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  1. /* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (
  2. * All rights reserved.
  3. *
  4. * This package is an SSL implementation written
  5. * by Eric Young (
  6. * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
  7. *
  8. * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
  9. * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions
  10. * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
  11. * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation
  12. * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
  13. * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (
  14. *
  15. * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
  16. * the code are not to be removed.
  17. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
  18. * as the author of the parts of the library used.
  19. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
  20. * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
  21. *
  22. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  23. * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  24. * are met:
  25. * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
  26. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  27. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  28. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
  29. * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  30. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
  31. * must display the following acknowledgement:
  32. * "This product includes cryptographic software written by
  33. * Eric Young ("
  34. * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
  35. * being used are not cryptographic related :-).
  36. * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from
  37. * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
  38. * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ("
  39. *
  50. * SUCH DAMAGE.
  51. *
  52. * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
  53. * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be
  54. * copied and put under another distribution licence
  55. * [including the GNU Public Licence.]
  56. */
  57. /* ====================================================================
  58. * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
  59. *
  60. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  61. * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  62. * are met:
  63. *
  64. * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  65. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  66. *
  67. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  68. * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
  69. * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
  70. * distribution.
  71. *
  72. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
  73. * software must display the following acknowledgment:
  74. * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
  75. * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ("
  76. *
  77. * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to
  78. * endorse or promote products derived from this software without
  79. * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
  80. *
  81. *
  82. * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"
  83. * nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
  84. * permission of the OpenSSL Project.
  85. *
  86. * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
  87. * acknowledgment:
  88. * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
  89. * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ("
  90. *
  103. * ====================================================================
  104. *
  105. * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
  106. * ( This product includes software written by Tim
  107. * Hudson (
  108. *
  109. */
  110. /* ====================================================================
  111. * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  112. * ECC cipher suite support in OpenSSL originally developed by
  113. * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., and contributed to the OpenSSL project.
  114. */
  115. /* ====================================================================
  116. * Copyright 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  117. *
  118. * The portions of the attached software ("Contribution") is developed by
  119. * Nokia Corporation and is licensed pursuant to the OpenSSL open source
  120. * license.
  121. *
  122. * The Contribution, originally written by Mika Kousa and Pasi Eronen of
  123. * Nokia Corporation, consists of the "PSK" (Pre-Shared Key) ciphersuites
  124. * support (see RFC 4279) to OpenSSL.
  125. *
  126. * No patent licenses or other rights except those expressly stated in
  127. * the OpenSSL open source license shall be deemed granted or received
  128. * expressly, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise.
  129. *
  130. * No assurances are provided by Nokia that the Contribution does not
  131. * infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any third
  132. * party or that the license provides you with all the necessary rights
  133. * to make use of the Contribution.
  134. *
  139. * OTHERWISE.
  140. */
  141. #ifndef OPENSSL_HEADER_SSL_H
  142. #define OPENSSL_HEADER_SSL_H
  143. #include <openssl/base.h>
  144. #include <openssl/bio.h>
  145. #include <openssl/buf.h>
  146. #include <openssl/hmac.h>
  147. #include <openssl/lhash.h>
  148. #include <openssl/pem.h>
  149. #include <openssl/ssl3.h>
  150. #include <openssl/thread.h>
  151. #include <openssl/tls1.h>
  152. #include <openssl/x509.h>
  153. #if !defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
  154. #include <sys/time.h>
  155. #endif
  156. /* Forward-declare struct timeval. On Windows, it is defined in winsock2.h and
  157. * Windows headers define too many macros to be included in public headers.
  158. * However, only a forward declaration is needed. */
  159. struct timeval;
  160. #if defined(__cplusplus)
  161. extern "C" {
  162. #endif
  163. /* SSL implementation. */
  164. /* SSL contexts.
  165. *
  166. * |SSL_CTX| objects manage shared state and configuration between multiple TLS
  167. * or DTLS connections. Whether the connections are TLS or DTLS is selected by
  168. * an |SSL_METHOD| on creation.
  169. *
  170. * |SSL_CTX| are reference-counted and may be shared by connections across
  171. * multiple threads. Once shared, functions which change the |SSL_CTX|'s
  172. * configuration may not be used. */
  173. /* TLS_method is the |SSL_METHOD| used for TLS (and SSLv3) connections. */
  174. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLS_method(void);
  175. /* DTLS_method is the |SSL_METHOD| used for DTLS connections. */
  176. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLS_method(void);
  177. /* SSL_CTX_new returns a newly-allocated |SSL_CTX| with default settings or NULL
  178. * on error. */
  179. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_CTX *SSL_CTX_new(const SSL_METHOD *method);
  180. /* SSL_CTX_up_ref increments the reference count of |ctx|. It returns one. */
  181. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_up_ref(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  182. /* SSL_CTX_free releases memory associated with |ctx|. */
  183. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  184. /* SSL connections.
  185. *
  186. * An |SSL| object represents a single TLS or DTLS connection. Although the
  187. * shared |SSL_CTX| is thread-safe, an |SSL| is not thread-safe and may only be
  188. * used on one thread at a time. */
  189. /* SSL_new returns a newly-allocated |SSL| using |ctx| or NULL on error. The new
  190. * connection inherits settings from |ctx| at the time of creation. Settings may
  191. * also be individually configured on the connection.
  192. *
  193. * On creation, an |SSL| is not configured to be either a client or server. Call
  194. * |SSL_set_connect_state| or |SSL_set_accept_state| to set this. */
  196. /* SSL_free releases memory associated with |ssl|. */
  197. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_free(SSL *ssl);
  198. /* SSL_get_SSL_CTX returns the |SSL_CTX| associated with |ssl|. If
  199. * |SSL_set_SSL_CTX| is called, it returns the new |SSL_CTX|, not the initial
  200. * one. */
  201. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_CTX *SSL_get_SSL_CTX(const SSL *ssl);
  202. /* SSL_set_connect_state configures |ssl| to be a client. */
  203. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_connect_state(SSL *ssl);
  204. /* SSL_set_accept_state configures |ssl| to be a server. */
  205. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_accept_state(SSL *ssl);
  206. /* SSL_is_server returns one if |ssl| is configured as a server and zero
  207. * otherwise. */
  208. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_is_server(const SSL *ssl);
  209. /* SSL_is_dtls returns one if |ssl| is a DTLS connection and zero otherwise. */
  210. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_is_dtls(const SSL *ssl);
  211. /* SSL_set_bio configures |ssl| to read from |rbio| and write to |wbio|. |ssl|
  212. * takes ownership of the two |BIO|s. If |rbio| and |wbio| are the same, |ssl|
  213. * only takes ownership of one reference.
  214. *
  215. * In DTLS, if |rbio| is blocking, it must handle
  216. * |BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_NEXT_TIMEOUT| control requests to set read timeouts.
  217. *
  218. * If |rbio| is the same as the currently configured |BIO| for reading, that
  219. * side is left untouched and is not freed.
  220. *
  221. * If |wbio| is the same as the currently configured |BIO| for writing AND |ssl|
  222. * is not currently configured to read from and write to the same |BIO|, that
  223. * side is left untouched and is not freed. This asymmetry is present for
  224. * historical reasons.
  225. *
  226. * Due to the very complex historical behavior of this function, calling this
  227. * function if |ssl| already has |BIO|s configured is deprecated. Prefer
  228. * |SSL_set0_rbio| and |SSL_set0_wbio| instead. */
  229. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_bio(SSL *ssl, BIO *rbio, BIO *wbio);
  230. /* SSL_set0_rbio configures |ssl| to write to |rbio|. It takes ownership of
  231. * |rbio|.
  232. *
  233. * Note that, although this function and |SSL_set0_wbio| may be called on the
  234. * same |BIO|, each call takes a reference. Use |BIO_up_ref| to balance this. */
  235. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set0_rbio(SSL *ssl, BIO *rbio);
  236. /* SSL_set0_wbio configures |ssl| to write to |wbio|. It takes ownership of
  237. * |wbio|.
  238. *
  239. * Note that, although this function and |SSL_set0_rbio| may be called on the
  240. * same |BIO|, each call takes a reference. Use |BIO_up_ref| to balance this. */
  241. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set0_wbio(SSL *ssl, BIO *wbio);
  242. /* SSL_get_rbio returns the |BIO| that |ssl| reads from. */
  243. OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *SSL_get_rbio(const SSL *ssl);
  244. /* SSL_get_wbio returns the |BIO| that |ssl| writes to. */
  245. OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *SSL_get_wbio(const SSL *ssl);
  246. /* SSL_get_fd calls |SSL_get_rfd|. */
  247. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_fd(const SSL *ssl);
  248. /* SSL_get_rfd returns the file descriptor that |ssl| is configured to read
  249. * from. If |ssl|'s read |BIO| is not configured or doesn't wrap a file
  250. * descriptor then it returns -1.
  251. *
  252. * Note: On Windows, this may return either a file descriptor or a socket (cast
  253. * to int), depending on whether |ssl| was configured with a file descriptor or
  254. * socket |BIO|. */
  255. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_rfd(const SSL *ssl);
  256. /* SSL_get_wfd returns the file descriptor that |ssl| is configured to write
  257. * to. If |ssl|'s write |BIO| is not configured or doesn't wrap a file
  258. * descriptor then it returns -1.
  259. *
  260. * Note: On Windows, this may return either a file descriptor or a socket (cast
  261. * to int), depending on whether |ssl| was configured with a file descriptor or
  262. * socket |BIO|. */
  263. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_wfd(const SSL *ssl);
  264. /* SSL_set_fd configures |ssl| to read from and write to |fd|. It returns one
  265. * on success and zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of
  266. * |fd|.
  267. *
  268. * On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs. */
  269. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_fd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
  270. /* SSL_set_rfd configures |ssl| to read from |fd|. It returns one on success and
  271. * zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of |fd|.
  272. *
  273. * On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs. */
  274. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_rfd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
  275. /* SSL_set_wfd configures |ssl| to write to |fd|. It returns one on success and
  276. * zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of |fd|.
  277. *
  278. * On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs. */
  279. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_wfd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
  280. /* SSL_do_handshake continues the current handshake. If there is none or the
  281. * handshake has completed or False Started, it returns one. Otherwise, it
  282. * returns <= 0. The caller should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to
  283. * determine how to proceed.
  284. *
  285. * In DTLS, if the read |BIO| is non-blocking, the caller must drive
  286. * retransmissions. Whenever |SSL_get_error| signals |SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ|, use
  287. * |DTLSv1_get_timeout| to determine the current timeout. If it expires before
  288. * the next retry, call |DTLSv1_handle_timeout|. Note that DTLS handshake
  289. * retransmissions use fresh sequence numbers, so it is not sufficient to replay
  290. * packets at the transport.
  291. *
  292. * TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
  293. * */
  294. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_do_handshake(SSL *ssl);
  295. /* SSL_connect configures |ssl| as a client, if unconfigured, and calls
  296. * |SSL_do_handshake|. */
  297. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_connect(SSL *ssl);
  298. /* SSL_accept configures |ssl| as a server, if unconfigured, and calls
  299. * |SSL_do_handshake|. */
  300. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_accept(SSL *ssl);
  301. /* SSL_read reads up to |num| bytes from |ssl| into |buf|. It implicitly runs
  302. * any pending handshakes, including renegotiations when enabled. On success, it
  303. * returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise, it returns <= 0. The caller
  304. * should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed.
  305. *
  306. * TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
  307. * */
  308. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_read(SSL *ssl, void *buf, int num);
  309. /* SSL_peek behaves like |SSL_read| but does not consume any bytes returned. */
  310. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_peek(SSL *ssl, void *buf, int num);
  311. /* SSL_pending returns the number of bytes available in |ssl|. It does not read
  312. * from the transport. */
  313. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_pending(const SSL *ssl);
  314. /* SSL_write writes up to |num| bytes from |buf| into |ssl|. It implicitly runs
  315. * any pending handshakes, including renegotiations when enabled. On success, it
  316. * returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise, it returns <= 0. The caller
  317. * should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed.
  318. *
  319. * In TLS, a non-blocking |SSL_write| differs from non-blocking |write| in that
  320. * a failed |SSL_write| still commits to the data passed in. When retrying, the
  321. * caller must supply the original write buffer (or a larger one containing the
  322. * original as a prefix). By default, retries will fail if they also do not
  323. * reuse the same |buf| pointer. This may be relaxed with
  324. * |SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER|, but the buffer contents still must be
  325. * unchanged.
  326. *
  327. * By default, in TLS, |SSL_write| will not return success until all |num| bytes
  328. * are written. This may be relaxed with |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE|. It
  329. * allows |SSL_write| to complete with a partial result when only part of the
  330. * input was written in a single record.
  331. *
  333. * |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE| do anything. The caller may retry with a
  334. * different buffer freely. A single call to |SSL_write| only ever writes a
  335. * single record in a single packet, so |num| must be at most
  337. *
  338. * TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
  339. * */
  340. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_write(SSL *ssl, const void *buf, int num);
  341. /* SSL_shutdown shuts down |ssl|. On success, it completes in two stages. First,
  342. * it returns 0 if |ssl| completed uni-directional shutdown; close_notify has
  343. * been sent, but the peer's close_notify has not been received. Most callers
  344. * may stop at this point. For bi-directional shutdown, call |SSL_shutdown|
  345. * again. It returns 1 if close_notify has been both sent and received.
  346. *
  347. * If the peer's close_notify arrived first, the first stage is skipped.
  348. * |SSL_shutdown| will return 1 once close_notify is sent and skip 0. Callers
  349. * only interested in uni-directional shutdown must therefore allow for the
  350. * first stage returning either 0 or 1.
  351. *
  352. * |SSL_shutdown| returns -1 on failure. The caller should pass the return value
  353. * into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed. If the underlying |BIO| is
  354. * non-blocking, both stages may require retry. */
  355. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_shutdown(SSL *ssl);
  356. /* SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown sets quiet shutdown on |ctx| to |mode|. If
  357. * enabled, |SSL_shutdown| will not send a close_notify alert or wait for one
  358. * from the peer. It will instead synchronously return one. */
  359. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode);
  360. /* SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown returns whether quiet shutdown is enabled for
  361. * |ctx|. */
  362. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  363. /* SSL_set_quiet_shutdown sets quiet shutdown on |ssl| to |mode|. If enabled,
  364. * |SSL_shutdown| will not send a close_notify alert or wait for one from the
  365. * peer. It will instead synchronously return one. */
  366. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(SSL *ssl, int mode);
  367. /* SSL_get_quiet_shutdown returns whether quiet shutdown is enabled for
  368. * |ssl|. */
  369. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_quiet_shutdown(const SSL *ssl);
  370. /* SSL_get_error returns a |SSL_ERROR_*| value for the most recent operation on
  371. * |ssl|. It should be called after an operation failed to determine whether the
  372. * error was fatal and, if not, when to retry. */
  373. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_error(const SSL *ssl, int ret_code);
  374. /* SSL_ERROR_NONE indicates the operation succeeded. */
  375. #define SSL_ERROR_NONE 0
  376. /* SSL_ERROR_SSL indicates the operation failed within the library. The caller
  377. * may inspect the error queue for more information. */
  378. #define SSL_ERROR_SSL 1
  379. /* SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ indicates the operation failed attempting to read from
  380. * the transport. The caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready
  381. * for reading.
  382. *
  383. * If signaled by a DTLS handshake, the caller must also call
  384. * |DTLSv1_get_timeout| and |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| as appropriate. See
  385. * |SSL_do_handshake|. */
  386. #define SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ 2
  387. /* SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE indicates the operation failed attempting to write to
  388. * the transport. The caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready
  389. * for writing. */
  390. #define SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE 3
  391. /* SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP indicates the operation failed in calling the
  392. * |cert_cb| or |client_cert_cb|. The caller may retry the operation when the
  393. * callback is ready to return a certificate or one has been configured
  394. * externally.
  395. *
  396. * See also |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb|. */
  397. #define SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP 4
  398. /* SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL indicates the operation failed externally to the library.
  399. * The caller should consult the system-specific error mechanism. This is
  400. * typically |errno| but may be something custom if using a custom |BIO|. It
  401. * may also be signaled if the transport returned EOF, in which case the
  402. * operation's return value will be zero. */
  403. #define SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL 5
  404. /* SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN indicates the operation failed because the connection
  405. * was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert. */
  406. #define SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN 6
  407. /* SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT indicates the operation failed attempting to connect
  408. * the transport (the |BIO| signaled |BIO_RR_CONNECT|). The caller may retry the
  409. * operation when the transport is ready. */
  410. #define SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT 7
  411. /* SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT indicates the operation failed attempting to accept a
  412. * connection from the transport (the |BIO| signaled |BIO_RR_ACCEPT|). The
  413. * caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready.
  414. *
  415. * TODO(davidben): Remove this. It's used by accept BIOs which are bizarre. */
  416. #define SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT 8
  417. /* SSL_ERROR_WANT_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP indicates the operation failed looking up
  418. * the Channel ID key. The caller may retry the operation when |channel_id_cb|
  419. * is ready to return a key or one has been configured with
  420. * |SSL_set1_tls_channel_id|.
  421. *
  422. * See also |SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb|. */
  424. /* SSL_ERROR_PENDING_SESSION indicates the operation failed because the session
  425. * lookup callback indicated the session was unavailable. The caller may retry
  426. * the operation when lookup has completed.
  427. *
  428. * See also |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb| and |SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr|. */
  430. /* SSL_ERROR_PENDING_CERTIFICATE indicates the operation failed because the
  431. * early callback indicated certificate lookup was incomplete. The caller may
  432. * retry the operation when lookup has completed. Note: when the operation is
  433. * retried, the early callback will not be called a second time.
  434. *
  435. * See also |SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb|. */
  437. /* SSL_ERROR_WANT_PRIVATE_KEY_OPERATION indicates the operation failed because
  438. * a private key operation was unfinished. The caller may retry the operation
  439. * when the private key operation is complete.
  440. *
  441. * See also |SSL_set_private_key_method| and
  442. * |SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method|. */
  444. /* SSL_set_mtu sets the |ssl|'s MTU in DTLS to |mtu|. It returns one on success
  445. * and zero on failure. */
  446. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_mtu(SSL *ssl, unsigned mtu);
  447. /* DTLSv1_set_initial_timeout_duration sets the initial duration for a DTLS
  448. * handshake timeout.
  449. *
  450. * This duration overrides the default of 1 second, which is the strong
  451. * recommendation of RFC 6347 (see section However, there may exist
  452. * situations where a shorter timeout would be beneficial, such as for
  453. * time-sensitive applications. */
  454. OPENSSL_EXPORT void DTLSv1_set_initial_timeout_duration(SSL *ssl,
  455. unsigned duration_ms);
  456. /* DTLSv1_get_timeout queries the next DTLS handshake timeout. If there is a
  457. * timeout in progress, it sets |*out| to the time remaining and returns one.
  458. * Otherwise, it returns zero.
  459. *
  460. * When the timeout expires, call |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| to handle the
  461. * retransmit behavior.
  462. *
  463. * NOTE: This function must be queried again whenever the handshake state
  464. * machine changes, including when |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| is called. */
  465. OPENSSL_EXPORT int DTLSv1_get_timeout(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out);
  466. /* DTLSv1_handle_timeout is called when a DTLS handshake timeout expires. If no
  467. * timeout had expired, it returns 0. Otherwise, it retransmits the previous
  468. * flight of handshake messages and returns 1. If too many timeouts had expired
  469. * without progress or an error occurs, it returns -1.
  470. *
  471. * The caller's external timer should be compatible with the one |ssl| queries
  472. * within some fudge factor. Otherwise, the call will be a no-op, but
  473. * |DTLSv1_get_timeout| will return an updated timeout.
  474. *
  475. * If the function returns -1, checking if |SSL_get_error| returns
  476. * |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| may be used to determine if the retransmit failed due
  477. * to a non-fatal error at the write |BIO|. However, the operation may not be
  478. * retried until the next timeout fires.
  479. *
  480. * WARNING: This function breaks the usual return value convention.
  481. *
  482. * TODO(davidben): This |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| behavior is kind of bizarre. */
  483. OPENSSL_EXPORT int DTLSv1_handle_timeout(SSL *ssl);
  484. /* Protocol versions. */
  485. #define DTLS1_VERSION_MAJOR 0xfe
  486. #define SSL3_VERSION_MAJOR 0x03
  487. #define SSL3_VERSION 0x0300
  488. #define TLS1_VERSION 0x0301
  489. #define TLS1_1_VERSION 0x0302
  490. #define TLS1_2_VERSION 0x0303
  491. #define TLS1_3_VERSION 0x0304
  492. #define DTLS1_VERSION 0xfeff
  493. #define DTLS1_2_VERSION 0xfefd
  494. #define TLS1_3_DRAFT_VERSION 0x7f12
  495. /* SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version sets the minimum protocol version for |ctx| to
  496. * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default minimum version is used. It
  497. * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
  498. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  499. uint16_t version);
  500. /* SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version sets the maximum protocol version for |ctx| to
  501. * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default maximum version is used. It
  502. * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
  503. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  504. uint16_t version);
  505. /* SSL_set_min_proto_version sets the minimum protocol version for |ssl| to
  506. * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default minimum version is used. It
  507. * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
  508. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_min_proto_version(SSL *ssl, uint16_t version);
  509. /* SSL_set_max_proto_version sets the maximum protocol version for |ssl| to
  510. * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default maximum version is used. It
  511. * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
  512. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_max_proto_version(SSL *ssl, uint16_t version);
  513. /* SSL_version returns the TLS or DTLS protocol version used by |ssl|, which is
  514. * one of the |*_VERSION| values. (E.g. |TLS1_2_VERSION|.) Before the version
  515. * is negotiated, the result is undefined. */
  516. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_version(const SSL *ssl);
  517. /* Options.
  518. *
  519. * Options configure protocol behavior. */
  520. /* SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU, in DTLS, disables querying the MTU from the underlying
  521. * |BIO|. Instead, the MTU is configured with |SSL_set_mtu|. */
  522. #define SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU 0x00001000L
  523. /* SSL_OP_NO_TICKET disables session ticket support (RFC 5077). */
  524. #define SSL_OP_NO_TICKET 0x00004000L
  525. /* SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE configures servers to select ciphers and
  526. * ECDHE curves according to the server's preferences instead of the
  527. * client's. */
  528. #define SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE 0x00400000L
  529. /* The following flags toggle individual protocol versions. This is deprecated.
  530. * Use |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| and |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|
  531. * instead. */
  532. #define SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 0x02000000L
  533. #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 0x04000000L
  534. #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 0x08000000L
  535. #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 0x10000000L
  536. #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3 0x20000000L
  537. #define SSL_OP_NO_DTLSv1 SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1
  538. #define SSL_OP_NO_DTLSv1_2 SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
  539. /* SSL_CTX_set_options enables all options set in |options| (which should be one
  540. * or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
  541. * bitmask representing the resulting enabled options. */
  542. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_set_options(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t options);
  543. /* SSL_CTX_clear_options disables all options set in |options| (which should be
  544. * one or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
  545. * bitmask representing the resulting enabled options. */
  546. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_clear_options(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t options);
  547. /* SSL_CTX_get_options returns a bitmask of |SSL_OP_*| values that represent all
  548. * the options enabled for |ctx|. */
  549. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_get_options(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  550. /* SSL_set_options enables all options set in |options| (which should be one or
  551. * more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
  552. * representing the resulting enabled options. */
  553. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_set_options(SSL *ssl, uint32_t options);
  554. /* SSL_clear_options disables all options set in |options| (which should be one
  555. * or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a
  556. * bitmask representing the resulting enabled options. */
  557. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_clear_options(SSL *ssl, uint32_t options);
  558. /* SSL_get_options returns a bitmask of |SSL_OP_*| values that represent all the
  559. * options enabled for |ssl|. */
  560. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_get_options(const SSL *ssl);
  561. /* Modes.
