Adam Langley 05a8434484 Support AVX-512 instructions with a writemask in delocate.
AVX-512 adds a new text instruction syntax to x86-64 assembly to specify
the writemask registers and the merge-masking vs zeroing-masking signal.

This change causes these tokens to be passed through.

Patch by Jeff McDonald.

Change-Id: Ib15b15ac684183cc5fba329a176b63b477bc24a3
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <>
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <>
CQ-Verified: CQ bot account: <>
2018-01-22 18:00:18 +00:00

46 lines
1.2 KiB

# Most instructions and lines should pass unaltered. This is made up of
# copy-and-pasted bits of compiler output and likely does not actually
# run.
.file "bcm.c"
.type foo, @function
.globl foo
.file 1 "../foo/bar.c"
.loc 1 2 3
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
movq %rdi, -24(%rbp)
movq -24(%rbp), %rax
.loc 1 168 0 is_stmt 0 discriminator 1
cmpq -8(%rbp), %rax
jmpq *%rax
movdqa %xmm3,%xmm10
psrlq $1,%xmm3
pxor %xmm6,%xmm5
pxor %xmm4,%xmm3
pand %xmm7,%xmm5
pand %xmm7,%xmm3
pxor %xmm5,%xmm6
paddd 112(%r11),%xmm15
vmovdqa %xmm0,%xmm5
vpunpckhqdq %xmm0,%xmm0,%xmm3
vpxor %xmm0,%xmm3,%xmm3
vpclmulqdq $0x11,%xmm2,%xmm0,%xmm1
vpclmulqdq $0x00,%xmm2,%xmm0,%xmm0
vpclmulqdq $0x00,%xmm6,%xmm3,%xmm3
vpxor %xmm0,%xmm1,%xmm4
vpxor %xmm4,%xmm3,%xmm3
vmovdqu8 %ymm1,%ymm6{%k1}{z}
vmovdqu8 %ymm2,%ymm4{%k3}
.byte 0xf3,0xc3
movq %rax, %rbx # Comments can be on the same line as an instruction.
.L3: # Or on the same line as a label.
.L4: .L5: movq %rbx, %rax # This is also legal.
.size foo, .-foo
.type foo, @function