add common sha2/sha3/randombytes

This commit is contained in:
Matthias J. Kannwischer 2019-01-15 15:35:25 +01:00
джерело 06dcca459e
коміт 6af18c31cd
6 змінених файлів з 992 додано та 0 видалено

common/fips202.c Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
/* Based on the public domain implementation in
* crypto_hash/keccakc512/simple/ from
* by Ronny Van Keer
* and the public domain "TweetFips202" implementation
* from
* by Gilles Van Assche, Daniel J. Bernstein, and Peter Schwabe */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "fips202.h"
#define NROUNDS 24
#define ROL(a, offset) ((a << offset) ^ (a >> (64-offset)))
* Name: load64
* Description: Load 8 bytes into uint64_t in little-endian order
* Arguments: - const unsigned char *x: pointer to input byte array
* Returns the loaded 64-bit unsigned integer
static uint64_t load64(const unsigned char *x)
unsigned long long r = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
r |= (unsigned long long)x[i] << 8 * i;
return r;
* Name: store64
* Description: Store a 64-bit integer to a byte array in little-endian order
* Arguments: - uint8_t *x: pointer to the output byte array
* - uint64_t u: input 64-bit unsigned integer
static void store64(uint8_t *x, uint64_t u)
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<8; ++i) {
x[i] = u;
u >>= 8;
/* Keccak round constants */
static const uint64_t KeccakF_RoundConstants[NROUNDS] =
* Name: KeccakF1600_StatePermute
* Description: The Keccak F1600 Permutation
* Arguments: - uint64_t * state: pointer to in/output Keccak state
void KeccakF1600_StatePermute(uint64_t * state)
int round;
uint64_t Aba, Abe, Abi, Abo, Abu;
uint64_t Aga, Age, Agi, Ago, Agu;
uint64_t Aka, Ake, Aki, Ako, Aku;
uint64_t Ama, Ame, Ami, Amo, Amu;
uint64_t Asa, Ase, Asi, Aso, Asu;
uint64_t BCa, BCe, BCi, BCo, BCu;
uint64_t Da, De, Di, Do, Du;
uint64_t Eba, Ebe, Ebi, Ebo, Ebu;
uint64_t Ega, Ege, Egi, Ego, Egu;
uint64_t Eka, Eke, Eki, Eko, Eku;
uint64_t Ema, Eme, Emi, Emo, Emu;
uint64_t Esa, Ese, Esi, Eso, Esu;
//copyFromState(A, state)
Aba = state[ 0];
Abe = state[ 1];
Abi = state[ 2];
Abo = state[ 3];
Abu = state[ 4];
Aga = state[ 5];
Age = state[ 6];
Agi = state[ 7];
Ago = state[ 8];
Agu = state[ 9];
Aka = state[10];
Ake = state[11];
Aki = state[12];
Ako = state[13];
Aku = state[14];
Ama = state[15];
Ame = state[16];
Ami = state[17];
Amo = state[18];
Amu = state[19];
Asa = state[20];
Ase = state[21];
Asi = state[22];
Aso = state[23];
Asu = state[24];
for( round = 0; round < NROUNDS; round += 2 )
// prepareTheta
BCa = Aba^Aga^Aka^Ama^Asa;
BCe = Abe^Age^Ake^Ame^Ase;
BCi = Abi^Agi^Aki^Ami^Asi;
BCo = Abo^Ago^Ako^Amo^Aso;
BCu = Abu^Agu^Aku^Amu^Asu;
//thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(round , A, E)
Da = BCu^ROL(BCe, 1);
De = BCa^ROL(BCi, 1);
Di = BCe^ROL(BCo, 1);
Do = BCi^ROL(BCu, 1);
Du = BCo^ROL(BCa, 1);
Aba ^= Da;
BCa = Aba;
Age ^= De;
BCe = ROL(Age, 44);
Aki ^= Di;
BCi = ROL(Aki, 43);
Amo ^= Do;
BCo = ROL(Amo, 21);
Asu ^= Du;
BCu = ROL(Asu, 14);
Eba = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Eba ^= (uint64_t)KeccakF_RoundConstants[round];
Ebe = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Ebi = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Ebo = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Ebu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Abo ^= Do;
BCa = ROL(Abo, 28);
Agu ^= Du;
BCe = ROL(Agu, 20);
Aka ^= Da;
BCi = ROL(Aka, 3);
Ame ^= De;
BCo = ROL(Ame, 45);
Asi ^= Di;
BCu = ROL(Asi, 61);
Ega = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Ege = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Egi = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Ego = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Egu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Abe ^= De;
BCa = ROL(Abe, 1);
Agi ^= Di;
BCe = ROL(Agi, 6);
Ako ^= Do;
BCi = ROL(Ako, 25);
Amu ^= Du;
BCo = ROL(Amu, 8);
Asa ^= Da;
BCu = ROL(Asa, 18);