  562. *
  563. * Modes configure API behavior. */
  564. /* SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE, in TLS, allows |SSL_write| to complete with a
  565. * partial result when the only part of the input was written in a single
  566. * record. In DTLS, it does nothing. */
  567. #define SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE 0x00000001L
  568. /* SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER, in TLS, allows retrying an incomplete
  569. * |SSL_write| with a different buffer. However, |SSL_write| still assumes the
  570. * buffer contents are unchanged. This is not the default to avoid the
  571. * misconception that non-blocking |SSL_write| behaves like non-blocking
  572. * |write|. In DTLS, it does nothing. */
  573. #define SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER 0x00000002L
  574. /* SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN disables automatically building a certificate chain
  575. * before sending certificates to the peer. This flag is set (and the feature
  576. * disabled) by default.
  577. * TODO(davidben): Remove this behavior. */
  578. #define SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN 0x00000008L
  579. /* SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START allows clients to send application data before
  580. * receipt of ChangeCipherSpec and Finished. This mode enables full handshakes
  581. * to 'complete' in one RTT. See RFC 7918.
  582. *
  583. * When False Start is enabled, |SSL_do_handshake| may succeed before the
  584. * handshake has completely finished. |SSL_write| will function at this point,
  585. * and |SSL_read| will transparently wait for the final handshake leg before
  586. * returning application data. To determine if False Start occurred or when the
  587. * handshake is completely finished, see |SSL_in_false_start|, |SSL_in_init|,
  588. * and |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE| from |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
  589. #define SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START 0x00000080L
  590. /* SSL_MODE_CBC_RECORD_SPLITTING causes multi-byte CBC records in SSL 3.0 and
  591. * TLS 1.0 to be split in two: the first record will contain a single byte and
  592. * the second will contain the remainder. This effectively randomises the IV and
  593. * prevents BEAST attacks. */
  594. #define SSL_MODE_CBC_RECORD_SPLITTING 0x00000100L
  595. /* SSL_MODE_NO_SESSION_CREATION will cause any attempts to create a session to
  596. * fail with SSL_R_SESSION_MAY_NOT_BE_CREATED. This can be used to enforce that
  597. * session resumption is used for a given SSL*. */
  598. #define SSL_MODE_NO_SESSION_CREATION 0x00000200L
  599. /* SSL_MODE_SEND_FALLBACK_SCSV sends TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV in the ClientHello.
  600. * To be set only by applications that reconnect with a downgraded protocol
  601. * version; see RFC 7507 for details.
  602. *
  603. * DO NOT ENABLE THIS if your application attempts a normal handshake. Only use
  604. * this in explicit fallback retries, following the guidance in RFC 7507. */
  605. #define SSL_MODE_SEND_FALLBACK_SCSV 0x00000400L
  606. /* SSL_CTX_set_mode enables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more
  607. * of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a bitmask
  608. * representing the resulting enabled modes. */
  609. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_set_mode(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t mode);
  610. /* SSL_CTX_clear_mode disables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or
  611. * more of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
  612. * bitmask representing the resulting enabled modes. */
  613. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_clear_mode(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t mode);
  614. /* SSL_CTX_get_mode returns a bitmask of |SSL_MODE_*| values that represent all
  615. * the modes enabled for |ssl|. */
  616. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_get_mode(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  617. /* SSL_set_mode enables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more of
  618. * the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
  619. * representing the resulting enabled modes. */
  620. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_set_mode(SSL *ssl, uint32_t mode);
  621. /* SSL_clear_mode disables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more
  622. * of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
  623. * representing the resulting enabled modes. */
  624. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_clear_mode(SSL *ssl, uint32_t mode);
  625. /* SSL_get_mode returns a bitmask of |SSL_MODE_*| values that represent all the
  626. * modes enabled for |ssl|. */
  627. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_get_mode(const SSL *ssl);
  628. /* SSL_CTX_set0_buffer_pool sets a |CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL| that will be used to
  629. * store certificates. This can allow multiple connections to share
  630. * certificates and thus save memory.
  631. *
  632. * The SSL_CTX does not take ownership of |pool| and the caller must ensure
  633. * that |pool| outlives |ctx| and all objects linked to it, including |SSL|,
  634. * |X509| and |SSL_SESSION| objects. Basically, don't ever free |pool|. */
  635. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set0_buffer_pool(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  636. CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool);
  637. /* Configuring certificates and private keys.
  638. *
  639. * These functions configure the connection's leaf certificate, private key, and
  640. * certificate chain. The certificate chain is ordered leaf to root (as sent on
  641. * the wire) but does not include the leaf. Both client and server certificates
  642. * use these functions.
  643. *
  644. * Certificates and keys may be configured before the handshake or dynamically
  645. * in the early callback and certificate callback. */
  646. /* SSL_CTX_use_certificate sets |ctx|'s leaf certificate to |x509|. It returns
  647. * one on success and zero on failure. */
  648. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
  649. /* SSL_use_certificate sets |ssl|'s leaf certificate to |x509|. It returns one
  650. * on success and zero on failure. */
  651. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_certificate(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
  652. /* SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |pkey|. It returns one on
  653. * success and zero on failure. */
  654. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(SSL_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
  655. /* SSL_use_PrivateKey sets |ssl|'s private key to |pkey|. It returns one on
  656. * success and zero on failure. */
  657. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_PrivateKey(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
  658. /* SSL_CTX_set0_chain sets |ctx|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
  659. * |chain|. On success, it returns one and takes ownership of |chain|.
  660. * Otherwise, it returns zero. */
  661. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set0_chain(SSL_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
  662. /* SSL_CTX_set1_chain sets |ctx|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
  663. * |chain|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains
  664. * ownership of |chain| and may release it freely. */
  665. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_chain(SSL_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
  666. /* SSL_set0_chain sets |ssl|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
  667. * |chain|. On success, it returns one and takes ownership of |chain|.
  668. * Otherwise, it returns zero. */
  669. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set0_chain(SSL *ssl, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
  670. /* SSL_set1_chain sets |ssl|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
  671. * |chain|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains
  672. * ownership of |chain| and may release it freely. */
  673. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_chain(SSL *ssl, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
  674. /* SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. On
  675. * success, it returns one and takes ownership of |x509|. Otherwise, it returns
  676. * zero. */
  677. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
  678. /* SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. It
  679. * returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of
  680. * |x509| and may release it freely. */
  681. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
  682. /* SSL_add0_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. On success,
  683. * it returns one and takes ownership of |x509|. Otherwise, it returns zero. */
  684. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add0_chain_cert(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
  685. /* SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert calls |SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert|. */
  686. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
  687. /* SSL_add1_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. It returns
  688. * one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |x509|
  689. * and may release it freely. */
  690. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add1_chain_cert(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
  691. /* SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs clears |ctx|'s certificate chain and returns
  692. * one. */
  693. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  694. /* SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs calls |SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs|. */
  695. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  696. /* SSL_clear_chain_certs clears |ssl|'s certificate chain and returns one. */
  697. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_clear_chain_certs(SSL *ssl);
  698. /* SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb sets a callback that is called to select a certificate.
  699. * The callback returns one on success, zero on internal error, and a negative
  700. * number on failure or to pause the handshake. If the handshake is paused,
  701. * |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP|.
  702. *
  703. * On the client, the callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
  704. * |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate
  705. * request.
  706. *
  707. * On the server, the callback will be called on non-resumption handshakes,
  708. * after extensions have been processed. */
  709. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  710. int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, void *arg),
  711. void *arg);
  712. /* SSL_set_cert_cb sets a callback that is called to select a certificate. The
  713. * callback returns one on success, zero on internal error, and a negative
  714. * number on failure or to pause the handshake. If the handshake is paused,
  715. * |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP|.
  716. *
  717. * On the client, the callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
  718. * |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate
  719. * request. */
  720. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_cert_cb(SSL *ssl, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, void *arg),
  721. void *arg);
  722. /* SSL_get0_certificate_types, for a client, sets |*out_types| to an array
  723. * containing the client certificate types requested by a server. It returns the
  724. * length of the array.
  725. *
  726. * The behavior of this function is undefined except during the callbacks set by
  727. * by |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb| or when the
  728. * handshake is paused because of them. */
  729. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get0_certificate_types(SSL *ssl,
  730. const uint8_t **out_types);
  731. /* SSL_certs_clear resets the private key, leaf certificate, and certificate
  732. * chain of |ssl|. */
  733. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_certs_clear(SSL *ssl);
  734. /* SSL_CTX_check_private_key returns one if the certificate and private key
  735. * configured in |ctx| are consistent and zero otherwise. */
  736. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_check_private_key(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  737. /* SSL_check_private_key returns one if the certificate and private key
  738. * configured in |ssl| are consistent and zero otherwise. */
  739. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_check_private_key(const SSL *ssl);
  740. /* SSL_CTX_get0_certificate returns |ctx|'s leaf certificate. */
  741. OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_CTX_get0_certificate(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  742. /* SSL_get_certificate returns |ssl|'s leaf certificate. */
  743. OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_get_certificate(const SSL *ssl);
  744. /* SSL_CTX_get0_privatekey returns |ctx|'s private key. */
  745. OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *SSL_CTX_get0_privatekey(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  746. /* SSL_get_privatekey returns |ssl|'s private key. */
  747. OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *SSL_get_privatekey(const SSL *ssl);
  748. /* SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs sets |*out_chain| to |ctx|'s certificate chain and
  749. * returns one. */
  750. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs(const SSL_CTX *ctx,
  751. STACK_OF(X509) **out_chain);
  752. /* SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs calls |SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs|. */
  753. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs(const SSL_CTX *ctx,
  754. STACK_OF(X509) **out_chain);
  755. /* SSL_get0_chain_certs sets |*out_chain| to |ssl|'s certificate chain and
  756. * returns one. */
  757. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get0_chain_certs(const SSL *ssl,
  758. STACK_OF(X509) **out_chain);
  759. /* SSL_CTX_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets the list of signed certificate
  760. * timestamps that is sent to clients that request it. The |list| argument must
  761. * contain one or more SCT structures serialised as a SignedCertificateTimestamp
  762. * List (see – i.e. each SCT
  763. * is prefixed by a big-endian, uint16 length and the concatenation of one or
  764. * more such prefixed SCTs are themselves also prefixed by a uint16 length. It
  765. * returns one on success and zero on error. The caller retains ownership of
  766. * |list|. */
  767. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  768. const uint8_t *list,
  769. size_t list_len);
  770. /* SSL_CTX_set_ocsp_response sets the OCSP reponse that is sent to clients
  771. * which request it. It returns one on success and zero on error. The caller
  772. * retains ownership of |response|. */
  773. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_ocsp_response(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  774. const uint8_t *response,
  775. size_t response_len);
  776. /* SSL_set_ocsp_response sets the OCSP reponse that is sent to clients which
  777. * request it. It returns one on success and zero on error. The caller retains
  778. * ownership of |response|. */
  779. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_ocsp_response(SSL *ssl,
  780. const uint8_t *response,
  781. size_t response_len);
  782. /* SSL_SIGN_* are signature algorithm values as defined in TLS 1.3. */
  783. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1 0x0201
  784. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA256 0x0401
  785. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA384 0x0501
  786. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA512 0x0601
  787. #define SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SHA1 0x0203
  788. #define SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256 0x0403
  789. #define SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP384R1_SHA384 0x0503
  790. #define SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP521R1_SHA512 0x0603
  791. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_SHA256 0x0804
  792. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_SHA384 0x0805
  793. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_SHA512 0x0806
  794. /* SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1 is an internal signature algorithm used to
  795. * specify raw RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with an MD5/SHA-1 concatenation, as used in TLS
  796. * before TLS 1.2. */
  797. #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1 0xff01
  798. /* SSL_CTX_set_signing_algorithm_prefs configures |ctx| to use |prefs| as the
  799. * preference list when signing with |ctx|'s private key. It returns one on
  800. * success and zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only value
  801. * |SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1|. */
  802. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_signing_algorithm_prefs(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  803. const uint16_t *prefs,
  804. size_t num_prefs);
  805. /* SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs configures |ssl| to use |prefs| as the
  806. * preference list when signing with |ssl|'s private key. It returns one on
  807. * success and zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only value
  808. * |SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1|. */
  809. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs(SSL *ssl,
  810. const uint16_t *prefs,
  811. size_t num_prefs);
  812. /* Certificate and private key convenience functions. */
  813. /* SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |rsa|. It returns one
  814. * on success and zero on failure. */
  815. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey(SSL_CTX *ctx, RSA *rsa);
  816. /* SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |rsa|. It returns one on
  817. * success and zero on failure. */
  818. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey(SSL *ssl, RSA *rsa);
  819. /* The following functions configure certificates or private keys but take as
  820. * input DER-encoded structures. They return one on success and zero on
  821. * failure. */
  822. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1(SSL_CTX *ctx, size_t der_len,
  823. const uint8_t *der);
  824. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_certificate_ASN1(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *der,
  825. size_t der_len);
  826. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(int pk, SSL_CTX *ctx,
  827. const uint8_t *der,
  828. size_t der_len);
  829. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1(int type, SSL *ssl,
  830. const uint8_t *der, size_t der_len);
  831. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  832. const uint8_t *der,
  833. size_t der_len);
  834. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *der,
  835. size_t der_len);
  836. /* The following functions configure certificates or private keys but take as
  837. * input files to read from. They return one on success and zero on failure. The
  838. * |type| parameter is one of the |SSL_FILETYPE_*| values and determines whether
  839. * the file's contents are read as PEM or DER. */
  842. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  843. const char *file,
  844. int type);
  845. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(SSL *ssl, const char *file,
  846. int type);
  847. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file,
  848. int type);
  849. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_certificate_file(SSL *ssl, const char *file,
  850. int type);
  851. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file,
  852. int type);
  853. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_PrivateKey_file(SSL *ssl, const char *file,
  854. int type);
  855. /* SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file configures certificates for |ctx|. It
  856. * reads the contents of |file| as a PEM-encoded leaf certificate followed
  857. * optionally by the certificate chain to send to the peer. It returns one on
  858. * success and zero on failure. */
  859. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  860. const char *file);
  861. /* SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb sets the password callback for PEM-based
  862. * convenience functions called on |ctx|. */
  863. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  864. pem_password_cb *cb);
  865. /* SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata sets the userdata parameter for
  866. * |ctx|'s password callback. */
  867. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  868. void *data);
  869. /* Custom private keys. */
  870. enum ssl_private_key_result_t {
  871. ssl_private_key_success,
  872. ssl_private_key_retry,
  873. ssl_private_key_failure,
  874. };
  875. /* SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD describes private key hooks. This is used to off-load
  876. * signing operations to a custom, potentially asynchronous, backend. */
  877. typedef struct ssl_private_key_method_st {
  878. /* type returns the type of the key used by |ssl|. For RSA keys, return
  879. * |NID_rsaEncryption|. For ECDSA keys, return |NID_X9_62_prime256v1|,
  880. * |NID_secp384r1|, or |NID_secp521r1|, depending on the curve.
  881. *
  882. * Returning |EVP_PKEY_EC| for ECDSA keys is deprecated and may result in
  883. * connection failures in TLS 1.3. */
  884. int (*type)(SSL *ssl);
  885. /* max_signature_len returns the maximum length of a signature signed by the
  886. * key used by |ssl|. This must be a constant value for a given |ssl|. */
  887. size_t (*max_signature_len)(SSL *ssl);
  888. /* sign signs the message |in| in using the specified signature algorithm. On
  889. * success, it returns |ssl_private_key_success| and writes at most |max_out|
  890. * bytes of signature data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes
  891. * written. On failure, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the operation
  892. * has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. |sign| should
  893. * arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
  894. * operation is completed. This will result in a call to |complete|.
  895. *
  896. * |signature_algorithm| is one of the |SSL_SIGN_*| values, as defined in TLS
  897. * 1.3. Note that, in TLS 1.2, ECDSA algorithms do not require that curve
  898. * sizes match hash sizes, so the curve portion of |SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_*| values
  899. * must be ignored. BoringSSL will internally handle the curve matching logic
  900. * where appropriate.
  901. *
  902. * It is an error to call |sign| while another private key operation is in
  903. * progress on |ssl|. */
  904. enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*sign)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len,
  905. size_t max_out,
  906. uint16_t signature_algorithm,
  907. const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
  908. /* sign_digest signs |in_len| bytes of digest from |in|. |md| is the hash
  909. * function used to calculate |in|. On success, it returns
  910. * |ssl_private_key_success| and writes at most |max_out| bytes of signature
  911. * data to |out|. On failure, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the
  912. * operation has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. |sign|
  913. * should arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
  914. * operation is completed. This will result in a call to |complete|.
  915. *
  916. * If the key is an RSA key, implementations must use PKCS#1 padding. |in| is
  917. * the digest itself, so the DigestInfo prefix, if any, must be prepended by
  918. * |sign|. If |md| is |EVP_md5_sha1|, there is no prefix.
  919. *
  920. * It is an error to call |sign_digest| while another private key operation is
  921. * in progress on |ssl|.
  922. *
  923. * This function is deprecated. Implement |sign| instead.
  924. *
  925. * TODO(davidben): Remove this function. */
  926. enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*sign_digest)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  927. size_t *out_len, size_t max_out,
  928. const EVP_MD *md,
  929. const uint8_t *in,
  930. size_t in_len);
  931. /* decrypt decrypts |in_len| bytes of encrypted data from |in|. On success it
  932. * returns |ssl_private_key_success|, writes at most |max_out| bytes of
  933. * decrypted data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the actual number of bytes
  934. * written. On failure it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the operation
  935. * has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. The caller should
  936. * arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
  937. * operation is completed, which will result in a call to |complete|. This
  938. * function only works with RSA keys and should perform a raw RSA decryption
  939. * operation with no padding.
  940. *
  941. * It is an error to call |decrypt| while another private key operation is in
  942. * progress on |ssl|. */
  943. enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*decrypt)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  944. size_t *out_len, size_t max_out,
  945. const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
  946. /* complete completes a pending operation. If the operation has completed, it
  947. * returns |ssl_private_key_success| and writes the result to |out| as in
  948. * |sign|. Otherwise, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure| on failure and
  949. * |ssl_private_key_retry| if the operation is still in progress.
  950. *
  951. * |complete| may be called arbitrarily many times before completion, but it
  952. * is an error to call |complete| if there is no pending operation in progress
  953. * on |ssl|. */
  954. enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*complete)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  955. size_t *out_len, size_t max_out);
  957. /* SSL_set_private_key_method configures a custom private key on |ssl|.
  958. * |key_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ssl|. */
  959. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_private_key_method(
  960. SSL *ssl, const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *key_method);
  961. /* SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method configures a custom private key on |ctx|.
  962. * |key_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ctx|. */
  963. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method(
  964. SSL_CTX *ctx, const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *key_method);
  965. /* Cipher suites.
  966. *
  967. * |SSL_CIPHER| objects represent cipher suites. */
  969. /* SSL_get_cipher_by_value returns the structure representing a TLS cipher
  970. * suite based on its assigned number, or NULL if unknown. See
  971. * */
  972. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_CIPHER *SSL_get_cipher_by_value(uint16_t value);
  973. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_id returns |cipher|'s id. It may be cast to a |uint16_t| to
  974. * get the cipher suite value. */
  975. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CIPHER_get_id(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  976. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES returns one if |cipher| uses AES (either GCM or CBC
  977. * mode). */
  978. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_AES(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  979. /* SSL_CIPHER_has_MD5_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-MD5. */
  980. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_has_MD5_HMAC(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  981. /* SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA1_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA1. */
  982. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA1_HMAC(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  983. /* SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA256_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA256. */
  984. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA256_HMAC(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  985. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_AESGCM returns one if |cipher| uses AES-GCM. */
  987. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128GCM returns one if |cipher| uses 128-bit AES-GCM. */
  988. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128GCM(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  989. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128CBC returns one if |cipher| uses 128-bit AES in CBC
  990. * mode. */
  991. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128CBC(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  992. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES256CBC returns one if |cipher| uses 256-bit AES in CBC
  993. * mode. */
  994. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_AES256CBC(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  995. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_CHACHA20POLY1305 returns one if |cipher| uses
  996. * CHACHA20_POLY1305. Note this includes both the RFC 7905 and
  997. * draft-agl-tls-chacha20poly1305-04 versions. */
  998. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_CHACHA20POLY1305(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  999. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_NULL returns one if |cipher| does not encrypt. */
  1000. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_NULL(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1001. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_block_cipher returns one if |cipher| is a block cipher. */
  1002. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_block_cipher(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1003. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDSA returns one if |cipher| uses ECDSA. */
  1004. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDSA(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1005. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_DHE returns one if |cipher| uses DHE. */
  1006. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_DHE(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1007. /* SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDHE returns one if |cipher| uses ECDHE. */
  1008. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDHE(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1009. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version returns the minimum protocol version required
  1010. * for |cipher|. */
  1011. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1012. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_max_version returns the maximum protocol version that
  1013. * supports |cipher|. */
  1014. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_CIPHER_get_max_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1015. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_name returns the OpenSSL name of |cipher|. */
  1016. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1017. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_name returns a string that describes the key-exchange
  1018. * method used by |cipher|. For example, "ECDHE_ECDSA". TLS 1.3 AEAD-only
  1019. * ciphers return the string "GENERIC". */
  1020. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1021. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_rfc_name returns a newly-allocated string with the standard
  1022. * name for |cipher| or NULL on error. For example,
  1023. * "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256". The caller is responsible for
  1024. * calling |OPENSSL_free| on the result. */
  1025. OPENSSL_EXPORT char *SSL_CIPHER_get_rfc_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  1026. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_bits returns the strength, in bits, of |cipher|. If
  1027. * |out_alg_bits| is not NULL, it writes the number of bits consumed by the
  1028. * symmetric algorithm to |*out_alg_bits|. */
  1029. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher,
  1030. int *out_alg_bits);
  1031. /* Cipher suite configuration.
  1032. *
  1033. * OpenSSL uses a mini-language to configure cipher suites. The language
  1034. * maintains an ordered list of enabled ciphers, along with an ordered list of
  1035. * disabled but available ciphers. Initially, all ciphers are disabled with a
  1036. * default ordering. The cipher string is then interpreted as a sequence of
  1037. * directives, separated by colons, each of which modifies this state.
  1038. *
  1039. * Most directives consist of a one character or empty opcode followed by a
  1040. * selector which matches a subset of available ciphers.
  1041. *
  1042. * Available opcodes are:
  1043. *
  1044. * The empty opcode enables and appends all matching disabled ciphers to the
  1045. * end of the enabled list. The newly appended ciphers are ordered relative to
  1046. * each other matching their order in the disabled list.
  1047. *
  1048. * |-| disables all matching enabled ciphers and prepends them to the disabled
  1049. * list, with relative order from the enabled list preserved. This means the
  1050. * most recently disabled ciphers get highest preference relative to other
  1051. * disabled ciphers if re-enabled.
  1052. *
  1053. * |+| moves all matching enabled ciphers to the end of the enabled list, with
  1054. * relative order preserved.
  1055. *
  1056. * |!| deletes all matching ciphers, enabled or not, from either list. Deleted
  1057. * ciphers will not matched by future operations.
  1058. *
  1059. * A selector may be a specific cipher (using the OpenSSL name for the cipher)
  1060. * or one or more rules separated by |+|. The final selector matches the
  1061. * intersection of each rule. For instance, |AESGCM+aECDSA| matches
  1062. * ECDSA-authenticated AES-GCM ciphers.
