Alternative TLS implementation in Go
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.

handshake_messages.go 23 KiB

  1. // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
  2. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
  3. // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
  4. package tls
  5. import "bytes"
  6. type clientHelloMsg struct {
  7. raw []byte
  8. vers uint16
  9. random []byte
  10. sessionId []byte
  11. cipherSuites []uint16
  12. compressionMethods []uint8
  13. nextProtoNeg bool
  14. serverName string
  15. ocspStapling bool
  16. supportedCurves []uint16
  17. supportedPoints []uint8
  18. ticketSupported bool
  19. sessionTicket []uint8
  20. }
  21. func (m *clientHelloMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  22. m1, ok := i.(*clientHelloMsg)
  23. if !ok {
  24. return false
  25. }
  26. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  27. m.vers == m1.vers &&
  28. bytes.Equal(m.random, m1.random) &&
  29. bytes.Equal(m.sessionId, m1.sessionId) &&
  30. eqUint16s(m.cipherSuites, m1.cipherSuites) &&
  31. bytes.Equal(m.compressionMethods, m1.compressionMethods) &&
  32. m.nextProtoNeg == m1.nextProtoNeg &&
  33. m.serverName == m1.serverName &&
  34. m.ocspStapling == m1.ocspStapling &&
  35. eqUint16s(m.supportedCurves, m1.supportedCurves) &&
  36. bytes.Equal(m.supportedPoints, m1.supportedPoints) &&
  37. m.ticketSupported == m1.ticketSupported &&
  38. bytes.Equal(m.sessionTicket, m1.sessionTicket)
  39. }
  40. func (m *clientHelloMsg) marshal() []byte {
  41. if m.raw != nil {
  42. return m.raw
  43. }
  44. length := 2 + 32 + 1 + len(m.sessionId) + 2 + len(m.cipherSuites)*2 + 1 + len(m.compressionMethods)
  45. numExtensions := 0
  46. extensionsLength := 0
  47. if m.nextProtoNeg {
  48. numExtensions++
  49. }
  50. if m.ocspStapling {
  51. extensionsLength += 1 + 2 + 2
  52. numExtensions++
  53. }
  54. if len(m.serverName) > 0 {
  55. extensionsLength += 5 + len(m.serverName)
  56. numExtensions++
  57. }
  58. if len(m.supportedCurves) > 0 {
  59. extensionsLength += 2 + 2*len(m.supportedCurves)
  60. numExtensions++
  61. }
  62. if len(m.supportedPoints) > 0 {
  63. extensionsLength += 1 + len(m.supportedPoints)
  64. numExtensions++
  65. }
  66. if m.ticketSupported {
  67. extensionsLength += len(m.sessionTicket)
  68. numExtensions++
  69. }
  70. if numExtensions > 0 {
  71. extensionsLength += 4 * numExtensions
  72. length += 2 + extensionsLength
  73. }
  74. x := make([]byte, 4+length)
  75. x[0] = typeClientHello
  76. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  77. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  78. x[3] = uint8(length)
  79. x[4] = uint8(m.vers >> 8)
  80. x[5] = uint8(m.vers)
  81. copy(x[6:38], m.random)
  82. x[38] = uint8(len(m.sessionId))
  83. copy(x[39:39+len(m.sessionId)], m.sessionId)
  84. y := x[39+len(m.sessionId):]
  85. y[0] = uint8(len(m.cipherSuites) >> 7)
  86. y[1] = uint8(len(m.cipherSuites) << 1)
  87. for i, suite := range m.cipherSuites {
  88. y[2+i*2] = uint8(suite >> 8)
  89. y[3+i*2] = uint8(suite)
  90. }
  91. z := y[2+len(m.cipherSuites)*2:]
  92. z[0] = uint8(len(m.compressionMethods))
  93. copy(z[1:], m.compressionMethods)
  94. z = z[1+len(m.compressionMethods):]
  95. if numExtensions > 0 {
  96. z[0] = byte(extensionsLength >> 8)
  97. z[1] = byte(extensionsLength)
  98. z = z[2:]
  99. }
  100. if m.nextProtoNeg {
  101. z[0] = byte(extensionNextProtoNeg >> 8)
  102. z[1] = byte(extensionNextProtoNeg)
  103. // The length is always 0
  104. z = z[4:]
  105. }
  106. if len(m.serverName) > 0 {
  107. z[0] = byte(extensionServerName >> 8)
  108. z[1] = byte(extensionServerName)
  109. l := len(m.serverName) + 5
  110. z[2] = byte(l >> 8)
  111. z[3] = byte(l)
  112. z = z[4:]
  113. // RFC 3546, section 3.1
  114. //
  115. // struct {
  116. // NameType name_type;
  117. // select (name_type) {
  118. // case host_name: HostName;
  119. // } name;
  120. // } ServerName;
  121. //
  122. // enum {
  123. // host_name(0), (255)
  124. // } NameType;
  125. //
  126. // opaque HostName<1..2^16-1>;
  127. //
  128. // struct {
  129. // ServerName server_name_list<1..2^16-1>
  130. // } ServerNameList;
  131. z[0] = byte((len(m.serverName) + 3) >> 8)
  132. z[1] = byte(len(m.serverName) + 3)
  133. z[3] = byte(len(m.serverName) >> 8)
  134. z[4] = byte(len(m.serverName))
  135. copy(z[5:], []byte(m.serverName))
  136. z = z[l:]
  137. }
  138. if m.ocspStapling {
  139. // RFC 4366, section 3.6
  140. z[0] = byte(extensionStatusRequest >> 8)
  141. z[1] = byte(extensionStatusRequest)
  142. z[2] = 0
  143. z[3] = 5
  144. z[4] = 1 // OCSP type
  145. // Two zero valued uint16s for the two lengths.
