remove reference impl
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
@cc \
-std=c99 -pedantic \
-Wall -Wextra \
-O2 -funroll-loops \
rng.c \
u512.s fp.s \
mont.c \
csidh.c \
main.c \
-o main
cc \
-std=c99 -pedantic \
-Wall -Wextra \
-g \
rng.c \
u512.s fp.s \
mont.c \
csidh.c \
main.c \
-o main
rm -f main
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "u512.h"
#include "fp.h"
#include "mont.h"
#include "csidh.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
static __inline__ uint64_t rdtsc(void)
uint32_t hi, lo;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
return lo | (uint64_t) hi << 32;
unsigned long its = 10000;
int main()
clock_t t0, t1, time = 0;
uint64_t c0, c1, cycles = 0;
private_key priv;
public_key pub = base;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < its; ++i) {
t0 = clock();
c0 = rdtsc();
action(&pub, &pub, &priv);
c1 = rdtsc();
t1 = clock();
cycles += c1 - c0;
time += t1 - t0;
printf("iterations: %lu\n", its);
printf("clock cycles: %" PRIu64 "\n", (uint64_t) cycles / its);
printf("wall-clock time: %.3lf ms\n", 1000. * time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC / its);
@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "csidh.h"
#include "rng.h"
/* specific to p, should perhaps be somewhere else */
const unsigned primes[num_primes] = {
3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59,
61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137,
139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227,
229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313,
317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 587,
const u512 four_sqrt_p = {{
0x85e2579c786882cf, 0x4e3433657e18da95, 0x850ae5507965a0b3, 0xa15bc4e676475964,
const public_key base = {0}; /* A = 0 */
void csidh_private(private_key *priv)
memset(&priv->e, 0, sizeof(priv->e));
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_primes; ) {
int8_t buf[64];
randombytes(buf, sizeof(buf));
for (size_t j = 0; j < sizeof(buf); ++j) {
if (buf[j] <= max_exponent && buf[j] >= -max_exponent) {
priv->e[i / 2] |= (buf[j] & 0xf) << i % 2 * 4;
if (++i >= num_primes)
/* compute [(p+1)/l] P for all l in our list of primes. */
/* divide and conquer is much faster than doing it naively,
* but uses more memory. */
static void cofactor_multiples(proj *P, const proj *A, size_t lower, size_t upper)
assert(lower < upper);
if (upper - lower == 1)
size_t mid = lower + (upper - lower + 1) / 2;
u512 cl = u512_1, cu = u512_1;
for (size_t i = lower; i < mid; ++i)
u512_mul3_64(&cu, &cu, primes[i]);
for (size_t i = mid; i < upper; ++i)
u512_mul3_64(&cl, &cl, primes[i]);
xMUL(&P[mid], A, &P[lower], &cu);
xMUL(&P[lower], A, &P[lower], &cl);
cofactor_multiples(P, A, lower, mid);
cofactor_multiples(P, A, mid, upper);
/* never accepts invalid keys. */
bool validate(public_key const *in)
const proj A = {in->A, fp_1};
do {
proj P[num_primes];
P->z = fp_1;
/* maximal 2-power in p+1 */
xDBL(P, &A, P);
xDBL(P, &A, P);
cofactor_multiples(P, &A, 0, num_primes);
u512 order = u512_1;
for (size_t i = num_primes - 1; i < num_primes; --i) {