  1063. *
  1064. * Available cipher rules are:
  1065. *
  1066. * |ALL| matches all ciphers.
  1067. *
  1068. * |kRSA|, |kDHE|, |kECDHE|, and |kPSK| match ciphers using plain RSA, DHE,
  1069. * ECDHE, and plain PSK key exchanges, respectively. Note that ECDHE_PSK is
  1070. * matched by |kECDHE| and not |kPSK|.
  1071. *
  1072. * |aRSA|, |aECDSA|, and |aPSK| match ciphers authenticated by RSA, ECDSA, and
  1073. * a pre-shared key, respectively.
  1074. *
  1075. * |RSA|, |DHE|, |ECDHE|, |PSK|, |ECDSA|, and |PSK| are aliases for the
  1076. * corresponding |k*| or |a*| cipher rule. |RSA| is an alias for |kRSA|, not
  1077. * |aRSA|.
  1078. *
  1079. * |3DES|, |AES128|, |AES256|, |AES|, |AESGCM|, |CHACHA20| match ciphers
  1080. * whose bulk cipher use the corresponding encryption scheme. Note that
  1081. * |AES|, |AES128|, and |AES256| match both CBC and GCM ciphers.
  1082. *
  1083. * |MD5|, |SHA1|, |SHA256|, and |SHA384| match legacy cipher suites using the
  1084. * corresponding hash function in their MAC. AEADs are matched by none of
  1085. * these.
  1086. *
  1087. * |SHA| is an alias for |SHA1|.
  1088. *
  1089. * Although implemented, authentication-only ciphers match no rules and must be
  1090. * explicitly selected by name.
  1091. *
  1092. * Deprecated cipher rules:
  1093. *
  1094. * |kEDH|, |EDH|, |kEECDH|, and |EECDH| are legacy aliases for |kDHE|, |DHE|,
  1095. * |kECDHE|, and |ECDHE|, respectively.
  1096. *
  1097. * |HIGH| is an alias for |ALL|.
  1098. *
  1099. * |FIPS| is an alias for |HIGH|.
  1100. *
  1101. * |SSLv3| and |TLSv1| match ciphers available in TLS 1.1 or earlier.
  1102. * |TLSv1_2| matches ciphers new in TLS 1.2. This is confusing and should not
  1103. * be used.
  1104. *
  1105. * Unknown rules silently match nothing.
  1106. *
  1107. * The special |@STRENGTH| directive will sort all enabled ciphers by strength.
  1108. *
  1109. * The |DEFAULT| directive, when appearing at the front of the string, expands
  1110. * to the default ordering of available ciphers.
  1111. *
  1112. * If configuring a server, one may also configure equal-preference groups to
  1113. * partially respect the client's preferences when
  1114. * |SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE| is enabled. Ciphers in an equal-preference
  1115. * group have equal priority and use the client order. This may be used to
  1116. * enforce that AEADs are preferred but select AES-GCM vs. ChaCha20-Poly1305
  1117. * based on client preferences. An equal-preference is specified with square
  1118. * brackets, combining multiple selectors separated by |. For example:
  1119. *
  1121. *
  1122. * Once an equal-preference group is used, future directives must be
  1123. * opcode-less.
  1124. *
  1125. * TLS 1.3 ciphers do not participate in this mechanism and instead have a
  1126. * built-in preference order. Functions to set cipher lists do not affect TLS
  1127. * 1.3, and functions to query the cipher list do not include TLS 1.3
  1128. * ciphers. */
  1129. /* SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST is the default cipher suite configuration. It is
  1130. * substituted when a cipher string starts with 'DEFAULT'. */
  1132. /* SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ctx|, evaluating
  1133. * |str| as a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
  1134. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *str);
  1135. /* SSL_set_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ssl|, evaluating |str| as
  1136. * a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
  1137. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_cipher_list(SSL *ssl, const char *str);
  1138. /* SSL_get_ciphers returns the cipher list for |ssl|, in order of preference. */
  1139. OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *SSL_get_ciphers(const SSL *ssl);
  1140. /* Connection information. */
  1141. /* SSL_is_init_finished returns one if |ssl| has completed its initial handshake
  1142. * and has no pending handshake. It returns zero otherwise. */
  1143. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_is_init_finished(const SSL *ssl);
  1144. /* SSL_in_init returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake and zero
  1145. * otherwise. */
  1146. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_in_init(const SSL *ssl);
  1147. /* SSL_in_false_start returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake that is in
  1148. * False Start. |SSL_write| may be called at this point without waiting for the
  1149. * peer, but |SSL_read| will complete the handshake before accepting application
  1150. * data.
  1151. *
  1152. * See also |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START|. */
  1153. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_in_false_start(const SSL *ssl);
  1154. /* SSL_get_peer_certificate returns the peer's leaf certificate or NULL if the
  1155. * peer did not use certificates. The caller must call |X509_free| on the
  1156. * result to release it. */
  1157. OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_get_peer_certificate(const SSL *ssl);
  1158. /* SSL_get_peer_cert_chain returns the peer's certificate chain or NULL if
  1159. * unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified
  1160. * list of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
  1161. * verification. For historical reasons, this value may not be available if
  1162. * resuming a serialized |SSL_SESSION|. The caller does not take ownership of
  1163. * the result.
  1164. *
  1165. * WARNING: This function behaves differently between client and server. If
  1166. * |ssl| is a server, the returned chain does not include the leaf certificate.
  1167. * If a client, it does. */
  1168. OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509) *SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(const SSL *ssl);
  1169. /* SSL_get_peer_full_cert_chain returns the peer's certificate chain, or NULL if
  1170. * unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified
  1171. * list of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
  1172. * verification. For historical reasons, this value may not be available if
  1173. * resuming a serialized |SSL_SESSION|. The caller does not take ownership of
  1174. * the result.
  1175. *
  1176. * This is the same as |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| except that this function
  1177. * always returns the full chain, i.e. the first element of the return value
  1178. * (if any) will be the leaf certificate. In constrast,
  1179. * |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| returns only the intermediate certificates if the
  1180. * |ssl| is a server. */
  1181. OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509) *SSL_get_peer_full_cert_chain(const SSL *ssl);
  1182. /* SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to
  1183. * |*out_len| bytes of SCT information from the server. This is only valid if
  1184. * |ssl| is a client. The SCT information is a SignedCertificateTimestampList
  1185. * (including the two leading length bytes).
  1186. * See
  1187. * If no SCT was received then |*out_len| will be zero on return.
  1188. *
  1189. * WARNING: the returned data is not guaranteed to be well formed. */
  1190. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list(const SSL *ssl,
  1191. const uint8_t **out,
  1192. size_t *out_len);
  1193. /* SSL_get0_ocsp_response sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to |*out_len|
  1194. * bytes of an OCSP response from the server. This is the DER encoding of an
  1195. * OCSPResponse type as defined in RFC 2560.
  1196. *
  1197. * WARNING: the returned data is not guaranteed to be well formed. */
  1198. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_ocsp_response(const SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out,
  1199. size_t *out_len);
  1200. /* SSL_get_tls_unique writes at most |max_out| bytes of the tls-unique value
  1201. * for |ssl| to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. It
  1202. * returns one on success or zero on error. In general |max_out| should be at
  1203. * least 12.
  1204. *
  1205. * This function will always fail if the initial handshake has not completed.
  1206. * The tls-unique value will change after a renegotiation but, since
  1207. * renegotiations can be initiated by the server at any point, the higher-level
  1208. * protocol must either leave them disabled or define states in which the
  1209. * tls-unique value can be read.
  1210. *
  1211. * The tls-unique value is defined by
  1212. * Due to a weakness in the
  1213. * TLS protocol, tls-unique is broken for resumed connections unless the
  1214. * Extended Master Secret extension is negotiated. Thus this function will
  1215. * return zero if |ssl| performed session resumption unless EMS was used when
  1216. * negotiating the original session. */
  1217. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_tls_unique(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  1218. size_t *out_len, size_t max_out);
  1219. /* SSL_get_extms_support returns one if the Extended Master Secret extension or
  1220. * TLS 1.3 was negotiated. Otherwise, it returns zero. */
  1221. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_extms_support(const SSL *ssl);
  1222. /* SSL_get_current_cipher returns the cipher used in the current outgoing
  1223. * connection state, or NULL if the null cipher is active. */
  1224. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_CIPHER *SSL_get_current_cipher(const SSL *ssl);
  1225. /* SSL_session_reused returns one if |ssl| performed an abbreviated handshake
  1226. * and zero otherwise.
  1227. *
  1228. * TODO(davidben): Hammer down the semantics of this API while a handshake,
  1229. * initial or renego, is in progress. */
  1230. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_session_reused(const SSL *ssl);
  1231. /* SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support returns one if the peer supports secure
  1232. * renegotiation (RFC 5746) or TLS 1.3. Otherwise, it returns zero. */
  1233. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support(const SSL *ssl);
  1234. /* SSL_export_keying_material exports a value derived from the master secret, as
  1235. * specified in RFC 5705. It writes |out_len| bytes to |out| given a label and
  1236. * optional context. (Since a zero length context is allowed, the |use_context|
  1237. * flag controls whether a context is included.)
  1238. *
  1239. * It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
  1240. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_export_keying_material(
  1241. SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t out_len, const char *label, size_t label_len,
  1242. const uint8_t *context, size_t context_len, int use_context);
  1243. /* Custom extensions.
  1244. *
  1245. * The custom extension functions allow TLS extensions to be added to
  1246. * ClientHello and ServerHello messages. */
  1247. /* SSL_custom_ext_add_cb is a callback function that is called when the
  1248. * ClientHello (for clients) or ServerHello (for servers) is constructed. In
  1249. * the case of a server, this callback will only be called for a given
  1250. * extension if the ClientHello contained that extension – it's not possible to
  1251. * inject extensions into a ServerHello that the client didn't request.
  1252. *
  1253. * When called, |extension_value| will contain the extension number that is
  1254. * being considered for addition (so that a single callback can handle multiple
  1255. * extensions). If the callback wishes to include the extension, it must set
  1256. * |*out| to point to |*out_len| bytes of extension contents and return one. In
  1257. * this case, the corresponding |SSL_custom_ext_free_cb| callback will later be
  1258. * called with the value of |*out| once that data has been copied.
  1259. *
  1260. * If the callback does not wish to add an extension it must return zero.
  1261. *
  1262. * Alternatively, the callback can abort the connection by setting
  1263. * |*out_alert_value| to a TLS alert number and returning -1. */
  1264. typedef int (*SSL_custom_ext_add_cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned extension_value,
  1265. const uint8_t **out, size_t *out_len,
  1266. int *out_alert_value, void *add_arg);
  1267. /* SSL_custom_ext_free_cb is a callback function that is called by OpenSSL iff
  1268. * an |SSL_custom_ext_add_cb| callback previously returned one. In that case,
  1269. * this callback is called and passed the |out| pointer that was returned by
  1270. * the add callback. This is to free any dynamically allocated data created by
  1271. * the add callback. */
  1272. typedef void (*SSL_custom_ext_free_cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned extension_value,
  1273. const uint8_t *out, void *add_arg);
  1274. /* SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb is a callback function that is called by OpenSSL to
  1275. * parse an extension from the peer: that is from the ServerHello for a client
  1276. * and from the ClientHello for a server.
  1277. *
  1278. * When called, |extension_value| will contain the extension number and the
  1279. * contents of the extension are |contents_len| bytes at |contents|.
  1280. *
  1281. * The callback must return one to continue the handshake. Otherwise, if it
  1282. * returns zero, a fatal alert with value |*out_alert_value| is sent and the
  1283. * handshake is aborted. */
  1284. typedef int (*SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned extension_value,
  1285. const uint8_t *contents,
  1286. size_t contents_len,
  1287. int *out_alert_value, void *parse_arg);
  1288. /* SSL_extension_supported returns one iff OpenSSL internally handles
  1289. * extensions of type |extension_value|. This can be used to avoid registering
  1290. * custom extension handlers for extensions that a future version of OpenSSL
  1291. * may handle internally. */
  1292. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_extension_supported(unsigned extension_value);
  1293. /* SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext registers callback functions for handling
  1294. * custom TLS extensions for client connections.
  1295. *
  1296. * If |add_cb| is NULL then an empty extension will be added in each
  1297. * ClientHello. Otherwise, see the comment for |SSL_custom_ext_add_cb| about
  1298. * this callback.
  1299. *
  1300. * The |free_cb| may be NULL if |add_cb| doesn't dynamically allocate data that
  1301. * needs to be freed.
  1302. *
  1303. * It returns one on success or zero on error. It's always an error to register
  1304. * callbacks for the same extension twice, or to register callbacks for an
  1305. * extension that OpenSSL handles internally. See |SSL_extension_supported| to
  1306. * discover, at runtime, which extensions OpenSSL handles internally. */
  1307. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext(
  1308. SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned extension_value, SSL_custom_ext_add_cb add_cb,
  1309. SSL_custom_ext_free_cb free_cb, void *add_arg,
  1310. SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb parse_cb, void *parse_arg);
  1311. /* SSL_CTX_add_server_custom_ext is the same as
  1312. * |SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext|, but for server connections.
  1313. *
  1314. * Unlike on the client side, if |add_cb| is NULL no extension will be added.
  1315. * The |add_cb|, if any, will only be called if the ClientHello contained a
  1316. * matching extension. */
  1317. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_server_custom_ext(
  1318. SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned extension_value, SSL_custom_ext_add_cb add_cb,
  1319. SSL_custom_ext_free_cb free_cb, void *add_arg,
  1320. SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb parse_cb, void *parse_arg);
  1321. /* Sessions.
  1322. *
  1323. * An |SSL_SESSION| represents an SSL session that may be resumed in an
  1324. * abbreviated handshake. It is reference-counted and immutable. Once
  1325. * established, an |SSL_SESSION| may be shared by multiple |SSL| objects on
  1326. * different threads and must not be modified. */
  1329. /* SSL_SESSION_new returns a newly-allocated blank |SSL_SESSION| or NULL on
  1330. * error. This may be useful in writing tests but otherwise should not be
  1331. * used outside the library. */
  1333. /* SSL_SESSION_up_ref increments the reference count of |session| and returns
  1334. * one. */
  1335. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_up_ref(SSL_SESSION *session);
  1336. /* SSL_SESSION_free decrements the reference count of |session|. If it reaches
  1337. * zero, all data referenced by |session| and |session| itself are released. */
  1338. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_SESSION_free(SSL_SESSION *session);
  1339. /* SSL_SESSION_to_bytes serializes |in| into a newly allocated buffer and sets
  1340. * |*out_data| to that buffer and |*out_len| to its length. The caller takes
  1341. * ownership of the buffer and must call |OPENSSL_free| when done. It returns
  1342. * one on success and zero on error. */
  1343. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_to_bytes(const SSL_SESSION *in,
  1344. uint8_t **out_data, size_t *out_len);
  1345. /* SSL_SESSION_to_bytes_for_ticket serializes |in|, but excludes the session
  1346. * identification information, namely the session ID and ticket. */
  1347. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_to_bytes_for_ticket(const SSL_SESSION *in,
  1348. uint8_t **out_data,
  1349. size_t *out_len);
  1350. /* SSL_SESSION_from_bytes parses |in_len| bytes from |in| as an SSL_SESSION. It
  1351. * returns a newly-allocated |SSL_SESSION| on success or NULL on error. */
  1352. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *SSL_SESSION_from_bytes(const uint8_t *in,
  1353. size_t in_len);
  1354. /* SSL_SESSION_get_version returns a string describing the TLS version |session|
  1355. * was established at. For example, "TLSv1.2" or "SSLv3". */
  1356. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_SESSION_get_version(const SSL_SESSION *session);
  1357. /* SSL_SESSION_get_id returns a pointer to a buffer containg |session|'s session
  1358. * ID and sets |*out_len| to its length. */
  1359. OPENSSL_EXPORT const uint8_t *SSL_SESSION_get_id(const SSL_SESSION *session,
  1360. unsigned *out_len);
  1361. /* SSL_SESSION_get_time returns the time at which |session| was established in
  1362. * seconds since the UNIX epoch. */
  1363. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_SESSION_get_time(const SSL_SESSION *session);
  1364. /* SSL_SESSION_get_timeout returns the lifetime of |session| in seconds. */
  1365. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_SESSION_get_timeout(const SSL_SESSION *session);
  1366. /* SSL_SESSION_get0_peer return's the peer leaf certificate stored in
  1367. * |session|.
  1368. *
  1369. * TODO(davidben): This should return a const X509 *. */
  1370. OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_SESSION_get0_peer(const SSL_SESSION *session);
  1371. /* SSL_SESSION_get_master_key writes up to |max_out| bytes of |session|'s master
  1372. * secret to |out| and returns the number of bytes written. If |max_out| is
  1373. * zero, it returns the size of the master secret. */
  1374. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(const SSL_SESSION *session,
  1375. uint8_t *out, size_t max_out);
  1376. /* SSL_SESSION_set_time sets |session|'s creation time to |time| and returns
  1377. * |time|. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise should not
  1378. * be used. */
  1379. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_SESSION_set_time(SSL_SESSION *session, long time);
  1380. /* SSL_SESSION_set_timeout sets |session|'s timeout to |timeout| and returns
  1381. * one. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise should not
  1382. * be used. */
  1383. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_SESSION_set_timeout(SSL_SESSION *session, long timeout);
  1384. /* SSL_SESSION_set1_id_context sets |session|'s session ID context (see
  1385. * |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|) to |sid_ctx|. It returns one on success and
  1386. * zero on error. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise
  1387. * should not be used. */
  1388. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_set1_id_context(SSL_SESSION *session,
  1389. const uint8_t *sid_ctx,
  1390. size_t sid_ctx_len);
  1391. /* Session caching.
  1392. *
  1393. * Session caching allows clients to reconnect to a server based on saved
  1394. * parameters from a previous connection.
  1395. *
  1396. * For a server, the library implements a built-in internal session cache as an
  1397. * in-memory hash table. One may also register callbacks to implement a custom
  1398. * external session cache. An external cache may be used in addition to or
  1399. * instead of the internal one. Use |SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode| to toggle
  1400. * the internal cache.
  1401. *
  1402. * For a client, the only option is an external session cache. Prior to
  1403. * handshaking, the consumer should look up a session externally (keyed, for
  1404. * instance, by hostname) and use |SSL_set_session| to configure which session
  1405. * to offer. The callbacks may be used to determine when new sessions are
  1406. * available.
  1407. *
  1408. * Note that offering or accepting a session short-circuits most parameter
  1409. * negotiation. Resuming sessions across different configurations may result in
  1410. * surprising behavor. So, for instance, a client implementing a version
  1411. * fallback should shard its session cache by maximum protocol version. */
  1412. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF disables all session caching. */
  1413. #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF 0x0000
  1414. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT enables session caching for a client. The internal
  1415. * cache is never used on a client, so this only enables the callbacks. */
  1416. #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT 0x0001
  1417. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER enables session caching for a server. */
  1418. #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER 0x0002
  1419. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_BOTH enables session caching for both client and server. */
  1421. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR disables automatically calling
  1422. * |SSL_CTX_flush_sessions| every 255 connections. */
  1423. #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR 0x0080
  1424. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_LOOKUP, on a server, disables looking up a session
  1425. * from the internal session cache. */
  1426. #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_LOOKUP 0x0100
  1427. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_STORE, on a server, disables storing sessions in
  1428. * the internal session cache. */
  1429. #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_STORE 0x0200
  1430. /* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL, on a server, disables the internal session
  1431. * cache. */
  1432. #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL \
  1434. /* SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode sets the session cache mode bits for |ctx| to
  1435. * |mode|. It returns the previous value. */
  1436. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode);
  1437. /* SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode returns the session cache mode bits for
  1438. * |ctx| */
  1439. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1440. /* SSL_set_session, for a client, configures |ssl| to offer to resume |session|
  1441. * in the initial handshake and returns one. The caller retains ownership of
  1442. * |session|.
  1443. *
  1444. * It is an error to call this function after the handshake has begun. */
  1445. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_session(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session);
  1446. /* SSL_get_session returns a non-owning pointer to |ssl|'s session. For
  1447. * historical reasons, which session it returns depends on |ssl|'s state.
  1448. *
  1449. * Prior to the start of the initial handshake, it returns the session the
  1450. * caller set with |SSL_set_session|. After the initial handshake has finished
  1451. * and if no additional handshakes are in progress, it returns the currently
  1452. * active session. Its behavior is undefined while a handshake is in progress.
  1453. *
  1454. * Using this function to add new sessions to an external session cache is
  1455. * deprecated. Use |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb| instead. */
  1456. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *SSL_get_session(const SSL *ssl);
  1457. /* SSL_get0_session is an alias for |SSL_get_session|. */
  1458. #define SSL_get0_session SSL_get_session
  1459. /* SSL_get1_session acts like |SSL_get_session| but returns a new reference to
  1460. * the session. */
  1461. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *SSL_get1_session(SSL *ssl);
  1462. /* SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT is the default lifetime, in seconds, of a
  1463. * session. */
  1464. #define SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT (2 * 60 * 60)
  1465. /* SSL_CTX_set_timeout sets the lifetime, in seconds, of sessions created in
  1466. * |ctx| to |timeout|. */
  1467. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_CTX_set_timeout(SSL_CTX *ctx, long timeout);
  1468. /* SSL_CTX_get_timeout returns the lifetime, in seconds, of sessions created in
  1469. * |ctx|. */
  1470. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_CTX_get_timeout(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1471. /* SSL_set_session_timeout sets the default lifetime, in seconds, of the
  1472. * session created in |ssl| to |timeout|, and returns the old value.
  1473. *
  1474. * By default the value |SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT| is used, which can be
  1475. * overridden at the context level by calling |SSL_CTX_set_timeout|.
  1476. *
  1477. * If |timeout| is zero the newly created session will not be resumable. */
  1478. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_set_session_timeout(SSL *ssl, long timeout);
  1479. /* SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context sets |ctx|'s session ID context to |sid_ctx|.
  1480. * It returns one on success and zero on error. The session ID context is an
  1481. * application-defined opaque byte string. A session will not be used in a
  1482. * connection without a matching session ID context.
  1483. *
  1484. * For a server, if |SSL_VERIFY_PEER| is enabled, it is an error to not set a
  1485. * session ID context.
  1486. *
  1487. * TODO(davidben): Is that check needed? That seems a special case of taking
  1488. * care not to cross-resume across configuration changes, and this is only
  1489. * relevant if a server requires client auth. */
  1490. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1491. const uint8_t *sid_ctx,
  1492. size_t sid_ctx_len);
  1493. /* SSL_set_session_id_context sets |ssl|'s session ID context to |sid_ctx|. It
  1494. * returns one on success and zero on error. See also
  1495. * |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|. */
  1496. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_session_id_context(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *sid_ctx,
  1497. size_t sid_ctx_len);
  1498. /* SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT is the default maximum size of a session
  1499. * cache. */
  1500. #define SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT (1024 * 20)
  1501. /* SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size sets the maximum size of |ctx|'s internal session
  1502. * cache to |size|. It returns the previous value. */
  1503. OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned long SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1504. unsigned long size);
  1505. /* SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size returns the maximum size of |ctx|'s internal
  1506. * session cache. */
  1507. OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned long SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1508. /* SSL_CTX_sessions returns |ctx|'s internal session cache. */
  1510. /* SSL_CTX_sess_number returns the number of sessions in |ctx|'s internal
  1511. * session cache. */
  1512. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_CTX_sess_number(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1513. /* SSL_CTX_add_session inserts |session| into |ctx|'s internal session cache. It
  1514. * returns one on success and zero on error or if |session| is already in the
  1515. * cache. The caller retains its reference to |session|. */
  1516. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_session(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session);
  1517. /* SSL_CTX_remove_session removes |session| from |ctx|'s internal session cache.
