D72761B6DFAEE0, 0x223975C672C3058D, 0xA0FDE0C3CBA26FDC,
0xA5326132A922A3CA, 0xCA5E7F5D5EA96FA4, 0x127C7EFE33FFA8C6,
0x4749B1567E2A23C4, 0x2B7DF5B4AF413BFA, 0x0000656595B9623C,
B: Fp751Element{
B: FpElement{
0xED78C17F1EC71BE8, 0xF824D6DF753859B1, 0x33A10839B2A8529F,
0xFC03E9E25FDEA796, 0xC4708A8054DF1762, 0x4034F2EC034C6467,
0xABFB70FBF06ECC79, 0xDABE96636EC108B7, 0x49CBCFB090605FD3,
@@ -76,14 +82,14 @@ var P751_affine_RA = ExtensionFieldElement{

// The x-coordinate of PB
var P751_affine_PB = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{
var P751_affine_PB = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0xCFB6D71EF867AB0B, 0x4A5FDD76E9A45C76, 0x38B1EE69194B1F03,
0xF6E7B18A7761F3F0, 0xFCF01A486A52C84C, 0xCBE2F63F5AA75466,
0x6487BCE837B5E4D6, 0x7747F5A8C622E9B8, 0x4CBFE1E4EE6AEBBA,
0x8A8616A13FA91512, 0x53DB980E1579E0A5, 0x000058FEBFF3BE69,
B: Fp751Element{
B: FpElement{
0xA492034E7C075CC3, 0x677BAF00B04AA430, 0x3AAE0C9A755C94C8,
0x1DC4B064E9EBB08B, 0x3684EDD04E826C66, 0x9BAA6CB661F01B22,
0x20285A00AD2EFE35, 0xDCE95ABD0497065F, 0x16C7FBB3778E3794,
@@ -92,14 +98,14 @@ var P751_affine_PB = ExtensionFieldElement{

// The x-coordinate of QB
var P751_affine_QB = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{
var P751_affine_QB = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0xF1A8C9ED7B96C4AB, 0x299429DA5178486E, 0xEF4926F20CD5C2F4,
0x683B2E2858B4716A, 0xDDA2FBCC3CAC3EEB, 0xEC055F9F3A600460,
0xD5A5A17A58C3848B, 0x4652D836F42EAED5, 0x2F2E71ED78B3A3B3,
0xA771C057180ADD1D, 0xC780A5D2D835F512, 0x0000114EA3B55AC1,
B: Fp751Element{
B: FpElement{
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
@@ -108,14 +114,14 @@ var P751_affine_QB = ExtensionFieldElement{

// The x-coordinate of RB = PB - QB
var P751_affine_RB = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{
var P751_affine_RB = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0x1C0D6733769D0F31, 0xF084C3086E2659D1, 0xE23D5DA27BCBD133,
0xF38EC9A8D5864025, 0x6426DC781B3B645B, 0x4B24E8E3C9FB03EE,
0x6432792F9D2CEA30, 0x7CC8E8B1AE76E857, 0x7F32BFB626BB8963,
0xB9F05995B48D7B74, 0x4D71200A7D67E042, 0x0000228457AF0637,
B: Fp751Element{
B: FpElement{
0x4AE37E7D8F72BD95, 0xDD2D504B3E993488, 0x5D14E7FA1ECB3C3E,
0x127610CEB75D6350, 0x255B4B4CAC446B11, 0x9EA12336C1F70CAF,
0x79FA68A2147BC2F8, 0x11E895CFDADBBC49, 0xE4B9D3C4D6356C18,
@@ -171,3 +177,27 @@ var P751_BobIsogenyStrategy = [strategySizeB]uint32{
0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x09, 0x05,
0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x04, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01}

var P751_OneFp2 = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0x249ad, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8310000000000000, 0x5527b1e4375c6c66, 0x697797bf3f4f24d0, 0xc89db7b2ac5c4e2e, 0x4ca4b439d2076956, 0x10f7926c7512c7e9, 0x2d5b24bce5e2},
B: FpElement{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},

var P751_HalfFp2 = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{
0x00000000000124D6, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0xB8E0000000000000,
0x9C8A2434C0AA7287, 0xA206996CA9A378A3, 0x6876280D41A41B52,
0xE903B49F175CE04F, 0x0F8511860666D227, 0x00004EA07CFF6E7F},
B: FpElement{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},

// (2^768)^2 mod p
// This can't be a constant because Go doesn't allow array constants, so try
// not to modify it.
var montgomeryRsq = FpElement{
2535603850726686808, 15780896088201250090, 6788776303855402382,
17585428585582356230, 5274503137951975249, 2266259624764636289,
11695651972693921304, 13072885652150159301, 4908312795585420432,
6229583484603254826, 488927695601805643, 72213483953973}

+ 192
- 0
p751/curve_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
package p751

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

func TestOne(t *testing.T) {
var tmp Fp2Element

kFieldOps.Mul(&tmp, &P751_OneFp2, &affine_xP)
if !VartimeEqFp2(&tmp, &affine_xP) {
t.Error("Not equal 1")

// This test is here only to ensure that ScalarMult helper works correctly
func TestScalarMultVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xP ProjectivePoint

xP = ProjectivePoint{X: affine_xP, Z: P751_OneFp2}
xP = ScalarMult(&curve, &xP, mScalarBytes[:]) // = x([m]P)
affine_xQ := xP.ToAffine(kCurveOps)
if !VartimeEqFp2(&affine_xaP, affine_xQ) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xaP, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func Test_jInvariant(t *testing.T) {
var curve = ProjectiveCurveParameters{A: curve_A, C: curve_C}
var jbufRes [P751_SharedSecretSize]byte
var jbufExp [P751_SharedSecretSize]byte
// Computed using Sage
// j = 3674553797500778604587777859668542828244523188705960771798425843588160903687122861541242595678107095655647237100722594066610650373491179241544334443939077738732728884873568393760629500307797547379838602108296735640313894560419*i + 3127495302417548295242630557836520229396092255080675419212556702820583041296798857582303163183558315662015469648040494128968509467224910895884358424271180055990446576645240058960358037224785786494172548090318531038910933793845
var known_j = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0xc7a8921c1fb23993, 0xa20aea321327620b, 0xf1caa17ed9676fa8, 0x61b780e6b1a04037, 0x47784af4c24acc7a, 0x83926e2e300b9adf, 0xcd891d56fae5b66, 0x49b66985beb733bc, 0xd4bcd2a473d518f, 0xe242239991abe224, 0xa8af5b20f98672f8, 0x139e4d4e4d98},
B: FpElement{0xb5b52a21f81f359, 0x715e3a865db6d920, 0x9bac2f9d8911978b, 0xef14acd8ac4c1e3d, 0xe81aacd90cfb09c8, 0xaf898288de4a09d9, 0xb85a7fb88c5c4601, 0x2c37c3f1dd303387, 0x7ad3277fe332367c, 0xd4cbee7f25a8e6f8, 0x36eacbe979eaeffa, 0x59eb5a13ac33},
kCurveOps.Jinvariant(&curve, jbufRes[:])
kCurveOps.Fp2ToBytes(jbufExp[:], &known_j)

if !bytes.Equal(jbufRes[:], jbufExp[:]) {
t.Error("Computed incorrect j-invariant: found\n", jbufRes, "\nexpected\n", jbufExp)

func TestProjectivePointVartimeEq(t *testing.T) {
var xP ProjectivePoint

xP = ProjectivePoint{X: affine_xP, Z: P751_OneFp2}
xQ := xP
// Scale xQ, which results in the same projective point
kFieldOps.Mul(&xQ.X, &xQ.X, &curve_A)
kFieldOps.Mul(&xQ.Z, &xQ.Z, &curve_A)
if !VartimeEqProjFp2(&xP, &xQ) {
t.Error("Expected the scaled point to be equal to the original")

func TestPointDoubleVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var curve = ProjectiveCurveParameters{A: curve_A, C: curve_C}
var params = kCurveOps.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4(&curve)
var xP ProjectivePoint

xP = ProjectivePoint{X: affine_xP, Z: P751_OneFp2}
kCurveOps.Pow2k(&xP, &params, 1)
affine_xQ := xP.ToAffine(kCurveOps)
if !VartimeEqFp2(affine_xQ, &affine_xP2) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xP2, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func TestPointMul4VersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var params = kCurveOps.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4(&curve)
var xP ProjectivePoint

xP = ProjectivePoint{X: affine_xP, Z: P751_OneFp2}
kCurveOps.Pow2k(&xP, &params, 2)
affine_xQ := xP.ToAffine(kCurveOps)
if !VartimeEqFp2(affine_xQ, &affine_xP4) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xP4, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func TestPointMul9VersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var params = kCurveOps.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3(&curve)
var xP ProjectivePoint

xP = ProjectivePoint{X: affine_xP, Z: P751_OneFp2}
kCurveOps.Pow3k(&xP, &params, 2)
affine_xQ := xP.ToAffine(kCurveOps)
if !VartimeEqFp2(affine_xQ, &affine_xP9) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xP9, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func TestPointPow2kVersusScalarMult(t *testing.T) {
var xP, xQ, xR ProjectivePoint
var params = kCurveOps.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4(&curve)

xP = ProjectivePoint{X: affine_xP, Z: P751_OneFp2}
xQ = xP
kCurveOps.Pow2k(&xQ, &params, 5)
xR = ScalarMult(&curve, &xP, []byte{32})
affine_xQ := xQ.ToAffine(kCurveOps) // = x([32]P)
affine_xR := xR.ToAffine(kCurveOps) // = x([32]P)

if !VartimeEqFp2(affine_xQ, affine_xR) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xQ, "\nfound\n", affine_xR)

func TestRecoverCoordinateA(t *testing.T) {
var cparam ProjectiveCurveParameters
// Vectors generated with SIKE reference implementation
var a = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x9331D9C5AAF59EA4, 0xB32B702BE4046931, 0xCEBB333912ED4D34, 0x5628CE37CD29C7A2, 0x0BEAC5ED48B7F58E, 0x1FB9D3E281D65B07, 0x9C0CFACC1E195662, 0xAE4BCE0F6B70F7D9, 0x59E4E63D43FE71A0, 0xEF7CE57560CC8615, 0xE44A8FB7901E74E8, 0x000069D13C8366D1},
B: FpElement{0xF6DA1070279AB966, 0xA78FB0CE7268C762, 0x19B40F044A57ABFA, 0x7AC8EE6160C0C233, 0x93D4993442947072, 0x757D2B3FA4E44860, 0x073A920F8C4D5257, 0x2031F1B054734037, 0xDEFAA1D2406555CD, 0x26F9C70E1496BE3D, 0x5B3F335A0A4D0976, 0x000013628B2E9C59}}
var affine_xP = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0xea6b2d1e2aebb250, 0x35d0b205dc4f6386, 0xb198e93cb1830b8d, 0x3b5b456b496ddcc6, 0x5be3f0d41132c260, 0xce5f188807516a00, 0x54f3e7469ea8866d, 0x33809ef47f36286, 0x6fa45f83eabe1edb, 0x1b3391ae5d19fd86, 0x1e66daf48584af3f, 0xb430c14aaa87},
B: FpElement{0x97b41ebc61dcb2ad, 0x80ead31cb932f641, 0x40a940099948b642, 0x2a22fd16cdc7fe84, 0xaabf35b17579667f, 0x76c1d0139feb4032, 0x71467e1e7b1949be, 0x678ca8dadd0d6d81, 0x14445daea9064c66, 0x92d161eab4fa4691, 0x8dfbb01b6b238d36, 0x2e3718434e4e}}
var affine_xQ = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0xb055cf0ca1943439, 0xa9ff5de2fa6c69ed, 0x4f2761f934e5730a, 0x61a1dcaa1f94aa4b, 0xce3c8fadfd058543, 0xeac432aaa6701b8e, 0x8491d523093aea8b, 0xba273f9bd92b9b7f, 0xd8f59fd34439bb5a, 0xdc0350261c1fe600, 0x99375ab1eb151311, 0x14d175bbdbc5},
B: FpElement{0xffb0ef8c2111a107, 0x55ceca3825991829, 0xdbf8a1ccc075d34b, 0xb8e9187bd85d8494, 0x670aa2d5c34a03b0, 0xef9fe2ed2b064953, 0xc911f5311d645aee, 0xf4411f409e410507, 0x934a0a852d03e1a8, 0xe6274e67ae1ad544, 0x9f4bc563c69a87bc, 0x6f316019681e}}
var affine_xQmP = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x6ffb44306a153779, 0xc0ffef21f2f918f3, 0x196c46d35d77f778, 0x4a73f80452edcfe6, 0x9b00836bce61c67f, 0x387879418d84219e, 0x20700cf9fc1ec5d1, 0x1dfe2356ec64155e, 0xf8b9e33038256b1c, 0xd2aaf2e14bada0f0, 0xb33b226e79a4e313, 0x6be576fad4e5},
B: FpElement{0x7db5dbc88e00de34, 0x75cc8cb9f8b6e11e, 0x8c8001c04ebc52ac, 0x67ef6c981a0b5a94, 0xc3654fbe73230738, 0xc6a46ee82983ceca, 0xed1aa61a27ef49f0, 0x17fe5a13b0858fe0, 0x9ae0ca945a4c6b3c, 0x234104a218ad8878, 0xa619627166104394, 0x556a01ff2e7e}}

cparam.C = P751_OneFp2
kCurveOps.RecoverCoordinateA(&cparam, &affine_xP, &affine_xQ, &affine_xQmP)

// Check A is correct
if !VartimeEqFp2(&cparam.A, &a) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", a, "\nfound\n", cparam.A)

// Check C is not changed
if !VartimeEqFp2(&cparam.C, &P751_OneFp2) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", cparam.C, "\nfound\n", P751_OneFp2)

func TestR2LVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xR ProjectivePoint

sageAffine_xR := Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x729465ba800d4fd5, 0x9398015b59e514a1, 0x1a59dd6be76c748e, 0x1a7db94eb28dd55c, 0x444686e680b1b8ec, 0xcc3d4ace2a2454ff, 0x51d3dab4ec95a419, 0xc3b0f33594acac6a, 0x9598a74e7fd44f8a, 0x4fbf8c638f1c2e37, 0x844e347033052f51, 0x6cd6de3eafcf},
B: FpElement{0x85da145412d73430, 0xd83c0e3b66eb3232, 0xd08ff2d453ec1369, 0xa64aaacfdb395b13, 0xe9cba211a20e806e, 0xa4f80b175d937cfc, 0x556ce5c64b1f7937, 0xb59b39ea2b3fdf7a, 0xc2526b869a4196b3, 0x8dad90bca9371750, 0xdfb4a30c9d9147a2, 0x346d2130629b}}
xR = kCurveOps.ScalarMul3Pt(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], uint(len(mScalarBytes)*8), mScalarBytes[:])
affine_xR := xR.ToAffine(kCurveOps)

if !VartimeEqFp2(affine_xR, &sageAffine_xR) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", sageAffine_xR, "\nfound\n", affine_xR)

func TestPointTripleVersusAddDouble(t *testing.T) {
tripleEqualsAddDouble := func(params GeneratedTestParams) bool {
var P2, P3, P2plusP ProjectivePoint

eqivParams4 := kCurveOps.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4(&params.Cparam)
eqivParams3 := kCurveOps.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3(&params.Cparam)
P2 = params.Point
P3 = params.Point
kCurveOps.Pow2k(&P2, &eqivParams4, 1) // = x([2]P)
kCurveOps.Pow3k(&P3, &eqivParams3, 1) // = x([3]P)
P2plusP = AddProjFp2(&P2, &params.Point, &params.Point) // = x([2]P + P)
return VartimeEqProjFp2(&P3, &P2plusP)

if err := quick.Check(tripleEqualsAddDouble, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func BenchmarkThreePointLadder379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{84, 222, 146, 63, 85, 18, 173, 162, 167, 38, 10, 8, 143, 176, 93, 228, 247, 128, 50, 128, 205, 42, 15, 137, 119, 67, 43, 3, 61, 91, 237, 24, 235, 12, 53, 96, 186, 164, 232, 223, 197, 224, 64, 109, 137, 63, 246, 4}

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
kCurveOps.ScalarMul3Pt(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], uint(len(mScalarBytes)*8), mScalarBytes[:])

func BenchmarkR2L379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{84, 222, 146, 63, 85, 18, 173, 162, 167, 38, 10, 8, 143, 176, 93, 228, 247, 128, 50, 128, 205, 42, 15, 137, 119, 67, 43, 3, 61, 91, 237, 24, 235, 12, 53, 96, 186, 164, 232, 223, 197, 224, 64, 109, 137, 63, 246, 4}

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
kCurveOps.ScalarMul3Pt(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], uint(len(mScalarBytes)*8), mScalarBytes[:])

p751toolbox/field_amd64_test.go → p751/field_amd64_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
// +build amd64,!noasm

package p751toolbox
package p751

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

func TestFp751MontgomeryReduce(t *testing.T) {
@@ -23,9 +24,9 @@ func TestFp751MontgomeryReduce(t *testing.T) {

// Also check that the BMI2 implementation produces the same results
// as the fallback implementation.
compareMontgomeryReduce := func(x, y PrimeFieldElement) bool {
var z, zbackup fp751X2
var zred1, zred2 Fp751Element
compareMontgomeryReduce := func(x, y primeFieldElement) bool {
var z, zbackup FpElementX2
var zred1, zred2 FpElement

fp751Mul(&z, &x.A, &y.A)
zbackup = z
@@ -52,9 +53,9 @@ func TestFp751MontgomeryReduce(t *testing.T) {
// Check that the BMI2ADX implementation produces the same results as
// the BMI2 implementation. By transitivity, it should also produce the
// same results as the fallback implementation.
compareMontgomeryReduce = func(x, y PrimeFieldElement) bool {
var z, zbackup fp751X2
var zred1, zred2 Fp751Element
compareMontgomeryReduce = func(x, y primeFieldElement) bool {
var z, zbackup FpElementX2
var zred1, zred2 FpElement

fp751Mul(&z, &x.A, &y.A)
zbackup = z

+ 273
- 0
p751/field_ops.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
package p751

import . "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

// 2*p751
var (
// p751
p751 = FpElement{
0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff,
0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xeeafffffffffffff,
0xe3ec968549f878a8, 0xda959b1a13f7cc76, 0x084e9867d6ebe876,
0x8562b5045cb25748, 0x0e12909f97badc66, 0x00006fe5d541f71c}
// p751 + 1
p751p1 = FpElement{
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0xeeb0000000000000,
0xe3ec968549f878a8, 0xda959b1a13f7cc76, 0x084e9867d6ebe876,
0x8562b5045cb25748, 0x0e12909f97badc66, 0x00006fe5d541f71c}
// 2*p751
p751x2 = FpElement{
0xC7D92D0A93F0F151, 0xB52B363427EF98ED, 0x109D30CFADD7D0ED,
0x0AC56A08B964AE90, 0x1C25213F2F75B8CD, 0x0000DFCBAA83EE38}

// Implementtaion of FieldOperations

// Implements FieldOps
type fp751Ops struct{}

func FieldOperations() FieldOps {
return &fp751Ops{}

func (fp751Ops) Add(dest, lhs, rhs *Fp2Element) {
fp751AddReduced(&dest.A, &lhs.A, &rhs.A)
fp751AddReduced(&dest.B, &lhs.B, &rhs.B)

func (fp751Ops) Sub(dest, lhs, rhs *Fp2Element) {
fp751SubReduced(&dest.A, &lhs.A, &rhs.A)
fp751SubReduced(&dest.B, &lhs.B, &rhs.B)

func (fp751Ops) Mul(dest, lhs, rhs *Fp2Element) {
// Let (a,b,c,d) = (lhs.a,lhs.b,rhs.a,rhs.b).
a := &lhs.A
b := &lhs.B
c := &rhs.A
d := &rhs.B

// We want to compute
// (a + bi)*(c + di) = (a*c - b*d) + (a*d + b*c)i
// Use Karatsuba's trick: note that
// (b - a)*(c - d) = (b*c + a*d) - a*c - b*d
// so (a*d + b*c) = (b-a)*(c-d) + a*c + b*d.

