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/* Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
package main
import (
// TODO(davidben): Link tests with the malloc shim and port -malloc-test to this runner.
var (
useValgrind = flag.Bool("valgrind", false, "If true, run code under valgrind")
useCallgrind = flag.Bool("callgrind", false, "If true, run code under valgrind to generate callgrind traces.")
useGDB = flag.Bool("gdb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under gdb")
useSDE = flag.Bool("sde", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under Intel's SDE for each supported chip")
sdePath = flag.String("sde-path", "sde", "The path to find the sde binary.")
buildDir = flag.String("build-dir", "build", "The build directory to run the tests from.")
numWorkers = flag.Int("num-workers", runtime.NumCPU(), "Runs the given number of workers when testing.")
jsonOutput = flag.String("json-output", "", "The file to output JSON results to.")
mallocTest = flag.Int64("malloc-test", -1, "If non-negative, run each test with each malloc in turn failing from the given number onwards.")
mallocTestDebug = flag.Bool("malloc-test-debug", false, "If true, ask each test to abort rather than fail a malloc. This can be used with a specific value for --malloc-test to identity the malloc failing that is causing problems.")
simulateARMCPUs = flag.Bool("simulate-arm-cpus", simulateARMCPUsDefault(), "If true, runs tests simulating different ARM CPUs.")
func simulateARMCPUsDefault() bool {
return runtime.GOOS == "linux" && (runtime.GOARCH == "arm" || runtime.GOARCH == "arm64")
type test struct {
args []string
shard, numShards int
// cpu, if not empty, contains a code to simulate. For SDE, run `sde64
// -help` to get a list of these codes. For ARM, see for
// the supported values.
cpu string
type result struct {
Test test
Passed bool
Error error
// sdeCPUs contains a list of CPU code that we run all tests under when *useSDE
// is true.
var sdeCPUs = []string{
"p4p", // Pentium4 Prescott
"mrm", // Merom
"pnr", // Penryn
"nhm", // Nehalem
"wsm", // Westmere
"snb", // Sandy Bridge
"ivb", // Ivy Bridge
"hsw", // Haswell
"bdw", // Broadwell
"skx", // Skylake Server
"skl", // Skylake Client
"cnl", // Cannonlake
"knl", // Knights Landing
"slt", // Saltwell
"slm", // Silvermont
"glm", // Goldmont
"knm", // Knights Mill
var armCPUs = []string{
"none", // No support for any ARM extensions.
"neon", // Support for NEON.
"crypto", // Support for NEON and crypto extensions.
func valgrindOf(dbAttach bool, path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
valgrindArgs := []string{"--error-exitcode=99", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--quiet"}
if dbAttach {
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, "--db-attach=yes", "--db-command=xterm -e gdb -nw %f %p")
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, path)
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("valgrind", valgrindArgs...)
func callgrindOf(path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
valgrindArgs := []string{"-q", "--tool=callgrind", "--dump-instr=yes", "--collect-jumps=yes", "--callgrind-out-file=" + *buildDir + "/callgrind/callgrind.out.%p"}
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, path)
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("valgrind", valgrindArgs...)
func gdbOf(path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
xtermArgs := []string{"-e", "gdb", "--args"}
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, path)
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("xterm", xtermArgs...)
func sdeOf(cpu, path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
sdeArgs := []string{"-" + cpu}
// The kernel's vdso code for gettimeofday sometimes uses the RDTSCP
// instruction. Although SDE has a -chip_check_vsyscall flag that
// excludes such code by default, it does not seem to work. Instead,
// pass the -chip_check_exe_only flag which retains test coverage when
// statically linked and excludes the vdso.
if cpu == "p4p" || cpu == "pnr" || cpu == "mrm" || cpu == "slt" {
sdeArgs = append(sdeArgs, "-chip_check_exe_only")
sdeArgs = append(sdeArgs, "--", path)
sdeArgs = append(sdeArgs, args...)
return exec.Command(*sdePath, sdeArgs...)