  1518. * It returns one on success and zero if |session| was not in the cache. */
  1519. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_remove_session(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session);
  1520. /* SSL_CTX_flush_sessions removes all sessions from |ctx| which have expired as
  1521. * of time |time|. If |time| is zero, all sessions are removed. */
  1522. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx, long time);
  1523. /* SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb sets the callback to be called when a new session is
  1524. * established and ready to be cached. If the session cache is disabled (the
  1525. * appropriate one of |SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT| or |SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER| is
  1526. * unset), the callback is not called.
  1527. *
  1528. * The callback is passed a reference to |session|. It returns one if it takes
  1529. * ownership and zero otherwise.
  1530. *
  1531. * Note: For a client, the callback may be called on abbreviated handshakes if a
  1532. * ticket is renewed. Further, it may not be called until some time after
  1533. * |SSL_do_handshake| or |SSL_connect| completes if False Start is enabled. Thus
  1534. * it's recommended to use this callback over checking |SSL_session_reused| on
  1535. * handshake completion.
  1536. *
  1537. * TODO(davidben): Conditioning callbacks on |SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT| or
  1538. * |SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER| doesn't make any sense when one could just as easily
  1539. * not supply the callbacks. Removing that condition and the client internal
  1540. * cache would simplify things. */
  1541. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(
  1542. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*new_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session));
  1543. /* SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb returns the callback set by
  1544. * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb|. */
  1545. OPENSSL_EXPORT int (*SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
  1546. SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session);
  1547. /* SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb sets a callback which is called when a session is
  1548. * removed from the internal session cache.
  1549. *
  1550. * TODO(davidben): What is the point of this callback? It seems useless since it
  1551. * only fires on sessions in the internal cache. */
  1552. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb(
  1553. SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1554. void (*remove_session_cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session));
  1555. /* SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb returns the callback set by
  1556. * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb|. */
  1557. OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
  1558. SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session);
  1559. /* SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb sets a callback to look up a session by ID for a
  1560. * server. The callback is passed the session ID and should return a matching
  1561. * |SSL_SESSION| or NULL if not found. It should set |*out_copy| to zero and
  1562. * return a new reference to the session. This callback is not used for a
  1563. * client.
  1564. *
  1565. * For historical reasons, if |*out_copy| is set to one (default), the SSL
  1566. * library will take a new reference to the returned |SSL_SESSION|, expecting
  1567. * the callback to return a non-owning pointer. This is not recommended. If
  1568. * |ctx| and thus the callback is used on multiple threads, the session may be
  1569. * removed and invalidated before the SSL library calls |SSL_SESSION_up_ref|,
  1570. * whereas the callback may synchronize internally.
  1571. *
  1572. * To look up a session asynchronously, the callback may return
  1573. * |SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr|. See the documentation for that function and
  1575. *
  1576. * If the internal session cache is enabled, the callback is only consulted if
  1577. * the internal cache does not return a match.
  1578. *
  1579. * The callback's |id| parameter is not const for historical reasons, but the
  1580. * contents may not be modified. */
  1581. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(
  1582. SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1583. SSL_SESSION *(*get_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *id, int id_len,
  1584. int *out_copy));
  1585. /* SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb returns the callback set by
  1586. * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb|. */
  1587. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *(*SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
  1588. SSL *ssl, uint8_t *id, int id_len, int *out_copy);
  1589. /* SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr returns a magic |SSL_SESSION|* which indicates
  1590. * that the session isn't currently unavailable. |SSL_get_error| will then
  1591. * return |SSL_ERROR_PENDING_SESSION| and the handshake can be retried later
  1592. * when the lookup has completed. */
  1593. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr(void);
  1594. /* Session tickets.
  1595. *
  1596. * Session tickets, from RFC 5077, allow session resumption without server-side
  1597. * state. Session tickets are supported in by default but may be disabled with
  1598. * |SSL_OP_NO_TICKET|.
  1599. *
  1600. * On the client, ticket-based sessions use the same APIs as ID-based tickets.
  1601. * Callers do not need to handle them differently.
  1602. *
  1603. * On the server, tickets are encrypted and authenticated with a secret key. By
  1604. * default, an |SSL_CTX| generates a key on creation. Tickets are minted and
  1605. * processed transparently. The following functions may be used to configure a
  1606. * persistent key or implement more custom behavior. */
  1607. /* SSL_CTX_get_tlsext_ticket_keys writes |ctx|'s session ticket key material to
  1608. * |len| bytes of |out|. It returns one on success and zero if |len| is not
  1609. * 48. If |out| is NULL, it returns 48 instead. */
  1610. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_tlsext_ticket_keys(SSL_CTX *ctx, void *out,
  1611. size_t len);
  1612. /* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys sets |ctx|'s session ticket key material to
  1613. * |len| bytes of |in|. It returns one on success and zero if |len| is not
  1614. * 48. If |in| is NULL, it returns 48 instead. */
  1615. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys(SSL_CTX *ctx, const void *in,
  1616. size_t len);
  1617. /* SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN is the length of the key name prefix of a session
  1618. * ticket. */
  1619. #define SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN 16
  1620. /* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb sets the ticket callback to |callback| and
  1621. * returns one. |callback| will be called when encrypting a new ticket and when
  1622. * decrypting a ticket from the client.
  1623. *
  1624. * In both modes, |ctx| and |hmac_ctx| will already have been initialized with
  1625. * |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init| and |HMAC_CTX_init|, respectively. |callback|
  1626. * configures |hmac_ctx| with an HMAC digest and key, and configures |ctx|
  1627. * for encryption or decryption, based on the mode.
  1628. *
  1629. * When encrypting a new ticket, |encrypt| will be one. It writes a public
  1630. * 16-byte key name to |key_name| and a fresh IV to |iv|. The output IV length
  1631. * must match |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length| of the cipher selected. In this mode,
  1632. * |callback| returns 1 on success and -1 on error.
  1633. *
  1634. * When decrypting a ticket, |encrypt| will be zero. |key_name| will point to a
  1635. * 16-byte key name and |iv| points to an IV. The length of the IV consumed must
  1636. * match |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length| of the cipher selected. In this mode,
  1637. * |callback| returns -1 to abort the handshake, 0 if decrypting the ticket
  1638. * failed, and 1 or 2 on success. If it returns 2, the ticket will be renewed.
  1639. * This may be used to re-key the ticket.
  1640. *
  1641. * WARNING: |callback| wildly breaks the usual return value convention and is
  1642. * called in two different modes. */
  1643. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb(
  1644. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*callback)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *key_name, uint8_t *iv,
  1645. EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, HMAC_CTX *hmac_ctx,
  1646. int encrypt));
  1647. /* Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman.
  1648. *
  1649. * Cipher suites using an ECDHE key exchange perform Diffie-Hellman over an
  1650. * elliptic curve negotiated by both endpoints. See RFC 4492. Only named curves
  1651. * are supported. ECDHE is always enabled, but the curve preferences may be
  1652. * configured with these functions.
  1653. *
  1654. * Note that TLS 1.3 renames these from curves to groups. For consistency, we
  1655. * currently use the TLS 1.2 name in the API. */
  1656. /* SSL_CTX_set1_curves sets the preferred curves for |ctx| to be |curves|. Each
  1657. * element of |curves| should be a curve nid. It returns one on success and
  1658. * zero on failure.
  1659. *
  1660. * Note that this API uses nid values from nid.h and not the |SSL_CURVE_*|
  1661. * values defined below. */
  1662. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_curves(SSL_CTX *ctx, const int *curves,
  1663. size_t curves_len);
  1664. /* SSL_set1_curves sets the preferred curves for |ssl| to be |curves|. Each
  1665. * element of |curves| should be a curve nid. It returns one on success and
  1666. * zero on failure.
  1667. *
  1668. * Note that this API uses nid values from nid.h and not the |SSL_CURVE_*|
  1669. * values defined below. */
  1670. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_curves(SSL *ssl, const int *curves,
  1671. size_t curves_len);
  1672. /* SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list sets the preferred curves for |ctx| to be the
  1673. * colon-separated list |curves|. Each element of |curves| should be a curve
  1674. * name (e.g. P-256, X25519, ...). It returns one on success and zero on
  1675. * failure. */
  1676. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *curves);
  1677. /* SSL_set1_curves_list sets the preferred curves for |ssl| to be the
  1678. * colon-separated list |curves|. Each element of |curves| should be a curve
  1679. * name (e.g. P-256, X25519, ...). It returns one on success and zero on
  1680. * failure. */
  1681. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_curves_list(SSL *ssl, const char *curves);
  1682. /* SSL_CURVE_* define TLS curve IDs. */
  1683. #define SSL_CURVE_SECP256R1 23
  1684. #define SSL_CURVE_SECP384R1 24
  1685. #define SSL_CURVE_SECP521R1 25
  1686. #define SSL_CURVE_X25519 29
  1687. /* SSL_get_curve_id returns the ID of the curve used by |ssl|'s most recently
  1688. * completed handshake or 0 if not applicable.
  1689. *
  1690. * TODO(davidben): This API currently does not work correctly if there is a
  1691. * renegotiation in progress. Fix this. */
  1692. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_get_curve_id(const SSL *ssl);
  1693. /* SSL_get_curve_name returns a human-readable name for the curve specified by
  1694. * the given TLS curve id, or NULL if the curve is unknown. */
  1695. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_curve_name(uint16_t curve_id);
  1696. /* Multiplicative Diffie-Hellman.
  1697. *
  1698. * Cipher suites using a DHE key exchange perform Diffie-Hellman over a
  1699. * multiplicative group selected by the server. These ciphers are disabled for a
  1700. * server unless a group is chosen with one of these functions. */
  1701. /* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh configures |ctx| to use the group from |dh| as the group
  1702. * for DHE. Only the group is used, so |dh| needn't have a keypair. It returns
  1703. * one on success and zero on error. */
  1704. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(SSL_CTX *ctx, const DH *dh);
  1705. /* SSL_set_tmp_dh configures |ssl| to use the group from |dh| as the group for
  1706. * DHE. Only the group is used, so |dh| needn't have a keypair. It returns one
  1707. * on success and zero on error. */
  1708. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tmp_dh(SSL *ssl, const DH *dh);
  1709. /* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback configures |ctx| to use |callback| to determine
  1710. * the group for DHE ciphers. |callback| should ignore |is_export| and
  1711. * |keylength| and return a |DH| of the selected group or NULL on error. Only
  1712. * the parameters are used, so the |DH| needn't have a generated keypair.
  1713. *
  1714. * WARNING: The caller does not take ownership of the resulting |DH|, so
  1715. * |callback| must save and release the object elsewhere. */
  1716. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(
  1717. SSL_CTX *ctx, DH *(*callback)(SSL *ssl, int is_export, int keylength));
  1718. /* SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback configures |ssl| to use |callback| to determine the
  1719. * group for DHE ciphers. |callback| should ignore |is_export| and |keylength|
  1720. * and return a |DH| of the selected group or NULL on error. Only the
  1721. * parameters are used, so the |DH| needn't have a generated keypair.
  1722. *
  1723. * WARNING: The caller does not take ownership of the resulting |DH|, so
  1724. * |callback| must save and release the object elsewhere. */
  1725. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback(SSL *ssl,
  1726. DH *(*dh)(SSL *ssl, int is_export,
  1727. int keylength));
  1728. /* Certificate verification.
  1729. *
  1730. * SSL may authenticate either endpoint with an X.509 certificate. Typically
  1731. * this is used to authenticate the server to the client. These functions
  1732. * configure certificate verification.
  1733. *
  1734. * WARNING: By default, certificate verification errors on a client are not
  1735. * fatal. See |SSL_VERIFY_NONE| This may be configured with
  1736. * |SSL_CTX_set_verify|.
  1737. *
  1738. * By default clients are anonymous but a server may request a certificate from
  1739. * the client by setting |SSL_VERIFY_PEER|.
  1740. *
  1741. * Many of these functions use OpenSSL's legacy X.509 stack which is
  1742. * underdocumented and deprecated, but the replacement isn't ready yet. For
  1743. * now, consumers may use the existing stack or bypass it by performing
  1744. * certificate verification externally. This may be done with
  1745. * |SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback| or by extracting the chain with
  1746. * |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| after the handshake. In the future, functions will
  1747. * be added to use the SSL stack without dependency on any part of the legacy
  1748. * X.509 and ASN.1 stack.
  1749. *
  1750. * To augment certificate verification, a client may also enable OCSP stapling
  1751. * (RFC 6066) and Certificate Transparency (RFC 6962) extensions. */
  1752. /* SSL_VERIFY_NONE, on a client, verifies the server certificate but does not
  1753. * make errors fatal. The result may be checked with |SSL_get_verify_result|. On
  1754. * a server it does not request a client certificate. This is the default. */
  1755. #define SSL_VERIFY_NONE 0x00
  1756. /* SSL_VERIFY_PEER, on a client, makes server certificate errors fatal. On a
  1757. * server it requests a client certificate and makes errors fatal. However,
  1758. * anonymous clients are still allowed. See
  1760. #define SSL_VERIFY_PEER 0x01
  1761. /* SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT configures a server to reject connections if
  1762. * the client declines to send a certificate. Otherwise |SSL_VERIFY_PEER| still
  1763. * allows anonymous clients. */
  1764. #define SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT 0x02
  1765. /* SSL_VERIFY_PEER_IF_NO_OBC configures a server to request a client certificate
  1766. * if and only if Channel ID is not negotiated. */
  1767. #define SSL_VERIFY_PEER_IF_NO_OBC 0x04
  1768. /* SSL_CTX_set_verify configures certificate verification behavior. |mode| is
  1769. * one of the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback|, if not NULL, is
  1770. * used to customize certificate verification. See the behavior of
  1771. * |X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb|.
  1772. *
  1773. * The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| with
  1774. * |X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data| to look up the |SSL| from |store_ctx|. */
  1775. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_verify(
  1776. SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode, int (*callback)(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx));
  1777. /* SSL_set_verify configures certificate verification behavior. |mode| is one of
  1778. * the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback|, if not NULL, is used to
  1779. * customize certificate verification. See the behavior of
  1780. * |X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb|.
  1781. *
  1782. * The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| with
  1783. * |X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data| to look up the |SSL| from |store_ctx|. */
  1784. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_verify(SSL *ssl, int mode,
  1785. int (*callback)(int ok,
  1786. X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx));
  1787. /* SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode returns |ctx|'s verify mode, set by
  1788. * |SSL_CTX_set_verify|. */
  1789. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1790. /* SSL_get_verify_mode returns |ssl|'s verify mode, set by |SSL_CTX_set_verify|
  1791. * or |SSL_set_verify|. */
  1792. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_verify_mode(const SSL *ssl);
  1793. /* SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback returns the callback set by
  1794. * |SSL_CTX_set_verify|. */
  1795. OPENSSL_EXPORT int (*SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback(const SSL_CTX *ctx))(
  1796. int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx);
  1797. /* SSL_get_verify_callback returns the callback set by |SSL_CTX_set_verify| or
  1798. * |SSL_set_verify|. */
  1799. OPENSSL_EXPORT int (*SSL_get_verify_callback(const SSL *ssl))(
  1800. int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx);
  1801. /* SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth sets the maximum depth of a certificate chain
  1802. * accepted in verification. This number does not include the leaf, so a depth
  1803. * of 1 allows the leaf and one CA certificate. */
  1804. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(SSL_CTX *ctx, int depth);
  1805. /* SSL_set_verify_depth sets the maximum depth of a certificate chain accepted
  1806. * in verification. This number does not include the leaf, so a depth of 1
  1807. * allows the leaf and one CA certificate. */
  1808. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_verify_depth(SSL *ssl, int depth);
  1809. /* SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth returns the maximum depth of a certificate accepted
  1810. * in verification. */
  1811. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1812. /* SSL_get_verify_depth returns the maximum depth of a certificate accepted in
  1813. * verification. */
  1814. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_verify_depth(const SSL *ssl);
  1815. /* SSL_CTX_set1_param sets verification parameters from |param|. It returns one
  1816. * on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |param|. */
  1817. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_param(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1818. const X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param);
  1819. /* SSL_set1_param sets verification parameters from |param|. It returns one on
  1820. * success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |param|. */
  1821. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_param(SSL *ssl,
  1822. const X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param);
  1823. /* SSL_CTX_get0_param returns |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM| for certificate
  1824. * verification. The caller must not release the returned pointer but may call
  1825. * functions on it to configure it. */
  1826. OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_VERIFY_PARAM *SSL_CTX_get0_param(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1827. /* SSL_get0_param returns |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM| for certificate
  1828. * verification. The caller must not release the returned pointer but may call
  1829. * functions on it to configure it. */
  1830. OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_VERIFY_PARAM *SSL_get0_param(SSL *ssl);
  1831. /* SSL_CTX_set_purpose sets |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'purpose' parameter to
  1832. * |purpose|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
  1833. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_purpose(SSL_CTX *ctx, int purpose);
  1834. /* SSL_set_purpose sets |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'purpose' parameter to
  1835. * |purpose|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
  1836. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_purpose(SSL *ssl, int purpose);
  1837. /* SSL_CTX_set_trust sets |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'trust' parameter to
  1838. * |trust|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
  1839. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_trust(SSL_CTX *ctx, int trust);
  1840. /* SSL_set_trust sets |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'trust' parameter to
  1841. * |trust|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
  1842. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_trust(SSL *ssl, int trust);
  1843. /* SSL_CTX_set_cert_store sets |ctx|'s certificate store to |store|. It takes
  1844. * ownership of |store|. The store is used for certificate verification.
  1845. *
  1846. * The store is also used for the auto-chaining feature, but this is deprecated.
  1847. * See also |SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN|. */
  1848. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509_STORE *store);
  1849. /* SSL_CTX_get_cert_store returns |ctx|'s certificate store. */
  1850. OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_STORE *SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1851. /* SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths loads the OpenSSL system-default trust
  1852. * anchors into |ctx|'s store. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
  1853. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1854. /* SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations loads trust anchors into |ctx|'s store from
  1855. * |ca_file| and |ca_dir|, either of which may be NULL. If |ca_file| is passed,
  1856. * it is opened and PEM-encoded CA certificates are read. If |ca_dir| is passed,
  1857. * it is treated as a directory in OpenSSL's hashed directory format. It returns
  1858. * one on success and zero on failure.
  1859. *
  1860. * See
  1861. *
  1862. * for documentation on the directory format. */
  1863. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1864. const char *ca_file,
  1865. const char *ca_dir);
  1866. /* SSL_get_verify_result returns the result of certificate verification. It is
  1867. * either |X509_V_OK| or a |X509_V_ERR_*| value. */
  1868. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_get_verify_result(const SSL *ssl);
  1869. /* SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx returns the ex_data index used to look up
  1870. * the |SSL| associated with an |X509_STORE_CTX| in the verify callback. */
  1871. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(void);
  1872. /* SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback sets a custom callback to be called on
  1873. * certificate verification rather than |X509_verify_cert|. |store_ctx| contains
  1874. * the verification parameters. The callback should return one on success and
  1875. * zero on fatal error. It may use |X509_STORE_CTX_set_error| to set a
  1876. * verification result.
  1877. *
  1878. * The callback may use either the |arg| parameter or
  1879. * |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| to recover the associated |SSL|
  1880. * object. */
  1881. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(
  1882. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*callback)(X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx, void *arg),
  1883. void *arg);
  1884. /* SSL_enable_signed_cert_timestamps causes |ssl| (which must be the client end
  1885. * of a connection) to request SCTs from the server. See
  1886. * It returns one.
  1887. *
  1888. * Call |SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list| to recover the SCT after the
  1889. * handshake. */
  1890. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_enable_signed_cert_timestamps(SSL *ssl);
  1891. /* SSL_CTX_enable_signed_cert_timestamps enables SCT requests on all client SSL
  1892. * objects created from |ctx|.
  1893. *
  1894. * Call |SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list| to recover the SCT after the
  1895. * handshake. */
  1896. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_enable_signed_cert_timestamps(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1897. /* SSL_enable_ocsp_stapling causes |ssl| (which must be the client end of a
  1898. * connection) to request a stapled OCSP response from the server. It returns
  1899. * one.
  1900. *
  1901. * Call |SSL_get0_ocsp_response| to recover the OCSP response after the
  1902. * handshake. */
  1903. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_enable_ocsp_stapling(SSL *ssl);
  1904. /* SSL_CTX_enable_ocsp_stapling enables OCSP stapling on all client SSL objects
  1905. * created from |ctx|.
  1906. *
  1907. * Call |SSL_get0_ocsp_response| to recover the OCSP response after the
  1908. * handshake. */
  1909. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_enable_ocsp_stapling(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1910. /* SSL_CTX_set0_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
  1911. * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. Ownership of
  1912. * |store| is transferred to the |SSL_CTX|. */
  1913. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set0_verify_cert_store(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1914. X509_STORE *store);
  1915. /* SSL_CTX_set1_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
  1916. * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. An additional
  1917. * reference to |store| will be taken. */
  1918. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_verify_cert_store(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1919. X509_STORE *store);
  1920. /* SSL_set0_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
  1921. * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. Ownership of
  1922. * |store| is transferred to the |SSL|. */
  1923. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set0_verify_cert_store(SSL *ssl, X509_STORE *store);
  1924. /* SSL_set1_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
  1925. * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. An additional
  1926. * reference to |store| will be taken. */
  1927. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_verify_cert_store(SSL *ssl, X509_STORE *store);
  1928. /* Client certificate CA list.
  1929. *
  1930. * When requesting a client certificate, a server may advertise a list of
  1931. * certificate authorities which are accepted. These functions may be used to
  1932. * configure this list. */
  1933. /* SSL_set_client_CA_list sets |ssl|'s client certificate CA list to
  1934. * |name_list|. It takes ownership of |name_list|. */
  1935. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_client_CA_list(SSL *ssl,
  1936. STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *name_list);
  1937. /* SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list sets |ctx|'s client certificate CA list to
  1938. * |name_list|. It takes ownership of |name_list|. */
  1939. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  1940. STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *name_list);
  1941. /* SSL_get_client_CA_list returns |ssl|'s client certificate CA list. If |ssl|
  1942. * has not been configured as a client, this is the list configured by
  1943. * |SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list|.
  1944. *
  1945. * If configured as a client, it returns the client certificate CA list sent by
  1946. * the server. In this mode, the behavior is undefined except during the
  1947. * callbacks set by |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb| or
  1948. * when the handshake is paused because of them. */
  1949. OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *SSL_get_client_CA_list(const SSL *ssl);
  1950. /* SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list returns |ctx|'s client certificate CA list. */
  1952. SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  1953. /* SSL_add_client_CA appends |x509|'s subject to the client certificate CA list.
  1954. * It returns one on success or zero on error. The caller retains ownership of
  1955. * |x509|. */
  1956. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add_client_CA(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
  1957. /* SSL_CTX_add_client_CA appends |x509|'s subject to the client certificate CA
  1958. * list. It returns one on success or zero on error. The caller retains
  1959. * ownership of |x509|. */
  1960. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_client_CA(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
  1961. /* SSL_load_client_CA_file opens |file| and reads PEM-encoded certificates from
  1962. * it. It returns a newly-allocated stack of the certificate subjects or NULL
  1963. * on error. */
  1964. OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *SSL_load_client_CA_file(const char *file);
  1965. /* SSL_dup_CA_list makes a deep copy of |list|. It returns the new list on
  1966. * success or NULL on allocation error. */
  1967. OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *SSL_dup_CA_list(STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *list);
  1968. /* SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack behaves like |SSL_load_client_CA_file|
  1969. * but appends the result to |out|. It returns one on success or zero on
  1970. * error. */
  1971. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack(STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *out,
  1972. const char *file);
  1973. /* Server name indication.
