
p751: implements platform independent field arithmetic

* Code is much slower than x86 specialized implementation
* Cross checked on ARMv8 (32-bit)
Henry Case 6年前
committed by Kris Kwiatkowski
  1. +21
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  3. +42
  4. +254
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+ 21
- 43
p751toolbox/field.go ファイルの表示

@@ -24,6 +24,27 @@ var oneExtensionField = ExtensionFieldElement{
B: Fp751Element{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},

// 2*p751
var p751x2 = Fp751Element{
0xC7D92D0A93F0F151, 0xB52B363427EF98ED, 0x109D30CFADD7D0ED,
0x0AC56A08B964AE90, 0x1C25213F2F75B8CD, 0x0000DFCBAA83EE38}

// p751
var p751 = Fp751Element{
0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff,
0xffffffffffffffff, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xeeafffffffffffff,
0xe3ec968549f878a8, 0xda959b1a13f7cc76, 0x084e9867d6ebe876,
0x8562b5045cb25748, 0x0e12909f97badc66, 0x00006fe5d541f71c}

// p751 + 1
var p751p1 = Fp751Element{
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0xeeb0000000000000,
0xe3ec968549f878a8, 0xda959b1a13f7cc76, 0x084e9867d6ebe876,
0x8562b5045cb25748, 0x0e12909f97badc66, 0x00006fe5d541f71c}

// Set dest = 0.
// Returns dest to allow chaining operations.
@@ -451,11 +472,6 @@ func (dest *PrimeFieldElement) P34(x *PrimeFieldElement) *PrimeFieldElement {

const fp751NumWords = 12

// (2^768) mod p.
// This can't be a constant because Go doesn't allow array constants, so try
// not to modify it.
var montgomeryR = Fp751Element{149933, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9444048418595930112, 6136068611055053926, 7599709743867700432, 14455912356952952366, 5522737203492907350, 1222606818372667369, 49869481633250}

// (2^768)^2 mod p
// This can't be a constant because Go doesn't allow array constants, so try
// not to modify it.
@@ -472,44 +488,6 @@ type Fp751Element [fp751NumWords]uint64
// Represents an intermediate product of two elements of the base field F_p.
type fp751X2 [2 * fp751NumWords]uint64

// If choice = 0, leave x,y unchanged. If choice = 1, set x,y = y,x.
// This function executes in constant time.
func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *Fp751Element, choice uint8)

// Compute z = x + y (mod p).
func fp751AddReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Compute z = x - y (mod p).
func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751AddLazy(z, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2AddLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2)

// Compute z = x - y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2)

// Compute z = x * y.
func fp751Mul(z *fp751X2, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Perform Montgomery reduction: set z = x R^{-1} (mod p).
// Destroys the input value.
func fp751MontgomeryReduce(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2)

// Reduce a field element in [0, 2*p) to one in [0,p).
func fp751StrongReduce(x *Fp751Element)

func (x Fp751Element) vartimeEq(y Fp751Element) bool {

+ 2
- 0
p751toolbox/field_amd64.s ファイルの表示

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// +build amd64,!noasm

#include "textflag.h"

// p751 + 1

+ 42
- 0
p751toolbox/field_decl.go ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// +build amd64,!noasm

package p751toolbox

// If choice = 0, leave x,y unchanged. If choice = 1, set x,y = y,x.
// If choice is neither 0 nor 1 then behaviour is undefined.
// This function executes in constant time.
func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *Fp751Element, choice uint8)

// Compute z = x + y (mod p).
func fp751AddReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Compute z = x - y (mod p).
func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751AddLazy(z, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2AddLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2)

// Compute z = x - y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2)

// Compute z = x * y.
func fp751Mul(z *fp751X2, x, y *Fp751Element)

// Perform Montgomery reduction: set z = x R^{-1} (mod 2*p).
// Destroys the input value.
func fp751MontgomeryReduce(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2)

// Reduce a field element in [0, 2*p) to one in [0,p).
func fp751StrongReduce(x *Fp751Element)

+ 254
- 0
p751toolbox/field_generic.go ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
// +build noasm arm64 arm

package p751toolbox

// helper used for uint128 representation
type uint128 struct {
H, L uint64

// Adds 2 64bit digits in constant time.
// Returns result and carry (1 or 0)
func addc64(cin, a, b uint64) (ret, cout uint64) {
t := a + cin
ret = b + t
cout = ((a & b) | ((a | b) & (^ret))) >> 63