var ac, bd FpElementX2
fp751Mul(&ac, a, c) // = a*c*R*R
fp751Mul(&bd, b, d) // = b*d*R*R

var b_minus_a, c_minus_d FpElement
fp751SubReduced(&b_minus_a, b, a) // = (b-a)*R
fp751SubReduced(&c_minus_d, c, d) // = (c-d)*R

var ad_plus_bc FpElementX2
fp751Mul(&ad_plus_bc, &b_minus_a, &c_minus_d) // = (b-a)*(c-d)*R*R
fp751X2AddLazy(&ad_plus_bc, &ad_plus_bc, &ac) // = ((b-a)*(c-d) + a*c)*R*R
fp751X2AddLazy(&ad_plus_bc, &ad_plus_bc, &bd) // = ((b-a)*(c-d) + a*c + b*d)*R*R

fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.B, &ad_plus_bc) // = (a*d + b*c)*R mod p

var ac_minus_bd FpElementX2
fp751X2SubLazy(&ac_minus_bd, &ac, &bd) // = (a*c - b*d)*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &ac_minus_bd) // = (a*c - b*d)*R mod p

func (fp751Ops) Square(dest, x *Fp2Element) {
a := &x.A
b := &x.B

// We want to compute
// (a + bi)*(a + bi) = (a^2 - b^2) + 2abi.

var a2, a_plus_b, a_minus_b FpElement
fp751AddReduced(&a2, a, a) // = a*R + a*R = 2*a*R
fp751AddReduced(&a_plus_b, a, b) // = a*R + b*R = (a+b)*R
fp751SubReduced(&a_minus_b, a, b) // = a*R - b*R = (a-b)*R

var asq_minus_bsq, ab2 FpElementX2
fp751Mul(&asq_minus_bsq, &a_plus_b, &a_minus_b) // = (a+b)*(a-b)*R*R = (a^2 - b^2)*R*R
fp751Mul(&ab2, &a2, b) // = 2*a*b*R*R

fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &asq_minus_bsq) // = (a^2 - b^2)*R mod p
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.B, &ab2) // = 2*a*b*R mod p

// Set dest = 1/x
// Allowed to overlap dest with x.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (fp751Ops) Inv(dest, x *Fp2Element) {
a := &x.A
b := &x.B

// We want to compute
// 1 1 (a - bi) (a - bi)
// -------- = -------- -------- = -----------
// (a + bi) (a + bi) (a - bi) (a^2 + b^2)
// Letting c = 1/(a^2 + b^2), this is
// 1/(a+bi) = a*c - b*ci.

var asq_plus_bsq primeFieldElement
var asq, bsq FpElementX2
fp751Mul(&asq, a, a) // = a*a*R*R
fp751Mul(&bsq, b, b) // = b*b*R*R
fp751X2AddLazy(&asq, &asq, &bsq) // = (a^2 + b^2)*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&asq_plus_bsq.A, &asq) // = (a^2 + b^2)*R mod p
// Now asq_plus_bsq = a^2 + b^2

// Invert asq_plus_bsq
inv := asq_plus_bsq
inv.Mul(&asq_plus_bsq, &asq_plus_bsq)
inv.Mul(&inv, &inv)
inv.Mul(&inv, &asq_plus_bsq)

var ac FpElementX2
fp751Mul(&ac, a, &inv.A)
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &ac)

var minus_b FpElement
fp751SubReduced(&minus_b, &minus_b, b)
var minus_bc FpElementX2
fp751Mul(&minus_bc, &minus_b, &inv.A)
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.B, &minus_bc)

// In case choice == 1, performs following swap in constant time:
// xPx <-> xQx
// xPz <-> xQz
// Otherwise returns xPx, xPz, xQx, xQz unchanged
func (fp751Ops) CondSwap(xPx, xPz, xQx, xQz *Fp2Element, choice uint8) {
fp751ConditionalSwap(&xPx.A, &xQx.A, choice)
fp751ConditionalSwap(&xPx.B, &xQx.B, choice)
fp751ConditionalSwap(&xPz.A, &xQz.A, choice)
fp751ConditionalSwap(&xPz.B, &xQz.B, choice)

// Converts values in x.A and x.B to Montgomery domain
// x.A = x.A * R mod p
// x.B = x.B * R mod p
func (fp751Ops) ToMontgomery(x *Fp2Element) {
var aRR FpElementX2

// convert to montgomery domain
fp751Mul(&aRR, &x.A, &montgomeryRsq) // = a*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&x.A, &aRR) // = a*R mod p
fp751Mul(&aRR, &x.B, &montgomeryRsq)
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&x.B, &aRR)

// Converts values in x.A and x.B from Montgomery domain
// a = x.A mod p
// b = x.B mod p
// After returning from the call x is not modified.
func (fp751Ops) FromMontgomery(x *Fp2Element, out *Fp2Element) {
var aR FpElementX2

// convert from montgomery domain
copy(aR[:], x.A[:])
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&out.A, &aR) // = a mod p in [0, 2p)
fp751StrongReduce(&out.A) // = a mod p in [0, p)
for i:=range(aR) {
aR[i] = 0
copy(aR[:], x.B[:])
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&out.B, &aR)

// Prime Field

// Represents an element of the prime field F_p in Montgomery domain
type primeFieldElement struct {
// The value `A`is represented by `aR mod p`.
A FpElement

// Set dest = lhs * rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *primeFieldElement) Mul(lhs, rhs *primeFieldElement) *primeFieldElement {
a := &lhs.A // = a*R
b := &rhs.A // = b*R

var ab FpElementX2
fp751Mul(&ab, a, b) // = a*b*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &ab) // = a*b*R mod p

return dest

// Set dest = x^(2^k), for k >= 1, by repeated squarings.
// Allowed to overlap x with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *primeFieldElement) Pow2k(x *primeFieldElement, k uint8) *primeFieldElement {
dest.Mul(x, x)
for i := uint8(1); i < k; i++ {
dest.Mul(dest, dest)

return dest

// Set dest = x^((p-3)/4). If x is square, this is 1/sqrt(x).
// Allowed to overlap x with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *primeFieldElement) P34(x *primeFieldElement) *primeFieldElement {
// Sliding-window strategy computed with Sage, awk, sed, and tr.
// This performs sum(powStrategy) = 744 squarings and len(mulStrategy)
// = 137 multiplications, in addition to 1 squaring and 15
// multiplications to build a lookup table.
// In total this is 745 squarings, 152 multiplications. Since squaring
// is not implemented for the prime field, this is 897 multiplications
// in total.
powStrategy := [137]uint8{5, 7, 6, 2, 10, 4, 6, 9, 8, 5, 9, 4, 7, 5, 5, 4, 8, 3, 9, 5, 5, 4, 10, 4, 6, 6, 6, 5, 8, 9, 3, 4, 9, 4, 5, 6, 6, 2, 9, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 4, 6, 4, 8, 5, 8, 6, 6, 2, 9, 7, 4, 8, 8, 8, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2}
mulStrategy := [137]uint8{31, 23, 21, 1, 31, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 19, 15, 23, 23, 11, 7, 25, 5, 21, 17, 11, 5, 17, 7, 11, 9, 23, 9, 1, 19, 5, 3, 25, 15, 11, 29, 31, 1, 29, 11, 13, 9, 11, 27, 13, 19, 15, 31, 3, 29, 23, 31, 25, 11, 1, 21, 19, 15, 15, 21, 29, 13, 23, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 3}
initialMul := uint8(27)

// Build a lookup table of odd multiples of x.
lookup := [16]primeFieldElement{}
xx := &primeFieldElement{}
xx.Mul(x, x) // Set xx = x^2
lookup[0] = *x
for i := 1; i < 16; i++ {
lookup[i].Mul(&lookup[i-1], xx)
// Now lookup = {x, x^3, x^5, ... }
// so that lookup[i] = x^{2*i + 1}
// so that lookup[k/2] = x^k, for odd k

*dest = lookup[initialMul/2]
for i := uint8(0); i < 137; i++ {
dest.Pow2k(dest, powStrategy[i])
dest.Mul(dest, &lookup[mulStrategy[i]/2])

return dest

+ 129
- 0
p751/isogeny_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
package p751

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

func TestFourIsogenyVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xR, xP4, resPhiXr, expPhiXr ProjectivePoint
var phi = Newisogeny4(kFieldOps)

// sage: p = 2^372 * 3^239 - 1; Fp = GF(p)
// sage: R.<x> = Fp[]
// sage: Fp2 = Fp.extension(x^2 + 1, 'i')
// sage: i = Fp2.gen()
// sage: E0Fp = EllipticCurve(Fp, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: E0Fp2 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: x_PA = 11
// sage: y_PA = -Fp(11^3 + 11).sqrt()
// sage: x_PB = 6
// sage: y_PB = -Fp(6^3 + 6).sqrt()
// sage: P_A = 3^239 * E0Fp((x_PA,y_PA))
// sage: P_B = 2^372 * E0Fp((x_PB,y_PB))
// sage: def tau(P):
// ....: return E0Fp2( (-P.xy()[0], i*P.xy()[1]))
// ....:
// sage: m_B = 3*randint(0,3^238)
// sage: m_A = 2*randint(0,2^371)
// sage: R_A = E0Fp2(P_A) + m_A*tau(P_A)
// sage: def y_recover(x, a):
// ....: return (x**3 + a*x**2 + x).sqrt()
// ....:
// sage: first_4_torsion_point = E0Fp2(1, y_recover(Fp2(1),0))
// sage: sage_first_4_isogeny = E0Fp2.isogeny(first_4_torsion_point)
// sage: a = Fp2(0)
// sage: E1A = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,(2*(a+6))/(a-2),0,1,0])
// sage: sage_isomorphism = sage_first_4_isogeny.codomain().isomorphism_to(E1A)
// sage: isogenized_R_A = sage_isomorphism(sage_first_4_isogeny(R_A))
// sage: P_4 = (2**(372-4))*isogenized_R_A
// sage: P_4._order = 4 #otherwise falls back to generic group methods for order
// sage: X4, Z4 = P_4.xy()[0], 1
// sage: phi4 = EllipticCurveIsogeny(E1A, P_4, None, 4)
// sage: E2A_sage = phi4.codomain() # not in monty form
// sage: Aprime, Cprime = 2*(2*X4^4 - Z4^4), Z4^4
// sage: E2A = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,Aprime/Cprime,0,1,0])
// sage: sage_iso = E2A_sage.isomorphism_to(E2A)
// sage: isogenized2_R_A = sage_iso(phi4(isogenized_R_A))

xP4 = ProjectivePoint{
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x2afd75a913f3d5e7, 0x2918fba06f88c9ab, 0xa4ac4dc7cb526f05, 0x2d19e9391a607300, 0x7a79e2b34091b54, 0x3ad809dcb42f1792, 0xd46179328bd6402a, 0x1afa73541e2c4f3f, 0xf602d73ace9bdbd8, 0xd77ac58f6bab7004, 0x4689d97f6793b3b3, 0x4f26b00e42b7},
B: FpElement{0x6cdf918dafdcb890, 0x666f273cc29cfae2, 0xad00fcd31ba618e2, 0x5fbcf62bef2f6a33, 0xf408bb88318e5098, 0x84ab97849453d175, 0x501bbfcdcfb8e1ac, 0xf2370098e6b5542c, 0xc7dc73f5f0f6bd32, 0xdd76dcd86729d1cf, 0xca22c905029996e4, 0x5cf4a9373de3}},
Z: P751_OneFp2}
xR = ProjectivePoint{
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0xff99e76f78da1e05, 0xdaa36bd2bb8d97c4, 0xb4328cee0a409daf, 0xc28b099980c5da3f, 0xf2d7cd15cfebb852, 0x1935103dded6cdef, 0xade81528de1429c3, 0x6775b0fa90a64319, 0x25f89817ee52485d, 0x706e2d00848e697, 0xc4958ec4216d65c0, 0xc519681417f},
B: FpElement{0x742fe7dde60e1fb9, 0x801a3c78466a456b, 0xa9f945b786f48c35, 0x20ce89e1b144348f, 0xf633970b7776217e, 0x4c6077a9b38976e5, 0x34a513fc766c7825, 0xacccba359b9cd65, 0xd0ca8383f0fd0125, 0x77350437196287a, 0x9fe1ad7706d4ea21, 0x4d26129ee42d}},
Z: P751_OneFp2}
expPhiXr = ProjectivePoint{
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x111efd8bd0b7a01e, 0x6ab75a4f3789ca9b, 0x939dbe518564cac4, 0xf9eeaba1601d0434, 0x8d41f8ba6edac998, 0xfcd2557efe9aa170, 0xb3c3549c098b7844, 0x52874fef6f81127c, 0xb2b9ac82aa518bb3, 0xee70820230520a86, 0xd4012b7f5efb184a, 0x573e4536329b},
B: FpElement{0xa99952281e932902, 0x569a89a571f2c7b1, 0x6150143846ba3f6b, 0x11fd204441e91430, 0x7f469bd55c9b07b, 0xb72db8b9de35b161, 0x455a9a37a940512a, 0xb0cff7670abaf906, 0x18c785b7583375fe, 0x603ab9ca403c9148, 0xab54ba3a6e6c62c1, 0x2726d7d57c4f}},
Z: P751_OneFp2}

resPhiXr = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xR)
if !VartimeEqProjFp2(&expPhiXr, &resPhiXr) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", expPhiXr.ToAffine(kCurveOps), "\nfound\n", resPhiXr.ToAffine(kCurveOps))

func TestThreeIsogenyVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xR, xP3, resPhiXr, expPhiXr ProjectivePoint
var phi = Newisogeny3(kFieldOps)

// sage: %colors Linux
// sage: p = 2^372 * 3^239 - 1; Fp = GF(p)
// sage: R.<x> = Fp[]
// sage: Fp2 = Fp.extension(x^2 + 1, 'i')
// sage: i = Fp2.gen()
// sage: E0Fp = EllipticCurve(Fp, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: E0Fp2 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: x_PA = 11
// sage: y_PA = -Fp(11^3 + 11).sqrt()
// sage: x_PB = 6
// sage: y_PB = -Fp(6^3 + 6).sqrt()
// sage: P_A = 3^239 * E0Fp((x_PA,y_PA))
// sage: P_B = 2^372 * E0Fp((x_PB,y_PB))
// sage: def tau(P):
// ....: return E0Fp2( (-P.xy()[0], i*P.xy()[1]))
// ....:
// sage: m_B = 3*randint(0,3^238)
// sage: R_B = E0Fp2(P_B) + m_B*tau(P_B)
// sage: P_3 = (3^238)*R_B
// sage: def three_isog(P_3, P):
// ....: X3, Z3 = P_3.xy()[0], 1
// ....: XP, ZP = P.xy()[0], 1
// ....: x = (XP*(X3*XP - Z3*ZP)^2)/(ZP*(Z3*XP - X3*ZP)^2)
// ....: A3, C3 = (Z3^4 + 9*X3^2*(2*Z3^2 - 3*X3^2)), 4*X3*Z3^3
// ....: cod = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,A3/C3,0,1,0])
// ....: return cod.lift_x(x)
// ....:
// sage: isogenized_R_B = three_isog(P_3, R_B)

xR = ProjectivePoint{
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0xbd0737ed5cc9a3d7, 0x45ae6d476517c101, 0x6f228e9e7364fdb2, 0xbba4871225b3dbd, 0x6299ccd2e5da1a07, 0x38488fe4af5f2d0e, 0xec23cae5a86e980c, 0x26c804ba3f1edffa, 0xfbbed81932df60e5, 0x7e00e9d182ae9187, 0xc7654abb66d05f4b, 0x262d0567237b},
B: FpElement{0x3a3b5b6ad0b2ac33, 0x246602b5179127d3, 0x502ae0e9ad65077d, 0x10a3a37237e1bf70, 0x4a1ab9294dd05610, 0xb0f3adac30fe1fa6, 0x341995267faf70cb, 0xa14dd94d39cf4ec1, 0xce4b7527d1bf5568, 0xe0410423ed45c7e4, 0x38011809b6425686, 0x28f52472ebed}},
Z: P751_OneFp2}

xP3 = ProjectivePoint{
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x7bb7a4a07b0788dc, 0xdc36a3f6607b21b0, 0x4750e18ee74cf2f0, 0x464e319d0b7ab806, 0xc25aa44c04f758ff, 0x392e8521a46e0a68, 0xfc4e76b63eff37df, 0x1f3566d892e67dd8, 0xf8d2eb0f73295e65, 0x457b13ebc470bccb, 0xfda1cc9efef5be33, 0x5dbf3d92cc02},
B: FpElement{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}},
Z: P751_OneFp2}

expPhiXr = ProjectivePoint{
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x286db7d75913c5b1, 0xcb2049ad50189220, 0xccee90ef765fa9f4, 0x65e52ce2730e7d88, 0xa6b6b553bd0d06e7, 0xb561ecec14591590, 0x17b7a66d8c64d959, 0x77778cecbe1461e, 0x9405c9c0c41a57ce, 0x8f6b4847e8ca7d3d, 0xf625eb987b366937, 0x421b3590e345},
B: FpElement{0x566b893803e7d8d6, 0xe8c71a04d527e696, 0x5a1d8f87bf5eb51, 0x42ae08ae098724f, 0x4ee3d7c7af40ca2e, 0xd9f9ab9067bb10a7, 0xecd53d69edd6328c, 0xa581e9202dea107d, 0x8bcdfb6c8ecf9257, 0xe7cbbc2e5cbcf2af, 0x5f031a8701f0e53e, 0x18312d93e3cb}},
Z: P751_OneFp2}

resPhiXr = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xR)

if !VartimeEqProjFp2(&expPhiXr, &resPhiXr) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", expPhiXr.ToAffine(kCurveOps), "\nfound\n", resPhiXr.ToAffine(kCurveOps))

+ 341
- 0
p751/utils_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
package p751

// Tools used for testing and debugging

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Underlying field configuration
var (
kFieldOps = FieldOperations()
kParams = &SidhParams{
Op: kFieldOps,
OneFp2: P751_OneFp2,
HalfFp2: P751_HalfFp2,
Bytelen: P751_Bytelen,
kCurveOps = &CurveOperations{Params: kParams}

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configure testing/quick
var (
quickCheckScaleFactor = uint8(3)
quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (12 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Structure used by tests
type GeneratedTestParams struct {
Point ProjectivePoint
Cparam ProjectiveCurveParameters
ExtElem Fp2Element

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Test values

// A = 4385300808024233870220415655826946795549183378139271271040522089756750951667981765872679172832050962894122367066234419550072004266298327417513857609747116903999863022476533671840646615759860564818837299058134292387429068536219*i + 1408083354499944307008104531475821995920666351413327060806684084512082259107262519686546161682384352696826343970108773343853651664489352092568012759783386151707999371397181344707721407830640876552312524779901115054295865393760
var (
curve_A = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x8319eb18ca2c435e, 0x3a93beae72cd0267, 0x5e465e1f72fd5a84, 0x8617fa4150aa7272, 0x887da24799d62a13, 0xb079b31b3c7667fe, 0xc4661b150fa14f2e, 0xd4d2b2967bc6efd6, 0x854215a8b7239003, 0x61c5302ccba656c2, 0xf93194a27d6f97a2, 0x1ed9532bca75},
B: FpElement{0xb6f541040e8c7db6, 0x99403e7365342e15, 0x457e9cee7c29cced, 0x8ece72dc073b1d67, 0x6e73cef17ad28d28, 0x7aed836ca317472, 0x89e1de9454263b54, 0x745329277aa0071b, 0xf623dfc73bc86b9b, 0xb8e3c1d8a9245882, 0x6ad0b3d317770bec, 0x5b406e8d502b}}

// C = 933177602672972392833143808100058748100491911694554386487433154761658932801917030685312352302083870852688835968069519091048283111836766101703759957146191882367397129269726925521881467635358356591977198680477382414690421049768*i + 9088894745865170214288643088620446862479558967886622582768682946704447519087179261631044546285104919696820250567182021319063155067584445633834024992188567423889559216759336548208016316396859149888322907914724065641454773776307
curve_C = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x4fb2358bbf723107, 0x3a791521ac79e240, 0x283e24ef7c4c922f, 0xc89baa1205e33cc, 0x3031be81cff6fee1, 0xaf7a494a2f6a95c4, 0x248d251eaac83a1d, 0xc122fca1e2550c88, 0xbc0451b11b6cfd3d, 0x9c0a114ab046222c, 0x43b957b32f21f6ea, 0x5b9c87fa61de},
B: FpElement{0xacf142afaac15ec6, 0xfd1322a504a071d5, 0x56bb205e10f6c5c6, 0xe204d2849a97b9bd, 0x40b0122202fe7f2e, 0xecf72c6fafacf2cb, 0x45dfc681f869f60a, 0x11814c9aff4af66c, 0x9278b0c4eea54fe7, 0x9a633d5baf7f2e2e, 0x69a329e6f1a05112, 0x1d874ace23e4}}