/* we only gain information if [(p+1)/l] P is non-zero */
if (memcmp(&P[i].z, &fp_0, sizeof(fp))) {
u512 tmp;
u512_set(&tmp, primes[i]);
xMUL(&P[i], &A, &P[i], &tmp);
if (memcmp(&P[i].z, &fp_0, sizeof(fp)))
/* P does not have order dividing p+1. */
return false;
u512_mul3_64(&order, &order, primes[i]);
if (u512_sub3(&tmp, &four_sqrt_p, &order)) /* returns borrow */
/* order > 4 sqrt(p), hence definitely supersingular */
return true;
/* P didn't have big enough order to prove supersingularity. */
} while (1);
/* compute x^3 + Ax^2 + x */
static void montgomery_rhs(fp *rhs, fp const *A, fp const *x)
fp tmp;
*rhs = *x;
fp_mul3(&tmp, A, x);
fp_add2(rhs, &tmp);
fp_add2(rhs, &fp_1);
fp_mul2(rhs, x);
/* totally not constant-time. */
void action(public_key *out, public_key const *in, private_key const *priv)
u512 k[2];
u512_set(&k[0], 4); /* maximal 2-power in p+1 */
u512_set(&k[1], 4); /* maximal 2-power in p+1 */
uint8_t e[2][num_primes];
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_primes; ++i) {
int8_t t = (int8_t) (priv->e[i / 2] << i % 2 * 4) >> 4;
if (t > 0) {
e[0][i] = t;
e[1][i] = 0;
u512_mul3_64(&k[1], &k[1], primes[i]);
else if (t < 0) {
e[1][i] = -t;
e[0][i] = 0;
u512_mul3_64(&k[0], &k[0], primes[i]);
else {
e[0][i] = 0;
e[1][i] = 0;
u512_mul3_64(&k[0], &k[0], primes[i]);
u512_mul3_64(&k[1], &k[1], primes[i]);
proj A = {in->A, fp_1};
bool done[2] = {false, false};
do {
assert(!memcmp(&A.z, &fp_1, sizeof(fp)));
proj P;
P.z = fp_1;
fp rhs;
montgomery_rhs(&rhs, &A.x, &P.x);
bool sign = !fp_issquare(&rhs);
if (done[sign])
xMUL(&P, &A, &P, &k[sign]);
done[sign] = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_primes; ++i) {
if (e[sign][i]) {
u512 cof = u512_1;
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < num_primes; ++j)
if (e[sign][j])
u512_mul3_64(&cof, &cof, primes[j]);
proj K;
xMUL(&K, &A, &P, &cof);
if (memcmp(&K.z, &fp_0, sizeof(fp))) {
xISOG(&A, &P, &K, primes[i]);
if (!--e[sign][i])
u512_mul3_64(&k[sign], &k[sign], primes[i]);
done[sign] &= !e[sign][i];
fp_mul2(&A.x, &A.z);
A.z = fp_1;
} while (!(done[0] && done[1]));
out->A = A.x;
/* includes public-key validation. */
bool csidh(public_key *out, public_key const *in, private_key const *priv)
if (!validate(in)) {
return false;
action(out, in, priv);
return true;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#ifndef CSIDH_H
#define CSIDH_H
#include "u512.h"
#include "fp.h"
#include "mont.h"
/* specific to p, should perhaps be somewhere else */
#define num_primes 74
#define max_exponent 5 /* (2*5+1)^74 is roughly 2^256 */
typedef struct private_key {
int8_t e[(num_primes + 1) / 2]; /* packed int4_t */
} private_key;
typedef struct public_key {
fp A; /* Montgomery coefficient: represents y^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x */
} public_key;
extern const public_key base;
void csidh_private(private_key *priv);
bool csidh(public_key *out, public_key const *in, private_key const *priv);
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
#ifndef FP_H
#define FP_H
#include "u512.h"
/* fp is in the Montgomery domain, so interpreting that
as an integer should never make sense.