var (
errMoreMallocs = errors.New("child process did not exhaust all allocation calls")
errTestSkipped = errors.New("test was skipped")
func runTestOnce(test test, mallocNumToFail int64) (passed bool, err error) {
prog := path.Join(*buildDir, test.args[0])
Add a CFI tester to CHECK_ABI. This uses the x86 trap flag and libunwind to test CFI works at each instruction. For now, it just uses the system one out of pkg-config and disables unwind tests if unavailable. We'll probably want to stick a copy into //third_party and perhaps try the LLVM one later. This tester caught two bugs in P-256 CFI annotations already: I47b5f9798b3bcee1748e537b21c173d312a14b42 and I9f576d868850312d6c14d1386f8fbfa85021b347 An earlier design used PTRACE_SINGLESTEP with libunwind's remote unwinding features. ptrace is a mess around stop signals (see group-stop discussion in ptrace(2)) and this is 10x faster, so I went with it. The question of which is more future-proof is complex: - There are two libunwinds with the same API, and LLVM's. This currently uses the system for convenience. In future, LLVM's should be easier to bundle (less complex build) and appears to even support Windows, but I haven't tested this. Moreover, setting the trap flag keeps the test single-process, which is less complex on Windows. That suggests the trap flag design and switching to LLVM later. However... - Not all architectures have a trap flag settable by userspace. As far as I can tell, ARMv8's PSTATE.SS can only be set from the kernel. If we stick with libunwind, we can use PTRACE_SINGLESTEP and remote unwinding. Or we implement it for LLVM. Another thought is for the ptracer to bounce SIGTRAP back into the process, to share the local unwinding code. - ARMv7 has no trap flag at all and PTRACE_SINGLESTEP fails. Debuggers single-step by injecting breakpoints instead. However, ARMv8's trap flag seems to work in both AArch32 and AArch64 modes, so we may be able to condition it on a 64-bit kernel. Sadly, neither strategy works with Intel SDE. Adding flags to cpucap vectors as we do with ARM would help, but it would not emulate CPUs newer than the host CPU. For now, I've just had SDE tests disable these. Annoyingly, CMake does not allow object libraries to have dependencies, so make test_support a proper static library. Rename the target to test_support_lib to avoid Update-Note: This adds a new optional test dependency, but it's disabled by default (define BORINGSSL_HAVE_LIBUNWIND), so consumers do not need to do anything. We'll probably want to adjust this in the future. Bug: 181 Change-Id: I817263d7907aff0904a9cee83f8b26747262cc0c Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <> Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
2018-12-21 23:58:36 +00:00
args := append([]string{}, test.args[1:]...)
if *simulateARMCPUs && test.cpu != "" {
Add a CFI tester to CHECK_ABI. This uses the x86 trap flag and libunwind to test CFI works at each instruction. For now, it just uses the system one out of pkg-config and disables unwind tests if unavailable. We'll probably want to stick a copy into //third_party and perhaps try the LLVM one later. This tester caught two bugs in P-256 CFI annotations already: I47b5f9798b3bcee1748e537b21c173d312a14b42 and I9f576d868850312d6c14d1386f8fbfa85021b347 An earlier design used PTRACE_SINGLESTEP with libunwind's remote unwinding features. ptrace is a mess around stop signals (see group-stop discussion in ptrace(2)) and this is 10x faster, so I went with it. The question of which is more future-proof is complex: - There are two libunwinds with the same API, and LLVM's. This currently uses the system for convenience. In future, LLVM's should be easier to bundle (less complex build) and appears to even support Windows, but I haven't tested this. Moreover, setting the trap flag keeps the test single-process, which is less complex on Windows. That suggests the trap flag design and switching to LLVM later. However... - Not all architectures have a trap flag settable by userspace. As far as I can tell, ARMv8's PSTATE.SS can only be set from the kernel. If we stick with libunwind, we can use PTRACE_SINGLESTEP and remote unwinding. Or we implement it for LLVM. Another thought is for the ptracer to bounce SIGTRAP back into the process, to share the local unwinding code. - ARMv7 has no trap flag at all and PTRACE_SINGLESTEP fails. Debuggers single-step by injecting breakpoints instead. However, ARMv8's trap flag seems to work in both AArch32 and AArch64 modes, so we may be able to condition it on a 64-bit kernel. Sadly, neither strategy works with Intel SDE. Adding flags to cpucap vectors as we do with ARM would help, but it would not emulate CPUs newer than the host CPU. For now, I've just had SDE tests disable these. Annoyingly, CMake does not allow object libraries to have dependencies, so make test_support a proper static library. Rename the target to test_support_lib to avoid Update-Note: This adds a new optional test dependency, but it's disabled by default (define BORINGSSL_HAVE_LIBUNWIND), so consumers do not need to do anything. We'll probably want to adjust this in the future. Bug: 181 Change-Id: I817263d7907aff0904a9cee83f8b26747262cc0c Reviewed-on: Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <> Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
2018-12-21 23:58:36 +00:00
args = append(args, "--cpu=" + test.cpu)
if *useSDE {
// SDE is neither compatible with the unwind tester nor automatically
// detected.
args = append(args, "--no_unwind_tests")
var cmd *exec.Cmd
if *useValgrind {
cmd = valgrindOf(false, prog, args...)
