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  1. # PQ Crypto Catalog
  2. Implementation of quantum-safe signature and KEM schemes submitted to NIST PQC Standardization Process.
  3. The goal is to provide an easy-to-use API in C and Rust to enable experimentation. The code is derived from the submission to the NIST Post-Quantum Standardization, either directly or by leveraging [PQClean]( project.
  4. Users shouldn't expect any level of security provided by this code. The library is not meant to be used on live production systems.
  5. ## Supported schemes
  6. | Name | NIST Round | x86 optimized |
  7. |--------------------------|------------|---------------|
  8. | Kyber | 3 | x |
  9. | SABER | 3 | x |
  10. | FrodoKEM | 3 | |
  11. | Dilithium | 3 | x |
  12. | Falcon | 3 | |
  13. | SPHINCS+ SHA256/SHAKE256 | 3 | x |
  14. | NTRU | 3 | x |
  15. | NTRU Prime | 3 | x |
  16. | HQC-RMRS | 3 | x |
  17. | Rainbow | 3 | |
  18. | SIKE/p434 | 3 | x |
  19. | McEliece | 3 | |
  20. ## Building
  21. CMake is used to build the library:
  22. ```bash
  23. mkdir build
  24. cd build
  25. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  26. make
  27. ```
  28. Build outputs two libraries, a static ``libpqc_s.a`` and dynamic ````, which can be linked with a project.
  29. ## API
  30. Library provides simple API, wrapping PQClean. For example to use KEM, one should call the library in following way:
  31. ```c
  32. #include <pqc/pqc.h>
  33. const params_t *p = pqc_kem_alg_by_id(KYBER512);
  34. std::vector<uint8_t> ct(ciphertext_bsz(p));
  35. std::vector<uint8_t> ss1(shared_secret_bsz(p));
  36. std::vector<uint8_t> ss2(shared_secret_bsz(p));
  37. std::vector<uint8_t> sk(private_key_bsz(p));
  38. std::vector<uint8_t> pk(public_key_bsz(p));
  39. pqc_keygen(p,,;
  40. pqc_kem_encapsulate(p,,,;
  41. pqc_kem_decapsulate(p,,,;
  42. p = pqc_sig_alg_by_id(DILITHIUM2);
  43. size_t sigsz = sig.capacity();
  44. pqc_keygen(p,,;
  45. pqc_sig_create(p,, &sigsz,, msg.size(),;
  46. pqc_sig_verify(p,, sig.size(),, msg.size(),;
  47. ```
  48. See test implemetnation in ``test/ut.cpp`` for more details.
  49. ## Rust binding
  50. Rust bindgings are provided in the ``src/rustapi/pqc-sys`` and can be regenerated automatically by running ``cargo build`` in that directory.
  51. ## Testing against Known Answer Tests
  52. Algorithms are tested against KATs, by the Rust-based runner implemented in the ``test/katrunner`` (only verification/decpaulation). The runner uses ``katwalk`` crate for parsing NIST format. To run it:
  53. ```bash
  54. cd test/katrunner
  55. curl --output
  56. unzip
  57. cargo run -- --katdir KAT
  58. ```