enable compiler warnings when mixing up u512 and fp. */
typedef struct fp {
u512 x;
} fp;
extern const fp fp_0;
extern const fp fp_1;
void fp_set(fp *x, uint64_t y);
void fp_cswap(fp *x, fp *y, bool c);
void fp_enc(fp *x, u512 const *y); /* encode to Montgomery representation */
void fp_dec(u512 *x, fp const *y); /* decode from Montgomery representation */
void fp_add2(fp *x, fp const *y);
void fp_sub2(fp *x, fp const *y);
void fp_mul2(fp *x, fp const *y);
void fp_add3(fp *x, fp const *y, fp const *z);
void fp_sub3(fp *x, fp const *y, fp const *z);
void fp_mul3(fp *x, fp const *y, fp const *z);
void fp_sq1(fp *x);
void fp_sq2(fp *x, fp const *y);
void fp_inv(fp *x);
bool fp_issquare(fp const *x);
void fp_random(fp *x);
@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
.intel_syntax noprefix
.section .rodata
.set pbits, 511
.quad 0x1b81b90533c6c87b, 0xc2721bf457aca835, 0x516730cc1f0b4f25, 0xa7aac6c567f35507
.quad 0x5afbfcc69322c9cd, 0xb42d083aedc88c42, 0xfc8ab0d15e3e4c4a, 0x65b48e8f740f89bf
.global fp_0
fp_0: .quad 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.global fp_1
fp_1: /* 2^512 mod p */
.quad 0xc8fc8df598726f0a, 0x7b1bc81750a6af95, 0x5d319e67c1e961b4, 0xb0aa7275301955f1
.quad 0x4a080672d9ba6c64, 0x97a5ef8a246ee77b, 0x06ea9e5d4383676a, 0x3496e2e117e0ec80
/* (2^512)^2 mod p */
.quad 0x36905b572ffc1724, 0x67086f4525f1f27d, 0x4faf3fbfd22370ca, 0x192ea214bcc584b1
.quad 0x5dae03ee2f5de3d0, 0x1e9248731776b371, 0xad5f166e20e4f52d, 0x4ed759aea6f3917e
/* -p^-1 mod 2^64 */
.quad 0x66c1301f632e294d
.section .text
.global fp_copy
mov rcx, 8
rep movsq
.global fp_set
push rdi
call u512_set
pop rdi
mov rsi, rdi
jmp fp_enc
.global fp_cswap
movzx rax, dl
neg rax
.set k, 0
.rept 8
mov rcx, [rdi + 8*k]
mov rdx, [rsi + 8*k]
mov r8, rcx
xor r8, rdx
and r8, rax
xor rcx, r8
xor rdx, r8
mov [rdi + 8*k], rcx
mov [rsi + 8*k], rdx
.set k, k+1
push rbp
mov rbp, rdi
mov rdi, [rbp + 0]
sub rdi, [rip + p + 0]
mov rsi, [rbp + 8]
sbb rsi, [rip + p + 8]
mov rdx, [rbp + 16]
sbb rdx, [rip + p + 16]
mov rcx, [rbp + 24]
sbb rcx, [rip + p + 24]
mov r8, [rbp + 32]
sbb r8, [rip + p + 32]
mov r9, [rbp + 40]
sbb r9, [rip + p + 40]
mov r10, [rbp + 48]
sbb r10, [rip + p + 48]
mov r11, [rbp + 56]
sbb r11, [rip + p + 56]
setnc al
movzx rax, al
neg rax
.macro cswap2, r, m
xor \r, \m
and \r, rax
xor \m, \r
cswap2 rdi, [rbp + 0]
cswap2 rsi, [rbp + 8]
cswap2 rdx, [rbp + 16]
cswap2 rcx, [rbp + 24]
cswap2 r8, [rbp + 32]
cswap2 r9, [rbp + 40]
cswap2 r10, [rbp + 48]
cswap2 r11, [rbp + 56]
pop rbp
.global fp_add3
push rdi
call u512_add3
pop rdi
jmp .reduce_once
.global fp_add2
mov rdx, rdi
jmp fp_add3
.global fp_sub3
push rdi
call u512_sub3
pop rdi
xor rsi, rsi
xor rdx, rdx
xor rcx, rcx
xor r8, r8
xor r9, r9
xor r10, r10
xor r11, r11
test rax, rax
cmovnz rax, [rip + p + 0]
cmovnz rsi, [rip + p + 8]
cmovnz rdx, [rip + p + 16]
cmovnz rcx, [rip + p + 24]
cmovnz r8, [rip + p + 32]
cmovnz r9, [rip + p + 40]
cmovnz r10, [rip + p + 48]
cmovnz r11, [rip + p + 56]
add [rdi + 0], rax
adc [rdi + 8], rsi
adc [rdi + 16], rdx
adc [rdi + 24], rcx