} else if *useCallgrind {
cmd = callgrindOf(prog, args...)
} else if *useGDB {
cmd = gdbOf(prog, args...)
} else if *useSDE {
cmd = sdeOf(test.cpu, prog, args...)
} else {
cmd = exec.Command(prog, args...)
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &outBuf
cmd.Stderr = &outBuf
if mallocNumToFail >= 0 {
cmd.Env = os.Environ()
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "MALLOC_NUMBER_TO_FAIL="+strconv.FormatInt(mallocNumToFail, 10))
if *mallocTestDebug {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "MALLOC_ABORT_ON_FAIL=1")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "_MALLOC_CHECK=1")
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return false, err
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
switch exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus() {
case 88:
return false, errMoreMallocs
case 89:
return false, errTestSkipped
return false, err
// Account for Windows line-endings.
stdout := bytes.Replace(outBuf.Bytes(), []byte("\r\n"), []byte("\n"), -1)
if bytes.HasSuffix(stdout, []byte("PASS\n")) &&
(len(stdout) == 5 || stdout[len(stdout)-6] == '\n') {
return true, nil
Do a cursory conversion of a few tests to GTest. For now, this is the laziest conversion possible. The intent is to just get the build setup ready so that we can get everything working in our consumers. The intended end state is: - The standalone build produces three test targets, one per library: {crypto,ssl,decrepit}_tests. - Each FOO_test is made up of: FOO/**/* crypto/test/ test_support - emits variables crypto_test_sources and ssl_test_sources. These variables are populated with FindCFiles, looking for * - The consuming file assembles those variables into the two test targets (plus decrepit) from there. This avoids having emit actual build rules. - Our standalone builders, Chromium, and Android just run the top-level test targets using whatever GTest-based reporting story they have. In transition, we start by converting one of two tests in each library to populate the three test targets. Those are added to all_tests.json and all_tests.go hacked to handle them transparently. This keeps our standalone builder working., to start with, populates the new source lists manually and subtracts them out of the old machinery. We emit both for the time being. When this change rolls in, we'll write all the build glue needed to build the GTest-based tests and add it to consumers' continuous builders. Next, we'll subsume a file-based test and get the consumers working with that. (I.e. make sure the GTest targets can depend on a data file.) Once that's all done, we'll be sure all this will work. At that point, we start subsuming the remaining tests into the GTest targets and, asynchronously, rewriting tests to use GTest properly rather than cursory conversion here. When all non-GTest tests are gone, the old hooks will be removed, consumers updated to not depend on them, and standalone builders converted to not rely on all_tests.go, which can then be removed. (Unless bits end up being needed as a malloc test driver. I'm thinking we'll want to do something with --gtest_filter.) As part of this CL, I've bumped the CMake requirements (for target_include_directories) and added a few suppressions for warnings that GTest doesn't pass. BUG=129 Change-Id: I881b26b07a8739cc0b52dbb51a30956908e1b71a Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
2017-01-20 00:05:47 +00:00
// Also accept a googletest-style pass line. This is left here in
// transition until the tests are all converted and this script made
// unnecessary.
if bytes.Contains(stdout, []byte("\n[ PASSED ]")) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func runTest(test test) (bool, error) {
if *mallocTest < 0 {
return runTestOnce(test, -1)
for mallocNumToFail := int64(*mallocTest); ; mallocNumToFail++ {
if passed, err := runTestOnce(test, mallocNumToFail); err != errMoreMallocs {
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("at malloc %d: %s", mallocNumToFail, err)
return passed, err
// setWorkingDirectory walks up directories as needed until the current working
// directory is the top of a BoringSSL checkout.
func setWorkingDirectory() {
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
if _, err := os.Stat(""); err == nil {
panic("Couldn't find in a parent directory!")