// x(P) = 8172151271761071554796221948801462094972242987811852753144865524899433583596839357223411088919388342364651632180452081960511516040935428737829624206426287774255114241789158000915683252363913079335550843837650671094705509470594*i + 9326574858039944121604015439381720195556183422719505497448541073272720545047742235526963773359004021838961919129020087515274115525812121436661025030481584576474033630899768377131534320053412545346268645085054880212827284581557
affine_xP = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0xe8d05f30aac47247, 0x576ec00c55441de7, 0xbf1a8ec5fe558518, 0xd77cb17f77515881, 0x8e9852837ee73ec4, 0x8159634ad4f44a6b, 0x2e4eb5533a798c5, 0x9be8c4354d5bc849, 0xf47dc61806496b84, 0x25d0e130295120e0, 0xdbef54095f8139e3, 0x5a724f20862c},
B: FpElement{0x3ca30d7623602e30, 0xfb281eddf45f07b7, 0xd2bf62d5901a45bc, 0xc67c9baf86306dd2, 0x4e2bd93093f538ca, 0xcfd92075c25b9cbe, 0xceafe9a3095bcbab, 0x7d928ad380c85414, 0x37c5f38b2afdc095, 0x75325899a7b779f4, 0xf130568249f20fdd, 0x178f264767d1}}

// x([2]P) = 1476586462090705633631615225226507185986710728845281579274759750260315746890216330325246185232948298241128541272709769576682305216876843626191069809810990267291824247158062860010264352034514805065784938198193493333201179504845*i + 3623708673253635214546781153561465284135688791018117615357700171724097420944592557655719832228709144190233454198555848137097153934561706150196041331832421059972652530564323645509890008896574678228045006354394485640545367112224
affine_xP2 = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x2a77afa8576ce979, 0xab1360e69b0aeba0, 0xd79e3e3cbffad660, 0x5fd0175aa10f106b, 0x1800ebafce9fbdbc, 0x228fc9142bdd6166, 0x867cf907314e34c3, 0xa58d18c94c13c31c, 0x699a5bc78b11499f, 0xa29fc29a01f7ccf1, 0x6c69c0c5347eebce, 0x38ecee0cc57},
B: FpElement{0x43607fd5f4837da0, 0x560bad4ce27f8f4a, 0x2164927f8495b4dd, 0x621103fdb831a997, 0xad740c4eea7db2db, 0x2cde0442205096cd, 0x2af51a70ede8324e, 0x41a4e680b9f3466, 0x5481f74660b8f476, 0xfcb2f3e656ff4d18, 0x42e3ce0837171acc, 0x44238c30530c}}

// x([3]P) = 9351941061182433396254169746041546943662317734130813745868897924918150043217746763025923323891372857734564353401396667570940585840576256269386471444236630417779544535291208627646172485976486155620044292287052393847140181703665*i + 9010417309438761934687053906541862978676948345305618417255296028956221117900864204687119686555681136336037659036201780543527957809743092793196559099050594959988453765829339642265399496041485088089691808244290286521100323250273
affine_xP3 = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x2096e3f23feca947, 0xf36f635aa4ad8634, 0xdae3b1c6983c5e9a, 0xe08df6c262cb74b4, 0xd2ca4edc37452d3d, 0xfb5f3fe42f500c79, 0x73740aa3abc2b21f, 0xd535fd869f914cca, 0x4a558466823fb67f, 0x3e50a7a0e3bfc715, 0xf43c6da9183a132f, 0x61aca1e1b8b9},
B: FpElement{0x1e54ec26ea5077bd, 0x61380572d8769f9a, 0xc615170684f59818, 0x6309c3b93e84ef6e, 0x33c74b1318c3fcd0, 0xfe8d7956835afb14, 0x2d5a7b55423c1ecc, 0x869db67edfafea68, 0x1292632394f0a628, 0x10bba48225bfd141, 0x6466c28b408daba, 0x63cacfdb7c43}}

// x([2^2]P) = 441719501189485559222919502512761433931671682884872259563221427434901842337947564993718830905758163254463901652874331063768876314142359813382575876106725244985607032091781306919778265250690045578695338669105227100119314831452*i + 6961734028200975729170216310486458180126343885294922940439352055937945948015840788921225114530454649744697857047401608073256634790353321931728699534700109268264491160589480994022419317695690866764726967221310990488404411684053
affine_xP4 = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x6f9dbe4c39175153, 0xf2fec757eb99e88, 0x43d7361a93733d91, 0x3abd10ed19c85a3d, 0xc4de9ab9c5ef7181, 0x53e375901684c900, 0x68ffc3e7d71c41ff, 0x47adab62c8d942fe, 0x226a33fd6fbb381d, 0x87ef4c8fdd83309a, 0xaca1cf44c5fa8799, 0x6cbae86c755f},
B: FpElement{0x4c80c37fe68282a7, 0xbd8b9d7248bf553a, 0x1fb0e8e74d5e1762, 0xb63fa0e4e5f91482, 0xc675ab8a45a1439, 0xdfa6772deace7820, 0xf0d813d71d9a9255, 0x53a1a58c634534bd, 0x4ebfc6485fdfd888, 0x6991fe4358bcf169, 0xc0547bdaca85b6fd, 0xf461548d632}}

// x([3^2]P) = 3957171963425208493644602380039721164492341594850197356580248639045894821895524981729970650520936632013218950972842867220898274664982599375786979902471523505057611521217523103474682939638645404445093536997296151472632038973463*i + 1357869545269286021642168835877253886774707209614159162748874474269328421720121175566245719916322684751967981171882659798149072149161259103020057556362998810229937432814792024248155991141511691087135859252304684633946087474060
affine_xP9 = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x7c0daa0f04ded4e0, 0x52dc4f883d85e065, 0x91afbdc2c1714d0b, 0xb7b3db8e658cfeba, 0x43d4e72a692882f3, 0x535c56d83753da30, 0xc8a58724433cbf5d, 0x351153c0a5e74219, 0x2c81827d19f93dd5, 0x26ef8aca3370ea1a, 0x1cf939a6dd225dec, 0x3403cb28ad41},
B: FpElement{0x93e7bc373a9ff7b, 0x57b8cc47635ebc0f, 0x92eab55689106cf3, 0x93643111d421f24c, 0x1c58b519506f6b7a, 0xebd409fb998faa13, 0x5c86ed799d09d80e, 0xd9a1d764d6363562, 0xf95e87f92fb0c4cc, 0x6b2bbaf5632a5609, 0x2d9b6a809dfaff7f, 0x29c0460348b}}

// m = 96550223052359874398280314003345143371473380422728857598463622014420884224892
mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{0x7c, 0x7b, 0x95, 0xfa, 0xb4, 0x75, 0x6c, 0x48, 0x8c, 0x17, 0x55, 0xb4, 0x49, 0xf5, 0x1e, 0xa3, 0xb, 0x31, 0xf0, 0xa4, 0xa6, 0x81, 0xad, 0x94, 0x51, 0x11, 0xe7, 0xf5, 0x5b, 0x7d, 0x75, 0xd5}

// x([m]P) = 7893578558852400052689739833699289348717964559651707250677393044951777272628231794999463214496545377542328262828965953246725804301238040891993859185944339366910592967840967752138115122568615081881937109746463885908097382992642*i + 8293895847098220389503562888233557012043261770526854885191188476280014204211818299871679993460086974249554528517413590157845430186202704783785316202196966198176323445986064452630594623103149383929503089342736311904030571524837
affine_xaP = Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x2112f3c7d7f938bb, 0x704a677f0a4df08f, 0x825370e31fb4ef00, 0xddbf79b7469f902, 0x27640c899ea739fd, 0xfb7b8b19f244108e, 0x546a6679dd3baebc, 0xe9f0ecf398d5265f, 0x223d2b350e75e461, 0x84b322a0b6aff016, 0xfabe426f539f8b39, 0x4507a0604f50},
B: FpElement{0xac77737e5618a5fe, 0xf91c0e08c436ca52, 0xd124037bc323533c, 0xc9a772bf52c58b63, 0x3b30c8f38ef6af4d, 0xb9eed160e134f36e, 0x24e3836393b25017, 0xc828be1b11baf1d9, 0x7b7dab585df50e93, 0x1ca3852c618bd8e0, 0x4efa73bcb359fa00, 0x50b6a923c2d4}}

// Inputs for testing 3-point-ladder
threePointLadderInputs = []ProjectivePoint{
// x(P)
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0xe8d05f30aac47247, 0x576ec00c55441de7, 0xbf1a8ec5fe558518, 0xd77cb17f77515881, 0x8e9852837ee73ec4, 0x8159634ad4f44a6b, 0x2e4eb5533a798c5, 0x9be8c4354d5bc849, 0xf47dc61806496b84, 0x25d0e130295120e0, 0xdbef54095f8139e3, 0x5a724f20862c},
B: FpElement{0x3ca30d7623602e30, 0xfb281eddf45f07b7, 0xd2bf62d5901a45bc, 0xc67c9baf86306dd2, 0x4e2bd93093f538ca, 0xcfd92075c25b9cbe, 0xceafe9a3095bcbab, 0x7d928ad380c85414, 0x37c5f38b2afdc095, 0x75325899a7b779f4, 0xf130568249f20fdd, 0x178f264767d1}},
Z: P751_OneFp2,
// x(Q)
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x2b71a2a93ad1e10e, 0xf0b9842a92cfb333, 0xae17373615a27f5c, 0x3039239f428330c4, 0xa0c4b735ed7dcf98, 0x6e359771ddf6af6a, 0xe986e4cac4584651, 0x8233a2b622d5518, 0xbfd67bf5f06b818b, 0xdffe38d0f5b966a6, 0xa86b36a3272ee00a, 0x193e2ea4f68f},
B: FpElement{0x5a0f396459d9d998, 0x479f42250b1b7dda, 0x4016b57e2a15bf75, 0xc59f915203fa3749, 0xd5f90257399cf8da, 0x1fb2dadfd86dcef4, 0x600f20e6429021dc, 0x17e347d380c57581, 0xc1b0d5fa8fe3e440, 0xbcf035330ac20e8, 0x50c2eb5f6a4f03e6, 0x86b7c4571}},
Z: P751_OneFp2,
// x(P-Q)
X: Fp2Element{
A: FpElement{0x4aafa9f378f7b5ff, 0x1172a683aa8eee0, 0xea518d8cbec2c1de, 0xe191bcbb63674557, 0x97bc19637b259011, 0xdbeae5c9f4a2e454, 0x78f64d1b72a42f95, 0xe71cb4ea7e181e54, 0xe4169d4c48543994, 0x6198c2286a98730f, 0xd21d675bbab1afa5, 0x2e7269fce391},
B: FpElement{0x23355783ce1d0450, 0x683164cf4ce3d93f, 0xae6d1c4d25970fd8, 0x7807007fb80b48cf, 0xa005a62ec2bbb8a2, 0x6b5649bd016004cb, 0xbb1a13fa1330176b, 0xbf38e51087660461, 0xe577fddc5dd7b930, 0x5f38116f56947cd3, 0x3124f30b98c36fde, 0x4ca9b6e6db37}},
Z: P751_OneFp2,
curve = ProjectiveCurveParameters{A: curve_A, C: curve_C}
cln16prime, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("10354717741769305252977768237866805321427389645549071170116189679054678940682478846502882896561066713624553211618840202385203911976522554393044160468771151816976706840078913334358399730952774926980235086850991501872665651576831", 10)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Values used by benchmarking tools

// Package-level storage for this field element is intended to deter
// compiler optimizations.
var (
benchmarkFpElement FpElement
benchmarkFpElementX2 FpElementX2
bench_x = FpElement{17026702066521327207, 5108203422050077993, 10225396685796065916, 11153620995215874678, 6531160855165088358, 15302925148404145445, 1248821577836769963, 9789766903037985294, 7493111552032041328, 10838999828319306046, 18103257655515297935, 27403304611634}
bench_y = FpElement{4227467157325093378, 10699492810770426363, 13500940151395637365, 12966403950118934952, 16517692605450415877, 13647111148905630666, 14223628886152717087, 7167843152346903316, 15855377759596736571, 4300673881383687338, 6635288001920617779, 30486099554235}
bench_z = FpElementX2{1595347748594595712, 10854920567160033970, 16877102267020034574, 12435724995376660096, 3757940912203224231, 8251999420280413600, 3648859773438820227, 17622716832674727914, 11029567000887241528, 11216190007549447055, 17606662790980286987, 4720707159513626555, 12887743598335030915, 14954645239176589309, 14178817688915225254, 1191346797768989683, 12629157932334713723, 6348851952904485603, 16444232588597434895, 7809979927681678066, 14642637672942531613, 3092657597757640067, 10160361564485285723, 240071237}

// Helpers
func (primeElement primeFieldElement) String() string {
b := toBigInt(&primeElement.A)
return fmt.Sprintf("%X", b.String())

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Given xP = x(P), xQ = x(Q), and xPmQ = x(P-Q), compute xR = x(P+Q).
// Returns xR to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xQ, xR.
func AddProjFp2(xP, xQ, xPmQ *ProjectivePoint) ProjectivePoint {
// Algorithm 1 of Costello-Smith.
var v0, v1, v2, v3, v4 Fp2Element
var xR ProjectivePoint
kFieldOps.Add(&v0, &xP.X, &xP.Z) // X_P + Z_P
kFieldOps.Sub(&v1, &xQ.X, &xQ.Z)
kFieldOps.Mul(&v1, &v1, &v0) // (X_Q - Z_Q)(X_P + Z_P)
kFieldOps.Sub(&v0, &xP.X, &xP.Z) // X_P - Z_P
kFieldOps.Add(&v2, &xQ.X, &xQ.Z)
kFieldOps.Mul(&v2, &v2, &v0) // (X_Q + Z_Q)(X_P - Z_P)
kFieldOps.Add(&v3, &v1, &v2)
kFieldOps.Square(&v3, &v3) // 4(X_Q X_P - Z_Q Z_P)^2
kFieldOps.Sub(&v4, &v1, &v2)
kFieldOps.Square(&v4, &v4) // 4(X_Q Z_P - Z_Q X_P)^2
kFieldOps.Mul(&v0, &xPmQ.Z, &v3) // 4X_{P-Q}(X_Q X_P - Z_Q Z_P)^2
kFieldOps.Mul(&xR.Z, &xPmQ.X, &v4) // 4Z_{P-Q}(X_Q Z_P - Z_Q X_P)^2
xR.X = v0
return xR

// Given xP = x(P) and cached curve parameters Aplus2C = A + 2*C, C4 = 4*C,
// compute xQ = x([2]P).
// Returns xQ to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xQ.
func DoubleProjFp2(xP *ProjectivePoint, Aplus2C, C4 *Fp2Element) ProjectivePoint {
// Algorithm 2 of Costello-Smith, amended to work with projective curve coefficients.
var v1, v2, v3, xz4 Fp2Element
var xQ ProjectivePoint
kFieldOps.Add(&v1, &xP.X, &xP.Z) // (X+Z)^2
kFieldOps.Square(&v1, &v1)
kFieldOps.Sub(&v2, &xP.X, &xP.Z) // (X-Z)^2
kFieldOps.Square(&v2, &v2)
kFieldOps.Sub(&xz4, &v1, &v2) // 4XZ = (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2
kFieldOps.Mul(&v2, &v2, C4) // 4C(X-Z)^2
kFieldOps.Mul(&xQ.X, &v1, &v2) // 4C(X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2
kFieldOps.Mul(&v3, &xz4, Aplus2C) // 4XZ(A + 2C)
kFieldOps.Add(&v3, &v3, &v2) // 4XZ(A + 2C) + 4C(X-Z)^2
kFieldOps.Mul(&xQ.Z, &v3, &xz4) // (4XZ(A + 2C) + 4C(X-Z)^2)4XZ
// Now (xQ.x : xQ.z)
// = (4C(X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2 : (4XZ(A + 2C) + 4C(X-Z)^2)4XZ )
// = ((X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2 : (4XZ((A + 2C)/4C) + (X-Z)^2)4XZ )
// = ((X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2 : (4XZ((a + 2)/4) + (X-Z)^2)4XZ )
return xQ

// Given x(P) and a scalar m in little-endian bytes, compute x([m]P) using the
// Montgomery ladder. This is described in Algorithm 8 of Costello-Smith.
// This function's execution time is dependent only on the byte-length of the
// input scalar. All scalars of the same input length execute in uniform time.
// The scalar can be padded with zero bytes to ensure a uniform length.
// Safe to overlap the source with the destination.
func ScalarMult(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP *ProjectivePoint, scalar []uint8) ProjectivePoint {
var x0, x1, tmp ProjectivePoint
var Aplus2C, C4 Fp2Element

kFieldOps.Add(&Aplus2C, &curve.C, &curve.C) // = 2*C
kFieldOps.Add(&C4, &Aplus2C, &Aplus2C) // = 4*C
kFieldOps.Add(&Aplus2C, &Aplus2C, &curve.A) // = 2*C + A

x0.X = P751_OneFp2
x1 = *xP

// Iterate over the bits of the scalar, top to bottom
prevBit := uint8(0)
for i := len(scalar) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
scalarByte := scalar[i]
for j := 7; j >= 0; j-- {
bit := (scalarByte >> uint(j)) & 0x1
kCurveOps.Params.Op.CondSwap(&x0.X, &x0.Z, &x1.X, &x1.Z, (bit ^ prevBit))
//sProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&x0, &x1, (bit ^ prevBit))
tmp = DoubleProjFp2(&x0, &Aplus2C, &C4)
x1 = AddProjFp2(&x0, &x1, xP)
x0 = tmp
prevBit = bit
// now prevBit is the lowest bit of the scalar
kCurveOps.Params.Op.CondSwap(&x0.X, &x0.Z, &x1.X, &x1.Z, prevBit)
return x0

// Returns true if lhs = rhs. Takes variable time.
func VartimeEqFp2(lhs, rhs *Fp2Element) bool {
a := *lhs
b := *rhs


eq := true
for i := 0; i < len(a.A)&&eq; i++ {
eq = eq && (a.A[i] == b.A[i])
eq = eq && (a.B[i] == b.B[i])
return eq

// Returns true if lhs = rhs. Takes variable time.
func VartimeEqProjFp2(lhs, rhs *ProjectivePoint) bool {
var t0,t1 Fp2Element
kFieldOps.Mul(&t0, &lhs.X, &rhs.Z)
kFieldOps.Mul(&t1, &lhs.Z, &rhs.X)
return VartimeEqFp2(&t0, &t1)

func (GeneratedTestParams) generateFp2p751(rand *rand.Rand) Fp2Element {
// Generation strategy: low limbs taken from [0,2^64); high limb
// taken from smaller range
// Size hint is ignored since all elements are fixed size.
// Field elements taken in range [0,2p). Emulate this by capping
// the high limb by the top digit of 2*p-1:
// sage: (2*p-1).digits(2^64)[-1]
// 246065832128056
// This still allows generating values >= 2p, but hopefully that
// excess is OK (and if it's not, we'll find out, because it's for
// testing...)
highLimb := rand.Uint64() % 246065832128056
fpElementGen := func() FpElement {
return FpElement{
return Fp2Element{A: fpElementGen(), B: fpElementGen()}

func (c GeneratedTestParams) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(
X: c.generateFp2p751(rand),
Z: c.generateFp2p751(rand),
A: c.generateFp2p751(rand),
C: c.generateFp2p751(rand),

func (x primeFieldElement) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(primeFieldElement{
A: new(GeneratedTestParams).generateFp2p751(rand).A})

// Convert an FpElement to a big.Int for testing. Because this is only
// for testing, no big.Int to FpElement conversion is provided.
func radix64ToBigInt(x []uint64) *big.Int {
radix := new(big.Int)
// 2^64

base := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
val := new(big.Int).SetUint64(0)
tmp := new(big.Int)

for _, xi := range x {
tmp.Mul(tmp, base)
val.Add(val, tmp)
base.Mul(base, radix)

return val

// Converts number from Montgomery domain and returns big.Int
func toBigInt(x *FpElement) *big.Int {
var fp Fp2Element
var in = Fp2Element{A:*x}
kFieldOps.FromMontgomery(&in, &fp)
return radix64ToBigInt(fp.A[:])

+ 0
- 293
p751toolbox/curve.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
package p751toolbox

// A point on the projective line P^1(F_{p^2}).
// This is used to work projectively with the curve coefficients.
type ProjectiveCurveParameters struct {
A ExtensionFieldElement
C ExtensionFieldElement

// Stores curve projective parameters equivalent to A/C. Meaning of the
// values depends on the context. When working with isogenies over
// subgroup that are powers of:
// * three then (A:C) ~ (A+2C:A-2C)
// * four then (A:C) ~ (A+2C: 4C)
// See Appendix A of SIKE for more details
type CurveCoefficientsEquiv struct {
A ExtensionFieldElement
C ExtensionFieldElement