Eka = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Eke = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Eki = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Eko = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Eku = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Abu ^= Du;
BCa = ROL(Abu, 27);
Aga ^= Da;
BCe = ROL(Aga, 36);
Ake ^= De;
BCi = ROL(Ake, 10);
Ami ^= Di;
BCo = ROL(Ami, 15);
Aso ^= Do;
BCu = ROL(Aso, 56);
Ema = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Eme = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Emi = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Emo = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Emu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Abi ^= Di;
BCa = ROL(Abi, 62);
Ago ^= Do;
BCe = ROL(Ago, 55);
Aku ^= Du;
BCi = ROL(Aku, 39);
Ama ^= Da;
BCo = ROL(Ama, 41);
Ase ^= De;
BCu = ROL(Ase, 2);
Esa = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Ese = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Esi = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Eso = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Esu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
// prepareTheta
BCa = Eba^Ega^Eka^Ema^Esa;
BCe = Ebe^Ege^Eke^Eme^Ese;
BCi = Ebi^Egi^Eki^Emi^Esi;
BCo = Ebo^Ego^Eko^Emo^Eso;
BCu = Ebu^Egu^Eku^Emu^Esu;
//thetaRhoPiChiIotaPrepareTheta(round+1, E, A)
Da = BCu^ROL(BCe, 1);
De = BCa^ROL(BCi, 1);
Di = BCe^ROL(BCo, 1);
Do = BCi^ROL(BCu, 1);
Du = BCo^ROL(BCa, 1);
Eba ^= Da;
BCa = Eba;
Ege ^= De;
BCe = ROL(Ege, 44);
Eki ^= Di;
BCi = ROL(Eki, 43);
Emo ^= Do;
BCo = ROL(Emo, 21);
Esu ^= Du;
BCu = ROL(Esu, 14);
Aba = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Aba ^= (uint64_t)KeccakF_RoundConstants[round+1];
Abe = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Abi = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Abo = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Abu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Ebo ^= Do;
BCa = ROL(Ebo, 28);
Egu ^= Du;
BCe = ROL(Egu, 20);
Eka ^= Da;
BCi = ROL(Eka, 3);
Eme ^= De;
BCo = ROL(Eme, 45);
Esi ^= Di;
BCu = ROL(Esi, 61);
Aga = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Age = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Agi = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Ago = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Agu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Ebe ^= De;
BCa = ROL(Ebe, 1);
Egi ^= Di;
BCe = ROL(Egi, 6);
Eko ^= Do;
BCi = ROL(Eko, 25);
Emu ^= Du;
BCo = ROL(Emu, 8);
Esa ^= Da;
BCu = ROL(Esa, 18);
Aka = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Ake = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Aki = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Ako = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Aku = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Ebu ^= Du;
BCa = ROL(Ebu, 27);
Ega ^= Da;
BCe = ROL(Ega, 36);
Eke ^= De;
BCi = ROL(Eke, 10);
Emi ^= Di;
BCo = ROL(Emi, 15);
Eso ^= Do;
BCu = ROL(Eso, 56);
Ama = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Ame = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Ami = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Amo = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Amu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
Ebi ^= Di;
BCa = ROL(Ebi, 62);
Ego ^= Do;
BCe = ROL(Ego, 55);
Eku ^= Du;
BCi = ROL(Eku, 39);
Ema ^= Da;
BCo = ROL(Ema, 41);
Ese ^= De;
BCu = ROL(Ese, 2);
Asa = BCa ^((~BCe)& BCi );
Ase = BCe ^((~BCi)& BCo );
Asi = BCi ^((~BCo)& BCu );
Aso = BCo ^((~BCu)& BCa );
Asu = BCu ^((~BCa)& BCe );
//copyToState(state, A)
state[ 0] = Aba;
state[ 1] = Abe;
state[ 2] = Abi;
state[ 3] = Abo;
state[ 4] = Abu;
state[ 5] = Aga;
state[ 6] = Age;
state[ 7] = Agi;
state[ 8] = Ago;
state[ 9] = Agu;
state[10] = Aka;
state[11] = Ake;
state[12] = Aki;
state[13] = Ako;
state[14] = Aku;
state[15] = Ama;
state[16] = Ame;
state[17] = Ami;
state[18] = Amo;
state[19] = Amu;
state[20] = Asa;
state[21] = Ase;
state[22] = Asi;
state[23] = Aso;
state[24] = Asu;
#undef round
#include <string.h>
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
* Name: keccak_absorb
* Description: Absorb step of Keccak;
* non-incremental, starts by zeroeing the state.