adc [rdi + 32], r8
adc [rdi + 40], r9
adc [rdi + 48], r10
adc [rdi + 56], r11
.global fp_sub2
mov rdx, rdi
xchg rsi, rdx
jmp fp_sub3
/* Montgomery arithmetic */
.global fp_enc
lea rdx, [rip + .r_squared_mod_p]
jmp fp_mul3
.global fp_dec
lea rdx, [rip + u512_1]
jmp fp_mul3
.global fp_mul3
push rbp
push rbx
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
push rdi
mov rdi, rsi
mov rsi, rdx
xor r8, r8
xor r9, r9
xor r10, r10
xor r11, r11
xor r12, r12
xor r13, r13
xor r14, r14
xor r15, r15
xor rbp, rbp
/* flags are already cleared */
.macro MULSTEP, k, r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8
mov rdx, [rsi + 0]
mulx rcx, rdx, [rdi + 8*\k]
add rdx, \r0
mulx rcx, rdx, [rip + .inv_min_p_mod_r]
xor rax, rax /* clear flags */
mulx rbx, rax, [rip + p + 0]
adox \r0, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rip + p + 8]
adcx \r1, rbx
adox \r1, rax
mulx rbx, rax, [rip + p + 16]
adcx \r2, rcx
adox \r2, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rip + p + 24]
adcx \r3, rbx
adox \r3, rax
mulx rbx, rax, [rip + p + 32]
adcx \r4, rcx
adox \r4, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rip + p + 40]
adcx \r5, rbx
adox \r5, rax
mulx rbx, rax, [rip + p + 48]
adcx \r6, rcx
adox \r6, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rip + p + 56]
adcx \r7, rbx
adox \r7, rax
mov rax, 0
adcx \r8, rcx
adox \r8, rax
mov rdx, [rdi + 8*\k]
xor rax, rax /* clear flags */
mulx rbx, rax, [rsi + 0]
adox \r0, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rsi + 8]
adcx \r1, rbx
adox \r1, rax
mulx rbx, rax, [rsi + 16]
adcx \r2, rcx
adox \r2, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rsi + 24]
adcx \r3, rbx
adox \r3, rax
mulx rbx, rax, [rsi + 32]
adcx \r4, rcx
adox \r4, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rsi + 40]
adcx \r5, rbx
adox \r5, rax
mulx rbx, rax, [rsi + 48]
adcx \r6, rcx
adox \r6, rax
mulx rcx, rax, [rsi + 56]
adcx \r7, rbx
adox \r7, rax
mov rax, 0
adcx \r8, rcx
adox \r8, rax
MULSTEP 0, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, rbp
MULSTEP 1, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, rbp, r8
MULSTEP 2, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, rbp, r8, r9
MULSTEP 3, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, rbp, r8, r9, r10
MULSTEP 4, r12, r13, r14, r15, rbp, r8, r9, r10, r11
MULSTEP 5, r13, r14, r15, rbp, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12
MULSTEP 6, r14, r15, rbp, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13
MULSTEP 7, r15, rbp, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14
pop rdi
mov [rdi + 0], rbp
mov [rdi + 8], r8
mov [rdi + 16], r9
mov [rdi + 24], r10
mov [rdi + 32], r11
mov [rdi + 40], r12
mov [rdi + 48], r13
mov [rdi + 56], r14
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
pop rbp
jmp .reduce_once
.global fp_mul2
mov rdx, rdi
jmp fp_mul3
.global fp_sq2
/* TODO implement optimized Montgomery squaring */
mov rdx, rsi
jmp fp_mul3
.global fp_sq1
mov rsi, rdi
jmp fp_sq2
/* (obviously) not constant time in the exponent! */
push rbx
mov rbx, rsi
push r12