// A point on the projective line P^1(F_{p^2}).
// This represents a point on the Kummer line of a Montgomery curve. The
// curve is specified by a ProjectiveCurveParameters struct.
type ProjectivePoint struct {
X ExtensionFieldElement
Z ExtensionFieldElement

func (params *ProjectiveCurveParameters) FromAffine(a *ExtensionFieldElement) {
params.A = *a

// Computes j-invariant for a curve y2=x3+A/Cx+x with A,C in F_(p^2). Result
// is returned in jBytes buffer, encoded in little-endian format. Caller
// provided jBytes buffer has to be big enough to j-invariant value. In case
// of SIDH, buffer size must be at least size of shared secret.
// Implementation corresponds to Algorithm 9 from SIKE.
func (cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) Jinvariant(jBytes []byte) {
var j, t0, t1 ExtensionFieldElement

j.Square(&cparams.A) // j = A^2
t1.Square(&cparams.C) // t1 = C^2
t0.Add(&t1, &t1) // t0 = t1 + t1
t0.Sub(&j, &t0) // t0 = j - t0
t0.Sub(&t0, &t1) // t0 = t0 - t1
j.Sub(&t0, &t1) // t0 = t0 - t1
t1.Square(&t1) // t1 = t1^2
j.Mul(&j, &t1) // t0 = t0 * t1
t0.Add(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
t0.Add(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
t1.Square(&t0) // t1 = t0^2
t0.Mul(&t0, &t1) // t0 = t0 * t1
t0.Add(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
t0.Add(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
j.Inv(&j) // j = 1/j
j.Mul(&t0, &j) // j = t0 * j


// Given affine points x(P), x(Q) and x(Q-P) in a extension field F_{p^2}, function
// recorvers projective coordinate A of a curve. This is Algorithm 10 from SIKE.
func (curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters) RecoverCoordinateA(xp, xq, xr *ExtensionFieldElement) {
var t0, t1 ExtensionFieldElement

t1.Add(xp, xq) // t1 = Xp + Xq
t0.Mul(xp, xq) // t0 = Xp * Xq
curve.A.Mul(xr, &t1) // A = X(q-p) * t1
curve.A.Add(&curve.A, &t0) // A = A + t0
t0.Mul(&t0, xr) // t0 = t0 * X(q-p)
curve.A.Sub(&curve.A, &oneExtensionField) // A = A - 1
t0.Add(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
t1.Add(&t1, xr) // t1 = t1 + X(q-p)
t0.Add(&t0, &t0) // t0 = t0 + t0
curve.A.Square(&curve.A) // A = A^2
t0.Inv(&t0) // t0 = 1/t0
curve.A.Mul(&curve.A, &t0) // A = A * t0
curve.A.Sub(&curve.A, &t1) // A = A - t1

// Computes equivalence (A:C) ~ (A+2C : A-2C)
func (curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters) CalcCurveParamsEquiv3() CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var coef CurveCoefficientsEquiv
var c2 ExtensionFieldElement

c2.Add(&curve.C, &curve.C)
// A24p = A+2*C
coef.A.Add(&curve.A, &c2)
// A24m = A-2*C
coef.C.Sub(&curve.A, &c2)
return coef

// Computes equivalence (A:C) ~ (A+2C : 4C)
func (cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) CalcCurveParamsEquiv4() CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var coefEq CurveCoefficientsEquiv

coefEq.C.Add(&cparams.C, &cparams.C)
// A24p = A+2C
coefEq.A.Add(&cparams.A, &coefEq.C)
// C24 = 4*C
coefEq.C.Add(&coefEq.C, &coefEq.C)
return coefEq

// Helper function for RightToLeftLadder(). Returns A+2C / 4.
func (cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) calcAplus2Over4() (ret ExtensionFieldElement) {
var tmp ExtensionFieldElement
// 2C
tmp.Add(&cparams.C, &cparams.C)
// A+2C
ret.Add(&cparams.A, &tmp)
// 1/4C
tmp.Add(&tmp, &tmp).Inv(&tmp)
// A+2C/4C
ret.Mul(&ret, &tmp)

// Recovers (A:C) curve parameters from projectively equivalent (A+2C:A-2C).
func (cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) RecoverCurveCoefficients3(coefEq *CurveCoefficientsEquiv) {
cparams.A.Add(&coefEq.A, &coefEq.C)
// cparams.A = 2*(A+2C+A-2C) = 4A
cparams.A.Add(&cparams.A, &cparams.A)
// cparams.C = (A+2C-A+2C) = 4C
cparams.C.Sub(&coefEq.A, &coefEq.C)

// Recovers (A:C) curve parameters from projectively equivalent (A+2C:4C).
func (cparams *ProjectiveCurveParameters) RecoverCurveCoefficients4(coefEq *CurveCoefficientsEquiv) {
var half = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{
0x00000000000124D6, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0xB8E0000000000000,
0x9C8A2434C0AA7287, 0xA206996CA9A378A3, 0x6876280D41A41B52,
0xE903B49F175CE04F, 0x0F8511860666D227, 0x00004EA07CFF6E7F},
B: Fp751Element{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
// cparams.C = (4C)*1/2=2C
cparams.C.Mul(&coefEq.C, &half)
// cparams.A = A+2C - 2C = A
cparams.A.Sub(&coefEq.A, &cparams.C)
// cparams.C = 2C * 1/2 = C
cparams.C.Mul(&cparams.C, &half)

func (point *ProjectivePoint) FromAffine(x *ExtensionFieldElement) {
point.X = *x
point.Z = oneExtensionField

func (point *ProjectivePoint) ToAffine() *ExtensionFieldElement {
affine_x := new(ExtensionFieldElement)
affine_x.Inv(&point.Z).Mul(affine_x, &point.X)
return affine_x

func (lhs *ProjectivePoint) VartimeEq(rhs *ProjectivePoint) bool {
var t0, t1 ExtensionFieldElement
t0.Mul(&lhs.X, &rhs.Z)
t1.Mul(&lhs.Z, &rhs.X)
return t0.VartimeEq(&t1)

func ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(xP, xQ *ProjectivePoint, choice uint8) {
ExtensionFieldConditionalSwap(&xP.X, &xQ.X, choice)
ExtensionFieldConditionalSwap(&xP.Z, &xQ.Z, choice)

// Combined coordinate doubling and differential addition. Takes projective points
// P,Q,Q-P and (A+2C)/4C curve E coefficient. Returns 2*P and P+Q calculated on E.
// Function is used only by RightToLeftLadder. Corresponds to Algorithm 5 of SIKE
func xDblAdd(P, Q, QmP *ProjectivePoint, a24 *ExtensionFieldElement) (dblP, PaQ ProjectivePoint) {
var t0, t1, t2 ExtensionFieldElement
xQmP, zQmP := &QmP.X, &QmP.Z
xPaQ, zPaQ := &PaQ.X, &PaQ.Z
x2P, z2P := &dblP.X, &dblP.Z
xP, zP := &P.X, &P.Z
xQ, zQ := &Q.X, &Q.Z

t0.Add(xP, zP) // t0 = Xp+Zp
t1.Sub(xP, zP) // t1 = Xp-Zp
x2P.Square(&t0) // 2P.X = t0^2
t2.Sub(xQ, zQ) // t2 = Xq-Zq
xPaQ.Add(xQ, zQ) // Xp+q = Xq+Zq
t0.Mul(&t0, &t2) // t0 = t0 * t2
z2P.Mul(&t1, &t1) // 2P.Z = t1 * t1
t1.Mul(&t1, xPaQ) // t1 = t1 * Xp+q
t2.Sub(x2P, z2P) // t2 = 2P.X - 2P.Z
x2P.Mul(x2P, z2P) // 2P.X = 2P.X * 2P.Z
xPaQ.Mul(a24, &t2) // Xp+q = A24 * t2
zPaQ.Sub(&t0, &t1) // Zp+q = t0 - t1
z2P.Add(xPaQ, z2P) // 2P.Z = Xp+q + 2P.Z
xPaQ.Add(&t0, &t1) // Xp+q = t0 + t1
z2P.Mul(z2P, &t2) // 2P.Z = 2P.Z * t2
zPaQ.Square(zPaQ) // Zp+q = Zp+q ^ 2
xPaQ.Square(xPaQ) // Xp+q = Xp+q ^ 2
zPaQ.Mul(xQmP, zPaQ) // Zp+q = Xq-p * Zp+q
xPaQ.Mul(zQmP, xPaQ) // Xp+q = Zq-p * Xp+q

// Given the curve parameters, xP = x(P), and k >= 0, compute x2P = x([2^k]P).
// Returns x2P to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, x2P.
func (x2P *ProjectivePoint) Pow2k(params *CurveCoefficientsEquiv, xP *ProjectivePoint, k uint32) *ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1 ExtensionFieldElement

*x2P = *xP
x, z := &x2P.X, &x2P.Z

for i := uint32(0); i < k; i++ {
t0.Sub(x, z) // t0 = Xp - Zp
t1.Add(x, z) // t1 = Xp + Zp
t0.Square(&t0) // t0 = t0 ^ 2
t1.Square(&t1) // t1 = t1 ^ 2
z.Mul(&params.C, &t0) // Z2p = C24 * t0
x.Mul(z, &t1) // X2p = Z2p * t1
t1.Sub(&t1, &t0) // t1 = t1 - t0
t0.Mul(&params.A, &t1) // t0 = A24+ * t1
z.Add(z, &t0) // Z2p = Z2p + t0
z.Mul(z, &t1) // Zp = Z2p * t1

return x2P

// Given the curve parameters, xP = x(P), and k >= 0, compute x3P = x([3^k]P).
// Returns x3P to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xR.
func (x3P *ProjectivePoint) Pow3k(params *CurveCoefficientsEquiv, xP *ProjectivePoint, k uint32) *ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6 ExtensionFieldElement

*x3P = *xP
x, z := &x3P.X, &x3P.Z

for i := uint32(0); i < k; i++ {
t0.Sub(x, z) // t0 = Xp - Zp
t2.Square(&t0) // t2 = t0^2
t1.Add(x, z) // t1 = Xp + Zp
t3.Square(&t1) // t3 = t1^2
t4.Add(&t1, &t0) // t4 = t1 + t0
t0.Sub(&t1, &t0) // t0 = t1 - t0
t1.Square(&t4) // t1 = t4^2
t1.Sub(&t1, &t3) // t1 = t1 - t3
t1.Sub(&t1, &t2) // t1 = t1 - t2
t5.Mul(&t3, &params.A) // t5 = t3 * A24+
t3.Mul(&t3, &t5) // t3 = t5 * t3
t6.Mul(&t2, &params.C) // t6 = t2 * A24-
t2.Mul(&t2, &t6) // t2 = t2 * t6
t3.Sub(&t2, &t3) // t3 = t2 - t3
t2.Sub(&t5, &t6) // t2 = t5 - t6
t1.Mul(&t2, &t1) // t1 = t2 * t1
t2.Add(&t3, &t1) // t2 = t3 + t1
t2.Square(&t2) // t2 = t2^2
x.Mul(&t2, &t4) // X3p = t2 * t4
t1.Sub(&t3, &t1) // t1 = t3 - t1
t1.Square(&t1) // t1 = t1^2
z.Mul(&t1, &t0) // Z3p = t1 * t0
return x3P

// RightToLeftLadder is a right-to-left point multiplication that given the
// x-coordinate of P, Q and P-Q calculates the x-coordinate of R=Q+[scalar]P.
// nbits must be smaller or equal to len(scalar).
func RightToLeftLadder(c *ProjectiveCurveParameters, P, Q, PmQ *ProjectivePoint,
nbits uint, scalar []uint8) ProjectivePoint {
var R0, R2, R1 ProjectivePoint

aPlus2Over4 := c.calcAplus2Over4()
R1 = *P
R2 = *PmQ
R0 = *Q

// Iterate over the bits of the scalar, bottom to top
prevBit := uint8(0)
for i := uint(0); i < nbits; i++ {
bit := (scalar[i>>3] >> (i & 7) & 1)
swap := prevBit ^ bit
prevBit = bit
ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&R1, &R2, swap)
R0, R2 = xDblAdd(&R0, &R2, &R1, &aPlus2Over4)

ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&R1, &R2, prevBit)
return R1

+ 0
- 372
p751toolbox/curve_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
package p751toolbox

import (

// Sage script for generating test vectors:
// sage: p = 2^372 * 3^239 - 1; Fp = GF(p)
// sage: R.<x> = Fp[]
// sage: Fp2 = Fp.extension(x^2 + 1, 'i')
// sage: i = Fp2.gen()
// sage: A = 4385300808024233870220415655826946795549183378139271271040522089756750951667981765872679172832050962894122367066234419550072004266298327417513857609747116903999863022476533671840646615759860564818837299058134292387429068536219*i + 1408083354499944307008104531475821995920666351413327060806684084512082259107262519686546161682384352696826343970108773343853651664489352092568012759783386151707999371397181344707721407830640876552312524779901115054295865393760
// sage: C = 933177602672972392833143808100058748100491911694554386487433154761658932801917030685312352302083870852688835968069519091048283111836766101703759957146191882367397129269726925521881467635358356591977198680477382414690421049768*i + 9088894745865170214288643088620446862479558967886622582768682946704447519087179261631044546285104919696820250567182021319063155067584445633834024992188567423889559216759336548208016316396859149888322907914724065641454773776307
// sage: E = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,A/C,0,1,0])
// sage: XP, YP, ZP = (8172151271761071554796221948801462094972242987811852753144865524899433583596839357223411088919388342364651632180452081960511516040935428737829624206426287774255114241789158000915683252363913079335550843837650671094705509470594*i + 9326574858039944121604015439381720195556183422719505497448541073272720545047742235526963773359004021838961919129020087515274115525812121436661025030481584576474033630899768377131534320053412545346268645085054880212827284581557, 2381174772709336084066332457520782192315178511983342038392622832616744048226360647551642232950959910067260611740876401494529727990031260499974773548012283808741733925525689114517493995359390158666069816204787133942283380884077*i + 5378956232034228335189697969144556552783858755832284194802470922976054645696324118966333158267442767138528227968841257817537239745277092206433048875637709652271370008564179304718555812947398374153513738054572355903547642836171, 1)
// sage: XQ, YQ, ZQ = (58415083458086949460774631288254059520198050925769753726965257584725433404854146588020043440874302516770401547098747946831855304325931998303167820332782040123488940125615738529117852871565495005635582483848203360379709783913*i + 5253691516070829381103946367549411712646323371150903710970418364086793242952116417060222617507143384179331507713214357463046698181663711723374230655213762988214127964685312538735038552802853885461137159568726585741937776693865 : 5158855522131677856751020091923296498106687563952623634063620100943451774747711264382913073742659403103540173656392945587315798626256921403472228775673617431559609635074280718249654789362069112718012186738875122436282913402060*i + 6207982879267706771450280080677554401823496760317291100742934673980817977221212113336809046153999230028113719924529054308271353271269929392876016936836430864080079684360816968551808465413552611322477628209203066093559492022329 : 1)
// sage: P = E((XP,YP,ZP))
// sage: X2, Y2, Z2 = 2*P
// sage: X3, Y3, Z3 = 3*P
// sage: m = 96550223052359874398280314003345143371473380422728857598463622014420884224892

// A = 4385300808024233870220415655826946795549183378139271271040522089756750951667981765872679172832050962894122367066234419550072004266298327417513857609747116903999863022476533671840646615759860564818837299058134292387429068536219*i + 1408083354499944307008104531475821995920666351413327060806684084512082259107262519686546161682384352696826343970108773343853651664489352092568012759783386151707999371397181344707721407830640876552312524779901115054295865393760
var curve_A = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x8319eb18ca2c435e, 0x3a93beae72cd0267, 0x5e465e1f72fd5a84, 0x8617fa4150aa7272, 0x887da24799d62a13, 0xb079b31b3c7667fe, 0xc4661b150fa14f2e, 0xd4d2b2967bc6efd6, 0x854215a8b7239003, 0x61c5302ccba656c2, 0xf93194a27d6f97a2, 0x1ed9532bca75},
B: Fp751Element{0xb6f541040e8c7db6, 0x99403e7365342e15, 0x457e9cee7c29cced, 0x8ece72dc073b1d67, 0x6e73cef17ad28d28, 0x7aed836ca317472, 0x89e1de9454263b54, 0x745329277aa0071b, 0xf623dfc73bc86b9b, 0xb8e3c1d8a9245882, 0x6ad0b3d317770bec, 0x5b406e8d502b}}

// C = 933177602672972392833143808100058748100491911694554386487433154761658932801917030685312352302083870852688835968069519091048283111836766101703759957146191882367397129269726925521881467635358356591977198680477382414690421049768*i + 9088894745865170214288643088620446862479558967886622582768682946704447519087179261631044546285104919696820250567182021319063155067584445633834024992188567423889559216759336548208016316396859149888322907914724065641454773776307
var curve_C = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x4fb2358bbf723107, 0x3a791521ac79e240, 0x283e24ef7c4c922f, 0xc89baa1205e33cc, 0x3031be81cff6fee1, 0xaf7a494a2f6a95c4, 0x248d251eaac83a1d, 0xc122fca1e2550c88, 0xbc0451b11b6cfd3d, 0x9c0a114ab046222c, 0x43b957b32f21f6ea, 0x5b9c87fa61de},
B: Fp751Element{0xacf142afaac15ec6, 0xfd1322a504a071d5, 0x56bb205e10f6c5c6, 0xe204d2849a97b9bd, 0x40b0122202fe7f2e, 0xecf72c6fafacf2cb, 0x45dfc681f869f60a, 0x11814c9aff4af66c, 0x9278b0c4eea54fe7, 0x9a633d5baf7f2e2e, 0x69a329e6f1a05112, 0x1d874ace23e4}}

var curve = ProjectiveCurveParameters{A: curve_A, C: curve_C}

// x(P) = 8172151271761071554796221948801462094972242987811852753144865524899433583596839357223411088919388342364651632180452081960511516040935428737829624206426287774255114241789158000915683252363913079335550843837650671094705509470594*i + 9326574858039944121604015439381720195556183422719505497448541073272720545047742235526963773359004021838961919129020087515274115525812121436661025030481584576474033630899768377131534320053412545346268645085054880212827284581557
var affine_xP = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0xe8d05f30aac47247, 0x576ec00c55441de7, 0xbf1a8ec5fe558518, 0xd77cb17f77515881, 0x8e9852837ee73ec4, 0x8159634ad4f44a6b, 0x2e4eb5533a798c5, 0x9be8c4354d5bc849, 0xf47dc61806496b84, 0x25d0e130295120e0, 0xdbef54095f8139e3, 0x5a724f20862c},
B: Fp751Element{0x3ca30d7623602e30, 0xfb281eddf45f07b7, 0xd2bf62d5901a45bc, 0xc67c9baf86306dd2, 0x4e2bd93093f538ca, 0xcfd92075c25b9cbe, 0xceafe9a3095bcbab, 0x7d928ad380c85414, 0x37c5f38b2afdc095, 0x75325899a7b779f4, 0xf130568249f20fdd, 0x178f264767d1}}

// x([2]P) = 1476586462090705633631615225226507185986710728845281579274759750260315746890216330325246185232948298241128541272709769576682305216876843626191069809810990267291824247158062860010264352034514805065784938198193493333201179504845*i + 3623708673253635214546781153561465284135688791018117615357700171724097420944592557655719832228709144190233454198555848137097153934561706150196041331832421059972652530564323645509890008896574678228045006354394485640545367112224
var affine_xP2 = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x2a77afa8576ce979, 0xab1360e69b0aeba0, 0xd79e3e3cbffad660, 0x5fd0175aa10f106b, 0x1800ebafce9fbdbc, 0x228fc9142bdd6166, 0x867cf907314e34c3, 0xa58d18c94c13c31c, 0x699a5bc78b11499f, 0xa29fc29a01f7ccf1, 0x6c69c0c5347eebce, 0x38ecee0cc57},
B: Fp751Element{0x43607fd5f4837da0, 0x560bad4ce27f8f4a, 0x2164927f8495b4dd, 0x621103fdb831a997, 0xad740c4eea7db2db, 0x2cde0442205096cd, 0x2af51a70ede8324e, 0x41a4e680b9f3466, 0x5481f74660b8f476, 0xfcb2f3e656ff4d18, 0x42e3ce0837171acc, 0x44238c30530c}}