// Substracts 2 64bit digits in constant time.
// Returns result and borrow (1 or 0)
func subc64(bIn, a, b uint64) (ret, bOut uint64) {
var tmp1 = a - b
// Set bOut if bIn!=0 and tmp1==0 in constant time
bOut = bIn & (1 ^ ((tmp1 | uint64(0-tmp1)) >> 63))
// Constant time check if x<y
bOut |= (a ^ ((a ^ b) | (uint64(a-b) ^ b))) >> 63
ret = tmp1 - bIn

// Multiplies 2 64bit digits in constant time
func mul64(a, b uint64) (res uint128) {
var al, bl, ah, bh, albl, albh, ahbl, ahbh uint64
var res1, res2, res3 uint64
var carry, maskL, maskH, temp uint64

maskL = (^maskL) >> 32
maskH = ^maskL

al = a & maskL
ah = a >> 32
bl = b & maskL
bh = b >> 32

albl = al * bl
albh = al * bh
ahbl = ah * bl
ahbh = ah * bh
res.L = albl & maskL

res1 = albl >> 32
res2 = ahbl & maskL
res3 = albh & maskL
temp = res1 + res2 + res3
carry = temp >> 32
res.L ^= temp << 32

res1 = ahbl >> 32
res2 = albh >> 32
res3 = ahbh & maskL
temp = res1 + res2 + res3 + carry
res.H = temp & maskL
carry = temp & maskH
res.H ^= (ahbh & maskH) + carry

// Compute z = x + y (mod p).
func fp751AddReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element) {
var carry uint64

// z=x+y % p751
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, x[i], y[i])

// z = z - p751x2
carry = 0
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = subc64(carry, z[i], p751x2[i])

// z = z + p751x2
mask := uint64(0 - carry)
carry = 0
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, z[i], p751x2[i]&mask)

// Compute z = x - y (mod p).
func fp751SubReduced(z, x, y *Fp751Element) {
var borrow uint64

for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
z[i], borrow = subc64(borrow, x[i], y[i])

mask := uint64(0 - borrow)
borrow = 0

for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
z[i], borrow = addc64(borrow, z[i], p751x2[i]&mask)

// Conditionally swaps bits in x and y in constant time.
// mask indicates bits to be swaped (set bits are swapped)
// For details see "Hackers Delight, 2.20"
// Implementation doesn't actually depend on a prime field.
func fp751ConditionalSwap(x, y *Fp751Element, mask uint8) {
var tmp, mask64 uint64

mask64 = 0 - uint64(mask)
for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
tmp = mask64 & (x[i] ^ y[i])
x[i] = tmp ^ x[i]
y[i] = tmp ^ y[i]

// Perform Montgomery reduction: set z = x R^{-1} (mod 2*p)
// with R=2^768. Destroys the input value.
func fp751MontgomeryReduce(z *Fp751Element, x *fp751X2) {
var carry, t, u, v uint64
var uv uint128
var count int

count = 5 // number of 0 digits in the least significat part of p751 + 1

for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
if j < (i - count + 1) {
uv = mul64(z[j], p751p1[i-j])
v, carry = addc64(0, uv.L, v)
u, carry = addc64(carry, uv.H, u)
t += carry
v, carry = addc64(0, v, x[i])
u, carry = addc64(carry, u, 0)
t += carry

z[i] = v
v = u
u = t
t = 0

for i := fp751NumWords; i < 2*fp751NumWords-1; i++ {
if count > 0 {
for j := i - fp751NumWords + 1; j < fp751NumWords; j++ {
if j < (fp751NumWords - count) {
uv = mul64(z[j], p751p1[i-j])
v, carry = addc64(0, uv.L, v)
u, carry = addc64(carry, uv.H, u)
t += carry
v, carry = addc64(0, v, x[i])
u, carry = addc64(carry, u, 0)

t += carry
z[i-fp751NumWords] = v
v = u
u = t
t = 0
v, carry = addc64(0, v, x[2*fp751NumWords-1])
z[fp751NumWords-1] = v

// Compute z = x * y.
func fp751Mul(z *fp751X2, x, y *Fp751Element) {
var u, v, t uint64
var carry uint64
var uv uint128

for i := uint64(0); i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
for j := uint64(0); j <= i; j++ {
uv = mul64(x[j], y[i-j])
v, carry = addc64(0, uv.L, v)
u, carry = addc64(carry, uv.H, u)
t += carry
z[i] = v
v = u
u = t
t = 0

for i := fp751NumWords; i < (2*fp751NumWords)-1; i++ {
for j := i - fp751NumWords + 1; j < fp751NumWords; j++ {
uv = mul64(x[j], y[i-j])
v, carry = addc64(0, uv.L, v)
u, carry = addc64(carry, uv.H, u)
t += carry
z[i] = v
v = u
u = t
t = 0
z[2*fp751NumWords-1] = v