  1974. *
  1975. * The server_name extension (RFC 3546) allows the client to advertise the name
  1976. * of the server it is connecting to. This is used in virtual hosting
  1977. * deployments to select one of a several certificates on a single IP. Only the
  1978. * host_name name type is supported. */
  1979. #define TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name 0
  1980. /* SSL_set_tlsext_host_name, for a client, configures |ssl| to advertise |name|
  1981. * in the server_name extension. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
  1982. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(SSL *ssl, const char *name);
  1983. /* SSL_get_servername, for a server, returns the hostname supplied by the
  1984. * client or NULL if there was none. The |type| argument must be
  1985. * |TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name|. */
  1986. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_servername(const SSL *ssl, const int type);
  1987. /* SSL_get_servername_type, for a server, returns |TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name|
  1988. * if the client sent a hostname and -1 otherwise. */
  1989. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_servername_type(const SSL *ssl);
  1990. /* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback configures |callback| to be called on
  1991. * the server after ClientHello extensions have been parsed and returns one.
  1992. * The callback may use |SSL_get_servername| to examine the server_name
  1993. * extension and returns a |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_*| value. The value of |arg| may be
  1994. * set by calling |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg|.
  1995. *
  1996. * If the callback returns |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|, the server_name extension is
  1997. * not acknowledged in the ServerHello. If the return value is
  1999. * |*out_alert| must be set to the alert value to send. */
  2000. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(
  2001. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*callback)(SSL *ssl, int *out_alert, void *arg));
  2002. /* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg sets the argument to the servername
  2003. * callback and returns one. See |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback|. */
  2004. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(SSL_CTX *ctx, void *arg);
  2005. /* SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_* are values returned by some extension-related callbacks. */
  2006. #define SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK 0
  2008. #define SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL 2
  2009. #define SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK 3
  2010. /* Application-layer protocol negotation.
  2011. *
  2012. * The ALPN extension (RFC 7301) allows negotiating different application-layer
  2013. * protocols over a single port. This is used, for example, to negotiate
  2014. * HTTP/2. */
  2015. /* SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos sets the client ALPN protocol list on |ctx| to
  2016. * |protos|. |protos| must be in wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
  2017. * length-prefixed strings). It returns zero on success and one on failure.
  2018. * Configuring this list enables ALPN on a client.
  2019. *
  2020. * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
  2021. * convention. */
  2022. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos(SSL_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *protos,
  2023. unsigned protos_len);
  2024. /* SSL_set_alpn_protos sets the client ALPN protocol list on |ssl| to |protos|.
  2025. * |protos| must be in wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
  2026. * length-prefixed strings). It returns zero on success and one on failure.
  2027. * Configuring this list enables ALPN on a client.
  2028. *
  2029. * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
  2030. * convention. */
  2031. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_alpn_protos(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *protos,
  2032. unsigned protos_len);
  2033. /* SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb sets a callback function on |ctx| that is called
  2034. * during ClientHello processing in order to select an ALPN protocol from the
  2035. * client's list of offered protocols. Configuring this callback enables ALPN on
  2036. * a server.
  2037. *
  2038. * The callback is passed a wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
  2039. * length-prefixed strings) ALPN protocol list in |in|. It should set |*out| and
  2040. * |*out_len| to the selected protocol and return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK| on
  2041. * success. It does not pass ownership of the buffer. Otherwise, it should
  2042. * return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|. Other |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_*| values are
  2043. * unimplemented and will be treated as |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|.
  2044. *
  2045. * The cipher suite is selected before negotiating ALPN. The callback may use
  2046. * |SSL_get_pending_cipher| to query the cipher suite. */
  2047. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb(
  2048. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
  2049. const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg),
  2050. void *arg);
  2051. /* SSL_get0_alpn_selected gets the selected ALPN protocol (if any) from |ssl|.
  2052. * On return it sets |*out_data| to point to |*out_len| bytes of protocol name
  2053. * (not including the leading length-prefix byte). If the server didn't respond
  2054. * with a negotiated protocol then |*out_len| will be zero. */
  2055. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_alpn_selected(const SSL *ssl,
  2056. const uint8_t **out_data,
  2057. unsigned *out_len);
  2058. /* Next protocol negotiation.
  2059. *
  2060. * The NPN extension (draft-agl-tls-nextprotoneg-03) is the predecessor to ALPN
  2061. * and deprecated in favor of it. */
  2062. /* SSL_CTX_set_next_protos_advertised_cb sets a callback that is called when a
  2063. * TLS server needs a list of supported protocols for Next Protocol
  2064. * Negotiation. The returned list must be in wire format. The list is returned
  2065. * by setting |*out| to point to it and |*out_len| to its length. This memory
  2066. * will not be modified, but one should assume that |ssl| keeps a reference to
  2067. * it.
  2068. *
  2069. * The callback should return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK| if it wishes to advertise.
  2070. * Otherwise, no such extension will be included in the ServerHello. */
  2071. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_next_protos_advertised_cb(
  2072. SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2073. int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out, unsigned *out_len, void *arg),
  2074. void *arg);
  2075. /* SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb sets a callback that is called when a client
  2076. * needs to select a protocol from the server's provided list. |*out| must be
  2077. * set to point to the selected protocol (which may be within |in|). The length
  2078. * of the protocol name must be written into |*out_len|. The server's advertised
  2079. * protocols are provided in |in| and |in_len|. The callback can assume that
  2080. * |in| is syntactically valid.
  2081. *
  2082. * The client must select a protocol. It is fatal to the connection if this
  2083. * callback returns a value other than |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK|.
  2084. *
  2085. * Configuring this callback enables NPN on a client. */
  2086. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb(
  2087. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
  2088. const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg),
  2089. void *arg);
  2090. /* SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated sets |*out_data| and |*out_len| to point to
  2091. * the client's requested protocol for this connection. If the client didn't
  2092. * request any protocol, then |*out_data| is set to NULL.
  2093. *
  2094. * Note that the client can request any protocol it chooses. The value returned
  2095. * from this function need not be a member of the list of supported protocols
  2096. * provided by the server. */
  2097. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated(const SSL *ssl,
  2098. const uint8_t **out_data,
  2099. unsigned *out_len);
  2100. /* SSL_select_next_proto implements the standard protocol selection. It is
  2101. * expected that this function is called from the callback set by
  2102. * |SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb|.
  2103. *
  2104. * The protocol data is assumed to be a vector of 8-bit, length prefixed byte
  2105. * strings. The length byte itself is not included in the length. A byte
  2106. * string of length 0 is invalid. No byte string may be truncated.
  2107. *
  2108. * The current, but experimental algorithm for selecting the protocol is:
  2109. *
  2110. * 1) If the server doesn't support NPN then this is indicated to the
  2111. * callback. In this case, the client application has to abort the connection
  2112. * or have a default application level protocol.
  2113. *
  2114. * 2) If the server supports NPN, but advertises an empty list then the
  2115. * client selects the first protcol in its list, but indicates via the
  2116. * API that this fallback case was enacted.
  2117. *
  2118. * 3) Otherwise, the client finds the first protocol in the server's list
  2119. * that it supports and selects this protocol. This is because it's
  2120. * assumed that the server has better information about which protocol
  2121. * a client should use.
  2122. *
  2123. * 4) If the client doesn't support any of the server's advertised
  2124. * protocols, then this is treated the same as case 2.
  2125. *
  2126. * It returns either |OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED| if a common protocol was found, or
  2127. * |OPENSSL_NPN_NO_OVERLAP| if the fallback case was reached. */
  2128. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_select_next_proto(uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
  2129. const uint8_t *server,
  2130. unsigned server_len,
  2131. const uint8_t *client,
  2132. unsigned client_len);
  2134. #define OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED 1
  2135. #define OPENSSL_NPN_NO_OVERLAP 2
  2136. /* Channel ID.
  2137. *
  2138. * See draft-balfanz-tls-channelid-01. */
  2139. /* SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled configures whether connections associated
  2140. * with |ctx| should enable Channel ID. */
  2141. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2142. int enabled);
  2143. /* SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled configures whether |ssl| should enable Channel
  2144. * ID. */
  2145. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled(SSL *ssl, int enabled);
  2146. /* SSL_CTX_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID
  2147. * to compatible servers. |private_key| must be a P-256 EC key. It returns one
  2148. * on success and zero on error. */
  2149. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_tls_channel_id(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2150. EVP_PKEY *private_key);
  2151. /* SSL_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID to
  2152. * compatible servers. |private_key| must be a P-256 EC key. It returns one on
  2153. * success and zero on error. */
  2154. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_tls_channel_id(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY *private_key);
  2155. /* SSL_get_tls_channel_id gets the client's TLS Channel ID from a server |SSL*|
  2156. * and copies up to the first |max_out| bytes into |out|. The Channel ID
  2157. * consists of the client's P-256 public key as an (x,y) pair where each is a
  2158. * 32-byte, big-endian field element. It returns 0 if the client didn't offer a
  2159. * Channel ID and the length of the complete Channel ID otherwise. */
  2160. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_tls_channel_id(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  2161. size_t max_out);
  2162. /* SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb sets a callback to be called when a TLS Channel ID
  2163. * is requested. The callback may set |*out_pkey| to a key, passing a reference
  2164. * to the caller. If none is returned, the handshake will pause and
  2165. * |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP|.
  2166. *
  2167. * See also |SSL_ERROR_WANT_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP|. */
  2168. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb(
  2169. SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*channel_id_cb)(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey));
  2170. /* SSL_CTX_get_channel_id_cb returns the callback set by
  2171. * |SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb|. */
  2172. OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_get_channel_id_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
  2173. SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey);
  2174. /* DTLS-SRTP.
  2175. *
  2176. * See RFC 5764. */
  2177. /* srtp_protection_profile_st (aka |SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE|) is an SRTP
  2178. * profile for use with the use_srtp extension. */
  2179. struct srtp_protection_profile_st {
  2180. const char *name;
  2181. unsigned long id;
  2184. /* SRTP_* define constants for SRTP profiles. */
  2185. #define SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80 0x0001
  2186. #define SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32 0x0002
  2187. #define SRTP_AES128_F8_SHA1_80 0x0003
  2188. #define SRTP_AES128_F8_SHA1_32 0x0004
  2189. #define SRTP_NULL_SHA1_80 0x0005
  2190. #define SRTP_NULL_SHA1_32 0x0006
  2191. #define SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM 0x0007
  2192. #define SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM 0x0008
  2193. /* SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles enables SRTP for all SSL objects created from
  2194. * |ctx|. |profile| contains a colon-separated list of profile names. It returns
  2195. * one on success and zero on failure. */
  2196. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2197. const char *profiles);
  2198. /* SSL_set_srtp_profiles enables SRTP for |ssl|. |profile| contains a
  2199. * colon-separated list of profile names. It returns one on success and zero on
  2200. * failure. */
  2201. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_srtp_profiles(SSL *ssl, const char *profiles);
  2202. /* SSL_get_srtp_profiles returns the SRTP profiles supported by |ssl|. */
  2204. SSL *ssl);
  2205. /* SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile returns the selected SRTP profile, or NULL if
  2206. * SRTP was not negotiated. */
  2207. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE *SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile(
  2208. SSL *ssl);
  2209. /* Pre-shared keys.
  2210. *
  2211. * Connections may be configured with PSK (Pre-Shared Key) cipher suites. These
  2212. * authenticate using out-of-band pre-shared keys rather than certificates. See
  2213. * RFC 4279.
  2214. *
  2215. * This implementation uses NUL-terminated C strings for identities and identity
  2216. * hints, so values with a NUL character are not supported. (RFC 4279 does not
  2217. * specify the format of an identity.) */
  2218. /* PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN is the maximum supported length of a PSK identity,
  2219. * excluding the NUL terminator. */
  2220. #define PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN 128
  2221. /* PSK_MAX_PSK_LEN is the maximum supported length of a pre-shared key. */
  2222. #define PSK_MAX_PSK_LEN 256
  2223. /* SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
  2224. * negotiated on the client. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
  2225. * suites on the client.
  2226. *
  2227. * The callback is passed the identity hint in |hint| or NULL if none was
  2228. * provided. It should select a PSK identity and write the identity and the
  2229. * corresponding PSK to |identity| and |psk|, respectively. The identity is
  2230. * written as a NUL-terminated C string of length (excluding the NUL terminator)
  2231. * at most |max_identity_len|. The PSK's length must be at most |max_psk_len|.
  2232. * The callback returns the length of the PSK or 0 if no suitable identity was
  2233. * found. */
  2234. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback(
  2235. SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2236. unsigned (*psk_client_callback)(
  2237. SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity,
  2238. unsigned max_identity_len, uint8_t *psk, unsigned max_psk_len));
  2239. /* SSL_set_psk_client_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
  2240. * negotiated on the client. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
  2241. * suites on the client. See also |SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback|. */
  2242. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_psk_client_callback(
  2243. SSL *ssl, unsigned (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint,
  2244. char *identity,
  2245. unsigned max_identity_len,
  2246. uint8_t *psk,
  2247. unsigned max_psk_len));
  2248. /* SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
  2249. * negotiated on the server. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
  2250. * suites on the server.
  2251. *
  2252. * The callback is passed the identity in |identity|. It should write a PSK of
  2253. * length at most |max_psk_len| to |psk| and return the number of bytes written
  2254. * or zero if the PSK identity is unknown. */
  2255. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback(
  2256. SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2257. unsigned (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity,
  2258. uint8_t *psk,
  2259. unsigned max_psk_len));
  2260. /* SSL_set_psk_server_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
  2261. * negotiated on the server. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
  2262. * suites on the server. See also |SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback|. */
  2263. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_psk_server_callback(
  2264. SSL *ssl,
  2265. unsigned (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity,
  2266. uint8_t *psk,
  2267. unsigned max_psk_len));
  2268. /* SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint configures server connections to advertise an
  2269. * identity hint of |identity_hint|. It returns one on success and zero on
  2270. * error. */
  2271. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2272. const char *identity_hint);
  2273. /* SSL_use_psk_identity_hint configures server connections to advertise an
  2274. * identity hint of |identity_hint|. It returns one on success and zero on
  2275. * error. */
  2276. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_psk_identity_hint(SSL *ssl,
  2277. const char *identity_hint);
  2278. /* SSL_get_psk_identity_hint returns the PSK identity hint advertised for |ssl|
  2279. * or NULL if there is none. */
  2280. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_psk_identity_hint(const SSL *ssl);
  2281. /* SSL_get_psk_identity, after the handshake completes, returns the PSK identity
  2282. * that was negotiated by |ssl| or NULL if PSK was not used. */
  2283. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_psk_identity(const SSL *ssl);
  2284. /* Alerts.
  2285. *
  2286. * TLS and SSL 3.0 use alerts to signal error conditions. Alerts have a type
  2287. * (warning or fatal) and description. OpenSSL internally handles fatal alerts
  2288. * with dedicated error codes (see |SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET|). Except for
  2289. * close_notify, warning alerts are silently ignored and may only be surfaced
  2290. * with |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
  2291. /* SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET is the offset between error reasons and |SSL_AD_*|
  2292. * values. Any error code under |ERR_LIB_SSL| with an error reason above this
  2293. * value corresponds to an alert description. Consumers may add or subtract
  2294. * |SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET| to convert between them.
  2295. *
  2296. * make_errors.go reserves error codes above 1000 for manually-assigned errors.
  2297. * This value must be kept in sync with reservedReasonCode in make_errors.h */
  2298. #define SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET 1000
  2299. /* SSL_AD_* are alert descriptions for SSL 3.0 and TLS. */
  2307. #define SSL_AD_NO_CERTIFICATE SSL3_AD_NO_CERTIFICATE /* Not used in TLS */
  2334. /* SSL_alert_type_string_long returns a string description of |value| as an
  2335. * alert type (warning or fatal). */
  2336. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_type_string_long(int value);
  2337. /* SSL_alert_desc_string_long returns a string description of |value| as an
  2338. * alert description or "unknown" if unknown. */
  2339. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_desc_string_long(int value);
  2340. /* SSL_send_fatal_alert sends a fatal alert over |ssl| of the specified type,
  2341. * which should be one of the |SSL_AD_*| constants. It returns one on success
  2342. * and <= 0 on error. The caller should pass the return value into
  2343. * |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed. Once this function has been
  2344. * called, future calls to |SSL_write| will fail.
  2345. *
  2346. * If retrying a failed operation due to |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE|, subsequent
  2347. * calls must use the same |alert| parameter. */
  2348. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_send_fatal_alert(SSL *ssl, uint8_t alert);
  2349. /* ex_data functions.
  2350. *
  2351. * See |ex_data.h| for details. */
  2352. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_ex_data(SSL *ssl, int idx, void *data);
  2353. OPENSSL_EXPORT void *SSL_get_ex_data(const SSL *ssl, int idx);
  2354. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
  2355. CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
  2356. CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func,
  2357. CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
  2358. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data(SSL_SESSION *session, int idx,
  2359. void *data);
  2360. OPENSSL_EXPORT void *SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data(const SSL_SESSION *session,
  2361. int idx);
  2362. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
  2363. CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
  2364. CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func,
  2365. CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
  2366. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_ex_data(SSL_CTX *ctx, int idx, void *data);
  2367. OPENSSL_EXPORT void *SSL_CTX_get_ex_data(const SSL_CTX *ctx, int idx);
  2368. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
  2369. CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
  2370. CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func,
  2371. CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
  2372. /* Low-level record-layer state. */
  2373. /* SSL_get_ivs sets |*out_iv_len| to the length of the IVs for the ciphers
  2374. * underlying |ssl| and sets |*out_read_iv| and |*out_write_iv| to point to the
  2375. * current IVs for the read and write directions. This is only meaningful for
  2376. * connections with implicit IVs (i.e. CBC mode with SSLv3 or TLS 1.0).
  2377. *
  2378. * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
  2379. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_ivs(const SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out_read_iv,
  2380. const uint8_t **out_write_iv,
  2381. size_t *out_iv_len);
  2382. /* SSL_get_key_block_len returns the length of |ssl|'s key block. */
  2383. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_key_block_len(const SSL *ssl);
  2384. /* SSL_generate_key_block generates |out_len| bytes of key material for |ssl|'s
  2385. * current connection state. */
  2386. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_generate_key_block(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  2387. size_t out_len);
  2388. /* SSL_get_read_sequence returns, in TLS, the expected sequence number of the
  2389. * next incoming record in the current epoch. In DTLS, it returns the maximum
  2390. * sequence number received in the current epoch and includes the epoch number
  2391. * in the two most significant bytes. */
  2392. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint64_t SSL_get_read_sequence(const SSL *ssl);
  2393. /* SSL_get_write_sequence returns the sequence number of the next outgoing
  2394. * record in the current epoch. In DTLS, it includes the epoch number in the
  2395. * two most significant bytes. */
  2396. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint64_t SSL_get_write_sequence(const SSL *ssl);
  2397. /* Obscure functions. */
  2398. /* SSL_get_structure_sizes returns the sizes of the SSL, SSL_CTX and
  2399. * SSL_SESSION structures so that a test can ensure that outside code agrees on
  2400. * these values. */
  2401. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get_structure_sizes(size_t *ssl_size,
  2402. size_t *ssl_ctx_size,
  2403. size_t *ssl_session_size);
  2404. /* SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback installs |cb| as the message callback for |ctx|.
  2405. * This callback will be called when sending or receiving low-level record
  2406. * headers, complete handshake messages, ChangeCipherSpec, and alerts.
  2407. * |write_p| is one for outgoing messages and zero for incoming messages.
  2408. *
  2409. * For each record header, |cb| is called with |version| = 0 and |content_type|
  2410. * = |SSL3_RT_HEADER|. The |len| bytes from |buf| contain the header. Note that
  2411. * this does not include the record body. If the record is sealed, the length
  2412. * in the header is the length of the ciphertext.
  2413. *
  2414. * For each handshake message, ChangeCipherSpec, and alert, |version| is the
  2415. * protocol version and |content_type| is the corresponding record type. The
  2416. * |len| bytes from |buf| contain the handshake message, one-byte
  2417. * ChangeCipherSpec body, and two-byte alert, respectively.
  2418. *
  2419. * For a V2ClientHello, |version| is |SSL2_VERSION|, |content_type| is zero, and
  2420. * the |len| bytes from |buf| contain the V2ClientHello structure. */
  2421. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback(
  2422. SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
  2423. const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg));
  2424. /* SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg sets the |arg| parameter of the message
  2425. * callback. */
  2426. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg(SSL_CTX *ctx, void *arg);
  2427. /* SSL_set_msg_callback installs |cb| as the message callback of |ssl|. See
  2428. * |SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback| for when this callback is called. */
  2429. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_msg_callback(
  2430. SSL *ssl, void (*cb)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
  2431. const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg));
  2432. /* SSL_set_msg_callback_arg sets the |arg| parameter of the message callback. */
  2433. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_msg_callback_arg(SSL *ssl, void *arg);
  2434. /* SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback configures a callback to log key material. This
  2435. * is intended for debugging use with tools like Wireshark. The |cb| function
  2436. * should log |line| followed by a newline, synchronizing with any concurrent
  2437. * access to the log.
  2438. *
  2439. * The format is described in
  2440. * */
  2441. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback(
  2442. SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, const char *line));
  2443. /* SSL_CTX_get_keylog_callback returns the callback configured by
  2444. * |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|. */
  2445. OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_get_keylog_callback(const SSL_CTX *ctx))(
  2446. const SSL *ssl, const char *line);
  2447. /* SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb configures a callback to retrieve the current
  2448. * time, which should be set in |*out_clock|. This can be used for testing
  2449. * purposes; for example, a callback can be configured that returns a time
  2450. * set explicitly by the test. */
  2451. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb(
  2452. SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out_clock));
  2453. enum ssl_renegotiate_mode_t {
  2454. ssl_renegotiate_never = 0,
  2455. ssl_renegotiate_once,
  2456. ssl_renegotiate_freely,
  2457. ssl_renegotiate_ignore,
  2458. };
  2459. /* SSL_set_renegotiate_mode configures how |ssl|, a client, reacts to
  2460. * renegotiation attempts by a server. If |ssl| is a server, peer-initiated
  2461. * renegotiations are *always* rejected and this function does nothing.
  2462. *
  2463. * The renegotiation mode defaults to |ssl_renegotiate_never|, but may be set
  2464. * at any point in a connection's lifetime. Set it to |ssl_renegotiate_once| to
  2465. * allow one renegotiation, |ssl_renegotiate_freely| to allow all
  2466. * renegotiations or |ssl_renegotiate_ignore| to ignore HelloRequest messages.
  2467. * Note that ignoring HelloRequest messages may cause the connection to stall
  2468. * if the server waits for the renegotiation to complete.
