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19 líneas
839 B

  1. #ifndef MQDSS_MQ_H
  2. #define MQDSS_MQ_H
  3. #include "gf31.h"
  4. /* Evaluates the MQ function on a vector of N gf31 elements x (expected to be
  5. in reduced 5-bit representation). Expects the coefficients in F to be in
  6. signed representation (i.e. [-15, 15], packed bytewise).
  7. Outputs M gf31 elements in unique 16-bit representation as fx. */
  8. void PQCLEAN_MQDSS64_CLEAN_MQ(gf31 *fx, const gf31 *x, const signed char *F);
  9. /* Evaluates the bilinear polar form of the MQ function (i.e. G) on a vector of
  10. N gf31 elements x (expected to be in reduced 5-bit representation). Expects
  11. the coefficients in F to be in signed representation (i.e. [-15, 15], packed
  12. bytewise). Outputs M gf31 elements in unique 16-bit representation as fx. */
  13. void PQCLEAN_MQDSS64_CLEAN_G(gf31 *fx, const gf31 *x, const gf31 *y, const signed char *F);
  14. #endif