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751AddLazy(z, x, y *Fp751Element) {
var carry uint64
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, x[i], y[i])

// Compute z = x + y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2AddLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2) {
var carry uint64
for i := 0; i < 2*fp751NumWords; i++ {
z[i], carry = addc64(carry, x[i], y[i])

// Reduce a field element in [0, 2*p) to one in [0,p).
func fp751StrongReduce(x *Fp751Element) {
var borrow, mask uint64
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
x[i], borrow = subc64(borrow, x[i], p751[i])

// Sets all bits if borrow = 1
mask = 0 - borrow
borrow = 0
for i := 0; i < fp751NumWords; i++ {
x[i], borrow = addc64(borrow, x[i], p751[i]&mask)

// Compute z = x - y, without reducing mod p.
func fp751X2SubLazy(z, x, y *fp751X2) {
var borrow, mask uint64
for i := 0; i < len(z); i++ {
z[i], borrow = subc64(borrow, x[i], y[i])

// Sets all bits if borrow = 1
mask = 0 - borrow
borrow = 0
for i := fp751NumWords; i < len(z); i++ {
z[i], borrow = addc64(borrow, z[i], p751[i-fp751NumWords]&mask)

+ 39
- 0
p751toolbox/field_test.go ファイルの表示

@@ -497,6 +497,8 @@ func BenchmarkPrimeFieldElementSub(b *testing.B) {

// --- field operation functions

func BenchmarkFp751Multiply(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751Mul(&benchmarkFp751X2, &bench_x, &bench_y)
@@ -525,3 +527,40 @@ func BenchmarkFp751SubReduced(b *testing.B) {
fp751SubReduced(&benchmarkFp751Element, &bench_x, &bench_y)

func BenchmarkFp751ConditionalSwap(b *testing.B) {
x, y := bench_x, bench_y
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x, &y, 1)
fp751ConditionalSwap(&x, &y, 0)

func BenchmarkFp751StrongReduce(b *testing.B) {
x := bench_x
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {

func BenchmarkFp751AddLazy(b *testing.B) {
var z Fp751Element
x, y := bench_x, bench_y
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751AddLazy(&z, &x, &y)

func BenchmarkFp751X2AddLazy(b *testing.B) {
x, y, z := bench_z, bench_z, bench_z
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751X2AddLazy(&x, &y, &z)

func BenchmarkFp751X2SubLazy(b *testing.B) {
x, y, z := bench_z, bench_z, bench_z
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
fp751X2SubLazy(&x, &y, &z)

+ 1
- 11
sidh/sidh.go ファイルの表示

@@ -9,16 +9,6 @@ import (
. "github.com/cloudflare/p751sidh/p751toolbox"

// Set result to zero if the input scalar is <= 3^238. scalar must be 48-byte array
// of bytes. This function is specific to P751.
func checkLessThanThree238(scalar []byte) uint64

// Multiply 48-byte scalar by 3 to get a scalar in 3*[0,3^238). This
// function is specific to P751.
func multiplyByThree(scalar []byte)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions for traversing isogeny trees acoording to strategy. Key type 'A' is
@@ -196,7 +186,7 @@ func (prv *PrivateKey) generatePrivateKeyA(rand io.Reader) error {
// shared secret computation.
func (prv *PrivateKey) generatePrivateKeyB(rand io.Reader) error {
// Perform rejection sampling to obtain a random value in [0,3^238]:
var ok uint64
var ok uint8
for i := uint(0); i < prv.params.SampleRate; i++ {
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand, prv.Scalar)
if err != nil {

+ 6
- 6
sidh/sidh_amd64.s ファイルの表示

@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
#define THREE238M1_4 $0xb858a87e8f4222c7
#define THREE238M1_5 $0x254c9c6b525eaf5

// Set result to zero if the input scalar is <= 3^238. scalar must be 48-byte array
// of bytes.
// func checkLessThanThree238(s_base uintptr, s_len uint, s_cap uint) uint64
// Set result to zero if the input scalar is <= 3^238, otherwise result is 1.
// Scalar must be array of 48 bytes
// func checkLessThanThree238(s_base uintptr, s_len uint, s_cap uint) uint8
TEXT ·checkLessThanThree238(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
MOVQ scalar+0(FP), SI