  2469. *
  2470. * There is no support in BoringSSL for initiating renegotiations as a client
  2471. * or server. */
  2472. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_renegotiate_mode(SSL *ssl,
  2473. enum ssl_renegotiate_mode_t mode);
  2474. /* SSL_renegotiate_pending returns one if |ssl| is in the middle of a
  2475. * renegotiation. */
  2476. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_renegotiate_pending(SSL *ssl);
  2477. /* SSL_total_renegotiations returns the total number of renegotiation handshakes
  2478. * peformed by |ssl|. This includes the pending renegotiation, if any. */
  2479. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_total_renegotiations(const SSL *ssl);
  2480. /* SSL_CTX_set_early_data_enabled sets whether early data is allowed to be used
  2481. * with resumptions using |ctx|. WARNING: This is experimental and may cause
  2482. * interop failures until fully implemented. */
  2483. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_early_data_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx, int enabled);
  2484. /* SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT is the default maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
  2485. * certificate chain. */
  2486. #define SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT (1024 * 100)
  2487. /* SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
  2488. * certificate chain accepted by |ctx|. */
  2489. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2490. /* SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list sets the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
  2491. * certificate chain to |max_cert_list|. This affects how much memory may be
  2492. * consumed during the handshake. */
  2493. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2494. size_t max_cert_list);
  2495. /* SSL_get_max_cert_list returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
  2496. * certificate chain accepted by |ssl|. */
  2497. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_max_cert_list(const SSL *ssl);
  2498. /* SSL_set_max_cert_list sets the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
  2499. * certificate chain to |max_cert_list|. This affects how much memory may be
  2500. * consumed during the handshake. */
  2501. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_max_cert_list(SSL *ssl, size_t max_cert_list);
  2502. /* SSL_CTX_set_max_send_fragment sets the maximum length, in bytes, of records
  2503. * sent by |ctx|. Beyond this length, handshake messages and application data
  2504. * will be split into multiple records. It returns one on success or zero on
  2505. * error. */
  2506. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_max_send_fragment(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2507. size_t max_send_fragment);
  2508. /* SSL_set_max_send_fragment sets the maximum length, in bytes, of records sent
  2509. * by |ssl|. Beyond this length, handshake messages and application data will
  2510. * be split into multiple records. It returns one on success or zero on
  2511. * error. */
  2512. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_max_send_fragment(SSL *ssl,
  2513. size_t max_send_fragment);
  2514. /* ssl_early_callback_ctx (aka |SSL_CLIENT_HELLO|) is passed to certain
  2515. * callbacks that are called very early on during the server handshake. At this
  2516. * point, much of the SSL* hasn't been filled out and only the ClientHello can
  2517. * be depended on. */
  2518. typedef struct ssl_early_callback_ctx {
  2519. SSL *ssl;
  2520. const uint8_t *client_hello;
  2521. size_t client_hello_len;
  2522. uint16_t version;
  2523. const uint8_t *random;
  2524. size_t random_len;
  2525. const uint8_t *session_id;
  2526. size_t session_id_len;
  2527. const uint8_t *cipher_suites;
  2528. size_t cipher_suites_len;
  2529. const uint8_t *compression_methods;
  2530. size_t compression_methods_len;
  2531. const uint8_t *extensions;
  2532. size_t extensions_len;
  2534. /* SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get searches the extensions in
  2535. * |client_hello| for an extension of the given type. If not found, it returns
  2536. * zero. Otherwise it sets |out_data| to point to the extension contents (not
  2537. * including the type and length bytes), sets |out_len| to the length of the
  2538. * extension contents and returns one. */
  2539. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get(
  2540. const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello, uint16_t extension_type,
  2541. const uint8_t **out_data, size_t *out_len);
  2542. /* SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb sets a callback that is called before most
  2543. * ClientHello processing and before the decision whether to resume a session
  2544. * is made. The callback may inspect the ClientHello and configure the
  2545. * connection. It may then return one to continue the handshake or zero to
  2546. * pause the handshake to perform an asynchronous operation. If paused,
  2547. * |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_PENDING_CERTIFICATE|.
  2548. *
  2549. * Note: The |SSL_CLIENT_HELLO| is only valid for the duration of the callback
  2550. * and is not valid while the handshake is paused. Further, unlike with most
  2551. * callbacks, when the handshake loop is resumed, it will not call the callback
  2552. * a second time. The caller must finish reconfiguring the connection before
  2553. * resuming the handshake. */
  2554. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb(
  2555. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *));
  2556. /* SSL_CTX_set_dos_protection_cb sets a callback that is called once the
  2557. * resumption decision for a ClientHello has been made. It can return one to
  2558. * allow the handshake to continue or zero to cause the handshake to abort. */
  2559. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_dos_protection_cb(
  2560. SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *));
  2561. /* SSL_ST_* are possible values for |SSL_state| and the bitmasks that make them
  2562. * up. */
  2563. #define SSL_ST_CONNECT 0x1000
  2564. #define SSL_ST_ACCEPT 0x2000
  2565. #define SSL_ST_MASK 0x0FFF
  2567. #define SSL_ST_OK 0x03
  2568. #define SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE (0x04 | SSL_ST_INIT)
  2569. #define SSL_ST_TLS13 (0x05 | SSL_ST_INIT)
  2570. #define SSL_ST_ERROR (0x06| SSL_ST_INIT)
  2571. /* SSL_CB_* are possible values for the |type| parameter in the info
  2572. * callback and the bitmasks that make them up. */
  2573. #define SSL_CB_LOOP 0x01
  2574. #define SSL_CB_EXIT 0x02
  2575. #define SSL_CB_READ 0x04
  2576. #define SSL_CB_WRITE 0x08
  2577. #define SSL_CB_ALERT 0x4000
  2584. #define SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START 0x10
  2585. #define SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE 0x20
  2586. /* SSL_CTX_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run when various
  2587. * events occur during a connection's lifetime. The |type| argumentj determines
  2588. * the type of event and the meaning of the |value| argument. Callbacks must
  2589. * ignore unexpected |type| values.
  2590. *
  2591. * |SSL_CB_READ_ALERT| is signaled for each alert received, warning or fatal.
  2592. * The |value| argument is a 16-bit value where the alert level (either
  2593. * |SSL3_AL_WARNING| or |SSL3_AL_FATAL|) is in the most-significant eight bits and
  2594. * the alert type (one of |SSL_AD_*|) is in the least-significant eight.
  2595. *
  2596. * |SSL_CB_WRITE_ALERT| is signaled for each alert sent. The |value| argument
  2597. * is constructed as with |SSL_CB_READ_ALERT|.
  2598. *
  2599. * |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START| is signaled when a handshake begins. The |value|
  2600. * argument is always one.
  2601. *
  2602. * |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE| is signaled when a handshake completes successfully.
  2603. * The |value| argument is always one. If a handshake False Starts, this event
  2604. * may be used to determine when the Finished message is received.
  2605. *
  2606. * The following event types expose implementation details of the handshake
  2607. * state machine. Consuming them is deprecated.
  2608. *
  2609. * |SSL_CB_ACCEPT_LOOP| (respectively, |SSL_CB_CONNECT_LOOP|) is signaled when
  2610. * a server (respectively, client) handshake progresses. The |value| argument
  2611. * is always one. For the duration of the callback, |SSL_state| will return the
  2612. * previous state.
  2613. *
  2614. * |SSL_CB_ACCEPT_EXIT| (respectively, |SSL_CB_CONNECT_EXIT|) is signaled when
  2615. * a server (respectively, client) handshake completes, fails, or is paused.
  2616. * The |value| argument is one if the handshake succeeded and <= 0
  2617. * otherwise. */
  2618. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(
  2619. SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value));
  2620. /* SSL_CTX_get_info_callback returns the callback set by
  2621. * |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
  2622. OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_get_info_callback(SSL_CTX *ctx))(const SSL *ssl,
  2623. int type,
  2624. int value);
  2625. /* SSL_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run at various events
  2626. * during a connection's lifetime. See |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
  2627. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_info_callback(
  2628. SSL *ssl, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value));
  2629. /* SSL_get_info_callback returns the callback set by |SSL_set_info_callback|. */
  2630. OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_get_info_callback(const SSL *ssl))(const SSL *ssl,
  2631. int type,
  2632. int value);
  2633. /* SSL_state_string_long returns the current state of the handshake state
  2634. * machine as a string. This may be useful for debugging and logging. */
  2635. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_state_string_long(const SSL *ssl);
  2636. /* SSL_set_SSL_CTX partially changes |ssl|'s |SSL_CTX|. |ssl| will use the
  2637. * certificate and session_id_context from |ctx|, and |SSL_get_SSL_CTX| will
  2638. * report |ctx|. However most settings and the session cache itself will
  2639. * continue to use the initial |SSL_CTX|. It is often used as part of SNI.
  2640. *
  2641. * TODO(davidben): Make a better story here and get rid of this API. Also
  2642. * determine if there's anything else affected by |SSL_set_SSL_CTX| that
  2643. * matters. Not as many values are affected as one might initially think. The
  2644. * session cache explicitly selects the initial |SSL_CTX|. Most settings are
  2645. * copied at |SSL_new| so |ctx|'s versions don't apply. This, notably, has some
  2646. * consequences for any plans to make |SSL| copy-on-write most of its
  2647. * configuration. */
  2649. #define SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN 1
  2650. #define SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN 2
  2651. /* SSL_get_shutdown returns a bitmask with a subset of |SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN| and
  2652. * |SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN| to query whether close_notify was sent or received,
  2653. * respectively. */
  2654. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_shutdown(const SSL *ssl);
  2655. /* SSL_get_peer_signature_algorithm returns the signature algorithm used by the
  2656. * peer. If not applicable, it returns zero. */
  2657. OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_get_peer_signature_algorithm(const SSL *ssl);
  2658. /* SSL_get_client_random writes up to |max_out| bytes of the most recent
  2659. * handshake's client_random to |out| and returns the number of bytes written.
  2660. * If |max_out| is zero, it returns the size of the client_random. */
  2661. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_client_random(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  2662. size_t max_out);
  2663. /* SSL_get_server_random writes up to |max_out| bytes of the most recent
  2664. * handshake's server_random to |out| and returns the number of bytes written.
  2665. * If |max_out| is zero, it returns the size of the server_random. */
  2666. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_server_random(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
  2667. size_t max_out);
  2668. /* SSL_get_pending_cipher returns the cipher suite for the current handshake or
  2669. * NULL if one has not been negotiated yet or there is no pending handshake. */
  2670. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_CIPHER *SSL_get_pending_cipher(const SSL *ssl);
  2671. /* SSL_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs, on a server, sets whether only
  2672. * the SHA-256 hash of peer's certificate should be saved in memory and in the
  2673. * session. This can save memory, ticket size and session cache space. If
  2674. * enabled, |SSL_get_peer_certificate| will return NULL after the handshake
  2675. * completes. See the |peer_sha256| field of |SSL_SESSION| for the hash. */
  2676. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs(SSL *ssl,
  2677. int enable);
  2678. /* SSL_CTX_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs, on a server, sets whether
  2679. * only the SHA-256 hash of peer's certificate should be saved in memory and in
  2680. * the session. This can save memory, ticket size and session cache space. If
  2681. * enabled, |SSL_get_peer_certificate| will return NULL after the handshake
  2682. * completes. See the |peer_sha256| field of |SSL_SESSION| for the hash. */
  2683. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2684. int enable);
  2685. /* SSL_CTX_set_grease_enabled configures whether sockets on |ctx| should enable
  2686. * GREASE. See draft-davidben-tls-grease-01. */
  2687. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_grease_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx, int enabled);
  2688. /* SSL_max_seal_overhead returns the maximum overhead, in bytes, of sealing a
  2689. * record with |ssl|. */
  2690. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_max_seal_overhead(const SSL *ssl);
  2691. /* SSL_CTX_set_short_header_enabled configures whether a short record header in
  2692. * TLS 1.3 may be negotiated. This allows client and server to negotiate
  2693. * for testing. */
  2694. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_short_header_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx, int enabled);
  2695. /* Deprecated functions. */
  2696. /* SSL_library_init calls |CRYPTO_library_init| and returns one. */
  2697. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_library_init(void);
  2698. /* SSL_CIPHER_description writes a description of |cipher| into |buf| and
  2699. * returns |buf|. If |buf| is NULL, it returns a newly allocated string, to be
  2700. * freed with |OPENSSL_free|, or NULL on error.
  2701. *
  2702. * The description includes a trailing newline and has the form:
  2703. * AES128-SHA Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=AES(128) Mac=SHA1
  2704. *
  2705. * Consider |SSL_CIPHER_get_name| or |SSL_CIPHER_get_rfc_name| instead. */
  2706. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_description(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher,
  2707. char *buf, int len);
  2708. /* SSL_CIPHER_get_version returns the string "TLSv1/SSLv3". */
  2709. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
  2710. typedef void COMP_METHOD;
  2711. /* SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods returns NULL. */
  2712. OPENSSL_EXPORT COMP_METHOD *SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods(void);
  2713. /* SSL_COMP_add_compression_method returns one. */
  2714. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_COMP_add_compression_method(int id, COMP_METHOD *cm);
  2715. /* SSL_COMP_get_name returns NULL. */
  2716. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_COMP_get_name(const COMP_METHOD *comp);
  2717. /* SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods does nothing. */
  2718. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods(void);
  2719. /* SSLv23_method calls |TLS_method|. */
  2720. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_method(void);
  2721. /* These version-specific methods behave exactly like |TLS_method| and
  2722. * |DTLS_method| except they also call |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| and
  2723. * |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version| to lock connections to that protocol
  2724. * version. */
  2725. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv3_method(void);
  2726. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_method(void);
  2727. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_1_method(void);
  2728. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_2_method(void);
  2729. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_method(void);
  2730. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_2_method(void);
  2731. /* These client- and server-specific methods call their corresponding generic
  2732. * methods. */
  2733. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLS_server_method(void);
  2734. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLS_client_method(void);
  2735. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_server_method(void);
  2736. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_client_method(void);
  2737. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv3_server_method(void);
  2738. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv3_client_method(void);
  2739. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_server_method(void);
  2740. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_client_method(void);
  2741. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_1_server_method(void);
  2742. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_1_client_method(void);
  2743. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_2_server_method(void);
  2744. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_2_client_method(void);
  2745. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLS_server_method(void);
  2746. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLS_client_method(void);
  2747. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_server_method(void);
  2748. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_client_method(void);
  2749. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_2_server_method(void);
  2750. OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_2_client_method(void);
  2751. /* SSL_clear resets |ssl| to allow another connection and returns one on success
  2752. * or zero on failure. It returns most configuration state but releases memory
  2753. * associated with the current connection.
  2754. *
  2755. * Free |ssl| and create a new one instead. */
  2756. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_clear(SSL *ssl);
  2757. /* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback does nothing. */
  2758. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(
  2759. SSL_CTX *ctx, RSA *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, int is_export, int keylength));
  2760. /* SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback does nothing. */
  2761. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback(SSL *ssl,
  2762. RSA *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, int is_export,
  2763. int keylength));
  2764. /* SSL_CTX_sess_connect returns zero. */
  2765. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_connect(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2766. /* SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good returns zero. */
  2767. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2768. /* SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate returns zero. */
  2769. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2770. /* SSL_CTX_sess_accept returns zero. */
  2771. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_accept(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2772. /* SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate returns zero. */
  2773. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2774. /* SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good returns zero. */
  2775. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2776. /* SSL_CTX_sess_hits returns zero. */
  2777. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_hits(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2778. /* SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits returns zero. */
  2779. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2780. /* SSL_CTX_sess_misses returns zero. */
  2781. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_misses(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2782. /* SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts returns zero. */
  2783. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2784. /* SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full returns zero. */
  2785. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2786. /* SSL_cutthrough_complete calls |SSL_in_false_start|. */
  2787. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_cutthrough_complete(const SSL *s);
  2788. /* SSL_num_renegotiations calls |SSL_total_renegotiations|. */
  2789. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_num_renegotiations(const SSL *ssl);
  2790. /* SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA returns zero. */
  2791. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2792. /* SSL_need_tmp_RSA returns zero. */
  2793. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_need_tmp_RSA(const SSL *ssl);
  2794. /* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa returns one. */
  2795. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa(SSL_CTX *ctx, const RSA *rsa);
  2796. /* SSL_set_tmp_rsa returns one. */
  2797. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tmp_rsa(SSL *ssl, const RSA *rsa);
  2798. /* SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead returns zero. */
  2799. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
  2800. /* SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead does nothing. */
  2801. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(SSL_CTX *ctx, int yes);
  2802. /* SSL_get_read_ahead returns zero. */
  2803. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_read_ahead(const SSL *s);
  2804. /* SSL_set_read_ahead does nothing. */
  2805. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_read_ahead(SSL *s, int yes);
  2806. /* SSL_renegotiate put an error on the error queue and returns zero. */
  2807. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_renegotiate(SSL *ssl);
  2808. /* SSL_set_state does nothing. */
  2809. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_state(SSL *ssl, int state);
  2810. /* SSL_get_shared_ciphers writes an empty string to |buf| and returns a
  2811. * pointer to |buf|, or NULL if |len| is less than or equal to zero. */
  2812. OPENSSL_EXPORT char *SSL_get_shared_ciphers(const SSL *ssl, char *buf, int len);
  2815. /* i2d_SSL_SESSION serializes |in| to the bytes pointed to by |*pp|. On success,
  2816. * it returns the number of bytes written and advances |*pp| by that many bytes.
  2817. * On failure, it returns -1. If |pp| is NULL, no bytes are written and only the
  2818. * length is returned.
  2819. *
  2820. * Use |SSL_SESSION_to_bytes| instead. */
  2821. OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION *in, uint8_t **pp);
  2822. /* d2i_SSL_SESSION parses a serialized session from the |length| bytes pointed
  2823. * to by |*pp|. It returns the new |SSL_SESSION| and advances |*pp| by the
  2824. * number of bytes consumed on success and NULL on failure. The caller takes
  2825. * ownership of the new session and must call |SSL_SESSION_free| when done.
  2826. *
  2827. * If |a| is non-NULL, |*a| is released and set the new |SSL_SESSION|.
  2828. *
  2829. * Use |SSL_SESSION_from_bytes| instead. */
  2830. OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *d2i_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION **a, const uint8_t **pp,
  2831. long length);
  2832. /* i2d_SSL_SESSION_bio serializes |session| and writes the result to |bio|. It
  2833. * returns the number of bytes written on success and <= 0 on error. */
  2834. OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_SSL_SESSION_bio(BIO *bio, const SSL_SESSION *session);
  2835. /* d2i_SSL_SESSION_bio reads a serialized |SSL_SESSION| from |bio| and returns a
  2836. * newly-allocated |SSL_SESSION| or NULL on error. If |out| is not NULL, it also
  2837. * frees |*out| and sets |*out| to the new |SSL_SESSION|. */
  2839. /* ERR_load_SSL_strings does nothing. */
  2840. OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_load_SSL_strings(void);
  2841. /* SSL_load_error_strings does nothing. */
  2842. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_load_error_strings(void);
  2843. /* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp calls |SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles|. It returns
  2844. * zero on success and one on failure.
  2845. *
  2846. * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
  2847. * convention. Use |SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles| instead. */
  2848. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp(SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2849. const char *profiles);
  2850. /* SSL_set_tlsext_use_srtp calls |SSL_set_srtp_profiles|. It returns zero on
  2851. * success and one on failure.
  2852. *
  2853. * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
  2854. * convention. Use |SSL_set_srtp_profiles| instead. */
  2855. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tlsext_use_srtp(SSL *ssl, const char *profiles);
  2856. /* SSL_get_current_compression returns NULL. */
  2857. OPENSSL_EXPORT const COMP_METHOD *SSL_get_current_compression(SSL *s);
  2858. /* SSL_get_current_expansion returns NULL. */
  2859. OPENSSL_EXPORT const COMP_METHOD *SSL_get_current_expansion(SSL *s);
  2860. /* SSL_get_server_tmp_key returns zero. */
  2861. OPENSSL_EXPORT int *SSL_get_server_tmp_key(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_key);
  2862. #define SSL_set_app_data(s, arg) (SSL_set_ex_data(s, 0, (char *)(arg)))
  2863. #define SSL_get_app_data(s) (SSL_get_ex_data(s, 0))
  2864. #define SSL_SESSION_set_app_data(s, a) \
  2865. (SSL_SESSION_set_ex_data(s, 0, (char *)(a)))
  2866. #define SSL_SESSION_get_app_data(s) (SSL_SESSION_get_ex_data(s, 0))
  2867. #define SSL_CTX_get_app_data(ctx) (SSL_CTX_get_ex_data(ctx, 0))
  2868. #define SSL_CTX_set_app_data(ctx, arg) \
  2869. (SSL_CTX_set_ex_data(ctx, 0, (char *)(arg)))
  2870. #define OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms() SSL_library_init()
  2871. #define SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms() SSL_library_init()
  2872. #define SSL_get_cipher(ssl) SSL_CIPHER_get_name(SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl))
  2873. #define SSL_get_cipher_bits(ssl, out_alg_bits) \
  2874. SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl), out_alg_bits)
  2875. #define SSL_get_cipher_version(ssl) \
  2876. SSL_CIPHER_get_version(SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl))
  2877. #define SSL_get_cipher_name(ssl) \
  2878. SSL_CIPHER_get_name(SSL_get_current_cipher(ssl))
  2879. #define SSL_get_time(session) SSL_SESSION_get_time(session)
  2880. #define SSL_set_time(session, time) SSL_SESSION_set_time((session), (time))
  2881. #define SSL_get_timeout(session) SSL_SESSION_get_timeout(session)
  2882. #define SSL_set_timeout(session, timeout) \
  2883. SSL_SESSION_set_timeout((session), (timeout))
  2884. typedef struct ssl_comp_st SSL_COMP;
  2885. struct ssl_comp_st {
  2886. int id;
  2887. const char *name;
  2888. char *method;
  2889. };
  2891. /* The following flags do nothing and are included only to make it easier to
  2892. * compile code with BoringSSL. */
  2893. #define SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY 0
  2894. #define SSL_MODE_RELEASE_BUFFERS 0
  2897. #define SSL_OP_ALL 0
  2900. #define SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA 0
  2903. #define SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG 0
  2904. #define SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING 0
  2905. #define SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG 0
  2909. #define SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION 0
  2911. #define SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 0
  2912. #define SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1 0
  2913. #define SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2 0
  2914. #define SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE 0
  2915. #define SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE 0
  2916. #define SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG 0
  2918. #define SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG 0
  2919. #define SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG 0
  2920. #define SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG 0
  2921. #define SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE 0
  2922. /* SSL_cache_hit calls |SSL_session_reused|. */
  2923. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_cache_hit(SSL *ssl);
  2924. /* SSL_get_default_timeout returns |SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT|. */
  2925. OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_get_default_timeout(const SSL *ssl);
  2926. /* SSL_get_version returns a string describing the TLS version used by |ssl|.
  2927. * For example, "TLSv1.2" or "SSLv3". */
  2928. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_version(const SSL *ssl);
  2929. /* SSL_get_cipher_list returns the name of the |n|th cipher in the output of
  2930. * |SSL_get_ciphers| or NULL if out of range. Use |SSL_get_ciphers| insteads. */
  2931. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_cipher_list(const SSL *ssl, int n);
  2932. /* SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb sets a callback which is called on the client if
  2933. * the server requests a client certificate and none is configured. On success,
  2934. * the callback should return one and set |*out_x509| to |*out_pkey| to a leaf
  2935. * certificate and private key, respectively, passing ownership. It should
  2936. * return zero to send no certificate and -1 to fail or pause the handshake. If
  2937. * the handshake is paused, |SSL_get_error| will return
  2938. * |SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP|.
  2939. *
  2940. * The callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
  2941. * |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate request.
  2942. *
  2943. * Use |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| instead. Configuring intermediate certificates with
  2944. * this function is confusing. This callback may not be registered concurrently
  2945. * with |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| or |SSL_set_cert_cb|. */
  2946. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(
  2947. SSL_CTX *ctx,
  2948. int (*client_cert_cb)(SSL *ssl, X509 **out_x509, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey));
  2949. #define SSL_NOTHING 1
  2950. #define SSL_WRITING 2
  2951. #define SSL_READING 3
  2952. #define SSL_X509_LOOKUP 4
  2953. #define SSL_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP 5
  2954. #define SSL_PENDING_SESSION 7
  2957. /* SSL_want returns one of the above values to determine what the most recent
  2958. * operation on |ssl| was blocked on. Use |SSL_get_error| instead. */
  2959. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_want(const SSL *ssl);
  2960. #define SSL_want_read(ssl) (SSL_want(ssl) == SSL_READING)
  2961. #define SSL_want_write(ssl) (SSL_want(ssl) == SSL_WRITING)
  2962. /* SSL_get_finished writes up to |count| bytes of the Finished message sent by
  2963. * |ssl| to |buf|. It returns the total untruncated length or zero if none has
  2964. * been sent yet. At SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.3 and later, it returns zero.
  2965. *
  2966. * Use |SSL_get_tls_unique| instead. */
  2967. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_finished(const SSL *ssl, void *buf, size_t count);
  2968. /* SSL_get_peer_finished writes up to |count| bytes of the Finished message
  2969. * received from |ssl|'s peer to |buf|. It returns the total untruncated length
  2970. * or zero if none has been received yet. At SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.3 and later, it
  2971. * returns zero.
  2972. *
  2973. * Use |SSL_get_tls_unique| instead. */
  2974. OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_peer_finished(const SSL *ssl, void *buf,
  2975. size_t count);
  2976. /* SSL_alert_type_string returns "!". Use |SSL_alert_type_string_long|
  2977. * instead. */
  2978. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_type_string(int value);
  2979. /* SSL_alert_desc_string returns "!!". Use |SSL_alert_desc_string_long|
  2980. * instead. */
  2981. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_desc_string(int value);
  2982. /* SSL_TXT_* expand to strings. */
  2983. #define SSL_TXT_MEDIUM "MEDIUM"
  2984. #define SSL_TXT_HIGH "HIGH"
  2985. #define SSL_TXT_FIPS "FIPS"
  2986. #define SSL_TXT_kRSA "kRSA"
  2987. #define SSL_TXT_kDHE "kDHE"
  2988. #define SSL_TXT_kEDH "kEDH"
  2989. #define SSL_TXT_kECDHE "kECDHE"
  2990. #define SSL_TXT_kEECDH "kEECDH"
  2991. #define SSL_TXT_kPSK "kPSK"
  2992. #define SSL_TXT_aRSA "aRSA"
  2993. #define SSL_TXT_aECDSA "aECDSA"
  2994. #define SSL_TXT_aPSK "aPSK"
  2995. #define SSL_TXT_DH "DH"
  2996. #define SSL_TXT_DHE "DHE"
  2997. #define SSL_TXT_EDH "EDH"
  2998. #define SSL_TXT_RSA "RSA"
  2999. #define SSL_TXT_ECDH "ECDH"
  3000. #define SSL_TXT_ECDHE "ECDHE"
  3001. #define SSL_TXT_EECDH "EECDH"
  3002. #define SSL_TXT_ECDSA "ECDSA"
  3003. #define SSL_TXT_PSK "PSK"
  3004. #define SSL_TXT_3DES "3DES"
  3005. #define SSL_TXT_RC4 "RC4"
  3006. #define SSL_TXT_AES128 "AES128"
  3007. #define SSL_TXT_AES256 "AES256"
  3008. #define SSL_TXT_AES "AES"
  3009. #define SSL_TXT_AES_GCM "AESGCM"
  3010. #define SSL_TXT_CHACHA20 "CHACHA20"
  3011. #define SSL_TXT_MD5 "MD5"
  3012. #define SSL_TXT_SHA1 "SHA1"
  3013. #define SSL_TXT_SHA "SHA"
  3014. #define SSL_TXT_SHA256 "SHA256"
  3015. #define SSL_TXT_SHA384 "SHA384"
  3016. #define SSL_TXT_SSLV3 "SSLv3"
  3017. #define SSL_TXT_TLSV1 "TLSv1"
  3018. #define SSL_TXT_TLSV1_1 "TLSv1.1"
  3019. #define SSL_TXT_TLSV1_2 "TLSv1.2"
  3020. #define SSL_TXT_TLSV1_3 "TLSv1.3"
  3021. #define SSL_TXT_ALL "ALL"
  3023. typedef struct ssl_conf_ctx_st SSL_CONF_CTX;
  3024. /* SSL_state returns the current state of the handshake state machine. */
  3025. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_state(const SSL *ssl);
  3026. #define SSL_get_state(ssl) SSL_state(ssl)
  3027. /* SSL_state_string returns the current state of the handshake state machine as
  3028. * a six-letter string. Use |SSL_state_string_long| for a more intelligible
  3029. * string. */
  3030. OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_state_string(const SSL *ssl);
  3031. /* SSL_set_shutdown causes |ssl| to behave as if the shutdown bitmask (see
  3032. * |SSL_get_shutdown|) were |mode|. This may be used to skip sending or
  3033. * receiving close_notify in |SSL_shutdown| by causing the implementation to
  3034. * believe the events already happened.
  3035. *
  3036. * It is an error to use |SSL_set_shutdown| to unset a bit that has already been
  3037. * set. Doing so will trigger an |assert| in debug builds and otherwise be
  3038. * ignored.
  3039. *
  3040. * Use |SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown| instead. */
  3041. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_shutdown(SSL *ssl, int mode);
  3042. /* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh calls |SSL_CTX_set1_curves| with a one-element list
  3043. * containing |ec_key|'s curve. */
  3044. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(SSL_CTX *ctx, const EC_KEY *ec_key);
  3045. /* SSL_set_tmp_ecdh calls |SSL_set1_curves| with a one-element list containing
  3046. * |ec_key|'s curve. */
  3047. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tmp_ecdh(SSL *ssl, const EC_KEY *ec_key);
  3048. /* SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack lists files in directory |dir|. It calls
  3049. * |SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack| on each file and returns one on success
  3050. * or zero on error. This function is only available from the libdecrepit
  3051. * library. */
  3052. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack(STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *out,
  3053. const char *dir);
  3054. /* SSL_set_private_key_digest_prefs copies |num_digests| NIDs from |digest_nids|
  3055. * into |ssl|. These digests will be used, in decreasing order of preference,
  3056. * when signing with |ssl|'s private key. It returns one on success and zero on
  3057. * error.
  3058. *
  3059. * Use |SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs| instead.
  3060. *
  3061. * TODO(davidben): Remove this API when callers have been updated. */
  3062. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_private_key_digest_prefs(SSL *ssl,
  3063. const int *digest_nids,
  3064. size_t num_digests);
  3065. /* SSL_set_verify_result calls |abort| unless |result| is |X509_V_OK|.
  3066. *
  3067. * TODO(davidben): Remove this function once it has been removed from
  3068. * netty-tcnative. */
  3069. OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_verify_result(SSL *ssl, long result);
  3070. /* SSL_CTX_set_min_version calls |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version|. */
  3071. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_min_version(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint16_t version);
  3072. /* SSL_CTX_set_max_version calls |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|. */
  3073. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_max_version(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint16_t version);
  3074. /* SSL_set_min_version calls |SSL_set_min_proto_version|. */
  3075. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_min_version(SSL *ssl, uint16_t version);
  3076. /* SSL_set_max_version calls |SSL_set_max_proto_version|. */
  3077. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_max_version(SSL *ssl, uint16_t version);
  3078. /* SSL_CTX_enable_tls_channel_id calls |SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled|. */
  3079. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_enable_tls_channel_id(SSL_CTX *ctx);
  3080. /* SSL_enable_tls_channel_id calls |SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled|. */
  3081. OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(SSL *ssl);
  3082. /* BIO_f_ssl returns a |BIO_METHOD| that can wrap an |SSL*| in a |BIO*|. Note
  3083. * that this has quite different behaviour from the version in OpenSSL (notably
  3084. * that it doesn't try to auto renegotiate). */
  3085. OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_ssl(void);
  3086. /* BIO_set_ssl sets |ssl| as the underlying connection for |bio|, which must
  3087. * have been created using |BIO_f_ssl|. If |take_owership| is true, |bio| will
  3088. * call |SSL_free| on |ssl| when closed. It returns one on success or something
  3089. * other than one on error. */
  3090. OPENSSL_EXPORT long BIO_set_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL *ssl, int take_owership);
  3091. /* Private structures.
  3092. *
  3093. * This structures are exposed for historical reasons, but access to them is
  3094. * deprecated. */
  3095. typedef struct ssl_protocol_method_st SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD;
  3096. struct ssl_cipher_st {
  3097. /* name is the OpenSSL name for the cipher. */
  3098. const char *name;
  3099. /* id is the cipher suite value bitwise OR-d with 0x03000000. */
  3100. uint32_t id;
  3101. /* algorithm_* are internal fields. See ssl/internal.h for their values. */
  3102. uint32_t algorithm_mkey;
  3103. uint32_t algorithm_auth;
  3104. uint32_t algorithm_enc;
  3105. uint32_t algorithm_mac;
  3106. uint32_t algorithm_prf;
  3107. };
  3108. #define SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH 32
  3109. #define SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH 32
  3110. #define SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH 48
  3111. struct ssl_session_st {
  3112. CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
  3113. int ssl_version; /* what ssl version session info is being kept in here? */
  3114. /* group_id is the ID of the ECDH group used to establish this session or zero
  3115. * if not applicable or unknown. */
  3116. uint16_t group_id;
  3117. /* peer_signature_algorithm is the signature algorithm used to authenticate
  3118. * the peer, or zero if not applicable or unknown. */
  3119. uint16_t peer_signature_algorithm;
  3120. /* master_key, in TLS 1.2 and below, is the master secret associated with the
  3121. * session. In TLS 1.3 and up, it is the resumption secret. */
  3122. int master_key_length;
  3123. uint8_t master_key[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH];
  3124. /* session_id - valid? */
  3125. unsigned int session_id_length;
  3126. uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH];
  3127. /* this is used to determine whether the session is being reused in
  3128. * the appropriate context. It is up to the application to set this,
  3129. * via SSL_new */
  3130. uint8_t sid_ctx_length;
  3131. uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH];
  3132. char *psk_identity;
  3133. /* certs contains the certificate chain from the peer, starting with the leaf
  3134. * certificate. */
  3135. STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER) *certs;
  3136. /* x509_peer is the peer's certificate. */
  3137. X509 *x509_peer;
  3138. /* x509_chain is the certificate chain sent by the peer. NOTE: for historical
  3139. * reasons, when a client (so the peer is a server), the chain includes
  3140. * |peer|, but when a server it does not. */
  3141. STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain;
  3142. /* x509_chain_without_leaf is a lazily constructed copy of |x509_chain| that
  3143. * omits the leaf certificate. This exists because OpenSSL, historically,
  3144. * didn't include the leaf certificate in the chain for a server, but did for
  3145. * a client. The |x509_chain| always includes it and, if an API call requires
  3146. * a chain without, it is stored here. */
  3147. STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain_without_leaf;
  3148. /* verify_result is the result of certificate verification in the case of
  3149. * non-fatal certificate errors. */
  3150. long verify_result;
  3151. /* timeout is the lifetime of the session in seconds, measured from |time|. */
  3152. long timeout;
  3153. /* time is the time the session was issued, measured in seconds from the UNIX
  3154. * epoch. */
  3155. long time;
  3156. const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
  3157. CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data; /* application specific data */
  3158. /* These are used to make removal of session-ids more efficient and to
  3159. * implement a maximum cache size. */
  3160. SSL_SESSION *prev, *next;
  3161. char *tlsext_hostname;
  3162. /* RFC4507 info */
  3163. uint8_t *tlsext_tick; /* Session ticket */
  3164. size_t tlsext_ticklen; /* Session ticket length */
  3165. size_t tlsext_signed_cert_timestamp_list_length;
  3166. uint8_t *tlsext_signed_cert_timestamp_list; /* Server's list. */
  3167. /* The OCSP response that came with the session. */
  3168. size_t ocsp_response_length;
  3169. uint8_t *ocsp_response;
  3170. /* peer_sha256 contains the SHA-256 hash of the peer's certificate if
  3171. * |peer_sha256_valid| is true. */
  3172. uint8_t peer_sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
  3173. /* original_handshake_hash contains the handshake hash (either SHA-1+MD5 or
  3174. * SHA-2, depending on TLS version) for the original, full handshake that
  3175. * created a session. This is used by Channel IDs during resumption. */
  3176. uint8_t original_handshake_hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
  3177. uint8_t original_handshake_hash_len;
  3178. uint32_t tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint; /* Session lifetime hint in seconds */
  3179. uint32_t ticket_age_add;
  3180. /* ticket_max_early_data is the maximum amount of data allowed to be sent as
  3181. * early data. If zero, 0-RTT is disallowed. */
  3182. uint32_t ticket_max_early_data;
  3183. /* extended_master_secret is true if the master secret in this session was
  3184. * generated using EMS and thus isn't vulnerable to the Triple Handshake
  3185. * attack. */
  3186. unsigned extended_master_secret:1;
  3187. /* peer_sha256_valid is non-zero if |peer_sha256| is valid. */
  3188. unsigned peer_sha256_valid:1; /* Non-zero if peer_sha256 is valid */
  3189. /* not_resumable is used to indicate that session resumption is disallowed. */
  3190. unsigned not_resumable:1;
  3191. /* ticket_age_add_valid is non-zero if |ticket_age_add| is valid. */
  3192. unsigned ticket_age_add_valid:1;
  3193. /* is_server is true if this session was created by a server. */
  3194. unsigned is_server:1;
  3195. };
  3196. /* ssl_cipher_preference_list_st contains a list of SSL_CIPHERs with
  3197. * equal-preference groups. For TLS clients, the groups are moot because the
  3198. * server picks the cipher and groups cannot be expressed on the wire. However,
  3199. * for servers, the equal-preference groups allow the client's preferences to
  3200. * be partially respected. (This only has an effect with
  3202. *
  3203. * The equal-preference groups are expressed by grouping SSL_CIPHERs together.
  3204. * All elements of a group have the same priority: no ordering is expressed
  3205. * within a group.
  3206. *
  3207. * The values in |ciphers| are in one-to-one correspondence with
  3208. * |in_group_flags|. (That is, sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ciphers) is the number of
  3209. * bytes in |in_group_flags|.) The bytes in |in_group_flags| are either 1, to
  3210. * indicate that the corresponding SSL_CIPHER is not the last element of a
  3211. * group, or 0 to indicate that it is.
  3212. *
  3213. * For example, if |in_group_flags| contains all zeros then that indicates a
  3214. * traditional, fully-ordered preference. Every SSL_CIPHER is the last element
  3215. * of the group (i.e. they are all in a one-element group).
  3216. *
  3217. * For a more complex example, consider:
  3218. * ciphers: A B C D E F
  3219. * in_group_flags: 1 1 0 0 1 0
  3220. *
  3221. * That would express the following, order:
  3222. *
  3223. * A E
  3224. * B -> D -> F
  3225. * C
  3226. */
  3227. struct ssl_cipher_preference_list_st {
  3228. STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *ciphers;
  3229. uint8_t *in_group_flags;
  3230. };
  3231. /* ssl_ctx_st (aka |SSL_CTX|) contains configuration common to several SSL
  3232. * connections. */
  3233. struct ssl_ctx_st {
  3234. const SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method;
  3235. /* lock is used to protect various operations on this object. */
  3236. CRYPTO_MUTEX lock;
  3237. /* max_version is the maximum acceptable protocol version. Note this version
  3238. * is normalized in DTLS. */
  3239. uint16_t max_version;
  3240. /* min_version is the minimum acceptable protocol version. Note this version
  3241. * is normalized in DTLS. */
  3242. uint16_t min_version;
  3243. struct ssl_cipher_preference_list_st *cipher_list;
  3244. X509_STORE *cert_store;
  3245. LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION) *sessions;
  3246. /* Most session-ids that will be cached, default is
  3247. * SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT. 0 is unlimited. */
  3248. unsigned long session_cache_size;
  3249. SSL_SESSION *session_cache_head;
  3250. SSL_SESSION *session_cache_tail;
  3251. /* handshakes_since_cache_flush is the number of successful handshakes since
  3252. * the last cache flush. */
  3253. int handshakes_since_cache_flush;
  3254. /* This can have one of 2 values, ored together,
  3257. * Default is SSL_SESSION_CACHE_SERVER, which means only
  3258. * SSL_accept which cache SSL_SESSIONS. */
  3259. int session_cache_mode;
  3260. /* If timeout is not 0, it is the default timeout value set when SSL_new() is
  3261. * called. This has been put in to make life easier to set things up */
  3262. long session_timeout;
  3263. /* If this callback is not null, it will be called each time a session id is
  3264. * added to the cache. If this function returns 1, it means that the
  3265. * callback will do a SSL_SESSION_free() when it has finished using it.
  3266. * Otherwise, on 0, it means the callback has finished with it. If
  3267. * remove_session_cb is not null, it will be called when a session-id is
  3268. * removed from the cache. After the call, OpenSSL will SSL_SESSION_free()
  3269. * it. */
  3270. int (*new_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *sess);
  3271. void (*remove_session_cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *sess);
  3272. SSL_SESSION *(*get_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *data, int len,
  3273. int *copy);
  3274. CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
  3275. /* if defined, these override the X509_verify_cert() calls */
  3276. int (*app_verify_callback)(X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx, void *arg);
  3277. void *app_verify_arg;
  3278. /* Default password callback. */
  3279. pem_password_cb *default_passwd_callback;
  3280. /* Default password callback user data. */
  3281. void *default_passwd_callback_userdata;
  3282. /* get client cert callback */
  3283. int (*client_cert_cb)(SSL *ssl, X509 **out_x509, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey);
  3284. /* get channel id callback */
  3285. void (*channel_id_cb)(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey);
  3286. CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;
  3287. /* custom_*_extensions stores any callback sets for custom extensions. Note
  3288. * that these pointers will be NULL if the stack would otherwise be empty. */
  3289. STACK_OF(SSL_CUSTOM_EXTENSION) *client_custom_extensions;
  3290. STACK_OF(SSL_CUSTOM_EXTENSION) *server_custom_extensions;
  3291. /* Default values used when no per-SSL value is defined follow */
  3292. void (*info_callback)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value);
  3293. /* what we put in client cert requests */
  3294. STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *client_CA;
  3295. /* Default values to use in SSL structures follow (these are copied by
  3296. * SSL_new) */
  3297. uint32_t options;
  3298. uint32_t mode;
  3299. uint32_t max_cert_list;
  3300. struct cert_st /* CERT */ *cert;
  3301. /* callback that allows applications to peek at protocol messages */
  3302. void (*msg_callback)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
  3303. const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg);
  3304. void *msg_callback_arg;
  3305. int verify_mode;
  3306. uint8_t sid_ctx_length;
  3307. uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH];
  3308. int (*default_verify_callback)(
  3309. int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx); /* called 'verify_callback' in the SSL */
  3310. X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param;
  3311. /* select_certificate_cb is called before most ClientHello processing and
  3312. * before the decision whether to resume a session is made. It may return one
  3313. * to continue the handshake or zero to cause the handshake loop to return
  3314. * with an error and cause SSL_get_error to return
  3315. * SSL_ERROR_PENDING_CERTIFICATE. Note: when the handshake loop is resumed, it
  3316. * will not call the callback a second time. */
  3317. int (*select_certificate_cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *);
  3318. /* dos_protection_cb is called once the resumption decision for a ClientHello
  3319. * has been made. It returns one to continue the handshake or zero to
  3320. * abort. */
  3321. int (*dos_protection_cb) (const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *);
  3322. /* Maximum amount of data to send in one fragment. actual record size can be
  3323. * more than this due to padding and MAC overheads. */
  3324. uint16_t max_send_fragment;
  3325. /* TLS extensions servername callback */
  3326. int (*tlsext_servername_callback)(SSL *, int *, void *);
  3327. void *tlsext_servername_arg;
  3328. /* RFC 4507 session ticket keys */
  3329. uint8_t tlsext_tick_key_name[SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN];
  3330. uint8_t tlsext_tick_hmac_key[16];
  3331. uint8_t tlsext_tick_aes_key[16];
  3332. /* Callback to support customisation of ticket key setting */
  3333. int (*tlsext_ticket_key_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *name, uint8_t *iv,
  3334. EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ectx, HMAC_CTX *hctx, int enc);
  3335. /* Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the default identity hint to send in
  3336. * PSK-based key exchanges. */
  3337. char *psk_identity_hint;
  3338. unsigned int (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint,
  3339. char *identity,
  3340. unsigned int max_identity_len,
  3341. uint8_t *psk, unsigned int max_psk_len);
  3342. unsigned int (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity,
  3343. uint8_t *psk, unsigned int max_psk_len);
  3344. /* retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
  3345. * hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
  3346. * session space. Only effective on the server side. */
  3347. char retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs;
  3348. /* Next protocol negotiation information */
  3349. /* (for experimental NPN extension). */
  3350. /* For a server, this contains a callback function by which the set of
  3351. * advertised protocols can be provided. */
  3352. int (*next_protos_advertised_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out,
  3353. unsigned *out_len, void *arg);
  3354. void *next_protos_advertised_cb_arg;
  3355. /* For a client, this contains a callback function that selects the
  3356. * next protocol from the list provided by the server. */
  3357. int (*next_proto_select_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
  3358. const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg);
  3359. void *next_proto_select_cb_arg;
  3360. /* ALPN information
  3361. * (we are in the process of transitioning from NPN to ALPN.) */
  3362. /* For a server, this contains a callback function that allows the
  3363. * server to select the protocol for the connection.
  3364. * out: on successful return, this must point to the raw protocol
  3365. * name (without the length prefix).
  3366. * outlen: on successful return, this contains the length of |*out|.
  3367. * in: points to the client's list of supported protocols in
  3368. * wire-format.
  3369. * inlen: the length of |in|. */
  3370. int (*alpn_select_cb)(SSL *s, const uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
  3371. const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg);
  3372. void *alpn_select_cb_arg;
  3373. /* For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
  3374. * format. */
  3375. uint8_t *alpn_client_proto_list;
  3376. unsigned alpn_client_proto_list_len;
  3377. /* SRTP profiles we are willing to do from RFC 5764 */
  3378. STACK_OF(SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE) *srtp_profiles;
  3379. /* Supported group values inherited by SSL structure */
  3380. size_t supported_group_list_len;
  3381. uint16_t *supported_group_list;
  3382. /* The client's Channel ID private key. */
  3383. EVP_PKEY *tlsext_channel_id_private;
  3384. /* Signed certificate timestamp list to be sent to the client, if requested */
  3385. uint8_t *signed_cert_timestamp_list;
  3386. size_t signed_cert_timestamp_list_length;
  3387. /* OCSP response to be sent to the client, if requested. */
  3388. CRYPTO_BUFFER *ocsp_response;
  3389. /* keylog_callback, if not NULL, is the key logging callback. See
  3390. * |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|. */
  3391. void (*keylog_callback)(const SSL *ssl, const char *line);
  3392. /* current_time_cb, if not NULL, is the function to use to get the current
  3393. * time. It sets |*out_clock| to the current time. See
  3394. * |SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb|. */
  3395. void (*current_time_cb)(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out_clock);
  3396. /* pool is used for all |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s in case we wish to share certificate
  3397. * memory. */
  3398. CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool;
  3399. /* quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
  3400. * shutdown. */
  3401. unsigned quiet_shutdown:1;
  3402. /* If enable_early_data is non-zero, early data can be sent and accepted over
  3403. * new connections. */
  3404. unsigned enable_early_data:1;
  3405. /* ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
  3406. * whether OCSP stapling will be requested. */
  3407. unsigned ocsp_stapling_enabled:1;
  3408. /* If true, a client will request certificate timestamps. */
  3409. unsigned signed_cert_timestamps_enabled:1;
  3410. /* tlsext_channel_id_enabled is one if Channel ID is enabled and zero
  3411. * otherwise. For a server, means that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients.