push r13
push rdi
sub rsp, 64
mov rsi, rdi
mov rdi, rsp
call fp_copy
mov rdi, [rsp + 64]
lea rsi, [rip + fp_1]
call fp_copy
.macro POWSTEP, k
mov r13, [rbx + 8*\k]
xor r12, r12
test r13, 1
jz 1f
mov rdi, [rsp + 64]
mov rsi, rsp
call fp_mul2
mov rdi, rsp
call fp_sq1
shr r13
inc r12
test r12, 64
jz 0b
add rsp, 64+8
pop r13
pop r12
pop rbx
.section .rodata
.quad 0x1b81b90533c6c879, 0xc2721bf457aca835, 0x516730cc1f0b4f25, 0xa7aac6c567f35507
.quad 0x5afbfcc69322c9cd, 0xb42d083aedc88c42, 0xfc8ab0d15e3e4c4a, 0x65b48e8f740f89bf
.section .text
/* TODO use a better addition chain? */
.global fp_inv
lea rsi, [rip + .p_minus_2]
jmp .fp_pow
.section .rodata
.quad 0x8dc0dc8299e3643d, 0xe1390dfa2bd6541a, 0xa8b398660f85a792, 0xd3d56362b3f9aa83
.quad 0x2d7dfe63499164e6, 0x5a16841d76e44621, 0xfe455868af1f2625, 0x32da4747ba07c4df
.section .text
/* TODO use a better addition chain? */
.global fp_issquare
push rdi
lea rsi, [rip + .p_minus_1_halves]
call .fp_pow
pop rdi
xor rax, rax
.set k, 0
.rept 8
mov rsi, [rdi + 8*k]
xor rsi, [rip + fp_1 + 8*k]
or rax, rsi
.set k, k+1
test rax, rax
setz al
movzx rax, al
/* not constant time (but this shouldn't leak anything of importance) */
.global fp_random
push rdi
mov rsi, 64
call randombytes
pop rdi
mov rax, 1
shl rax, (pbits % 64)
dec rax
and [rdi + 56], rax
.set k, 7
.rept 8
mov rax, [rip + p + 8*k]
cmp [rdi + 8*k], rax
jge fp_random
jl 0f
.set k, k-1
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "u512.h"
#include "fp.h"
#include "mont.h"
#include "csidh.h"
void u512_print(u512 const *x)
for (size_t i = 63; i < 64; --i)
printf("%02hhx", i[(unsigned char *) x->c]);
void fp_print(fp const *x)
u512 y;
fp_dec(&y, x);
int main()
clock_t t0, t1;
private_key priv_alice, priv_bob;
public_key pub_alice, pub_bob;
public_key shared_alice, shared_bob;
t0 = clock();
t1 = clock();
printf("Alice's private key (%7.3lf ms):\n ", 1000. * (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(priv_alice); ++i)
printf("%02hhx", i[(uint8_t *) &priv_alice]);
t0 = clock();
t1 = clock();
printf("Bob's private key (%7.3lf ms):\n ", 1000. * (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(priv_bob); ++i)
printf("%02hhx", i[(uint8_t *) &priv_bob]);
t0 = clock();
assert(csidh(&pub_alice, &base, &priv_alice));
t1 = clock();
printf("Alice's public key (%7.3lf ms):\n ", 1000. * (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
t0 = clock();
assert(csidh(&pub_bob, &base, &priv_bob));
t1 = clock();
printf("Bob's public key (%7.3lf ms):\n ", 1000. * (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
t0 = clock();
assert(csidh(&shared_alice, &pub_bob, &priv_alice));
t1 = clock();
printf("Alice's shared secret (%7.3lf ms):\n ", 1000. * (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
t0 = clock();
assert(csidh(&shared_bob, &pub_alice, &priv_bob));
t1 = clock();
printf("Bob's shared secret (%7.3lf ms):\n ", 1000. * (t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
printf(" ");
if (memcmp(&shared_alice, &shared_bob, sizeof(public_key)))
printf("\x1b[31mNOT EQUAL!\x1b[0m\n");