* Arguments: - uint64_t *s: pointer to (uninitialized) output Keccak state
* - unsigned int r: rate in bytes (e.g., 168 for SHAKE128)
* - const unsigned char *m: pointer to input to be absorbed into s
* - unsigned long long mlen: length of input in bytes
* - unsigned char p: domain-separation byte for different Keccak-derived functions
static void keccak_absorb(uint64_t *s,
unsigned int r,
const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long int mlen,
unsigned char p)
unsigned long long i;
unsigned char t[200];
// Zero state
for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
s[i] = 0;
while (mlen >= r)
for (i = 0; i < r / 8; ++i)
s[i] ^= load64(m + 8 * i);
mlen -= r;
m += r;
for (i = 0; i < r; ++i)
t[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < mlen; ++i)
t[i] = m[i];
t[i] = p;
t[r - 1] |= 128;
for (i = 0; i < r / 8; ++i)
s[i] ^= load64(t + 8 * i);
* Name: keccak_squeezeblocks
* Description: Squeeze step of Keccak. Squeezes full blocks of r bytes each.
* Modifies the state. Can be called multiple times to keep squeezing,
* i.e., is incremental.
* Arguments: - unsigned char *h: pointer to output blocks
* - unsigned long long int nblocks: number of blocks to be squeezed (written to h)
* - uint64_t *s: pointer to in/output Keccak state
* - unsigned int r: rate in bytes (e.g., 168 for SHAKE128)
static void keccak_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *h, unsigned long long int nblocks,
uint64_t *s,
unsigned int r)
unsigned int i;
while(nblocks > 0)
store64(h+8*i, s[i]);
h += r;
* Name: shake128_absorb
* Description: Absorb step of the SHAKE128 XOF.
* non-incremental, starts by zeroeing the state.
* Arguments: - uint64_t *s: pointer to (uninitialized) output Keccak state
* - const unsigned char *input: pointer to input to be absorbed into s
* - unsigned long long inputByteLen: length of input in bytes
void shake128_absorb(uint64_t *s, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputByteLen)
keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE128_RATE, input, inputByteLen, 0x1F);
* Name: shake128_squeezeblocks
* Description: Squeeze step of SHAKE128 XOF. Squeezes full blocks of SHAKE128_RATE bytes each.
* Modifies the state. Can be called multiple times to keep squeezing,
* i.e., is incremental.
* Arguments: - unsigned char *output: pointer to output blocks
* - unsigned long long nblocks: number of blocks to be squeezed (written to output)
* - uint64_t *s: pointer to in/output Keccak state
void shake128_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long nblocks, uint64_t *s)
keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE128_RATE);
* Name: shake256
* Description: SHAKE256 XOF with non-incremental API
* Arguments: - unsigned char *output: pointer to output
* - unsigned long long outlen: requested output length in bytes
- const unsigned char *input: pointer to input
- unsigned long long inlen: length of input in bytes
void shake256(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long outlen,
const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen)
uint64_t s[25];
unsigned char t[SHAKE256_RATE];
unsigned long long nblocks = outlen/SHAKE256_RATE;
size_t i;
/* Absorb input */
keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE256_RATE, input, inlen, 0x1F);
/* Squeeze output */
keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE256_RATE);
keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHAKE256_RATE);
output[i] = t[i];
* Name: sha3_256
* Description: SHA3-256 with non-incremental API