@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ TEXT ·checkLessThanThree238(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
SBBQ 32(SI), R14
SBBQ 40(SI), R15

// Save borrow flag indicating 3^238 - scalar < 0 as a mask in AX (eax)
MOVL AX, ret+24(FP)
// Save borrow flag indicating 3^238 - scalar < 0 as a mask in AX (rax)
MOVB AX, ret+24(FP)


+ 13
- 0
sidh/sidh_decl.go ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// +build amd64,!noasm

package sidh

// Set result to zero if the input scalar is <= 3^238, otherwise result is 1.
// Scalar must be array of 48 bytes. This function is specific to P751.
func checkLessThanThree238(scalar []byte) uint8

// Multiply 48-byte scalar by 3 to get a scalar in 3*[0,3^238). This
// function is specific to P751.
func multiplyByThree(scalar []byte)

+ 52
- 0
sidh/sidh_generic.go ファイルの表示

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// +build !amd64 noasm

package sidh

var three238m1 = []uint8{
0xf8, 0x84, 0x83, 0x82, 0x8a, 0x71, 0xcd, 0xed,
0x14, 0x7a, 0x42, 0xd4, 0xbf, 0x35, 0x3b, 0x73,
0x38, 0xcf, 0xd7, 0x94, 0xcf, 0x29, 0x82, 0xf8,
0xd6, 0x2a, 0x7c, 0x0c, 0x99, 0x6c, 0xc5, 0x63,
0xc7, 0x22, 0x42, 0x8f, 0x7e, 0xa8, 0x58, 0xb8,
0xf5, 0xea, 0x25, 0xb5, 0xc6, 0xc9, 0x54, 0x02}

func addc8(cin, a, b uint8) (ret, cout uint8) {
t := a + cin
ret = b + t
cout = ((a & b) | ((a | b) & (^ret))) >> 7

func subc8(bIn, a, b uint8) (ret, bOut uint8) {
var tmp1 = a - b
ret = tmp1 - bIn
// Set bOut if bIn!=0 and tmp1==0 in constant time
bOut = bIn & (1 ^ ((tmp1 | uint8(0-tmp1)) >> 7))
// Constant time check if a<b
bOut |= (a ^ ((a ^ b) | (uint8(a-b) ^ b))) >> 7

// Set result to zero if the input scalar is <= 3^238, otherwise result is 1.
// Scalar must be array of 48 bytes. This function is specific to P751.
func checkLessThanThree238(scalar []byte) uint8 {
var borrow uint8
for i := 0; i < len(three238m1); i++ {
_, borrow = subc8(borrow, three238m1[i], scalar[i])
return borrow

// Multiply 48-byte scalar by 3 to get a scalar in 3*[0,3^238). This
// function is specific to P751.
func multiplyByThree(scalar []byte) {
var carry uint8
var dbl [48]uint8

for i := 0; i < len(scalar); i++ {
dbl[i], carry = addc8(carry, scalar[i], scalar[i])
for i := 0; i < len(scalar); i++ {
scalar[i], carry = addc8(carry, dbl[i], scalar[i])

+ 12
- 3
sidh/sidh_test.go ファイルの表示

@@ -259,19 +259,28 @@ func TestCheckLessThanThree238(t *testing.T) {
212, 191, 53, 59, 115, 56, 207, 215, 148, 207, 41, 130, 248, 214, 42, 124, 12,
153, 108, 197, 99, 199, 34, 66, 143, 126, 168, 88, 184, 245, 234, 37, 181, 198,
201, 84, 2}
// makes second 64-bit digits bigger than in three238. checks if carries are correctly propagated
var three238plus2power65 = [48]byte{249, 132, 131, 130, 138, 113, 205, 237, 22, 122,
66, 212, 191, 53, 59, 115, 56, 207, 215, 148, 207, 41, 130, 248, 214, 42, 124, 12,
153, 108, 197, 99, 199, 34, 66, 143, 126, 168, 88, 184, 245, 234, 37, 181, 198,
201, 84, 2}

var result uint64
var result uint8

result = checkLessThanThree238(three238minus1[:])
if result != 0 {
t.Error("expected 0, got", result)
result = checkLessThanThree238(three238[:])
if result == 0 {
if result != 1 {
t.Error("expected nonzero, got", result)
result = checkLessThanThree238(three238plus1[:])
if result == 0 {
if result != 1 {
t.Error("expected nonzero, got", result)
result = checkLessThanThree238(three238plus2power65[:])
if result != 1 {
t.Error("expected nonzero, got", result)