func parseTestConfig(filename string) ([]test, error) {
in, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer in.Close()
decoder := json.NewDecoder(in)
var testArgs [][]string
if err := decoder.Decode(&testArgs); err != nil {
return nil, err
var result []test
for _, args := range testArgs {
result = append(result, test{args: args})
return result, nil
func worker(tests <-chan test, results chan<- result, done *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer done.Done()
for test := range tests {
passed, err := runTest(test)
results <- result{test, passed, err}
func (t test) shortName() string {
return t.args[0] + t.shardMsg() + t.cpuMsg()
func (t test) longName() string {
return strings.Join(t.args, " ") + t.cpuMsg()
func (t test) shardMsg() string {
if t.numShards == 0 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf(" [shard %d/%d]", t.shard+1, t.numShards)
func (t test) cpuMsg() string {
if len(t.cpu) == 0 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf(" (for CPU %q)", t.cpu)
func (t test) getGTestShards() ([]test, error) {
if *numWorkers == 1 || len(t.args) != 1 {
return []test{t}, nil
// Only shard the three GTest-based tests.
if t.args[0] != "crypto/crypto_test" && t.args[0] != "ssl/ssl_test" && t.args[0] != "decrepit/decrepit_test" {
return []test{t}, nil
prog := path.Join(*buildDir, t.args[0])
cmd := exec.Command(prog, "--gtest_list_tests")
var stdout bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err
var group string
var tests []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(&stdout)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
// Remove the parameter comment and trailing space.
if idx := strings.Index(line, "#"); idx >= 0 {
line = line[:idx]
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if len(line) == 0 {
if line[len(line)-1] == '.' {
group = line
if len(group) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found test case %q without group", line)
tests = append(tests, group+line)
const testsPerShard = 20
if len(tests) <= testsPerShard {
return []test{t}, nil
// Slow tests which process large test vector files tend to be grouped
// together, so shuffle the order.
shuffled := make([]string, len(tests))
perm := rand.Perm(len(tests))
for i, j := range perm {
shuffled[i] = tests[j]
var shards []test
for i := 0; i < len(shuffled); i += testsPerShard {
n := len(shuffled) - i
if n > testsPerShard {
n = testsPerShard
shard := t
shard.args = []string{shard.args[0], "--gtest_filter=" + strings.Join(shuffled[i:i+n], ":")}
shard.shard = len(shards)
shards = append(shards, shard)
for i := range shards {
shards[i].numShards = len(shards)
return shards, nil
func main() {
testCases, err := parseTestConfig("util/all_tests.json")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to parse input: %s\n", err)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
tests := make(chan test, *numWorkers)
results := make(chan result, *numWorkers)
for i := 0; i < *numWorkers; i++ {
go worker(tests, results, &wg)
go func() {
for _, test := range testCases {
if *useSDE {
// SDE generates plenty of tasks and gets slower
// with additional sharding.
for _, cpu := range sdeCPUs {
testForCPU := test
testForCPU.cpu = cpu
tests <- testForCPU
} else if *simulateARMCPUs {
// This mode is run instead of the default path,
// so also include the native flow.
tests <- test
for _, cpu := range armCPUs {
testForCPU := test
testForCPU.cpu = cpu
tests <- testForCPU
} else {
shards, err := test.getGTestShards()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error listing tests: %s\n", err)
for _, shard := range shards {
tests <- shard
testOutput := testresult.NewResults()
var failed, skipped []test
for testResult := range results {
test := testResult.Test
args := test.args
if testResult.Error == errTestSkipped {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", test.longName())
fmt.Printf("%s was skipped\n", args[0])
skipped = append(skipped, test)
} else if testResult.Error != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", test.longName())
fmt.Printf("%s failed to complete: %s\n", args[0], testResult.Error)
failed = append(failed, test)
testOutput.AddResult(test.longName(), "CRASH")
} else if !testResult.Passed {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", test.longName())
fmt.Printf("%s failed to print PASS on the last line.\n", args[0])
failed = append(failed, test)
testOutput.AddResult(test.longName(), "FAIL")
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", test.shortName())
testOutput.AddResult(test.longName(), "PASS")
if *jsonOutput != "" {
if err := testOutput.WriteToFile(*jsonOutput); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %s\n", err)
if len(skipped) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\n%d of %d tests were skipped:\n", len(skipped), len(testCases))
for _, test := range skipped {
fmt.Printf("\t%s%s\n", strings.Join(test.args, " "), test.cpuMsg())
if len(failed) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\n%d of %d tests failed:\n", len(failed), len(testCases))
for _, test := range failed {
fmt.Printf("\t%s%s\n", strings.Join(test.args, " "), test.cpuMsg())
fmt.Printf("\nAll tests passed!\n")