// x([3]P) = 9351941061182433396254169746041546943662317734130813745868897924918150043217746763025923323891372857734564353401396667570940585840576256269386471444236630417779544535291208627646172485976486155620044292287052393847140181703665*i + 9010417309438761934687053906541862978676948345305618417255296028956221117900864204687119686555681136336037659036201780543527957809743092793196559099050594959988453765829339642265399496041485088089691808244290286521100323250273
var affine_xP3 = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x2096e3f23feca947, 0xf36f635aa4ad8634, 0xdae3b1c6983c5e9a, 0xe08df6c262cb74b4, 0xd2ca4edc37452d3d, 0xfb5f3fe42f500c79, 0x73740aa3abc2b21f, 0xd535fd869f914cca, 0x4a558466823fb67f, 0x3e50a7a0e3bfc715, 0xf43c6da9183a132f, 0x61aca1e1b8b9},
B: Fp751Element{0x1e54ec26ea5077bd, 0x61380572d8769f9a, 0xc615170684f59818, 0x6309c3b93e84ef6e, 0x33c74b1318c3fcd0, 0xfe8d7956835afb14, 0x2d5a7b55423c1ecc, 0x869db67edfafea68, 0x1292632394f0a628, 0x10bba48225bfd141, 0x6466c28b408daba, 0x63cacfdb7c43}}

// x([2^2]P) = 441719501189485559222919502512761433931671682884872259563221427434901842337947564993718830905758163254463901652874331063768876314142359813382575876106725244985607032091781306919778265250690045578695338669105227100119314831452*i + 6961734028200975729170216310486458180126343885294922940439352055937945948015840788921225114530454649744697857047401608073256634790353321931728699534700109268264491160589480994022419317695690866764726967221310990488404411684053
var affine_xP4 = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x6f9dbe4c39175153, 0xf2fec757eb99e88, 0x43d7361a93733d91, 0x3abd10ed19c85a3d, 0xc4de9ab9c5ef7181, 0x53e375901684c900, 0x68ffc3e7d71c41ff, 0x47adab62c8d942fe, 0x226a33fd6fbb381d, 0x87ef4c8fdd83309a, 0xaca1cf44c5fa8799, 0x6cbae86c755f},
B: Fp751Element{0x4c80c37fe68282a7, 0xbd8b9d7248bf553a, 0x1fb0e8e74d5e1762, 0xb63fa0e4e5f91482, 0xc675ab8a45a1439, 0xdfa6772deace7820, 0xf0d813d71d9a9255, 0x53a1a58c634534bd, 0x4ebfc6485fdfd888, 0x6991fe4358bcf169, 0xc0547bdaca85b6fd, 0xf461548d632}}

// x([3^2]P) = 3957171963425208493644602380039721164492341594850197356580248639045894821895524981729970650520936632013218950972842867220898274664982599375786979902471523505057611521217523103474682939638645404445093536997296151472632038973463*i + 1357869545269286021642168835877253886774707209614159162748874474269328421720121175566245719916322684751967981171882659798149072149161259103020057556362998810229937432814792024248155991141511691087135859252304684633946087474060
var affine_xP9 = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x7c0daa0f04ded4e0, 0x52dc4f883d85e065, 0x91afbdc2c1714d0b, 0xb7b3db8e658cfeba, 0x43d4e72a692882f3, 0x535c56d83753da30, 0xc8a58724433cbf5d, 0x351153c0a5e74219, 0x2c81827d19f93dd5, 0x26ef8aca3370ea1a, 0x1cf939a6dd225dec, 0x3403cb28ad41},
B: Fp751Element{0x93e7bc373a9ff7b, 0x57b8cc47635ebc0f, 0x92eab55689106cf3, 0x93643111d421f24c, 0x1c58b519506f6b7a, 0xebd409fb998faa13, 0x5c86ed799d09d80e, 0xd9a1d764d6363562, 0xf95e87f92fb0c4cc, 0x6b2bbaf5632a5609, 0x2d9b6a809dfaff7f, 0x29c0460348b}}

// m = 96550223052359874398280314003345143371473380422728857598463622014420884224892
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{0x7c, 0x7b, 0x95, 0xfa, 0xb4, 0x75, 0x6c, 0x48, 0x8c, 0x17, 0x55, 0xb4, 0x49, 0xf5, 0x1e, 0xa3, 0xb, 0x31, 0xf0, 0xa4, 0xa6, 0x81, 0xad, 0x94, 0x51, 0x11, 0xe7, 0xf5, 0x5b, 0x7d, 0x75, 0xd5}

// x([m]P) = 7893578558852400052689739833699289348717964559651707250677393044951777272628231794999463214496545377542328262828965953246725804301238040891993859185944339366910592967840967752138115122568615081881937109746463885908097382992642*i + 8293895847098220389503562888233557012043261770526854885191188476280014204211818299871679993460086974249554528517413590157845430186202704783785316202196966198176323445986064452630594623103149383929503089342736311904030571524837
var affine_xaP = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x2112f3c7d7f938bb, 0x704a677f0a4df08f, 0x825370e31fb4ef00, 0xddbf79b7469f902, 0x27640c899ea739fd, 0xfb7b8b19f244108e, 0x546a6679dd3baebc, 0xe9f0ecf398d5265f, 0x223d2b350e75e461, 0x84b322a0b6aff016, 0xfabe426f539f8b39, 0x4507a0604f50},
B: Fp751Element{0xac77737e5618a5fe, 0xf91c0e08c436ca52, 0xd124037bc323533c, 0xc9a772bf52c58b63, 0x3b30c8f38ef6af4d, 0xb9eed160e134f36e, 0x24e3836393b25017, 0xc828be1b11baf1d9, 0x7b7dab585df50e93, 0x1ca3852c618bd8e0, 0x4efa73bcb359fa00, 0x50b6a923c2d4}}

// Inputs for testing 3-point-ladder
var threePointLadderInputs = []ProjectivePoint{
// x(P)
X: ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0xe8d05f30aac47247, 0x576ec00c55441de7, 0xbf1a8ec5fe558518, 0xd77cb17f77515881, 0x8e9852837ee73ec4, 0x8159634ad4f44a6b, 0x2e4eb5533a798c5, 0x9be8c4354d5bc849, 0xf47dc61806496b84, 0x25d0e130295120e0, 0xdbef54095f8139e3, 0x5a724f20862c},
B: Fp751Element{0x3ca30d7623602e30, 0xfb281eddf45f07b7, 0xd2bf62d5901a45bc, 0xc67c9baf86306dd2, 0x4e2bd93093f538ca, 0xcfd92075c25b9cbe, 0xceafe9a3095bcbab, 0x7d928ad380c85414, 0x37c5f38b2afdc095, 0x75325899a7b779f4, 0xf130568249f20fdd, 0x178f264767d1}},
Z: oneExtensionField,
// x(Q)
X: ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x2b71a2a93ad1e10e, 0xf0b9842a92cfb333, 0xae17373615a27f5c, 0x3039239f428330c4, 0xa0c4b735ed7dcf98, 0x6e359771ddf6af6a, 0xe986e4cac4584651, 0x8233a2b622d5518, 0xbfd67bf5f06b818b, 0xdffe38d0f5b966a6, 0xa86b36a3272ee00a, 0x193e2ea4f68f},
B: Fp751Element{0x5a0f396459d9d998, 0x479f42250b1b7dda, 0x4016b57e2a15bf75, 0xc59f915203fa3749, 0xd5f90257399cf8da, 0x1fb2dadfd86dcef4, 0x600f20e6429021dc, 0x17e347d380c57581, 0xc1b0d5fa8fe3e440, 0xbcf035330ac20e8, 0x50c2eb5f6a4f03e6, 0x86b7c4571}},
Z: oneExtensionField,
// x(P-Q)
X: ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x4aafa9f378f7b5ff, 0x1172a683aa8eee0, 0xea518d8cbec2c1de, 0xe191bcbb63674557, 0x97bc19637b259011, 0xdbeae5c9f4a2e454, 0x78f64d1b72a42f95, 0xe71cb4ea7e181e54, 0xe4169d4c48543994, 0x6198c2286a98730f, 0xd21d675bbab1afa5, 0x2e7269fce391},
B: Fp751Element{0x23355783ce1d0450, 0x683164cf4ce3d93f, 0xae6d1c4d25970fd8, 0x7807007fb80b48cf, 0xa005a62ec2bbb8a2, 0x6b5649bd016004cb, 0xbb1a13fa1330176b, 0xbf38e51087660461, 0xe577fddc5dd7b930, 0x5f38116f56947cd3, 0x3124f30b98c36fde, 0x4ca9b6e6db37}},
Z: oneExtensionField,

func (P ProjectivePoint) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
f := ExtensionFieldElement{}
x, _ := f.Generate(rand, size).Interface().(ExtensionFieldElement)
z, _ := f.Generate(rand, size).Interface().(ExtensionFieldElement)
return reflect.ValueOf(ProjectivePoint{
X: x,
Z: z,

func (curve ProjectiveCurveParameters) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
f := ExtensionFieldElement{}
A, _ := f.Generate(rand, size).Interface().(ExtensionFieldElement)
C, _ := f.Generate(rand, size).Interface().(ExtensionFieldElement)
return reflect.ValueOf(ProjectiveCurveParameters{
A: A,
C: C,

// Helpers

// Given xP = x(P), xQ = x(Q), and xPmQ = x(P-Q), compute xR = x(P+Q).
// Returns xR to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xQ, xR.
func (xR *ProjectivePoint) Add(xP, xQ, xPmQ *ProjectivePoint) *ProjectivePoint {
// Algorithm 1 of Costello-Smith.
var v0, v1, v2, v3, v4 ExtensionFieldElement
v0.Add(&xP.X, &xP.Z) // X_P + Z_P
v1.Sub(&xQ.X, &xQ.Z).Mul(&v1, &v0) // (X_Q - Z_Q)(X_P + Z_P)
v0.Sub(&xP.X, &xP.Z) // X_P - Z_P
v2.Add(&xQ.X, &xQ.Z).Mul(&v2, &v0) // (X_Q + Z_Q)(X_P - Z_P)
v3.Add(&v1, &v2).Square(&v3) // 4(X_Q X_P - Z_Q Z_P)^2
v4.Sub(&v1, &v2).Square(&v4) // 4(X_Q Z_P - Z_Q X_P)^2
v0.Mul(&xPmQ.Z, &v3) // 4X_{P-Q}(X_Q X_P - Z_Q Z_P)^2
xR.Z.Mul(&xPmQ.X, &v4) // 4Z_{P-Q}(X_Q Z_P - Z_Q X_P)^2
xR.X = v0
return xR

// Given xP = x(P) and cached curve parameters Aplus2C = A + 2*C, C4 = 4*C,
// compute xQ = x([2]P).
// Returns xQ to allow chaining. Safe to overlap xP, xQ.
func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) Double(xP *ProjectivePoint, Aplus2C, C4 *ExtensionFieldElement) *ProjectivePoint {
// Algorithm 2 of Costello-Smith, amended to work with projective curve coefficients.
var v1, v2, v3, xz4 ExtensionFieldElement
v1.Add(&xP.X, &xP.Z).Square(&v1) // (X+Z)^2
v2.Sub(&xP.X, &xP.Z).Square(&v2) // (X-Z)^2
xz4.Sub(&v1, &v2) // 4XZ = (X+Z)^2 - (X-Z)^2
v2.Mul(&v2, C4) // 4C(X-Z)^2
xQ.X.Mul(&v1, &v2) // 4C(X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2
v3.Mul(&xz4, Aplus2C) // 4XZ(A + 2C)
v3.Add(&v3, &v2) // 4XZ(A + 2C) + 4C(X-Z)^2
xQ.Z.Mul(&v3, &xz4) // (4XZ(A + 2C) + 4C(X-Z)^2)4XZ
// Now (xQ.x : xQ.z)
// = (4C(X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2 : (4XZ(A + 2C) + 4C(X-Z)^2)4XZ )
// = ((X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2 : (4XZ((A + 2C)/4C) + (X-Z)^2)4XZ )
// = ((X+Z)^2(X-Z)^2 : (4XZ((a + 2)/4) + (X-Z)^2)4XZ )
return xQ

// Given x(P) and a scalar m in little-endian bytes, compute x([m]P) using the
// Montgomery ladder. This is described in Algorithm 8 of Costello-Smith.
// This function's execution time is dependent only on the byte-length of the
// input scalar. All scalars of the same input length execute in uniform time.
// The scalar can be padded with zero bytes to ensure a uniform length.
// Safe to overlap the source with the destination.
func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) ScalarMult(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP *ProjectivePoint, scalar []uint8) *ProjectivePoint {
var x0, x1, tmp ProjectivePoint
var Aplus2C, C4 ExtensionFieldElement

Aplus2C.Add(&curve.C, &curve.C) // = 2*C
C4.Add(&Aplus2C, &Aplus2C) // = 4*C
Aplus2C.Add(&Aplus2C, &curve.A) // = 2*C + A

x1 = *xP

// Iterate over the bits of the scalar, top to bottom
prevBit := uint8(0)
for i := len(scalar) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
scalarByte := scalar[i]
for j := 7; j >= 0; j-- {
bit := (scalarByte >> uint(j)) & 0x1
ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&x0, &x1, (bit ^ prevBit))
tmp.Double(&x0, &Aplus2C, &C4)
x1.Add(&x0, &x1, xP)
x0 = tmp
prevBit = bit
// now prevBit is the lowest bit of the scalar
ProjectivePointConditionalSwap(&x0, &x1, prevBit)
*xQ = x0
return xQ

// Tests

func TestOne(t *testing.T) {
var tmp ExtensionFieldElement

tmp.Mul(&oneExtensionField, &affine_xP)
if !tmp.VartimeEq(&affine_xP) {
t.Error("Not equal 1")

func TestScalarMultVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xP ProjectivePoint

affine_xQ := xP.ScalarMult(&curve, &xP, mScalarBytes[:]).ToAffine() // = x([m]P)
if !affine_xaP.VartimeEq(affine_xQ) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xaP, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func Test_jInvariant(t *testing.T) {
var curve = ProjectiveCurveParameters{A: curve_A, C: curve_C}
var jbufRes = make([]byte, P751_SharedSecretSize)
var jbufExp = make([]byte, P751_SharedSecretSize)
// Computed using Sage
// j = 3674553797500778604587777859668542828244523188705960771798425843588160903687122861541242595678107095655647237100722594066610650373491179241544334443939077738732728884873568393760629500307797547379838602108296735640313894560419*i + 3127495302417548295242630557836520229396092255080675419212556702820583041296798857582303163183558315662015469648040494128968509467224910895884358424271180055990446576645240058960358037224785786494172548090318531038910933793845
var known_j = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0xc7a8921c1fb23993, 0xa20aea321327620b, 0xf1caa17ed9676fa8, 0x61b780e6b1a04037, 0x47784af4c24acc7a, 0x83926e2e300b9adf, 0xcd891d56fae5b66, 0x49b66985beb733bc, 0xd4bcd2a473d518f, 0xe242239991abe224, 0xa8af5b20f98672f8, 0x139e4d4e4d98},
B: Fp751Element{0xb5b52a21f81f359, 0x715e3a865db6d920, 0x9bac2f9d8911978b, 0xef14acd8ac4c1e3d, 0xe81aacd90cfb09c8, 0xaf898288de4a09d9, 0xb85a7fb88c5c4601, 0x2c37c3f1dd303387, 0x7ad3277fe332367c, 0xd4cbee7f25a8e6f8, 0x36eacbe979eaeffa, 0x59eb5a13ac33},


if !bytes.Equal(jbufRes, jbufExp) {
t.Error("Computed incorrect j-invariant: found\n", jbufRes, "\nexpected\n", jbufExp)

func TestProjectivePointVartimeEq(t *testing.T) {
var xP ProjectivePoint

xQ := xP
// Scale xQ, which results in the same projective point
xQ.X.Mul(&xQ.X, &curve_A)
xQ.Z.Mul(&xQ.Z, &curve_A)
if !xQ.VartimeEq(&xP) {
t.Error("Expected the scaled point to be equal to the original")

func TestPointDoubleVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var curve = ProjectiveCurveParameters{A: curve_A, C: curve_C}
var params = curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4()
var xP, xQ ProjectivePoint

affine_xQ := xQ.Pow2k(&params, &xP, 1).ToAffine()
if !affine_xQ.VartimeEq(&affine_xP2) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xP2, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func TestPointMul4VersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var params = curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4()
var xP, xQ ProjectivePoint

affine_xQ := xQ.Pow2k(&params, &xP, 2).ToAffine()
if !affine_xQ.VartimeEq(&affine_xP4) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xP4, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func TestPointMul9VersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var params = curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3()
var xP, xQ ProjectivePoint

affine_xQ := xQ.Pow3k(&params, &xP, 2).ToAffine()
if !affine_xQ.VartimeEq(&affine_xP9) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xP9, "\nfound\n", affine_xQ)

func TestPointPow2kVersusScalarMult(t *testing.T) {
var xP, xQ, xR ProjectivePoint
var params = curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4()

affine_xQ := xQ.Pow2k(&params, &xP, 5).ToAffine() // = x([32]P)
affine_xR := xR.ScalarMult(&curve, &xP, []byte{32}).ToAffine() // = x([32]P)

if !affine_xQ.VartimeEq(affine_xR) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", affine_xQ, "\nfound\n", affine_xR)

func TestRecoverCoordinateA(t *testing.T) {
var cparam ProjectiveCurveParameters
// Vectors generated with SIKE reference implementation
var a = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x9331D9C5AAF59EA4, 0xB32B702BE4046931, 0xCEBB333912ED4D34, 0x5628CE37CD29C7A2, 0x0BEAC5ED48B7F58E, 0x1FB9D3E281D65B07, 0x9C0CFACC1E195662, 0xAE4BCE0F6B70F7D9, 0x59E4E63D43FE71A0, 0xEF7CE57560CC8615, 0xE44A8FB7901E74E8, 0x000069D13C8366D1},
B: Fp751Element{0xF6DA1070279AB966, 0xA78FB0CE7268C762, 0x19B40F044A57ABFA, 0x7AC8EE6160C0C233, 0x93D4993442947072, 0x757D2B3FA4E44860, 0x073A920F8C4D5257, 0x2031F1B054734037, 0xDEFAA1D2406555CD, 0x26F9C70E1496BE3D, 0x5B3F335A0A4D0976, 0x000013628B2E9C59}}
var affine_xP = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0xea6b2d1e2aebb250, 0x35d0b205dc4f6386, 0xb198e93cb1830b8d, 0x3b5b456b496ddcc6, 0x5be3f0d41132c260, 0xce5f188807516a00, 0x54f3e7469ea8866d, 0x33809ef47f36286, 0x6fa45f83eabe1edb, 0x1b3391ae5d19fd86, 0x1e66daf48584af3f, 0xb430c14aaa87},
B: Fp751Element{0x97b41ebc61dcb2ad, 0x80ead31cb932f641, 0x40a940099948b642, 0x2a22fd16cdc7fe84, 0xaabf35b17579667f, 0x76c1d0139feb4032, 0x71467e1e7b1949be, 0x678ca8dadd0d6d81, 0x14445daea9064c66, 0x92d161eab4fa4691, 0x8dfbb01b6b238d36, 0x2e3718434e4e}}
var affine_xQ = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0xb055cf0ca1943439, 0xa9ff5de2fa6c69ed, 0x4f2761f934e5730a, 0x61a1dcaa1f94aa4b, 0xce3c8fadfd058543, 0xeac432aaa6701b8e, 0x8491d523093aea8b, 0xba273f9bd92b9b7f, 0xd8f59fd34439bb5a, 0xdc0350261c1fe600, 0x99375ab1eb151311, 0x14d175bbdbc5},
B: Fp751Element{0xffb0ef8c2111a107, 0x55ceca3825991829, 0xdbf8a1ccc075d34b, 0xb8e9187bd85d8494, 0x670aa2d5c34a03b0, 0xef9fe2ed2b064953, 0xc911f5311d645aee, 0xf4411f409e410507, 0x934a0a852d03e1a8, 0xe6274e67ae1ad544, 0x9f4bc563c69a87bc, 0x6f316019681e}}
var affine_xQmP = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x6ffb44306a153779, 0xc0ffef21f2f918f3, 0x196c46d35d77f778, 0x4a73f80452edcfe6, 0x9b00836bce61c67f, 0x387879418d84219e, 0x20700cf9fc1ec5d1, 0x1dfe2356ec64155e, 0xf8b9e33038256b1c, 0xd2aaf2e14bada0f0, 0xb33b226e79a4e313, 0x6be576fad4e5},
B: Fp751Element{0x7db5dbc88e00de34, 0x75cc8cb9f8b6e11e, 0x8c8001c04ebc52ac, 0x67ef6c981a0b5a94, 0xc3654fbe73230738, 0xc6a46ee82983ceca, 0xed1aa61a27ef49f0, 0x17fe5a13b0858fe0, 0x9ae0ca945a4c6b3c, 0x234104a218ad8878, 0xa619627166104394, 0x556a01ff2e7e}}

cparam.RecoverCoordinateA(&affine_xP, &affine_xQ, &affine_xQmP)