* Arguments: - unsigned char *output: pointer to output
* - const unsigned char *input: pointer to input
* - unsigned long long inlen: length of input in bytes
void sha3_256(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen)
uint64_t s[25];
unsigned char t[SHA3_256_RATE];
size_t i;
/* Absorb input */
keccak_absorb(s, SHA3_256_RATE, input, inlen, 0x06);
/* Squeeze output */
keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHA3_256_RATE);
output[i] = t[i];
* Name: sha3_512
* Description: SHA3-512 with non-incremental API
* Arguments: - unsigned char *output: pointer to output
* - const unsigned char *input: pointer to input
* - unsigned long long inlen: length of input in bytes
void sha3_512(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen)
uint64_t s[25];
unsigned char t[SHA3_512_RATE];
size_t i;
/* Absorb input */
keccak_absorb(s, SHA3_512_RATE, input, inlen, 0x06);
/* Squeeze output */
keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHA3_512_RATE);
output[i] = t[i];

common/fips202.h Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef FIPS202_H
#define FIPS202_H
#include <stdint.h>
#define SHAKE128_RATE 168
#define SHAKE256_RATE 136
#define SHA3_256_RATE 136
#define SHA3_512_RATE 72
void shake128_absorb(uint64_t *s, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputByteLen);
void shake128_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long nblocks, uint64_t *s);
void shake256(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long outlen, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen);
void sha3_256(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen);
void sha3_512(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen);

common/randombytes.c Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include "randombytes.h"
static uint32_t seed[32] = { 3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,5,8,9,7,9,3,2,3,8,4,6,2,6,4,3,3,8,3,2,7,9,5 } ;
static uint32_t in[12];
static uint32_t out[8];
static int32_t outleft = 0;
#define ROTATE(x,b) (((x) << (b)) | ((x) >> (32 - (b))))
#define MUSH(i,b) x = t[i] += (((x ^ seed[i]) + sum) ^ ROTATE(x,b));
static void surf(void)
uint32_t t[12]; uint32_t x; uint32_t sum = 0;
int32_t r; int32_t i; int32_t loop;
for (i = 0;i < 12;++i) t[i] = in[i] ^ seed[12 + i];
for (i = 0;i < 8;++i) out[i] = seed[24 + i];
x = t[11];
for (loop = 0;loop < 2;++loop) {
for (r = 0;r < 16;++r) {
sum += 0x9e3779b9;
MUSH(0,5) MUSH(1,7) MUSH(2,9) MUSH(3,13)
MUSH(4,5) MUSH(5,7) MUSH(6,9) MUSH(7,13)
MUSH(8,5) MUSH(9,7) MUSH(10,9) MUSH(11,13)
for (i = 0;i < 8;++i) out[i] ^= t[i + 4];
void randombytes(uint8_t *x,uint64_t xlen)
uint64_t bak = xlen;
uint8_t *xbak = x;
while (xlen > 0) {
if (!outleft) {
if (!++in[0]) if (!++in[1]) if (!++in[2]) ++in[3];
outleft = 8;
*x = out[--outleft];

common/randombytes.h Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
void randombytes(uint8_t *x,uint64_t xlen);

common/sha2.c Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
/* Based on the public domain implementation in
* crypto_hash/sha512/ref/ from
* by D. J. Bernstein */
#include "sha2.h"
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
static uint64 load_bigendian(const unsigned char *x)
(uint64) (x[7]) \
| (((uint64) (x[6])) << 8) \
| (((uint64) (x[5])) << 16) \
| (((uint64) (x[4])) << 24) \
| (((uint64) (x[3])) << 32) \
| (((uint64) (x[2])) << 40) \
| (((uint64) (x[1])) << 48) \
| (((uint64) (x[0])) << 56)
static void store_bigendian(unsigned char *x,uint64 u)
x[7] = u; u >>= 8;
x[6] = u; u >>= 8;
