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20 rindas
613 B

  1. # This Makefile can be used with Microsoft Visual Studio's nmake using the command:
  2. # nmake /f Makefile.Microsoft_nmake
  3. LIBRARY=libsphincs-sha256-256s-robust_avx2.lib
  4. OBJECTS=address.obj wots.obj utils.obj utilsx8.obj sha256avx.obj sha256x8.obj fors.obj sign.obj hash_sha256.obj thash_sha256_robust.obj hash_sha256x8.obj thash_sha256_robustx8.obj sha256.obj
  5. CFLAGS=/nologo /arch:AVX2 /O2 /I ..\..\..\common /W4 /WX
  6. all: $(LIBRARY)
  7. # Make sure objects are recompiled if headers change.
  8. $(OBJECTS): *.h
  10. LIB.EXE /NOLOGO /WX /OUT:$@ $**
  11. clean:
  12. -DEL $(OBJECTS)
  13. -DEL $(LIBRARY)