소스 검색

cln16sidh: add 3-isogeny functions

Currently these aren't tested; Sage gets unhappy working with isogenies of
large elliptic curves.  (Also, the previous test vectors were generated just to
test curve arithmetic, so they're not in the correct isogeny class and should
be changed...)
Henry de Valence 7 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일46개의 추가작업 그리고 0개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +46

+ 46
- 0
curve.go 파일 보기

@@ -285,3 +285,49 @@ func (xR *ProjectivePoint) ThreePointLadder(curve *ProjectiveCurveParameters, xP
*xR = x2
return xR

// Given a three-torsion point x3 = x(P_3) on the curve E_(A:C), compute the
// coefficients of the codomain E_(A':C') of the three-isogeny phi : E_(A:C) ->
// E_(A:C)/<P_3>.
func (codomain *ProjectiveCurveParameters) CodomainOf3Isogeny(x3 *ProjectivePoint) {
// We want to compute
// (A':C') = (Z^4 + 18X^2Z^2 - 27X^4 : 4XZ^3)
// To do this, use the identity 18X^2Z^2 - 27X^4 = 9X^2(2Z^2 - 3X^2)
var v0, v1, v2, v3 ExtensionFieldElement
v1.Square(&x3.x) // = X^2
v0.Add(&v1, &v1).Add(&v1, &v0) // = 3X^2
v1.Add(&v0, &v0).Add(&v1, &v0) // = 9X^2
v2.Square(&x3.z) // = Z^2
v3.Square(&v2) // = Z^4
v2.Add(&v2, &v2) // = 2Z^2
v0.Sub(&v2, &v0) // = 2Z^2 - 3X^2
v1.Mul(&v1, &v0) // = 9X^2(2Z^2 - 3X^2)
v0.Mul(&x3.x, &x3.z) // = XZ
v0.Add(&v0, &v0) // = 2XZ
codomain.A.Add(&v3, &v1) // = Z^4 + 9X^2(2Z^2 - 3X^2)
codomain.C.Mul(&v0, &v2) // = 4XZ^3

// Given a three-torsion point x3 = x(P_3) on the curve E_(A:C), together with
// a point xP = x(P), compute x(Q), the x-coordinate of the image Q = phi(P) of
// P under the three-isogeny phi : E_(A:C) -> E_(A:C)/<P_3> = E_(A':C').
// The output xQ = x(Q) is then a point on the curve E_(A':C'); the curve
// parameters can be computed using the CodomainOf3Isogeny function.
// Returns xQ to allow chaining. Safe to overlap x3, xP, xQ.
func (xQ *ProjectivePoint) Eval3Isogeny(x3, xP *ProjectivePoint) *ProjectivePoint {
var t0, t1, t2 ExtensionFieldElement
t0.Mul(&x3.x, &xP.x) // = X3*XP
t1.Mul(&x3.z, &xP.z) // = Z3*XP
t2.Sub(&t0, &t1) // = X3*XP - Z3*ZP
t0.Mul(&x3.z, &xP.x) // = Z3*XP
t1.Mul(&x3.x, &xP.z) // = X3*ZP
t0.Sub(&t0, &t1) // = Z3*XP - X3*ZP
t2.Square(&t2) // = (X3*XP - Z3*ZP)^2
t0.Square(&t0) // = (Z3*XP - X3*ZP)^2
xQ.x.Mul(&t2, &xP.x) // = XP*(X3*XP - Z3*ZP)^2
xQ.z.Mul(&t0, &xP.z) // = XQ*(Z3*XP - X3*ZP)^2

return xQ

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