@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include "mont.h"
void xDBLADD(proj *R, proj *S, proj const *P, proj const *Q, proj const *PQ, proj const *A24)
fp tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
fp_add3(&tmp0, &P->x, &P->z);
fp_sub3(&tmp1, &P->x, &P->z);
fp_sq2(&R->x, &tmp0);
fp_sub3(&tmp2, &Q->x, &Q->z);
fp_add3(&S->x, &Q->x, &Q->z);
fp_mul2(&tmp0, &tmp2);
fp_sq2(&R->z, &tmp1);
fp_mul2(&tmp1, &S->x);
fp_sub3(&tmp2, &R->x, &R->z);
fp_mul2(&R->z, &A24->z);
fp_mul2(&R->x, &R->z);
fp_mul3(&S->x, &A24->x, &tmp2);
fp_sub3(&S->z, &tmp0, &tmp1);
fp_add2(&R->z, &S->x);
fp_add3(&S->x, &tmp0, &tmp1);
fp_mul2(&R->z, &tmp2);
fp_mul2(&S->z, &PQ->x);
fp_mul2(&S->x, &PQ->z);
void xDBL(proj *Q, proj const *A, proj const *P)
fp a, b, c;
fp_add3(&a, &P->x, &P->z);
fp_sub3(&b, &P->x, &P->z);
fp_sub3(&c, &a, &b);
fp_add2(&b, &b); fp_add2(&b, &b); /* multiplication by 4 */
fp_mul2(&b, &A->z);
fp_mul3(&Q->x, &a, &b);
fp_add3(&a, &A->z, &A->z); /* multiplication by 2 */
fp_add2(&a, &A->x);
fp_mul2(&a, &c);
fp_add2(&a, &b);
fp_mul3(&Q->z, &a, &c);
void xADD(proj *S, proj const *P, proj const *Q, proj const *PQ)
fp a, b, c, d;
fp_add3(&a, &P->x, &P->z);
fp_sub3(&b, &P->x, &P->z);
fp_add3(&c, &Q->x, &Q->z);
fp_sub3(&d, &Q->x, &Q->z);
fp_mul2(&a, &d);
fp_mul2(&b, &c);
fp_add3(&c, &a, &b);
fp_sub3(&d, &a, &b);
fp_mul3(&S->x, &PQ->z, &c);
fp_mul3(&S->z, &PQ->x, &d);
/* Montgomery ladder. */
/* P must not be the unique point of order 2. */
/* not constant-time! */
void xMUL(proj *Q, proj const *A, proj const *P, u512 const *k)
proj R = *P;
proj A24;
const proj Pcopy = *P; /* in case Q = P */
Q->x = fp_1;
Q->z = fp_0;
fp_add3(&A24.x, &A->z, &A->z);
fp_add3(&A24.z, &A24.x, &A24.x);
fp_add2(&A24.x, &A->x);
unsigned long i = 512;
while (--i && !u512_bit(k, i));
do {
bool bit = u512_bit(k, i);
if (bit) { proj T = *Q; *Q = R; R = T; } /* not constant-time */
//fp_cswap(&Q->x, &R.x, bit);
//fp_cswap(&Q->z, &R.z, bit);
xDBLADD(Q, &R, Q, &R, &Pcopy, &A24);
if (bit) { proj T = *Q; *Q = R; R = T; } /* not constant-time */
//fp_cswap(&Q->x, &R.x, bit);
//fp_cswap(&Q->z, &R.z, bit);
} while (i--);
/* computes the isogeny with kernel point K of order k */
/* returns the new curve coefficient A and the image of P */
/* (obviously) not constant time in k */
void xISOG(proj *A, proj *P, proj const *K, uint64_t k)
assert (k >= 3);
assert (k % 2 == 1);
fp tmp0, tmp1;
fp T[4] = {K->z, K->x, K->x, K->z};
proj Q;
fp_mul3(&Q.x, &P->x, &K->x);
fp_mul3(&tmp0, &P->z, &K->z);
fp_sub2(&Q.x, &tmp0);
fp_mul3(&Q.z, &P->x, &K->z);
fp_mul3(&tmp0, &P->z, &K->x);
fp_sub2(&Q.z, &tmp0);
proj M[3] = {*K};
xDBL(&M[1], A, K);
for (uint64_t i = 1; i < k / 2; ++i) {
if (i >= 2)
xADD(&M[i % 3], &M[(i - 1) % 3], K, &M[(i - 2) % 3]);
fp_mul3(&tmp0, &M[i % 3].x, &T[0]);
fp_mul3(&tmp1, &M[i % 3].z, &T[1]);
fp_add3(&T[0], &tmp0, &tmp1);
fp_mul2(&T[1], &M[i % 3].x);
fp_mul3(&tmp0, &M[i % 3].z, &T[2]);
fp_mul3(&tmp1, &M[i % 3].x, &T[3]);
fp_add3(&T[2], &tmp0, &tmp1);
fp_mul2(&T[3], &M[i % 3].z);
fp_mul3(&tmp0, &P->x, &M[i % 3].x);
fp_mul3(&tmp1, &P->z, &M[i % 3].z);
fp_sub2(&tmp0, &tmp1);
fp_mul2(&Q.x, &tmp0);
fp_mul3(&tmp0, &P->x, &M[i % 3].z);
fp_mul3(&tmp1, &P->z, &M[i % 3].x);
fp_sub2(&tmp0, &tmp1);
fp_mul2(&Q.z, &tmp0);
fp_mul2(&T[0], &T[1]);
fp_add2(&T[0], &T[0]); /* multiplication by 2 */
fp_mul2(&T[2], &T[3]);
fp_add2(&T[2], &T[2]); /* multiplication by 2 */
/* Ax := T[1] * T[3] * Ax - 3 * Az * (T[1] * T[2] - T[0] * T[3]) */
fp_mul3(&tmp0, &T[1], &T[2]);
fp_mul3(&tmp1, &T[0], &T[3]);
fp_sub2(&tmp0, &tmp1);
fp_mul2(&tmp0, &A->z);
fp_add3(&tmp1, &tmp0, &tmp0); fp_add2(&tmp0, &tmp1); /* multiplication by 3 */
fp_mul3(&tmp1, &T[1], &T[3]);
fp_mul2(&tmp1, &A->x);
fp_sub3(&A->x, &tmp1, &tmp0);
/* Az := Az * T[3]^2 */
fp_mul2(&A->z, &T[3]);
/* X := X * Xim^2, Z := Z * Zim^2 */
fp_mul2(&P->x, &Q.x);
fp_mul2(&P->z, &Q.z);
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#ifndef MONT_H
#define MONT_H
#include "u512.h"
#include "fp.h"
/* P^1 over fp. */
typedef struct proj {
fp x;
fp z;
} proj;
void xDBL(proj *Q, proj const *A, proj const *P);
void xADD(proj *S, proj const *P, proj const *Q, proj const *PQ);
void xDBLADD(proj *R, proj *S, proj const *P, proj const *Q, proj const *PQ, proj const *A);
void xMUL(proj *Q, proj const *A, proj const *P, u512 const *k);
void xISOG(proj *A, proj *P, proj const *K, uint64_t k);
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#include "rng.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
void randombytes(void *x, size_t l)
static int fd = -1;
ssize_t n;
if (fd < 0 && 0 > (fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)))
for (size_t i = 0; i < l; i += n)
if (0 >= (n = read(fd, (char *) x + i, l - i)))
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#ifndef RNG_H
#define RNG_H
#include <stdlib.h>
void randombytes(void *x, size_t l);
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sage
#coding: utf8
# parameters.
ls = list(primes(3, 374)) + [587] # Elkies primes
#ls = list(primes(3, 47)) + [97] # (a smaller example)
p = 4 * prod(ls) - 1
assert is_prime(p)
print "\nElkies primes:", " ".join(map(str, ls))
max_exp = ceil((sqrt(p) ** (1/len(ls)) - 1) / 2)
assert (2 * max_exp + 1) ** len(ls) >= sqrt(p)
print "exponents are chosen in the range {}..{}.".format(-max_exp, max_exp)
base = GF(p)(0) # Montgomery coefficient of starting curve
# helper functions.
# NB: all the operations can be computed entirely over the prime field,
# but for simplicity of this implementation we will make use of curves
# defined over GF(p^2). note this slows everything down quite a bit.
Fp2.<i> = GF(p**2, modulus = x**2 + 1)
def montgomery_curve(A):
return EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0, A, 0, 1, 0])
# sage's isogeny formulas return Weierstraß curves, hence we need this...
def montgomery_coefficient(E):
Ew = E.change_ring(GF(p)).short_weierstrass_model()
_, _, _, a, b = Ew.a_invariants()
R.<z> = GF(p)[]
r = (z**3 + a*z + b).roots(multiplicities=False)[0]
s = sqrt(3 * r**2 + a)
if not is_square(s): s = -s
A = 3 * r / s
assert montgomery_curve(A).change_ring(GF(p)).is_isomorphic(Ew)
return GF(p)(A)