x[5] = u; u >>= 8;
x[4] = u; u >>= 8;
x[3] = u; u >>= 8;
x[2] = u; u >>= 8;
x[1] = u; u >>= 8;
x[0] = u;
#define SHR(x,c) ((x) >> (c))
#define ROTR(x,c) (((x) >> (c)) | ((x) << (64 - (c))))
#define Ch(x,y,z) ((x & y) ^ (~x & z))
#define Maj(x,y,z) ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z))
#define Sigma0(x) (ROTR(x,28) ^ ROTR(x,34) ^ ROTR(x,39))
#define Sigma1(x) (ROTR(x,14) ^ ROTR(x,18) ^ ROTR(x,41))
#define sigma0(x) (ROTR(x, 1) ^ ROTR(x, 8) ^ SHR(x,7))
#define sigma1(x) (ROTR(x,19) ^ ROTR(x,61) ^ SHR(x,6))
#define M(w0,w14,w9,w1) w0 = sigma1(w14) + w9 + sigma0(w1) + w0;
#define EXPAND \
M(w0 ,w14,w9 ,w1 ) \
M(w1 ,w15,w10,w2 ) \
M(w2 ,w0 ,w11,w3 ) \
M(w3 ,w1 ,w12,w4 ) \
M(w4 ,w2 ,w13,w5 ) \
M(w5 ,w3 ,w14,w6 ) \
M(w6 ,w4 ,w15,w7 ) \
M(w7 ,w5 ,w0 ,w8 ) \
M(w8 ,w6 ,w1 ,w9 ) \
M(w9 ,w7 ,w2 ,w10) \
M(w10,w8 ,w3 ,w11) \
M(w11,w9 ,w4 ,w12) \
M(w12,w10,w5 ,w13) \
M(w13,w11,w6 ,w14) \
M(w14,w12,w7 ,w15) \
M(w15,w13,w8 ,w0 )
#define F(w,k) \
T1 = h + Sigma1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + k + w; \
T2 = Sigma0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); \
h = g; \
g = f; \
f = e; \
e = d + T1; \
d = c; \
c = b; \
b = a; \
a = T1 + T2;
static int crypto_hashblocks_sha512(unsigned char *statebytes,const unsigned char *in,unsigned long long inlen)
uint64 state[8];
uint64 a;
uint64 b;
uint64 c;
uint64 d;
uint64 e;
uint64 f;
uint64 g;
uint64 h;
uint64 T1;
uint64 T2;
a = load_bigendian(statebytes + 0); state[0] = a;
b = load_bigendian(statebytes + 8); state[1] = b;
c = load_bigendian(statebytes + 16); state[2] = c;
d = load_bigendian(statebytes + 24); state[3] = d;
e = load_bigendian(statebytes + 32); state[4] = e;
f = load_bigendian(statebytes + 40); state[5] = f;
g = load_bigendian(statebytes + 48); state[6] = g;
h = load_bigendian(statebytes + 56); state[7] = h;
while (inlen >= 128) {
uint64 w0 = load_bigendian(in + 0);
uint64 w1 = load_bigendian(in + 8);
uint64 w2 = load_bigendian(in + 16);
uint64 w3 = load_bigendian(in + 24);
uint64 w4 = load_bigendian(in + 32);
uint64 w5 = load_bigendian(in + 40);
uint64 w6 = load_bigendian(in + 48);
uint64 w7 = load_bigendian(in + 56);
uint64 w8 = load_bigendian(in + 64);
uint64 w9 = load_bigendian(in + 72);
uint64 w10 = load_bigendian(in + 80);
uint64 w11 = load_bigendian(in + 88);
uint64 w12 = load_bigendian(in + 96);
uint64 w13 = load_bigendian(in + 104);
uint64 w14 = load_bigendian(in + 112);
uint64 w15 = load_bigendian(in + 120);
F(w0 ,0x428a2f98d728ae22ULL)
F(w1 ,0x7137449123ef65cdULL)
F(w2 ,0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2fULL)
F(w3 ,0xe9b5dba58189dbbcULL)
F(w4 ,0x3956c25bf348b538ULL)
F(w5 ,0x59f111f1b605d019ULL)
F(w6 ,0x923f82a4af194f9bULL)
F(w7 ,0xab1c5ed5da6d8118ULL)
F(w8 ,0xd807aa98a3030242ULL)
F(w9 ,0x12835b0145706fbeULL)
F(w0 ,0xe49b69c19ef14ad2ULL)
F(w1 ,0xefbe4786384f25e3ULL)
F(w2 ,0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5ULL)
F(w3 ,0x240ca1cc77ac9c65ULL)
F(w4 ,0x2de92c6f592b0275ULL)
F(w5 ,0x4a7484aa6ea6e483ULL)
F(w6 ,0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4ULL)
F(w7 ,0x76f988da831153b5ULL)
F(w8 ,0x983e5152ee66dfabULL)
F(w9 ,0xa831c66d2db43210ULL)
F(w0 ,0x27b70a8546d22ffcULL)
F(w1 ,0x2e1b21385c26c926ULL)
F(w2 ,0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aedULL)
F(w3 ,0x53380d139d95b3dfULL)
F(w4 ,0x650a73548baf63deULL)
F(w5 ,0x766a0abb3c77b2a8ULL)
F(w6 ,0x81c2c92e47edaee6ULL)
F(w7 ,0x92722c851482353bULL)
F(w8 ,0xa2bfe8a14cf10364ULL)
F(w9 ,0xa81a664bbc423001ULL)
F(w0 ,0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8ULL)