  3412. * For a client, means that we'll advertise support. */
  3413. unsigned tlsext_channel_id_enabled:1;
  3414. /* grease_enabled is one if draft-davidben-tls-grease-01 is enabled and zero
  3415. * otherwise. */
  3416. unsigned grease_enabled:1;
  3417. /* short_header_enabled is one if a short record header in TLS 1.3 may
  3418. * be negotiated and zero otherwise. */
  3419. unsigned short_header_enabled:1;
  3420. /* extra_certs is a dummy value included for compatibility.
  3421. * TODO(agl): remove once node.js no longer references this. */
  3422. STACK_OF(X509)* extra_certs;
  3423. int freelist_max_len;
  3424. };
  3425. typedef struct ssl_handshake_st SSL_HANDSHAKE;
  3426. struct ssl_st {
  3427. /* method is the method table corresponding to the current protocol (DTLS or
  3428. * TLS). */
  3429. const SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method;
  3430. /* version is the protocol version. */
  3431. int version;
  3432. /* max_version is the maximum acceptable protocol version. Note this version
  3433. * is normalized in DTLS. */
  3434. uint16_t max_version;
  3435. /* min_version is the minimum acceptable protocol version. Note this version
  3436. * is normalized in DTLS. */
  3437. uint16_t min_version;
  3438. uint16_t max_send_fragment;
  3439. /* There are 2 BIO's even though they are normally both the same. This is so
  3440. * data can be read and written to different handlers */
  3441. BIO *rbio; /* used by SSL_read */
  3442. BIO *wbio; /* used by SSL_write */
  3443. /* bbio, if non-NULL, is a buffer placed in front of |wbio| to pack handshake
  3444. * messages within one flight into a single |BIO_write|. In this case, |wbio|
  3445. * and |bbio| are equal and the true caller-configured BIO is
  3446. * |bbio->next_bio|.
  3447. *
  3448. * TODO(davidben): This does not work right for DTLS. It assumes the MTU is
  3449. * smaller than the buffer size so that the buffer's internal flushing never
  3450. * kicks in. It also doesn't kick in for DTLS retransmission. Replace this
  3451. * with a better mechanism. */
  3452. BIO *bbio;
  3453. int (*handshake_func)(SSL_HANDSHAKE *hs);
  3454. BUF_MEM *init_buf; /* buffer used during init */
  3455. /* init_msg is a pointer to the current handshake message body. */
  3456. const uint8_t *init_msg;
  3457. /* init_num is the length of the current handshake message body. */
  3458. uint32_t init_num;
  3459. /* init_off, in DTLS, is the number of bytes of the current message that have
  3460. * been written. */
  3461. uint32_t init_off;
  3462. struct ssl3_state_st *s3; /* SSLv3 variables */
  3463. struct dtls1_state_st *d1; /* DTLSv1 variables */
  3464. /* callback that allows applications to peek at protocol messages */
  3465. void (*msg_callback)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
  3466. const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg);
  3467. void *msg_callback_arg;
  3468. X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param;
  3469. /* crypto */
  3470. struct ssl_cipher_preference_list_st *cipher_list;
  3471. /* session info */
  3472. /* client cert? */
  3473. /* This is used to hold the server certificate used */
  3474. struct cert_st /* CERT */ *cert;
  3475. /* This holds a variable that indicates what we were doing when a 0 or -1 is
  3476. * returned. This is needed for non-blocking IO so we know what request
  3477. * needs re-doing when in SSL_accept or SSL_connect */
  3478. int rwstate;
  3479. /* initial_timeout_duration_ms is the default DTLS timeout duration in
  3480. * milliseconds. It's used to initialize the timer any time it's restarted. */
  3481. unsigned initial_timeout_duration_ms;
  3482. /* the session_id_context is used to ensure sessions are only reused
  3483. * in the appropriate context */
  3484. uint8_t sid_ctx_length;
  3485. uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH];
  3486. /* session is the configured session to be offered by the client. This session
  3487. * is immutable. */
  3488. SSL_SESSION *session;
  3489. int (*verify_callback)(int ok,
  3490. X509_STORE_CTX *ctx); /* fail if callback returns 0 */
  3491. void (*info_callback)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value);
  3492. /* Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the identity hint to send in
  3493. * PSK-based key exchanges. */
  3494. char *psk_identity_hint;
  3495. unsigned int (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint,
  3496. char *identity,
  3497. unsigned int max_identity_len,
  3498. uint8_t *psk, unsigned int max_psk_len);
  3499. unsigned int (*psk_server_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity,
  3500. uint8_t *psk, unsigned int max_psk_len);
  3501. SSL_CTX *ctx;
  3502. /* extra application data */
  3503. CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;
  3504. /* for server side, keep the list of CA_dn we can use */
  3505. STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *client_CA;
  3506. uint32_t options; /* protocol behaviour */
  3507. uint32_t mode; /* API behaviour */
  3508. uint32_t max_cert_list;
  3509. char *tlsext_hostname;
  3510. size_t supported_group_list_len;
  3511. uint16_t *supported_group_list; /* our list */
  3512. SSL_CTX *initial_ctx; /* initial ctx, used to store sessions */
  3513. /* srtp_profiles is the list of configured SRTP protection profiles for
  3514. * DTLS-SRTP. */
  3515. STACK_OF(SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE) *srtp_profiles;
  3516. /* srtp_profile is the selected SRTP protection profile for
  3517. * DTLS-SRTP. */
  3518. const SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE *srtp_profile;
  3519. /* The client's Channel ID private key. */
  3520. EVP_PKEY *tlsext_channel_id_private;
  3521. /* For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
  3522. * format. */
  3523. uint8_t *alpn_client_proto_list;
  3524. unsigned alpn_client_proto_list_len;
  3525. /* renegotiate_mode controls how peer renegotiation attempts are handled. */
  3526. enum ssl_renegotiate_mode_t renegotiate_mode;
  3527. /* verify_mode is a bitmask of |SSL_VERIFY_*| values. */
  3528. uint8_t verify_mode;
  3529. /* server is true iff the this SSL* is the server half. Note: before the SSL*
  3530. * is initialized by either SSL_set_accept_state or SSL_set_connect_state,
  3531. * the side is not determined. In this state, server is always false. */
  3532. unsigned server:1;
  3533. /* quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
  3534. * shutdown. */
  3535. unsigned quiet_shutdown:1;
  3536. /* Enable signed certificate time stamps. Currently client only. */
  3537. unsigned signed_cert_timestamps_enabled:1;
  3538. /* ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
  3539. * whether OCSP stapling will be requested. */
  3540. unsigned ocsp_stapling_enabled:1;
  3541. /* tlsext_channel_id_enabled is copied from the |SSL_CTX|. For a server,
  3542. * means that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients. For a client, means that
  3543. * we'll advertise support. */
  3544. unsigned tlsext_channel_id_enabled:1;
  3545. /* retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
  3546. * hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
  3547. * session space. Only effective on the server side. */
  3548. unsigned retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs:1;
  3549. /* TODO(agl): remove once node.js not longer references this. */
  3550. int tlsext_status_type;
  3551. /* session_timeout is the default lifetime in seconds of the session
  3552. * created in this connection. */
  3553. long session_timeout;
  3554. /* OCSP response to be sent to the client, if requested. */
  3555. CRYPTO_BUFFER *ocsp_response;
  3556. };
  3557. /* Nodejs compatibility section (hidden).
  3558. *
  3559. * These defines exist for node.js, with the hope that we can eliminate the
  3560. * need for them over time. */
  3561. #define SSLerr(function, reason) \
  3562. ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_SSL, 0, reason, __FILE__, __LINE__)
  3563. /* Preprocessor compatibility section (hidden).
  3564. *
  3565. * Historically, a number of APIs were implemented in OpenSSL as macros and
  3566. * constants to 'ctrl' functions. To avoid breaking #ifdefs in consumers, this
  3567. * section defines a number of legacy macros.
  3568. *
  3569. * Although using either the CTRL values or their wrapper macros in #ifdefs is
  3570. * still supported, the CTRL values may not be passed to |SSL_ctrl| and
  3571. * |SSL_CTX_ctrl|. Call the functions (previously wrapper macros) instead.
  3572. *
  3573. * See in the BoringSSL source tree for a table of corresponding
  3574. * functions.
  3575. *
  3576. */
  3577. #define DTLS_CTRL_GET_TIMEOUT doesnt_exist
  3578. #define DTLS_CTRL_HANDLE_TIMEOUT doesnt_exist
  3579. #define SSL_CTRL_CHAIN doesnt_exist
  3580. #define SSL_CTRL_CHAIN_CERT doesnt_exist
  3581. #define SSL_CTRL_CHANNEL_ID doesnt_exist
  3582. #define SSL_CTRL_CLEAR_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERTS doesnt_exist
  3583. #define SSL_CTRL_CLEAR_MODE doesnt_exist
  3584. #define SSL_CTRL_CLEAR_OPTIONS doesnt_exist
  3585. #define SSL_CTRL_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERT doesnt_exist
  3586. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_CHAIN_CERTS doesnt_exist
  3587. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_CHANNEL_ID doesnt_exist
  3588. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_CLIENT_CERT_TYPES doesnt_exist
  3589. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_EXTRA_CHAIN_CERTS doesnt_exist
  3590. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_MAX_CERT_LIST doesnt_exist
  3591. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_NUM_RENEGOTIATIONS doesnt_exist
  3592. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_READ_AHEAD doesnt_exist
  3593. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_RI_SUPPORT doesnt_exist
  3594. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_SESSION_REUSED doesnt_exist
  3595. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_SESS_CACHE_MODE doesnt_exist
  3596. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_SESS_CACHE_SIZE doesnt_exist
  3597. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_TLSEXT_TICKET_KEYS doesnt_exist
  3598. #define SSL_CTRL_GET_TOTAL_RENEGOTIATIONS doesnt_exist
  3599. #define SSL_CTRL_MODE doesnt_exist
  3600. #define SSL_CTRL_NEED_TMP_RSA doesnt_exist
  3601. #define SSL_CTRL_OPTIONS doesnt_exist
  3602. #define SSL_CTRL_SESS_NUMBER doesnt_exist
  3603. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_CURVES doesnt_exist
  3604. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_CURVES_LIST doesnt_exist
  3605. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_MAX_CERT_LIST doesnt_exist
  3606. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_MAX_SEND_FRAGMENT doesnt_exist
  3607. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_MSG_CALLBACK doesnt_exist
  3608. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_MSG_CALLBACK_ARG doesnt_exist
  3609. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_MTU doesnt_exist
  3610. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_READ_AHEAD doesnt_exist
  3611. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_SESS_CACHE_MODE doesnt_exist
  3612. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_SESS_CACHE_SIZE doesnt_exist
  3613. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_HOSTNAME doesnt_exist
  3614. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_ARG doesnt_exist
  3615. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_SERVERNAME_CB doesnt_exist
  3616. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_TICKET_KEYS doesnt_exist
  3617. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TLSEXT_TICKET_KEY_CB doesnt_exist
  3618. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_DH doesnt_exist
  3619. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_DH_CB doesnt_exist
  3620. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_ECDH doesnt_exist
  3621. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_ECDH_CB doesnt_exist
  3622. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_RSA doesnt_exist
  3623. #define SSL_CTRL_SET_TMP_RSA_CB doesnt_exist
  3624. #define DTLSv1_get_timeout DTLSv1_get_timeout
  3625. #define DTLSv1_handle_timeout DTLSv1_handle_timeout
  3626. #define SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert
  3627. #define SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert
  3628. #define SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert
  3629. #define SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs
  3630. #define SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs
  3631. #define SSL_CTX_clear_mode SSL_CTX_clear_mode
  3632. #define SSL_CTX_clear_options SSL_CTX_clear_options
  3633. #define SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs
  3634. #define SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs
  3635. #define SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list
  3636. #define SSL_CTX_get_mode SSL_CTX_get_mode
  3637. #define SSL_CTX_get_options SSL_CTX_get_options
  3638. #define SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead
  3639. #define SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode
  3640. #define SSL_CTX_get_tlsext_ticket_keys SSL_CTX_get_tlsext_ticket_keys
  3641. #define SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA
  3642. #define SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size
  3643. #define SSL_CTX_sess_number SSL_CTX_sess_number
  3644. #define SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size
  3645. #define SSL_CTX_set0_chain SSL_CTX_set0_chain
  3646. #define SSL_CTX_set1_chain SSL_CTX_set1_chain
  3647. #define SSL_CTX_set1_curves SSL_CTX_set1_curves
  3648. #define SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list
  3649. #define SSL_CTX_set_max_send_fragment SSL_CTX_set_max_send_fragment
  3650. #define SSL_CTX_set_mode SSL_CTX_set_mode
  3651. #define SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg
  3652. #define SSL_CTX_set_options SSL_CTX_set_options
  3653. #define SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead
  3654. #define SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode
  3655. #define SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg
  3656. #define SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback \
  3657. SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback
  3658. #define SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb
  3659. #define SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys
  3660. #define SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh
  3661. #define SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh
  3662. #define SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa
  3663. #define SSL_add0_chain_cert SSL_add0_chain_cert
  3664. #define SSL_add1_chain_cert SSL_add1_chain_cert
  3665. #define SSL_clear_chain_certs SSL_clear_chain_certs
  3666. #define SSL_clear_mode SSL_clear_mode
  3667. #define SSL_clear_options SSL_clear_options
  3668. #define SSL_get0_certificate_types SSL_get0_certificate_types
  3669. #define SSL_get0_chain_certs SSL_get0_chain_certs
  3670. #define SSL_get_max_cert_list SSL_get_max_cert_list
  3671. #define SSL_get_mode SSL_get_mode
  3672. #define SSL_get_options SSL_get_options
  3673. #define SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support \
  3674. SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support
  3675. #define SSL_need_tmp_RSA SSL_need_tmp_RSA
  3676. #define SSL_num_renegotiations SSL_num_renegotiations
  3677. #define SSL_session_reused SSL_session_reused
  3678. #define SSL_set0_chain SSL_set0_chain
  3679. #define SSL_set1_chain SSL_set1_chain
  3680. #define SSL_set1_curves SSL_set1_curves
  3681. #define SSL_set_max_cert_list SSL_set_max_cert_list
  3682. #define SSL_set_max_send_fragment SSL_set_max_send_fragment
  3683. #define SSL_set_mode SSL_set_mode
  3684. #define SSL_set_msg_callback_arg SSL_set_msg_callback_arg
  3685. #define SSL_set_mtu SSL_set_mtu
  3686. #define SSL_set_options SSL_set_options
  3687. #define SSL_set_tlsext_host_name SSL_set_tlsext_host_name
  3688. #define SSL_set_tmp_dh SSL_set_tmp_dh
  3689. #define SSL_set_tmp_ecdh SSL_set_tmp_ecdh
  3690. #define SSL_set_tmp_rsa SSL_set_tmp_rsa
  3691. #define SSL_total_renegotiations SSL_total_renegotiations
  3692. #if defined(__cplusplus)
  3693. } /* extern C */
  3694. extern "C++" {
  3695. namespace bssl {
  3699. } // namespace bssl
  3700. } /* extern C++ */
  3701. #endif
  3702. #define SSL_R_APP_DATA_IN_HANDSHAKE 100
  3704. #define SSL_R_BAD_ALERT 102
  3705. #define SSL_R_BAD_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC 103
  3707. #define SSL_R_BAD_DH_P_LENGTH 105
  3708. #define SSL_R_BAD_DIGEST_LENGTH 106
  3709. #define SSL_R_BAD_ECC_CERT 107
  3710. #define SSL_R_BAD_ECPOINT 108
  3711. #define SSL_R_BAD_HANDSHAKE_RECORD 109
  3712. #define SSL_R_BAD_HELLO_REQUEST 110
  3713. #define SSL_R_BAD_LENGTH 111
  3714. #define SSL_R_BAD_PACKET_LENGTH 112
  3715. #define SSL_R_BAD_RSA_ENCRYPT 113
  3716. #define SSL_R_BAD_SIGNATURE 114
  3717. #define SSL_R_BAD_SRTP_MKI_VALUE 115
  3719. #define SSL_R_BAD_SSL_FILETYPE 117
  3720. #define SSL_R_BAD_WRITE_RETRY 118
  3721. #define SSL_R_BIO_NOT_SET 119
  3722. #define SSL_R_BN_LIB 120
  3723. #define SSL_R_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 121
  3724. #define SSL_R_CA_DN_LENGTH_MISMATCH 122
  3725. #define SSL_R_CA_DN_TOO_LONG 123
  3726. #define SSL_R_CCS_RECEIVED_EARLY 124
  3728. #define SSL_R_CERT_CB_ERROR 126
  3729. #define SSL_R_CERT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 127
  3730. #define SSL_R_CHANNEL_ID_NOT_P256 128
  3734. #define SSL_R_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT 132
  3735. #define SSL_R_CONNECTION_REJECTED 133
  3736. #define SSL_R_CONNECTION_TYPE_NOT_SET 134
  3737. #define SSL_R_CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ERROR 135
  3738. #define SSL_R_DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG 136
  3739. #define SSL_R_DECODE_ERROR 137
  3740. #define SSL_R_DECRYPTION_FAILED 138
  3743. #define SSL_R_DH_P_TOO_LONG 141
  3744. #define SSL_R_DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED 142
  3745. #define SSL_R_DTLS_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG 143
  3746. #define SSL_R_ECC_CERT_NOT_FOR_SIGNING 144
  3747. #define SSL_R_EMS_STATE_INCONSISTENT 145
  3749. #define SSL_R_ERROR_ADDING_EXTENSION 147
  3752. #define SSL_R_EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE 150
  3753. #define SSL_R_EXTRA_DATA_IN_MESSAGE 151
  3754. #define SSL_R_FRAGMENT_MISMATCH 152
  3757. #define SSL_R_HTTPS_PROXY_REQUEST 155
  3758. #define SSL_R_HTTP_REQUEST 156
  3760. #define SSL_R_INVALID_COMMAND 158
  3761. #define SSL_R_INVALID_MESSAGE 159
  3762. #define SSL_R_INVALID_SSL_SESSION 160
  3764. #define SSL_R_LENGTH_MISMATCH 162
  3765. #define SSL_R_LIBRARY_HAS_NO_CIPHERS 163
  3766. #define SSL_R_MISSING_EXTENSION 164
  3768. #define SSL_R_MISSING_TMP_DH_KEY 166
  3769. #define SSL_R_MISSING_TMP_ECDH_KEY 167
  3771. #define SSL_R_MTU_TOO_SMALL 169
  3773. #define SSL_R_NESTED_GROUP 171
  3776. #define SSL_R_NO_CERTIFICATE_SET 174
  3777. #define SSL_R_NO_CIPHERS_AVAILABLE 175
  3778. #define SSL_R_NO_CIPHERS_PASSED 176
  3779. #define SSL_R_NO_CIPHER_MATCH 177
  3781. #define SSL_R_NO_METHOD_SPECIFIED 179
  3782. #define SSL_R_NO_P256_SUPPORT 180
  3783. #define SSL_R_NO_PRIVATE_KEY_ASSIGNED 181
  3784. #define SSL_R_NO_RENEGOTIATION 182
  3785. #define SSL_R_NO_REQUIRED_DIGEST 183
  3786. #define SSL_R_NO_SHARED_CIPHER 184
  3787. #define SSL_R_NULL_SSL_CTX 185
  3788. #define SSL_R_NULL_SSL_METHOD_PASSED 186
  3791. #define SSL_R_OUTPUT_ALIASES_INPUT 189
  3792. #define SSL_R_PARSE_TLSEXT 190
  3793. #define SSL_R_PATH_TOO_LONG 191
  3796. #define SSL_R_PROTOCOL_IS_SHUTDOWN 194
  3797. #define SSL_R_PSK_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND 195
  3798. #define SSL_R_PSK_NO_CLIENT_CB 196
  3799. #define SSL_R_PSK_NO_SERVER_CB 197
  3800. #define SSL_R_READ_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED 198
  3801. #define SSL_R_RECORD_LENGTH_MISMATCH 199
  3802. #define SSL_R_RECORD_TOO_LARGE 200
  3809. #define SSL_R_SERVERHELLO_TLSEXT 207
  3811. #define SSL_R_SESSION_MAY_NOT_BE_CREATED 209
  3817. #define SSL_R_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 215
  3821. #define SSL_R_TOO_MANY_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS 219
  3822. #define SSL_R_TOO_MANY_WARNING_ALERTS 220
  3824. #define SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION 222
  3825. #define SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE 223
  3827. #define SSL_R_UNEXPECTED_RECORD 225
  3828. #define SSL_R_UNINITIALIZED 226
  3829. #define SSL_R_UNKNOWN_ALERT_TYPE 227
  3832. #define SSL_R_UNKNOWN_CIPHER_TYPE 230
  3833. #define SSL_R_UNKNOWN_DIGEST 231
  3835. #define SSL_R_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL 233
  3836. #define SSL_R_UNKNOWN_SSL_VERSION 234
  3837. #define SSL_R_UNKNOWN_STATE 235
  3839. #define SSL_R_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER 237
  3842. #define SSL_R_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL 240
  3843. #define SSL_R_WRONG_CERTIFICATE_TYPE 241
  3844. #define SSL_R_WRONG_CIPHER_RETURNED 242
  3845. #define SSL_R_WRONG_CURVE 243
  3846. #define SSL_R_WRONG_MESSAGE_TYPE 244
  3847. #define SSL_R_WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE 245
  3848. #define SSL_R_WRONG_SSL_VERSION 246
  3849. #define SSL_R_WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER 247
  3850. #define SSL_R_X509_LIB 248
  3852. #define SSL_R_SHUTDOWN_WHILE_IN_INIT 250
  3856. #define SSL_R_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED 254
  3859. #define SSL_R_DUPLICATE_EXTENSION 257
  3860. #define SSL_R_MISSING_KEY_SHARE 258
  3861. #define SSL_R_INVALID_ALPN_PROTOCOL 259
  3862. #define SSL_R_TOO_MANY_KEY_UPDATES 260
  3863. #define SSL_R_BLOCK_CIPHER_PAD_IS_WRONG 261
  3864. #define SSL_R_NO_CIPHERS_SPECIFIED 262
  3866. #define SSL_R_DUPLICATE_KEY_SHARE 264
  3867. #define SSL_R_NO_GROUPS_SPECIFIED 265
  3868. #define SSL_R_NO_SHARED_GROUP 266
  3869. #define SSL_R_PRE_SHARED_KEY_MUST_BE_LAST 267
  3871. #define SSL_R_INVALID_SCT_LIST 269
  3874. #define SSL_R_CANNOT_PARSE_LEAF_CERT 272
  3875. #define SSL_R_SSLV3_ALERT_CLOSE_NOTIFY 1000
  3877. #define SSL_R_SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_RECORD_MAC 1020
  3879. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_RECORD_OVERFLOW 1022
  3882. #define SSL_R_SSLV3_ALERT_NO_CERTIFICATE 1041
  3883. #define SSL_R_SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_CERTIFICATE 1042
  3889. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA 1048
  3890. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED 1049
  3891. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_DECODE_ERROR 1050
  3892. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_DECRYPT_ERROR 1051
  3896. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR 1080
  3898. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_ALERT_USER_CANCELLED 1090
  3902. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME 1112
  3905. #define SSL_R_TLSV1_UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY 1115
  3907. #endif /* OPENSSL_HEADER_SSL_H */