// Check A is correct
if !cparam.A.VartimeEq(&a) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", a, "\nfound\n", cparam.A)

// Check C is not changed
if !cparam.C.VartimeEq(&oneExtensionField) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", cparam.C, "\nfound\n", oneExtensionField)

func TestR2LVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xR ProjectivePoint

sageAffine_xR := ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x729465ba800d4fd5, 0x9398015b59e514a1, 0x1a59dd6be76c748e, 0x1a7db94eb28dd55c, 0x444686e680b1b8ec, 0xcc3d4ace2a2454ff, 0x51d3dab4ec95a419, 0xc3b0f33594acac6a, 0x9598a74e7fd44f8a, 0x4fbf8c638f1c2e37, 0x844e347033052f51, 0x6cd6de3eafcf},
B: Fp751Element{0x85da145412d73430, 0xd83c0e3b66eb3232, 0xd08ff2d453ec1369, 0xa64aaacfdb395b13, 0xe9cba211a20e806e, 0xa4f80b175d937cfc, 0x556ce5c64b1f7937, 0xb59b39ea2b3fdf7a, 0xc2526b869a4196b3, 0x8dad90bca9371750, 0xdfb4a30c9d9147a2, 0x346d2130629b}}
xR = RightToLeftLadder(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], uint(len(mScalarBytes)*8), mScalarBytes[:])
affine_xR := xR.ToAffine()

if !affine_xR.VartimeEq(&sageAffine_xR) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", sageAffine_xR, "\nfound\n", affine_xR)

func TestPointTripleVersusAddDouble(t *testing.T) {
tripleEqualsAddDouble := func(curve ProjectiveCurveParameters, P ProjectivePoint) bool {
var P2, P3, P2plusP ProjectivePoint

eqivParams4 := curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4()
eqivParams3 := curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3()
P2.Pow2k(&eqivParams4, &P, 1) // = x([2]P)
P3.Pow3k(&eqivParams3, &P, 1) // = x([3]P)
P2plusP.Add(&P2, &P, &P) // = x([2]P + P)
return P3.VartimeEq(&P2plusP)

if err := quick.Check(tripleEqualsAddDouble, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func BenchmarkThreePointLadder379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{84, 222, 146, 63, 85, 18, 173, 162, 167, 38, 10, 8, 143, 176, 93, 228, 247, 128, 50, 128, 205, 42, 15, 137, 119, 67, 43, 3, 61, 91, 237, 24, 235, 12, 53, 96, 186, 164, 232, 223, 197, 224, 64, 109, 137, 63, 246, 4}

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
RightToLeftLadder(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], uint(len(mScalarBytes)*8), mScalarBytes[:])

func BenchmarkR2L379BitScalar(b *testing.B) {
var mScalarBytes = [...]uint8{84, 222, 146, 63, 85, 18, 173, 162, 167, 38, 10, 8, 143, 176, 93, 228, 247, 128, 50, 128, 205, 42, 15, 137, 119, 67, 43, 3, 61, 91, 237, 24, 235, 12, 53, 96, 186, 164, 232, 223, 197, 224, 64, 109, 137, 63, 246, 4}

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
RightToLeftLadder(&curve, &threePointLadderInputs[0], &threePointLadderInputs[1], &threePointLadderInputs[2], uint(len(mScalarBytes)*8), mScalarBytes[:])

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p751toolbox/field.go Parādīt failu

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package p751toolbox

// Extension Field

// Represents an element of the extension field F_{p^2}.
type ExtensionFieldElement struct {
// This field element is in Montgomery form, so that the value `A` is
// represented by `aR mod p`.
A Fp751Element
// This field element is in Montgomery form, so that the value `B` is
// represented by `bR mod p`.
B Fp751Element

var zeroExtensionField = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
B: Fp751Element{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},

var oneExtensionField = ExtensionFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x249ad, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8310000000000000, 0x5527b1e4375c6c66, 0x697797bf3f4f24d0, 0xc89db7b2ac5c4e2e, 0x4ca4b439d2076956, 0x10f7926c7512c7e9, 0x2d5b24bce5e2},
B: Fp751Element{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},

// 2*p751
var p751x2 = Fp751Element{
0xC7D92D0A93F0F151, 0xB52B363427EF98ED, 0x109D30CFADD7D0ED,
0x0AC56A08B964AE90, 0x1C25213F2F75B8CD, 0x0000DFCBAA83EE38}

// p751
var p751 = Fp751Element{
0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff,
0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xeeafffffffffffff,
0xe3ec968549f878a8, 0xda959b1a13f7cc76, 0x084e9867d6ebe876,
0x8562b5045cb25748, 0x0e12909f97badc66, 0x00006fe5d541f71c}

// p751 + 1
var p751p1 = Fp751Element{
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0xeeb0000000000000,
0xe3ec968549f878a8, 0xda959b1a13f7cc76, 0x084e9867d6ebe876,
0x8562b5045cb25748, 0x0e12909f97badc66, 0x00006fe5d541f71c}

// Set dest = 0.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *ExtensionFieldElement) Zero() *ExtensionFieldElement {
*dest = zeroExtensionField
return dest

// Set dest = 1.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *ExtensionFieldElement) One() *ExtensionFieldElement {
*dest = oneExtensionField
return dest

// Set dest = lhs * rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *ExtensionFieldElement) Mul(lhs, rhs *ExtensionFieldElement) *ExtensionFieldElement {
// Let (a,b,c,d) = (lhs.a,lhs.b,rhs.a,rhs.b).
a := &lhs.A
b := &lhs.B
c := &rhs.A
d := &rhs.B

// We want to compute
// (a + bi)*(c + di) = (a*c - b*d) + (a*d + b*c)i
// Use Karatsuba's trick: note that
// (b - a)*(c - d) = (b*c + a*d) - a*c - b*d
// so (a*d + b*c) = (b-a)*(c-d) + a*c + b*d.

var ac, bd fp751X2
fp751Mul(&ac, a, c) // = a*c*R*R
fp751Mul(&bd, b, d) // = b*d*R*R

var b_minus_a, c_minus_d Fp751Element
fp751SubReduced(&b_minus_a, b, a) // = (b-a)*R
fp751SubReduced(&c_minus_d, c, d) // = (c-d)*R

var ad_plus_bc fp751X2
fp751Mul(&ad_plus_bc, &b_minus_a, &c_minus_d) // = (b-a)*(c-d)*R*R
fp751X2AddLazy(&ad_plus_bc, &ad_plus_bc, &ac) // = ((b-a)*(c-d) + a*c)*R*R
fp751X2AddLazy(&ad_plus_bc, &ad_plus_bc, &bd) // = ((b-a)*(c-d) + a*c + b*d)*R*R

fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.B, &ad_plus_bc) // = (a*d + b*c)*R mod p

var ac_minus_bd fp751X2
fp751X2SubLazy(&ac_minus_bd, &ac, &bd) // = (a*c - b*d)*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &ac_minus_bd) // = (a*c - b*d)*R mod p

return dest

// Set dest = 1/x
// Allowed to overlap dest with x.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *ExtensionFieldElement) Inv(x *ExtensionFieldElement) *ExtensionFieldElement {
a := &x.A
b := &x.B

// We want to compute
// 1 1 (a - bi) (a - bi)
// -------- = -------- -------- = -----------
// (a + bi) (a + bi) (a - bi) (a^2 + b^2)
// Letting c = 1/(a^2 + b^2), this is
// 1/(a+bi) = a*c - b*ci.

var asq_plus_bsq PrimeFieldElement
var asq, bsq fp751X2
fp751Mul(&asq, a, a) // = a*a*R*R
fp751Mul(&bsq, b, b) // = b*b*R*R
fp751X2AddLazy(&asq, &asq, &bsq) // = (a^2 + b^2)*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&asq_plus_bsq.A, &asq) // = (a^2 + b^2)*R mod p
// Now asq_plus_bsq = a^2 + b^2

// Invert asq_plus_bsq
inv := asq_plus_bsq
inv.Mul(&asq_plus_bsq, &asq_plus_bsq)
inv.Mul(&inv, &inv)
inv.Mul(&inv, &asq_plus_bsq)

var ac fp751X2
fp751Mul(&ac, a, &inv.A)
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &ac)

var minus_b Fp751Element
fp751SubReduced(&minus_b, &minus_b, b)
var minus_bc fp751X2
fp751Mul(&minus_bc, &minus_b, &inv.A)
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.B, &minus_bc)

return dest

// Set (y1, y2, y3) = (1/x1, 1/x2, 1/x3).
// All xi, yi must be distinct.
func ExtensionFieldBatch3Inv(x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 *ExtensionFieldElement) {
var x1x2, t ExtensionFieldElement
x1x2.Mul(x1, x2) // x1*x2
t.Mul(&x1x2, x3).Inv(&t) // 1/(x1*x2*x3)
y1.Mul(&t, x2).Mul(y1, x3) // 1/x1
y2.Mul(&t, x1).Mul(y2, x3) // 1/x2
y3.Mul(&t, &x1x2) // 1/x3

// Set dest = x * x
// Allowed to overlap dest with x.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *ExtensionFieldElement) Square(x *ExtensionFieldElement) *ExtensionFieldElement {
a := &x.A
b := &x.B

// We want to compute
// (a + bi)*(a + bi) = (a^2 - b^2) + 2abi.

var a2, a_plus_b, a_minus_b Fp751Element
fp751AddReduced(&a2, a, a) // = a*R + a*R = 2*a*R
fp751AddReduced(&a_plus_b, a, b) // = a*R + b*R = (a+b)*R
fp751SubReduced(&a_minus_b, a, b) // = a*R - b*R = (a-b)*R

var asq_minus_bsq, ab2 fp751X2
fp751Mul(&asq_minus_bsq, &a_plus_b, &a_minus_b) // = (a+b)*(a-b)*R*R = (a^2 - b^2)*R*R
fp751Mul(&ab2, &a2, b) // = 2*a*b*R*R

fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &asq_minus_bsq) // = (a^2 - b^2)*R mod p
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.B, &ab2) // = 2*a*b*R mod p

return dest

// Set dest = lhs + rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *ExtensionFieldElement) Add(lhs, rhs *ExtensionFieldElement) *ExtensionFieldElement {
fp751AddReduced(&dest.A, &lhs.A, &rhs.A)
fp751AddReduced(&dest.B, &lhs.B, &rhs.B)

return dest

// Set dest = lhs - rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *ExtensionFieldElement) Sub(lhs, rhs *ExtensionFieldElement) *ExtensionFieldElement {
fp751SubReduced(&dest.A, &lhs.A, &rhs.A)
fp751SubReduced(&dest.B, &lhs.B, &rhs.B)

return dest

// If choice = 1u8, set (x,y) = (y,x). If choice = 0u8, set (x,y) = (x,y).
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func ExtensionFieldConditionalSwap(x, y *ExtensionFieldElement, choice uint8) {
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x.A, &y.A, choice)
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x.B, &y.B, choice)

// Returns true if lhs = rhs. Takes variable time.
func (lhs *ExtensionFieldElement) VartimeEq(rhs *ExtensionFieldElement) bool {
return lhs.A.vartimeEq(rhs.A) && lhs.B.vartimeEq(rhs.B)

// Convert the input to wire format.
// The output byte slice must be at least 188 bytes long.
func (x *ExtensionFieldElement) ToBytes(output []byte) {
if len(output) < 188 {
panic("output byte slice too short, need 188 bytes")

var a,b Fp751Element
FromMontgomery(x, &a, &b)

// convert to bytes in little endian form. 8*12 = 96, but we drop the last two bytes
// since p is 751 < 752=94*8 bits.
for i := 0; i < 94; i++ {
// set i = j*8 + k
j := i / 8
k := uint64(i % 8)

output[i] = byte(a[j] >> (8 * k))
output[i+94] = byte(b[j] >> (8 * k))

// Read 188 bytes into the given ExtensionFieldElement.
// It is an error to call this function if the input byte slice is less than 188 bytes long.
func (x *ExtensionFieldElement) FromBytes(input []byte) {
if len(input) < 188 {
panic("input byte slice too short, need 188 bytes")

for i:=0; i<94; i++ {
j := i / 8
k := uint64(i % 8)
x.A[j] |= uint64(input[i]) << (8 * k)
x.B[j] |= uint64(input[i+94]) << (8 * k)


// Converts values in x.A and x.B to Montgomery domain
// x.A = x.A * R mod p
// x.B = x.B * R mod p
func ToMontgomery(x *ExtensionFieldElement) {
var aRR fp751X2

// convert to montgomery domain
fp751Mul(&aRR, &x.A, &montgomeryRsq) // = a*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&x.A, &aRR) // = a*R mod p
fp751Mul(&aRR, &x.B, &montgomeryRsq)
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&x.B, &aRR)

// Converts values in x.A and x.B from Montgomery domain
// a = x.A mod p
// b = x.B mod p
// After returning from the call x is not modified.
func FromMontgomery(x *ExtensionFieldElement, a,b *Fp751Element) {
var aR fp751X2

// convert from montgomery domain
copy(aR[:], x.A[:])
fp751MontgomeryReduce(a, &aR) // = a mod p in [0, 2p)
fp751StrongReduce(a) // = a mod p in [0, p)

for i:=range(aR) {
aR[i] = 0
copy(aR[:], x.B[:])
fp751MontgomeryReduce(b, &aR)

// Prime Field

// Represents an element of the prime field F_p.
type PrimeFieldElement struct {
// This field element is in Montgomery form, so that the value `A` is
// represented by `aR mod p`.
A Fp751Element

var zeroPrimeField = PrimeFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},

var onePrimeField = PrimeFieldElement{
A: Fp751Element{0x249ad, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8310000000000000, 0x5527b1e4375c6c66, 0x697797bf3f4f24d0, 0xc89db7b2ac5c4e2e, 0x4ca4b439d2076956, 0x10f7926c7512c7e9, 0x2d5b24bce5e2},

// Set dest = lhs * rhs.
// Allowed to overlap lhs or rhs with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *PrimeFieldElement) Mul(lhs, rhs *PrimeFieldElement) *PrimeFieldElement {
a := &lhs.A // = a*R
b := &rhs.A // = b*R

var ab fp751X2
fp751Mul(&ab, a, b) // = a*b*R*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&dest.A, &ab) // = a*b*R mod p

return dest

// Set dest = x^(2^k), for k >= 1, by repeated squarings.
// Allowed to overlap x with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *PrimeFieldElement) Pow2k(x *PrimeFieldElement, k uint8) *PrimeFieldElement {
dest.Mul(x, x)
for i := uint8(1); i < k; i++ {
dest.Mul(dest, dest)

return dest

// Set dest = x^((p-3)/4). If x is square, this is 1/sqrt(x).
// Allowed to overlap x with dest.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
func (dest *PrimeFieldElement) P34(x *PrimeFieldElement) *PrimeFieldElement {
// Sliding-window strategy computed with Sage, awk, sed, and tr.
// This performs sum(powStrategy) = 744 squarings and len(mulStrategy)
// = 137 multiplications, in addition to 1 squaring and 15
// multiplications to build a lookup table.
// In total this is 745 squarings, 152 multiplications. Since squaring
// is not implemented for the prime field, this is 897 multiplications
// in total.
powStrategy := [137]uint8{5, 7, 6, 2, 10, 4, 6, 9, 8, 5, 9, 4, 7, 5, 5, 4, 8, 3, 9, 5, 5, 4, 10, 4, 6, 6, 6, 5, 8, 9, 3, 4, 9, 4, 5, 6, 6, 2, 9, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 4, 6, 4, 8, 5, 8, 6, 6, 2, 9, 7, 4, 8, 8, 8, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2}
mulStrategy := [137]uint8{31, 23, 21, 1, 31, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 19, 15, 23, 23, 11, 7, 25, 5, 21, 17, 11, 5, 17, 7, 11, 9, 23, 9, 1, 19, 5, 3, 25, 15, 11, 29, 31, 1, 29, 11, 13, 9, 11, 27, 13, 19, 15, 31, 3, 29, 23, 31, 25, 11, 1, 21, 19, 15, 15, 21, 29, 13, 23, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 3}
initialMul := uint8(27)

// Build a lookup table of odd multiples of x.
lookup := [16]PrimeFieldElement{}
xx := &PrimeFieldElement{}
xx.Mul(x, x) // Set xx = x^2
lookup[0] = *x
for i := 1; i < 16; i++ {
lookup[i].Mul(&lookup[i-1], xx)
// Now lookup = {x, x^3, x^5, ... }
// so that lookup[i] = x^{2*i + 1}
// so that lookup[k/2] = x^k, for odd k

*dest = lookup[initialMul/2]
for i := uint8(0); i < 137; i++ {
dest.Pow2k(dest, powStrategy[i])
dest.Mul(dest, &lookup[mulStrategy[i]/2])

return dest

// Internals

const fp751NumWords = 12

// (2^768)^2 mod p
// This can't be a constant because Go doesn't allow array constants, so try
// not to modify it.
var montgomeryRsq = Fp751Element{2535603850726686808, 15780896088201250090, 6788776303855402382, 17585428585582356230, 5274503137951975249, 2266259624764636289, 11695651972693921304, 13072885652150159301, 4908312795585420432, 6229583484603254826, 488927695601805643, 72213483953973}

// Internal representation of an element of the base field F_p.
// This type is distinct from PrimeFieldElement in that no particular meaning
// is assigned to the representation -- it could represent an element in
// Montgomery form, or not. Tracking the meaning of the field element is left
// to higher types.
type Fp751Element [fp751NumWords]uint64

// Represents an intermediate product of two elements of the base field F_p.
type fp751X2 [2 * fp751NumWords]uint64

func (x Fp751Element) vartimeEq(y Fp751Element) bool {
eq := true
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
eq = (x[i] == y[i]) && eq

return eq

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p751toolbox/field_test.go Parādīt failu

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package p751toolbox

import (

var quickCheckScaleFactor = uint8(3)
var quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (12 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}

var cln16prime, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("10354717741769305252977768237866805321427389645549071170116189679054678940682478846502882896561066713624553211618840202385203911976522554393044160468771151816976706840078913334358399730952774926980235086850991501872665651576831", 10)

// Convert an Fp751Element to a big.Int for testing. Because this is only
// for testing, no big.Int to Fp751Element conversion is provided.

func radix64ToBigInt(x []uint64) *big.Int {
radix := new(big.Int)
// 2^64

base := new(big.Int).SetUint64(1)
val := new(big.Int).SetUint64(0)
tmp := new(big.Int)

for _, xi := range x {
tmp.Mul(tmp, base)
val.Add(val, tmp)
base.Mul(base, radix)

return val

func VartimeEq(x,y *PrimeFieldElement) bool {
return x.A.vartimeEq(y.A)

func (x *Fp751Element) toBigInt() *big.Int {
// Convert from Montgomery form
return x.toBigIntFromMontgomeryForm()

func (x *Fp751Element) toBigIntFromMontgomeryForm() *big.Int {
// Convert from Montgomery form
a := Fp751Element{}
aR := fp751X2{}
copy(aR[:], x[:]) // = a*R
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&a, &aR) // = a mod p in [0,2p)
fp751StrongReduce(&a) // = a mod p in [0,p)
return radix64ToBigInt(a[:])

func TestPrimeFieldElementToBigInt(t *testing.T) {
// Chosen so that p < xR < 2p
x := PrimeFieldElement{A: Fp751Element{
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 140737488355328,
// Computed using Sage:
// sage: p = 2^372 * 3^239 - 1
// sage: R = 2^768
// sage: from_radix_64 = lambda xs: sum((xi * (2**64)**i for i,xi in enumerate(xs)))
// sage: xR = from_radix_64([1]*11 + [2^47])
// sage: assert(p < xR)
// sage: assert(xR < 2*p)
// sage: (xR / R) % p
xBig, _ := new(big.Int).SetString("4469946751055876387821312289373600189787971305258234719850789711074696941114031433609871105823930699680637820852699269802003300352597419024286385747737509380032982821081644521634652750355306547718505685107272222083450567982240", 10)
if xBig.Cmp(x.A.toBigInt()) != 0 {
t.Error("Expected", xBig, "found", x.A.toBigInt())

func generateFp751(rand *rand.Rand) Fp751Element {
// Generation strategy: low limbs taken from [0,2^64); high limb
// taken from smaller range
// Size hint is ignored since all elements are fixed size.
// Field elements taken in range [0,2p). Emulate this by capping
// the high limb by the top digit of 2*p-1:
// sage: (2*p-1).digits(2^64)[-1]
// 246065832128056
// This still allows generating values >= 2p, but hopefully that
// excess is OK (and if it's not, we'll find out, because it's for
// testing...)
highLimb := rand.Uint64() % 246065832128056

return Fp751Element{

func (x PrimeFieldElement) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(PrimeFieldElement{A: generateFp751(rand)})

func (x ExtensionFieldElement) Generate(rand *rand.Rand, size int) reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(ExtensionFieldElement{A: generateFp751(rand), B: generateFp751(rand)})

// Extension Field

func TestOneExtensionFieldToBytes(t *testing.T) {
var x ExtensionFieldElement
var xBytes [188]byte

if xBytes[0] != 1 {
t.Error("Expected 1, got", xBytes[0])
for i := 1; i < 188; i++ {
if xBytes[i] != 0 {
t.Error("Expected 0, got", xBytes[0])

func TestExtensionFieldElementToBytesRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
roundTrips := func(x ExtensionFieldElement) bool {
var xBytes [188]byte
var xPrime ExtensionFieldElement

return x.VartimeEq(&xPrime)

if err := quick.Check(roundTrips, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestExtensionFieldElementMulDistributesOverAdd(t *testing.T) {
mulDistributesOverAdd := func(x, y, z ExtensionFieldElement) bool {
// Compute t1 = (x+y)*z
t1 := new(ExtensionFieldElement)
t1.Add(&x, &y)
t1.Mul(t1, &z)

// Compute t2 = x*z + y*z
t2 := new(ExtensionFieldElement)
t3 := new(ExtensionFieldElement)
t2.Mul(&x, &z)
t3.Mul(&y, &z)
t2.Add(t2, t3)

return t1.VartimeEq(t2)

if err := quick.Check(mulDistributesOverAdd, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestExtensionFieldElementMulIsAssociative(t *testing.T) {
isAssociative := func(x, y, z ExtensionFieldElement) bool {
// Compute t1 = (x*y)*z
t1 := new(ExtensionFieldElement)
t1.Mul(&x, &y)
t1.Mul(t1, &z)

// Compute t2 = (y*z)*x
t2 := new(ExtensionFieldElement)
t2.Mul(&y, &z)
t2.Mul(t2, &x)

return t1.VartimeEq(t2)

if err := quick.Check(isAssociative, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestExtensionFieldElementSquareMatchesMul(t *testing.T) {
sqrMatchesMul := func(x ExtensionFieldElement) bool {
// Compute t1 = (x*x)
t1 := new(ExtensionFieldElement)
t1.Mul(&x, &x)

// Compute t2 = x^2
t2 := new(ExtensionFieldElement)

return t1.VartimeEq(t2)

if err := quick.Check(sqrMatchesMul, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestExtensionFieldElementInv(t *testing.T) {
inverseIsCorrect := func(x ExtensionFieldElement) bool {
z := new(ExtensionFieldElement)

// Now z = (1/x), so (z * x) * x == x
z.Mul(z, &x)
z.Mul(z, &x)

return z.VartimeEq(&x)

// This is more expensive; run fewer tests
var quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (8 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}
if err := quick.Check(inverseIsCorrect, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestExtensionFieldElementBatch3Inv(t *testing.T) {
batchInverseIsCorrect := func(x1, x2, x3 ExtensionFieldElement) bool {
var x1Inv, x2Inv, x3Inv ExtensionFieldElement

var y1, y2, y3 ExtensionFieldElement
ExtensionFieldBatch3Inv(&x1, &x2, &x3, &y1, &y2, &y3)

return (y1.VartimeEq(&x1Inv) && y2.VartimeEq(&x2Inv) && y3.VartimeEq(&x3Inv))

// This is more expensive; run fewer tests
var quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (5 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}
if err := quick.Check(batchInverseIsCorrect, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

// Prime Field
func TestPrimeFieldElementMulVersusBigInt(t *testing.T) {
mulMatchesBigInt := func(x, y PrimeFieldElement) bool {
z := new(PrimeFieldElement)
z.Mul(&x, &y)

check := new(big.Int)
check.Mul(x.A.toBigInt(), y.A.toBigInt())
check.Mod(check, cln16prime)

return check.Cmp(z.A.toBigInt()) == 0

if err := quick.Check(mulMatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

func TestPrimeFieldElementP34VersusBigInt(t *testing.T) {
var p34, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("2588679435442326313244442059466701330356847411387267792529047419763669735170619711625720724140266678406138302904710050596300977994130638598261040117192787954244176710019728333589599932738193731745058771712747875468166412894207", 10)
p34MatchesBigInt := func(x PrimeFieldElement) bool {
z := new(PrimeFieldElement)

check := x.A.toBigInt()
check.Exp(check, p34, cln16prime)

return check.Cmp(z.A.toBigInt()) == 0

// This is more expensive; run fewer tests
var quickCheckConfig = &quick.Config{MaxCount: (1 << (8 + quickCheckScaleFactor))}
if err := quick.Check(p34MatchesBigInt, quickCheckConfig); err != nil {

// Package-level storage for this field element is intended to deter
// compiler optimizations.
var benchmarkFp751Element Fp751Element
var benchmarkFp751X2 fp751X2
var bench_x = Fp751Element{17026702066521327207, 5108203422050077993, 10225396685796065916, 11153620995215874678, 6531160855165088358, 15302925148404145445, 1248821577836769963, 9789766903037985294, 7493111552032041328, 10838999828319306046, 18103257655515297935, 27403304611634}
var bench_y = Fp751Element{4227467157325093378, 10699492810770426363, 13500940151395637365, 12966403950118934952, 16517692605450415877, 13647111148905630666, 14223628886152717087, 7167843152346903316, 15855377759596736571, 4300673881383687338, 6635288001920617779, 30486099554235}
var bench_z = fp751X2{1595347748594595712, 10854920567160033970, 16877102267020034574, 12435724995376660096, 3757940912203224231, 8251999420280413600, 3648859773438820227, 17622716832674727914, 11029567000887241528, 11216190007549447055, 17606662790980286987, 4720707159513626555, 12887743598335030915, 14954645239176589309, 14178817688915225254, 1191346797768989683, 12629157932334713723, 6348851952904485603, 16444232588597434895, 7809979927681678066, 14642637672942531613, 3092657597757640067, 10160361564485285723, 240071237}

func BenchmarkExtensionFieldElementMul(b *testing.B) {
z := &ExtensionFieldElement{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(ExtensionFieldElement)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
w.Mul(z, z)

func BenchmarkExtensionFieldElementInv(b *testing.B) {
z := &ExtensionFieldElement{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(ExtensionFieldElement)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {

func BenchmarkExtensionFieldElementSquare(b *testing.B) {
z := &ExtensionFieldElement{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(ExtensionFieldElement)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {

func BenchmarkExtensionFieldElementAdd(b *testing.B) {
z := &ExtensionFieldElement{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(ExtensionFieldElement)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
w.Add(z, z)

func BenchmarkExtensionFieldElementSub(b *testing.B) {
z := &ExtensionFieldElement{A: bench_x, B: bench_y}
w := new(ExtensionFieldElement)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
w.Sub(z, z)

func BenchmarkPrimeFieldElementMul(b *testing.B) {
z := &PrimeFieldElement{A: bench_x}
w := new(PrimeFieldElement)

for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
w.Mul(z, z)

// --- field operation functions

func BenchmarkFp751Multiply(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751Mul(&benchmarkFp751X2, &bench_x, &bench_y)

func BenchmarkFp751MontgomeryReduce(b *testing.B) {
z := bench_z

// This benchmark actually computes garbage, because
// fp751MontgomeryReduce mangles its input, but since it's
// constant-time that shouldn't matter for the benchmarks.
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751MontgomeryReduce(&benchmarkFp751Element, &z)

func BenchmarkFp751AddReduced(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751AddReduced(&benchmarkFp751Element, &bench_x, &bench_y)

func BenchmarkFp751SubReduced(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751SubReduced(&benchmarkFp751Element, &bench_x, &bench_y)

func BenchmarkFp751ConditionalSwap(b *testing.B) {
x, y := bench_x, bench_y
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x, &y, 1)
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x, &y, 0)

func BenchmarkFp751StrongReduce(b *testing.B) {
x := bench_x
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {

func BenchmarkFp751AddLazy(b *testing.B) {
var z Fp751Element
x, y := bench_x, bench_y
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751AddLazy(&z, &x, &y)

func BenchmarkFp751X2AddLazy(b *testing.B) {
x, y, z := bench_z, bench_z, bench_z
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751X2AddLazy(&x, &y, &z)

func BenchmarkFp751X2SubLazy(b *testing.B) {
x, y, z := bench_z, bench_z, bench_z
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751X2SubLazy(&x, &y, &z)

+ 0
- 144
p751toolbox/isogeny.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
package p751toolbox

// Interface for working with isogenies.
type Isogeny interface {
// Given a torsion point on a curve computes isogenous curve.
// Returns curve coefficients (A:C), so that E_(A/C) = E_(A/C)/<P>,
// where P is a provided projective point. Sets also isogeny constants
// that are needed for isogeny evaluation.
GenerateCurve(*ProjectivePoint) CurveCoefficientsEquiv
// Evaluates isogeny at caller provided point. Requires isogeny curve constants
// to be earlier computed by GenerateCurve.
EvaluatePoint(*ProjectivePoint) ProjectivePoint

// Stores Isogeny 4 curve constants
type isogeny4 struct {
K3 ExtensionFieldElement

// Stores Isogeny 3 curve constants
type isogeny3 struct {
K1 ExtensionFieldElement
K2 ExtensionFieldElement

// Constructs isogeny4 objects
func NewIsogeny4() Isogeny {
return new(isogeny4)

// Constructs isogeny3 objects
func NewIsogeny3() Isogeny {
return new(isogeny3)

// Given a three-torsion point p = x(PB) on the curve E_(A:C), construct the
// three-isogeny phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A:C)/<P_3> = E_(A':C').
// Input: (XP_3: ZP_3), where P_3 has exact order 3 on E_A/C
// Output: * Curve coordinates (A' + 2C', A' - 2C') corresponding to E_A'/C' = A_E/C/<P3>
// * Isogeny phi with constants in F_p^2
func (phi *isogeny3) GenerateCurve(p *ProjectivePoint) CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var t0, t1, t2, t3, t4 ExtensionFieldElement
var coefEq CurveCoefficientsEquiv
var K1, K2 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2

K1.Sub(&p.X, &p.Z) // K1 = XP3 - ZP3
t0.Square(K1) // t0 = K1^2
K2.Add(&p.X, &p.Z) // K2 = XP3 + ZP3
t1.Square(K2) // t1 = K2^2
t2.Add(&t0, &t1) // t2 = t0 + t1
t3.Add(K1, K2) // t3 = K1 + K2
t3.Square(&t3) // t3 = t3^2
t3.Sub(&t3, &t2) // t3 = t3 - t2
t2.Add(&t1, &t3) // t2 = t1 + t3
t3.Add(&t3, &t0) // t3 = t3 + t0
t4.Add(&t3, &t0) // t4 = t3 + t0
t4.Add(&t4, &t4) // t4 = t4 + t4
t4.Add(&t1, &t4) // t4 = t1 + t4
coefEq.C.Mul(&t2, &t4) // A24m = t2 * t4
t4.Add(&t1, &t2) // t4 = t1 + t2
t4.Add(&t4, &t4) // t4 = t4 + t4
t4.Add(&t0, &t4) // t4 = t0 + t4
t4.Mul(&t3, &t4) // t4 = t3 * t4
t0.Sub(&t4, &coefEq.C) // t0 = t4 - A24m
coefEq.A.Add(&coefEq.C, &t0) // A24p = A24m + t0
return coefEq

// Given a 3-isogeny phi and a point pB = x(PB), compute x(QB), the x-coordinate
// of the image QB = phi(PB) of PB under phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A':C').
// The output xQ = x(Q) is then a point on the curve E_(A':C'); the curve
// parameters are returned by the GenerateCurve function used to construct phi.
func (phi *isogeny3) EvaluatePoint(p *ProjectivePoint) ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1, t2 ExtensionFieldElement
var q ProjectivePoint
var K1, K2 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2
var px, pz = &p.X, &p.Z

t0.Add(px, pz) // t0 = XQ + ZQ
t1.Sub(px, pz) // t1 = XQ - ZQ
t0.Mul(K1, &t0) // t2 = K1 * t0
t1.Mul(K2, &t1) // t1 = K2 * t1
t2.Add(&t0, &t1) // t2 = t0 + t1
t0.Sub(&t1, &t0) // t0 = t1 - t0
t2.Square(&t2) // t2 = t2 ^ 2
t0.Square(&t0) // t0 = t0 ^ 2
q.X.Mul(px, &t2) // XQ'= XQ * t2
q.Z.Mul(pz, &t0) // ZQ'= ZQ * t0
return q

// Given a four-torsion point p = x(PB) on the curve E_(A:C), construct the
// four-isogeny phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A:C)/<P_4> = E_(A':C').
// Input: (XP_4: ZP_4), where P_4 has exact order 4 on E_A/C
// Output: * Curve coordinates (A' + 2C', 4C') corresponding to E_A'/C' = A_E/C/<P4>
// * Isogeny phi with constants in F_p^2
func (phi *isogeny4) GenerateCurve(p *ProjectivePoint) CurveCoefficientsEquiv {
var coefEq CurveCoefficientsEquiv
var xp4, zp4 = &p.X, &p.Z
var K1, K2, K3 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2, &phi.K3

K2.Sub(xp4, zp4)
K3.Add(xp4, zp4)
K1.Add(K1, K1)
K1.Add(K1, K1)
coefEq.A.Add(&coefEq.A, &coefEq.A)
return coefEq

// Given a 4-isogeny phi and a point xP = x(P), compute x(Q), the x-coordinate
// of the image Q = phi(P) of P under phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A':C').
// Input: Isogeny returned by GenerateCurve and point q=(Qx,Qz) from E0_A/C
// Output: Corresponding point q from E1_A'/C', where E1 is 4-isogenous to E0
func (phi *isogeny4) EvaluatePoint(p *ProjectivePoint) ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1 ExtensionFieldElement
var q = *p
var xq, zq = &q.X, &q.Z
var K1, K2, K3 = &phi.K1, &phi.K2, &phi.K3

t0.Add(xq, zq)
t1.Sub(xq, zq)
xq.Mul(&t0, K2)
zq.Mul(&t1, K3)
t0.Mul(&t0, &t1)
t0.Mul(&t0, K1)
t1.Add(xq, zq)
zq.Sub(xq, zq)
xq.Add(&t0, &t1)
t0.Sub(zq, &t0)
xq.Mul(xq, &t1)
zq.Mul(zq, &t0)
return q

+ 0
- 114
p751toolbox/isogeny_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
package p751toolbox

import (

func TestFourIsogenyVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xR, xP4, resPhiXr, expPhiXr ProjectivePoint
var phi = NewIsogeny4()

// sage: p = 2^372 * 3^239 - 1; Fp = GF(p)
// sage: R.<x> = Fp[]
// sage: Fp2 = Fp.extension(x^2 + 1, 'i')
// sage: i = Fp2.gen()
// sage: E0Fp = EllipticCurve(Fp, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: E0Fp2 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: x_PA = 11
// sage: y_PA = -Fp(11^3 + 11).sqrt()
// sage: x_PB = 6
// sage: y_PB = -Fp(6^3 + 6).sqrt()
// sage: P_A = 3^239 * E0Fp((x_PA,y_PA))
// sage: P_B = 2^372 * E0Fp((x_PB,y_PB))
// sage: def tau(P):
// ....: return E0Fp2( (-P.xy()[0], i*P.xy()[1]))
// ....:
// sage: m_B = 3*randint(0,3^238)
// sage: m_A = 2*randint(0,2^371)
// sage: R_A = E0Fp2(P_A) + m_A*tau(P_A)
// sage: def y_recover(x, a):
// ....: return (x**3 + a*x**2 + x).sqrt()
// ....:
// sage: first_4_torsion_point = E0Fp2(1, y_recover(Fp2(1),0))
// sage: sage_first_4_isogeny = E0Fp2.isogeny(first_4_torsion_point)
// sage: a = Fp2(0)
// sage: E1A = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,(2*(a+6))/(a-2),0,1,0])
// sage: sage_isomorphism = sage_first_4_isogeny.codomain().isomorphism_to(E1A)
// sage: isogenized_R_A = sage_isomorphism(sage_first_4_isogeny(R_A))
// sage: P_4 = (2**(372-4))*isogenized_R_A
// sage: P_4._order = 4 #otherwise falls back to generic group methods for order
// sage: X4, Z4 = P_4.xy()[0], 1
// sage: phi4 = EllipticCurveIsogeny(E1A, P_4, None, 4)
// sage: E2A_sage = phi4.codomain() # not in monty form
// sage: Aprime, Cprime = 2*(2*X4^4 - Z4^4), Z4^4
// sage: E2A = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,Aprime/Cprime,0,1,0])
// sage: sage_iso = E2A_sage.isomorphism_to(E2A)
// sage: isogenized2_R_A = sage_iso(phi4(isogenized_R_A))

A: Fp751Element{0x2afd75a913f3d5e7, 0x2918fba06f88c9ab, 0xa4ac4dc7cb526f05, 0x2d19e9391a607300, 0x7a79e2b34091b54, 0x3ad809dcb42f1792, 0xd46179328bd6402a, 0x1afa73541e2c4f3f, 0xf602d73ace9bdbd8, 0xd77ac58f6bab7004, 0x4689d97f6793b3b3, 0x4f26b00e42b7},
B: Fp751Element{0x6cdf918dafdcb890, 0x666f273cc29cfae2, 0xad00fcd31ba618e2, 0x5fbcf62bef2f6a33, 0xf408bb88318e5098, 0x84ab97849453d175, 0x501bbfcdcfb8e1ac, 0xf2370098e6b5542c, 0xc7dc73f5f0f6bd32, 0xdd76dcd86729d1cf, 0xca22c905029996e4, 0x5cf4a9373de3}})
A: Fp751Element{0xff99e76f78da1e05, 0xdaa36bd2bb8d97c4, 0xb4328cee0a409daf, 0xc28b099980c5da3f, 0xf2d7cd15cfebb852, 0x1935103dded6cdef, 0xade81528de1429c3, 0x6775b0fa90a64319, 0x25f89817ee52485d, 0x706e2d00848e697, 0xc4958ec4216d65c0, 0xc519681417f},
B: Fp751Element{0x742fe7dde60e1fb9, 0x801a3c78466a456b, 0xa9f945b786f48c35, 0x20ce89e1b144348f, 0xf633970b7776217e, 0x4c6077a9b38976e5, 0x34a513fc766c7825, 0xacccba359b9cd65, 0xd0ca8383f0fd0125, 0x77350437196287a, 0x9fe1ad7706d4ea21, 0x4d26129ee42d}})
A: Fp751Element{0x111efd8bd0b7a01e, 0x6ab75a4f3789ca9b, 0x939dbe518564cac4, 0xf9eeaba1601d0434, 0x8d41f8ba6edac998, 0xfcd2557efe9aa170, 0xb3c3549c098b7844, 0x52874fef6f81127c, 0xb2b9ac82aa518bb3, 0xee70820230520a86, 0xd4012b7f5efb184a, 0x573e4536329b},
B: Fp751Element{0xa99952281e932902, 0x569a89a571f2c7b1, 0x6150143846ba3f6b, 0x11fd204441e91430, 0x7f469bd55c9b07b, 0xb72db8b9de35b161, 0x455a9a37a940512a, 0xb0cff7670abaf906, 0x18c785b7583375fe, 0x603ab9ca403c9148, 0xab54ba3a6e6c62c1, 0x2726d7d57c4f}})

resPhiXr = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xR)
if !expPhiXr.VartimeEq(&resPhiXr) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", expPhiXr.ToAffine(), "\nfound\n", resPhiXr.ToAffine())

func TestThreeIsogenyVersusSage(t *testing.T) {
var xR, xP3, resPhiXr, expPhiXr ProjectivePoint
var phi = NewIsogeny3()