F(w1 ,0x1e376c085141ab53ULL)
F(w2 ,0x2748774cdf8eeb99ULL)
F(w3 ,0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8ULL)
F(w4 ,0x391c0cb3c5c95a63ULL)
F(w5 ,0x4ed8aa4ae3418acbULL)
F(w6 ,0x5b9cca4f7763e373ULL)
F(w7 ,0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3ULL)
F(w8 ,0x748f82ee5defb2fcULL)
F(w9 ,0x78a5636f43172f60ULL)
F(w0 ,0xca273eceea26619cULL)
F(w1 ,0xd186b8c721c0c207ULL)
F(w2 ,0xeada7dd6cde0eb1eULL)
F(w3 ,0xf57d4f7fee6ed178ULL)
F(w4 ,0x06f067aa72176fbaULL)
F(w5 ,0x0a637dc5a2c898a6ULL)
F(w6 ,0x113f9804bef90daeULL)
F(w7 ,0x1b710b35131c471bULL)
F(w8 ,0x28db77f523047d84ULL)
F(w9 ,0x32caab7b40c72493ULL)
a += state[0];
b += state[1];
c += state[2];
d += state[3];
e += state[4];
f += state[5];
g += state[6];
h += state[7];
state[0] = a;
state[1] = b;
state[2] = c;
state[3] = d;
state[4] = e;
state[5] = f;
state[6] = g;
state[7] = h;
in += 128;
inlen -= 128;
store_bigendian(statebytes + 0,state[0]);
store_bigendian(statebytes + 8,state[1]);
store_bigendian(statebytes + 16,state[2]);
store_bigendian(statebytes + 24,state[3]);
store_bigendian(statebytes + 32,state[4]);
store_bigendian(statebytes + 40,state[5]);
store_bigendian(statebytes + 48,state[6]);
store_bigendian(statebytes + 56,state[7]);
return inlen;
#define blocks crypto_hashblocks_sha512
static const unsigned char iv_384[64] = {
static const unsigned char iv_512[64] = {
int sha384(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen)
unsigned char h[64];
unsigned char padded[256];
unsigned int i;
unsigned long long bytes = inlen;
for (i = 0;i < 64;++i) h[i] = iv_384[i];
in += inlen;
inlen &= 127;
in -= inlen;
for (i = 0;i < inlen;++i) padded[i] = in[i];
padded[inlen] = 0x80;
if (inlen < 112) {
for (i = inlen + 1;i < 119;++i) padded[i] = 0;
padded[119] = bytes >> 61;
padded[120] = bytes >> 53;
padded[121] = bytes >> 45;
padded[122] = bytes >> 37;
padded[123] = bytes >> 29;
padded[124] = bytes >> 21;
padded[125] = bytes >> 13;
padded[126] = bytes >> 5;
padded[127] = bytes << 3;
} else {
for (i = inlen + 1;i < 247;++i) padded[i] = 0;
padded[247] = bytes >> 61;
padded[248] = bytes >> 53;
padded[249] = bytes >> 45;
padded[250] = bytes >> 37;
padded[251] = bytes >> 29;
padded[252] = bytes >> 21;
padded[253] = bytes >> 13;
padded[254] = bytes >> 5;
padded[255] = bytes << 3;
for (i = 0;i < 48;++i) out[i] = h[i];
return 0;
int sha512(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen)
unsigned char h[64];
unsigned char padded[256];
unsigned int i;
unsigned long long bytes = inlen;
for (i = 0;i < 64;++i) h[i] = iv_512[i];
in += inlen;
inlen &= 127;
in -= inlen;
for (i = 0;i < inlen;++i) padded[i] = in[i];
padded[inlen] = 0x80;
if (inlen < 112) {
for (i = inlen + 1;i < 119;++i) padded[i] = 0;
padded[119] = bytes >> 61;
padded[120] = bytes >> 53;
padded[121] = bytes >> 45;
padded[122] = bytes >> 37;
padded[123] = bytes >> 29;
padded[124] = bytes >> 21;
padded[125] = bytes >> 13;
padded[126] = bytes >> 5;
padded[127] = bytes << 3;
} else {
for (i = inlen + 1;i < 247;++i) padded[i] = 0;
padded[247] = bytes >> 61;
padded[248] = bytes >> 53;
padded[249] = bytes >> 45;
padded[250] = bytes >> 37;
padded[251] = bytes >> 29;
padded[252] = bytes >> 21;
padded[253] = bytes >> 13;
padded[254] = bytes >> 5;
padded[255] = bytes << 3;
for (i = 0;i < 64;++i) out[i] = h[i];
return 0;

common/sha2.h Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#ifndef SHA2_H
#define SHA2_H
int sha384(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen);
int sha512(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen);