- Some ideas (contributions/patches welcome):
- - port to libevent to improve scalability and deal with the file descriptor cap
- - Add option to output results as rdf (xml), cvs or default
- - Add ability to read entire POST and GET messages from logs and send them
- - wsesspage: don't fetch same object more than once (assume the existence
- of a cache)---this avoids trouble with recursive pages
- - make httperf easier to use; some ideas:
- o Make httperf into a network daemon that is controlled by
- an httperf frontend. This would allow running tests with
- a single command line even when multiple clients are involved.
- The performance results should be reported both on a
- per-client basis and in a summarized form reporting overall
- server behavior.
- o Provide (default) scripts to run certain benchmarks.
- o Provide (default) scripts to produce performance graphs.
- - use cycle registers to get time on CPUs that have such registers
- (IA-64, PA-RISC, x86, Alpha, at least)
- - randomize the uri's generated by --wset so we can defeat file prefetching
- that the server (or the server's OS) may attempt to do
- Done:
- + Specifying --session-cookie without specifying a session workload causes
- httperf to core-dump (reported by Dick Carter, 10/13/98)
- + elevate `Session' to same level as Call and Connection
- + sample session throughput when using sessions (not just rate throughput)
- + integrate Dick's wsesslog
- + write man-page
- + chunked replies fail after the first reply (at least on HP-UX)
- + core.c does not fully support pipelined requests yet; would require
- changes to the watchdog management