Adam Langley c1615719ce Add test of assembly code dispatch.
The first attempt involved using Linux's support for hardware
breakpoints to detect when assembly code was run. However, this doesn't
work with SDE, which is a problem.

This version has the assembly code update a global flags variable when
it's run, but only in non-FIPS and non-debug builds.

Update-Note: Assembly files now pay attention to the NDEBUG preprocessor
symbol. Ensure the build passes the symbol in. (If release builds fail
to link due to missing BORINGSSL_function_hit, this is the cause.)

Change-Id: I6b7ced442b7a77d0b4ae148b00c351f68af89a6e
Commit-Queue: Adam Langley <>
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <>
2019-01-22 20:22:53 +00:00

203 lines
4.8 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 1999-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
package x86nasm;
$::lbdecor="L\$"; # local label decoration
$nmdecor=$::netware?"":"_"; # external name decoration
$drdecor=$::mwerks?".":""; # directive decoration
sub ::generic
{ my $opcode=shift;
my $tmp;
if (!$::mwerks)
{ if ($opcode =~ m/^j/o && $#_==0) # optimize jumps
{ $_[0] = "NEAR $_[0]"; }
elsif ($opcode eq "lea" && $#_==1) # wipe storage qualifier from lea
{ $_[1] =~ s/^[^\[]*\[/\[/o; }
elsif ($opcode eq "clflush" && $#_==0)
{ $_[0] =~ s/^[^\[]*\[/\[/o; }
# opcodes not covered by ::generic above, mostly inconsistent namings...
sub ::call { &::emit("call",(&::islabel($_[0]) or "$nmdecor$_[0]")); }
sub ::call_ptr { &::emit("call",@_); }
sub ::jmp_ptr { &::emit("jmp",@_); }
sub get_mem
{ my($size,$addr,$reg1,$reg2,$idx)=@_;
if (!defined($idx) && 1*$reg2) { $idx=$reg2; $reg2=$reg1; undef $reg1; }
if ($size ne "")
{ $ret .= "$size";
$ret .= " PTR" if ($::mwerks);
$ret .= " ";
$ret .= "[";
$addr =~ s/^\s+//;
# prepend global references with optional underscore
$addr =~ s/^([^\+\-0-9][^\+\-]*)/::islabel($1) or "$nmdecor$1"/ige;
# put address arithmetic expression in parenthesis
$addr="($addr)" if ($addr =~ /^.+[\-\+].+$/);
if (($addr ne "") && ($addr ne 0))
{ if ($addr !~ /^-/) { $ret .= "$addr+"; }
else { $post=$addr; }
if ($reg2 ne "")
{ $idx!=0 or $idx=1;
$ret .= "$reg2*$idx";
$ret .= "+$reg1" if ($reg1 ne "");
{ $ret .= "$reg1"; }
$ret .= "$post]";
$ret =~ s/\+\]/]/; # in case $addr was the only argument
sub ::BP { &get_mem("BYTE",@_); }
sub ::DWP { &get_mem("DWORD",@_); }
sub ::WP { &get_mem("WORD",@_); }
sub ::QWP { &get_mem("",@_); }
sub ::BC { (($::mwerks)?"":"BYTE ")."@_"; }
sub ::DWC { (($::mwerks)?"":"DWORD ")."@_"; }
sub ::file
{ if ($::mwerks) { push(@out,".section\t.text,64\n"); }
{ my $tmp=<<___;
%ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,obj
section code use32 class=code align=64
%elifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,win32
%ifdef __YASM_VERSION_ID__
%if __YASM_VERSION_ID__ < 01010000h
%error yasm version 1.1.0 or later needed.
; Yasm automatically includes @feat.00 and complains about redefining it.
\$\@feat.00 equ 1
section .text code align=64
section .text code
sub ::function_begin_B
{ my $func=shift;
my $global=($func !~ /^_/);
my $begin="${::lbdecor}_${func}_begin";
$begin =~ s/^\@/./ if ($::mwerks); # the torture never stops
push(@out,"${drdecor}global $func\n") if ($global);
push(@out,"${drdecor}align 16\n");
push(@out,"$begin:\n") if ($global);
sub ::function_end_B
{ $::stack=0;
sub ::file_end
{ if (grep {/\b${nmdecor}OPENSSL_ia32cap_P\b/i} @out)
{ my $comm=<<___;
${drdecor}segment .bss
${drdecor}common ${nmdecor}OPENSSL_ia32cap_P 16
# comment out OPENSSL_ia32cap_P declarations
grep {s/(^extern\s+${nmdecor}OPENSSL_ia32cap_P)/\;$1/} @out;
push (@out,$comm)
push (@out,$initseg) if ($initseg);
sub ::comment { foreach (@_) { push(@out,"\t; $_\n"); } }
sub ::external_label
{ foreach(@_)
{ push(@out,"${drdecor}extern\t".&::LABEL($_,$nmdecor.$_)."\n"); }
sub ::public_label
{ push(@out,"${drdecor}global\t".&::LABEL($_[0],$nmdecor.$_[0])."\n"); }
sub ::data_byte
{ push(@out,(($::mwerks)?".byte\t":"db\t").join(',',@_)."\n"); }
sub ::data_short
{ push(@out,(($::mwerks)?".word\t":"dw\t").join(',',@_)."\n"); }
sub ::data_word
{ push(@out,(($::mwerks)?".long\t":"dd\t").join(',',@_)."\n"); }
sub ::align
{ push(@out,"${drdecor}align\t$_[0]\n"); }
sub ::picmeup
{ my($dst,$sym)=@_;
sub ::initseg
{ my $f=$nmdecor.shift;
if ($::win32)
{ $initseg=<<___;
segment .CRT\$XCU data align=4
extern $f
dd $f
sub ::dataseg
{ if ($mwerks) { push(@out,".section\,4\n"); }
else { push(@out,"section\ align=4\n"); }
sub ::safeseh
{ my $nm=shift;
push(@out,"%if __NASM_VERSION_ID__ >= 0x02030000\n");
push(@out,"safeseh ".&::LABEL($nm,$nmdecor.$nm)."\n");
sub ::preprocessor_ifndef
{ my($define)=@_;
push(@out,"%ifndef ${define}\n");
sub ::preprocessor_endif
{ push(@out,"%endif\n"); }