# actual implementation.
def private():
return [randrange(-max_exp, max_exp + 1) for _ in range(len(ls))]
def validate(A):
while True:
k = 1
P = montgomery_curve(A).lift_x(GF(p).random_element())
for l in ls:
Q = (p + 1) // l * P
if not Q: continue
if l * Q: return False
k *= l
if k > 4 * sqrt(p): return True
def action(pub, priv):
E = montgomery_curve(pub)
es = priv[:]
while any(es):
E._order = (p + 1)**2 # else sage computes this
P = E.lift_x(GF(p).random_element())
s = +1 if P.xy()[1] in GF(p) else -1
k = prod(l for l, e in zip(ls, es) if sign(e) == s)
P *= (p + 1) // k
for i, (l, e) in enumerate(zip(ls, es)):
if sign(e) != s: continue
Q = k // l * P
if not Q: continue
Q._order = l # else sage computes this
phi = E.isogeny(Q)
E, P = phi.codomain(), phi(P)
es[i] -= s
k //= l
return montgomery_coefficient(E)
# example.
print "testing public-key validation on random ordinary curves (should be all 0s):\n ",
for _ in range(16):
while True:
A = GF(p).random_element()
if montgomery_curve(A).is_ordinary(): break
print int(validate(A)),
privA = private()
print "\nAlice's private key:\n ", " ".join(map('{:2d}'.format, privA))
pubA = action(base, privA)
print "\nAlice's public key:\n ", pubA,
print " (valid: {})".format(int(validate(pubA)))
privB = private()
print "\nBob's private key:\n ", " ".join(map('{:2d}'.format, privB))
pubB = action(base, privB)
print "\nBob's public key:\n ", pubB,
print " (valid: {})".format(int(validate(pubB)))
sharedA = action(pubB, privA)
print "\nAlice's shared secret:\n ", sharedA
sharedB = action(pubA, privB)
print "\nBob's shared secret:\n ", sharedB
if sharedA == sharedB:
print "\n--> equal!\n"
print "\n--> NOT EQUAL?!\n"
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#ifndef UINT_H
#define UINT_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct u512 {
uint64_t c[8];
} u512;
extern const u512 u512_1;
void u512_set(u512 *x, uint64_t y);
bool u512_bit(u512 const *x, uint64_t k);
bool u512_add3(u512 *x, u512 const *y, u512 const *z); /* returns carry */
bool u512_sub3(u512 *x, u512 const *y, u512 const *z); /* returns borrow */
void u512_mul3_64(u512 *x, u512 const *y, uint64_t z);
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
.intel_syntax noprefix
.section .rodata
.global u512_1
u512_1: .quad 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
.section .text
.global u512_set
mov rax, rsi
xor rax, rax
mov rcx, 7
rep stosq
.global u512_bit
mov rcx, rsi
and rcx, 0x3f
shr rsi, 6
mov rax, [rdi + 8*rsi]
shr rax, cl
and rax, 1
.global u512_add3
mov rax, [rsi + 0]
add rax, [rdx + 0]
mov [rdi + 0], rax
.set k, 1
.rept 7
mov rax, [rsi + 8*k]
adc rax, [rdx + 8*k]
mov [rdi + 8*k], rax
.set k, k+1
setc al
movzx rax, al
.global u512_sub3
mov rax, [rsi + 0]
sub rax, [rdx + 0]
mov [rdi + 0], rax
.set k, 1
.rept 7
mov rax, [rsi + 8*k]
sbb rax, [rdx + 8*k]
mov [rdi + 8*k], rax
.set k, k+1
setc al
movzx rax, al
.global u512_mul3_64
mulx r10, rax, [rsi + 0]
mov [rdi + 0], rax
mulx r11, rax, [rsi + 8]
add rax, r10
mov [rdi + 8], rax
mulx r10, rax, [rsi + 16]
adcx rax, r11
mov [rdi + 16], rax
mulx r11, rax, [rsi + 24]
adcx rax, r10
mov [rdi + 24], rax
mulx r10, rax, [rsi + 32]
adcx rax, r11
mov [rdi + 32],rax
mulx r11, rax, [rsi + 40]
adcx rax, r10
mov [rdi + 40],rax
mulx r10, rax, [rsi + 48]
adcx rax, r11
mov [rdi + 48],rax
mulx r11, rax, [rsi + 56]
adcx rax, r10
mov [rdi + 56],rax
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