// sage: %colors Linux
// sage: p = 2^372 * 3^239 - 1; Fp = GF(p)
// sage: R.<x> = Fp[]
// sage: Fp2 = Fp.extension(x^2 + 1, 'i')
// sage: i = Fp2.gen()
// sage: E0Fp = EllipticCurve(Fp, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: E0Fp2 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,0,0,1,0])
// sage: x_PA = 11
// sage: y_PA = -Fp(11^3 + 11).sqrt()
// sage: x_PB = 6
// sage: y_PB = -Fp(6^3 + 6).sqrt()
// sage: P_A = 3^239 * E0Fp((x_PA,y_PA))
// sage: P_B = 2^372 * E0Fp((x_PB,y_PB))
// sage: def tau(P):
// ....: return E0Fp2( (-P.xy()[0], i*P.xy()[1]))
// ....:
// sage: m_B = 3*randint(0,3^238)
// sage: R_B = E0Fp2(P_B) + m_B*tau(P_B)
// sage: P_3 = (3^238)*R_B
// sage: def three_isog(P_3, P):
// ....: X3, Z3 = P_3.xy()[0], 1
// ....: XP, ZP = P.xy()[0], 1
// ....: x = (XP*(X3*XP - Z3*ZP)^2)/(ZP*(Z3*XP - X3*ZP)^2)
// ....: A3, C3 = (Z3^4 + 9*X3^2*(2*Z3^2 - 3*X3^2)), 4*X3*Z3^3
// ....: cod = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0,A3/C3,0,1,0])
// ....: return cod.lift_x(x)
// ....:
// sage: isogenized_R_B = three_isog(P_3, R_B)

A: Fp751Element{0xbd0737ed5cc9a3d7, 0x45ae6d476517c101, 0x6f228e9e7364fdb2, 0xbba4871225b3dbd, 0x6299ccd2e5da1a07, 0x38488fe4af5f2d0e, 0xec23cae5a86e980c, 0x26c804ba3f1edffa, 0xfbbed81932df60e5, 0x7e00e9d182ae9187, 0xc7654abb66d05f4b, 0x262d0567237b},
B: Fp751Element{0x3a3b5b6ad0b2ac33, 0x246602b5179127d3, 0x502ae0e9ad65077d, 0x10a3a37237e1bf70, 0x4a1ab9294dd05610, 0xb0f3adac30fe1fa6, 0x341995267faf70cb, 0xa14dd94d39cf4ec1, 0xce4b7527d1bf5568, 0xe0410423ed45c7e4, 0x38011809b6425686, 0x28f52472ebed}})
A: Fp751Element{0x7bb7a4a07b0788dc, 0xdc36a3f6607b21b0, 0x4750e18ee74cf2f0, 0x464e319d0b7ab806, 0xc25aa44c04f758ff, 0x392e8521a46e0a68, 0xfc4e76b63eff37df, 0x1f3566d892e67dd8, 0xf8d2eb0f73295e65, 0x457b13ebc470bccb, 0xfda1cc9efef5be33, 0x5dbf3d92cc02},
B: Fp751Element{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}})
A: Fp751Element{0x286db7d75913c5b1, 0xcb2049ad50189220, 0xccee90ef765fa9f4, 0x65e52ce2730e7d88, 0xa6b6b553bd0d06e7, 0xb561ecec14591590, 0x17b7a66d8c64d959, 0x77778cecbe1461e, 0x9405c9c0c41a57ce, 0x8f6b4847e8ca7d3d, 0xf625eb987b366937, 0x421b3590e345},
B: Fp751Element{0x566b893803e7d8d6, 0xe8c71a04d527e696, 0x5a1d8f87bf5eb51, 0x42ae08ae098724f, 0x4ee3d7c7af40ca2e, 0xd9f9ab9067bb10a7, 0xecd53d69edd6328c, 0xa581e9202dea107d, 0x8bcdfb6c8ecf9257, 0xe7cbbc2e5cbcf2af, 0x5f031a8701f0e53e, 0x18312d93e3cb}})

resPhiXr = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xR)

if !expPhiXr.VartimeEq(&resPhiXr) {
t.Error("\nExpected\n", expPhiXr.ToAffine(), "\nfound\n", resPhiXr.ToAffine())

+ 0
- 19
p751toolbox/print_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package p751toolbox

// Tools used for testing and debugging

import (

func (primeElement PrimeFieldElement) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%X", primeElement.A.toBigInt().String())

func (extElement ExtensionFieldElement) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\nA: %X\nB: %X", extElement.A.toBigInt().String(), extElement.B.toBigInt().String())

func (point ProjectivePoint) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("X:\n%sZ:\n%s", point.X.String(), point.Z.String())

+ 14
- 14
sidh/api.go Parādīt failu

@@ -2,14 +2,10 @@ package sidh

import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

// I keep it bool in order to be able to apply logical NOT
type KeyVariant uint
type PrimeFieldId uint

// Id's correspond to bitlength of the prime field characteristic
// Currently FP_751 is the only one supported by this implementation
const (
@@ -43,9 +39,9 @@ type key struct {
// Defines operations on public key
type PublicKey struct {
affine_xP ExtensionFieldElement
affine_xQ ExtensionFieldElement
affine_xQmP ExtensionFieldElement
affine_xP Fp2Element
affine_xQ Fp2Element
affine_xQmP Fp2Element

// Defines operations on private key
@@ -91,9 +87,11 @@ func (pub *PublicKey) Import(input []byte) error {
if len(input) != pub.Size() {
return errors.New("sidh: input to short")
pub.affine_xQ.FromBytes(input[pub.params.SharedSecretSize : 2*pub.params.SharedSecretSize])
pub.affine_xQmP.FromBytes(input[2*pub.params.SharedSecretSize : 3*pub.params.SharedSecretSize])
op := CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}
ssSz := pub.params.SharedSecretSize
op.Fp2FromBytes(&pub.affine_xP, input[0:ssSz])
op.Fp2FromBytes(&pub.affine_xQ, input[ssSz:2*ssSz])
op.Fp2FromBytes(&pub.affine_xQmP, input[2*ssSz:3*ssSz])
return nil

@@ -101,9 +99,11 @@ func (pub *PublicKey) Import(input []byte) error {
// returned byte string is filled with zeros.
func (pub *PublicKey) Export() []byte {
output := make([]byte, pub.params.PublicKeySize)
pub.affine_xQ.ToBytes(output[pub.params.SharedSecretSize : 2*pub.params.SharedSecretSize])
pub.affine_xQmP.ToBytes(output[2*pub.params.SharedSecretSize : 3*pub.params.SharedSecretSize])
op := CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}
ssSz := pub.params.SharedSecretSize
op.Fp2ToBytes(output[0:ssSz], &pub.affine_xP)
op.Fp2ToBytes(output[ssSz:2*ssSz], &pub.affine_xQ)
op.Fp2ToBytes(output[2*ssSz:3*ssSz], &pub.affine_xQmP)
return output

+ 24
- 47
sidh/params.go Parādīt failu

@@ -1,36 +1,9 @@
package sidh

import . "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"

type DomainParams struct {
// P, Q and R=P-Q base points
Affine_P, Affine_Q, Affine_R ExtensionFieldElement
// Max size of secret key for x-torsion group
SecretBitLen uint
// MaskBytes
MaskBytes []byte
// Size of a compuatation strategy for x-torsion group
IsogenyStrategy []uint32

type SidhParams struct {
Id PrimeFieldId
// The secret key size, in bytes.
SecretKeySize int
// The public key size, in bytes.
PublicKeySize int
// The shared secret size, in bytes.
SharedSecretSize uint
// 2- and 3-torsion group parameter definitions
A, B DomainParams
// Sample rate to obtain a value in [0,3^238]
SampleRate uint
// Length of SIKE secret message. Must be one of {24,32,40},
// depending on size of prime field used (see [SIKE], 1.4 and 5.1)
MsgLen uint
// Length of SIKE ephemeral KEM key (see [SIKE], 1.4 and 5.1)
KemSize uint
import (
p751 "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751"
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

// Keeps mapping: SIDH prime field ID to domain parameters
var sidhParams = make(map[PrimeFieldId]SidhParams)
@@ -47,29 +20,33 @@ func Params(id PrimeFieldId) *SidhParams {
func init() {
p751 := SidhParams{
Id: FP_751,
SecretKeySize: P751_SecretKeySize,
PublicKeySize: P751_PublicKeySize,
SharedSecretSize: P751_SharedSecretSize,
SecretKeySize: p751.P751_SecretKeySize,
PublicKeySize: p751.P751_PublicKeySize,
SharedSecretSize: p751.P751_SharedSecretSize,
A: DomainParams{
Affine_P: P751_affine_PA,
Affine_Q: P751_affine_QA,
Affine_R: P751_affine_RA,
SecretBitLen: P751_SecretBitLenA,
MaskBytes: []byte{P751_MaskAliceByte1, P751_MaskAliceByte2, P751_MaskAliceByte3},
IsogenyStrategy: P751_AliceIsogenyStrategy[:],
Affine_P: p751.P751_affine_PA,
Affine_Q: p751.P751_affine_QA,
Affine_R: p751.P751_affine_RA,
SecretBitLen: p751.P751_SecretBitLenA,
MaskBytes: []byte{p751.P751_MaskAliceByte1, p751.P751_MaskAliceByte2, p751.P751_MaskAliceByte3},
IsogenyStrategy: p751.P751_AliceIsogenyStrategy[:],
B: DomainParams{
Affine_P: P751_affine_PB,
Affine_Q: P751_affine_QB,
Affine_R: P751_affine_RB,
SecretBitLen: P751_SecretBitLenB,
MaskBytes: []byte{P751_MaskBobByte},
IsogenyStrategy: P751_BobIsogenyStrategy[:],
Affine_P: p751.P751_affine_PB,
Affine_Q: p751.P751_affine_QB,
Affine_R: p751.P751_affine_RB,
SecretBitLen: p751.P751_SecretBitLenB,
MaskBytes: []byte{p751.P751_MaskBobByte},
IsogenyStrategy: p751.P751_BobIsogenyStrategy[:],
OneFp2: p751.P751_OneFp2,
HalfFp2: p751.P751_HalfFp2,
MsgLen: 32,
// SIKEp751 provides 192 bit of classical security ([SIKE], 5.1)
KemSize: 24,
SampleRate: P751_SampleRate,
SampleRate: p751.P751_SampleRate,
Bytelen: p751.P751_Bytelen,
Op: p751.FieldOperations(),

sidhParams[FP_751] = p751

+ 73
- 67
sidh/sidh.go Parādīt failu

@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ import (

// TODO: This is needed by ExtensionFieldElement struct, which itself
// depends on implementation of p751.
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -19,9 +17,10 @@ func traverseTreePublicKeyA(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR, phiP, phiQ, ph
var points = make([]ProjectivePoint, 0, 8)
var indices = make([]int, 0, 8)
var i, sidx int
var op = CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}

cparam := curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4()
phi := NewIsogeny4()
cparam := op.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4(curve)
phi := Newisogeny4(op.Params.Op)
strat := pub.params.A.IsogenyStrategy
stratSz := len(strat)

@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ func traverseTreePublicKeyA(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR, phiP, phiQ, ph

k := strat[sidx]
xR.Pow2k(&cparam, xR, 2*k)
op.Pow2k(xR, &cparam, 2*k)
i += int(k)

@@ -57,9 +56,10 @@ func traverseTreeSharedKeyA(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR *ProjectivePoin
var points = make([]ProjectivePoint, 0, 8)
var indices = make([]int, 0, 8)
var i, sidx int
var op = CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}

cparam := curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4()
phi := NewIsogeny4()
cparam := op.CalcCurveParamsEquiv4(curve)
phi := Newisogeny4(op.Params.Op)
strat := pub.params.A.IsogenyStrategy
stratSz := len(strat)

@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func traverseTreeSharedKeyA(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR *ProjectivePoin

k := strat[sidx]
xR.Pow2k(&cparam, xR, 2*k)
op.Pow2k(xR, &cparam, 2*k)
i += int(k)

@@ -91,9 +91,10 @@ func traverseTreePublicKeyB(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR, phiP, phiQ, ph
var points = make([]ProjectivePoint, 0, 8)
var indices = make([]int, 0, 8)
var i, sidx int
var op = CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}

cparam := curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3()
phi := NewIsogeny3()
cparam := op.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3(curve)
phi := Newisogeny3(op.Params.Op)
strat := pub.params.B.IsogenyStrategy
stratSz := len(strat)

@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ func traverseTreePublicKeyB(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR, phiP, phiQ, ph

k := strat[sidx]
xR.Pow3k(&cparam, xR, k)
op.Pow3k(xR, &cparam, k)
i += int(k)

@@ -129,9 +130,10 @@ func traverseTreeSharedKeyB(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR *ProjectivePoin
var points = make([]ProjectivePoint, 0, 8)
var indices = make([]int, 0, 8)
var i, sidx int
var op = CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}

cparam := curve.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3()
phi := NewIsogeny3()
cparam := op.CalcCurveParamsEquiv3(curve)
phi := Newisogeny3(op.Params.Op)
strat := pub.params.B.IsogenyStrategy
stratSz := len(strat)

@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ func traverseTreeSharedKeyB(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xR *ProjectivePoin

k := strat[sidx]
xR.Pow3k(&cparam, xR, k)
op.Pow3k(xR, &cparam, k)
i += int(k)

@@ -224,29 +226,30 @@ func (prv *PrivateKey) generatePrivateKeyB(rand io.Reader) error {
func publicKeyGenA(prv *PrivateKey) (pub *PublicKey) {
var xPA, xQA, xRA ProjectivePoint
var xPB, xQB, xRB, xR ProjectivePoint
var invZP, invZQ, invZR ExtensionFieldElement
var invZP, invZQ, invZR Fp2Element
var tmp ProjectiveCurveParameters
var phi = NewIsogeny4()
pub = NewPublicKey(prv.params.Id, KeyVariant_SIDH_A)
var op = CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}
var phi = Newisogeny4(op.Params.Op)

// Load points for A
xPA = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.A.Affine_P, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xQA = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.A.Affine_Q, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xRA = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.A.Affine_R, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}

// Load points for B
xRB = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.B.Affine_R, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xQB = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.B.Affine_Q, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xPB = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.B.Affine_P, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}

// Find isogeny kernel
xR = RightToLeftLadder(&tmp, &xPA, &xQA, &xRA, prv.params.A.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)
tmp.C = pub.params.OneFp2
xR = op.ScalarMul3Pt(&tmp, &xPA, &xQA, &xRA, prv.params.A.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)

// Reset params object and travers isogeny tree
tmp.C = pub.params.OneFp2
traverseTreePublicKeyA(&tmp, &xR, &xPB, &xQB, &xRB, pub)

// Secret isogeny
@@ -254,11 +257,11 @@ func publicKeyGenA(prv *PrivateKey) (pub *PublicKey) {
xPA = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xPB)
xQA = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xQB)
xRA = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xRB)
ExtensionFieldBatch3Inv(&xPA.Z, &xQA.Z, &xRA.Z, &invZP, &invZQ, &invZR)
op.Fp2Batch3Inv(&xPA.Z, &xQA.Z, &xRA.Z, &invZP, &invZQ, &invZR)

pub.affine_xP.Mul(&xPA.X, &invZP)
pub.affine_xQ.Mul(&xQA.X, &invZQ)
pub.affine_xQmP.Mul(&xRA.X, &invZR)
op.Params.Op.Mul(&pub.affine_xP, &xPA.X, &invZP)
op.Params.Op.Mul(&pub.affine_xQ, &xQA.X, &invZQ)
op.Params.Op.Mul(&pub.affine_xQmP, &xRA.X, &invZR)

@@ -266,38 +269,39 @@ func publicKeyGenA(prv *PrivateKey) (pub *PublicKey) {
func publicKeyGenB(prv *PrivateKey) (pub *PublicKey) {
var xPB, xQB, xRB, xR ProjectivePoint
var xPA, xQA, xRA ProjectivePoint
var invZP, invZQ, invZR ExtensionFieldElement
var invZP, invZQ, invZR Fp2Element
var tmp ProjectiveCurveParameters
var phi = NewIsogeny3()
pub = NewPublicKey(prv.params.Id, prv.keyVariant)
var op = CurveOperations{Params: pub.params}
var phi = Newisogeny3(op.Params.Op)

// Load points for B
xRB = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.B.Affine_R, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xQB = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.B.Affine_Q, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xPB = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.B.Affine_P, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}

// Load points for A
xPA = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.A.Affine_P, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xQA = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.A.Affine_Q, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}
xRA = ProjectivePoint{X: prv.params.A.Affine_R, Z: prv.params.OneFp2}

xR = RightToLeftLadder(&tmp, &xPB, &xQB, &xRB, prv.params.B.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)
tmp.C = pub.params.OneFp2
xR = op.ScalarMul3Pt(&tmp, &xPB, &xQB, &xRB, prv.params.B.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)

tmp.C = pub.params.OneFp2
traverseTreePublicKeyB(&tmp, &xR, &xPA, &xQA, &xRA, pub)

xPB = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xPA)
xQB = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xQA)
xRB = phi.EvaluatePoint(&xRA)
ExtensionFieldBatch3Inv(&xPB.Z, &xQB.Z, &xRB.Z, &invZP, &invZQ, &invZR)
op.Fp2Batch3Inv(&xPB.Z, &xQB.Z, &xRB.Z, &invZP, &invZQ, &invZR)

pub.affine_xP.Mul(&xPB.X, &invZP)
pub.affine_xQ.Mul(&xQB.X, &invZQ)
pub.affine_xQmP.Mul(&xRB.X, &invZR)
op.Params.Op.Mul(&pub.affine_xP, &xPB.X, &invZP)
op.Params.Op.Mul(&pub.affine_xQ, &xQB.X, &invZQ)
op.Params.Op.Mul(&pub.affine_xQmP, &xRB.X, &invZR)

@@ -311,25 +315,26 @@ func deriveSecretA(prv *PrivateKey, pub *PublicKey) []byte {
var cparam ProjectiveCurveParameters
var xP, xQ, xQmP ProjectivePoint
var xR ProjectivePoint
var phi = NewIsogeny4()
var op = CurveOperations{Params: prv.params}
var phi = Newisogeny4(op.Params.Op)

// Recover curve coefficients
cparam.RecoverCoordinateA(&pub.affine_xP, &pub.affine_xQ, &pub.affine_xQmP)
cparam.C = pub.params.OneFp2
op.RecoverCoordinateA(&cparam, &pub.affine_xP, &pub.affine_xQ, &pub.affine_xQmP)

// Find kernel of the morphism
xR = RightToLeftLadder(&cparam, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, pub.params.A.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)
xP = ProjectivePoint{X: pub.affine_xP, Z: pub.params.OneFp2}
xQ = ProjectivePoint{X: pub.affine_xQ, Z: pub.params.OneFp2}
xQmP = ProjectivePoint{X: pub.affine_xQmP, Z: pub.params.OneFp2}
xR = op.ScalarMul3Pt(&cparam, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, pub.params.A.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)

// Traverse isogeny tree
traverseTreeSharedKeyA(&cparam, &xR, pub)

// Calculate j-invariant on isogeneus curve
c := phi.GenerateCurve(&xR)
op.RecoverCurveCoefficients4(&cparam, &c)
op.Jinvariant(&cparam, sharedSecret)
return sharedSecret

@@ -339,24 +344,25 @@ func deriveSecretB(prv *PrivateKey, pub *PublicKey) []byte {
var xP, xQ, xQmP ProjectivePoint
var xR ProjectivePoint
var cparam ProjectiveCurveParameters
var phi = NewIsogeny3()
var op = CurveOperations{Params: prv.params}
var phi = Newisogeny3(op.Params.Op)

// Recover curve coefficients
cparam.RecoverCoordinateA(&pub.affine_xP, &pub.affine_xQ, &pub.affine_xQmP)
cparam.C = pub.params.OneFp2
op.RecoverCoordinateA(&cparam, &pub.affine_xP, &pub.affine_xQ, &pub.affine_xQmP)

// Find kernel of the morphism
xR = RightToLeftLadder(&cparam, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, pub.params.B.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)
xP = ProjectivePoint{X: pub.affine_xP, Z: pub.params.OneFp2}
xQ = ProjectivePoint{X: pub.affine_xQ, Z: pub.params.OneFp2}
xQmP = ProjectivePoint{X: pub.affine_xQmP, Z: pub.params.OneFp2}
xR = op.ScalarMul3Pt(&cparam, &xP, &xQ, &xQmP, pub.params.B.SecretBitLen, prv.Scalar)

// Traverse isogeny tree
traverseTreeSharedKeyB(&cparam, &xR, pub)

// Calculate j-invariant on isogeneus curve
c := phi.GenerateCurve(&xR)
op.RecoverCurveCoefficients3(&cparam, &c)
op.Jinvariant(&cparam, sharedSecret)
return sharedSecret

+ 2
- 0
sidh/sidh_test.go Parādīt failu

@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import (

. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/internal/isogeny"

const (

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