  146. z = z[9:]
  147. }
  148. if len(m.supportedCurves) > 0 {
  149. //
  150. z[0] = byte(extensionSupportedCurves >> 8)
  151. z[1] = byte(extensionSupportedCurves)
  152. l := 2 + 2*len(m.supportedCurves)
  153. z[2] = byte(l >> 8)
  154. z[3] = byte(l)
  155. l -= 2
  156. z[4] = byte(l >> 8)
  157. z[5] = byte(l)
  158. z = z[6:]
  159. for _, curve := range m.supportedCurves {
  160. z[0] = byte(curve >> 8)
  161. z[1] = byte(curve)
  162. z = z[2:]
  163. }
  164. }
  165. if len(m.supportedPoints) > 0 {
  166. //
  167. z[0] = byte(extensionSupportedPoints >> 8)
  168. z[1] = byte(extensionSupportedPoints)
  169. l := 1 + len(m.supportedPoints)
  170. z[2] = byte(l >> 8)
  171. z[3] = byte(l)
  172. l--
  173. z[4] = byte(l)
  174. z = z[5:]
  175. for _, pointFormat := range m.supportedPoints {
  176. z[0] = byte(pointFormat)
  177. z = z[1:]
  178. }
  179. }
  180. if m.ticketSupported {
  181. //
  182. z[0] = byte(extensionSessionTicket >> 8)
  183. z[1] = byte(extensionSessionTicket)
  184. l := len(m.sessionTicket)
  185. z[2] = byte(l >> 8)
  186. z[3] = byte(l)
  187. z = z[4:]
  188. copy(z, m.sessionTicket)
  189. z = z[len(m.sessionTicket):]
  190. }
  191. m.raw = x
  192. return x
  193. }
  194. func (m *clientHelloMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  195. if len(data) < 42 {
  196. return false
  197. }
  198. m.raw = data
  199. m.vers = uint16(data[4])<<8 | uint16(data[5])
  200. m.random = data[6:38]
  201. sessionIdLen := int(data[38])
  202. if sessionIdLen > 32 || len(data) < 39+sessionIdLen {
  203. return false
  204. }
  205. m.sessionId = data[39 : 39+sessionIdLen]
  206. data = data[39+sessionIdLen:]
  207. if len(data) < 2 {
  208. return false
  209. }
  210. // cipherSuiteLen is the number of bytes of cipher suite numbers. Since
  211. // they are uint16s, the number must be even.
  212. cipherSuiteLen := int(data[0])<<8 | int(data[1])
  213. if cipherSuiteLen%2 == 1 || len(data) < 2+cipherSuiteLen {
  214. return false
  215. }
  216. numCipherSuites := cipherSuiteLen / 2
  217. m.cipherSuites = make([]uint16, numCipherSuites)
  218. for i := 0; i < numCipherSuites; i++ {
  219. m.cipherSuites[i] = uint16(data[2+2*i])<<8 | uint16(data[3+2*i])
  220. }
  221. data = data[2+cipherSuiteLen:]
  222. if len(data) < 1 {
  223. return false
  224. }
  225. compressionMethodsLen := int(data[0])
  226. if len(data) < 1+compressionMethodsLen {
  227. return false
  228. }
  229. m.compressionMethods = data[1 : 1+compressionMethodsLen]
  230. data = data[1+compressionMethodsLen:]
  231. m.nextProtoNeg = false
  232. m.serverName = ""
  233. m.ocspStapling = false
  234. m.ticketSupported = false
  235. m.sessionTicket = nil
  236. if len(data) == 0 {
  237. // ClientHello is optionally followed by extension data
  238. return true
  239. }
  240. if len(data) < 2 {
  241. return false
  242. }
  243. extensionsLength := int(data[0])<<8 | int(data[1])
  244. data = data[2:]
  245. if extensionsLength != len(data) {
  246. return false
  247. }
  248. for len(data) != 0 {
  249. if len(data) < 4 {
  250. return false
  251. }
  252. extension := uint16(data[0])<<8 | uint16(data[1])
  253. length := int(data[2])<<8 | int(data[3])
  254. data = data[4:]
  255. if len(data) < length {
  256. return false
  257. }
  258. switch extension {
  259. case extensionServerName:
  260. if length < 2 {
  261. return false
  262. }
  263. numNames := int(data[0])<<8 | int(data[1])
  264. d := data[2:]
  265. for i := 0; i < numNames; i++ {
  266. if len(d) < 3 {
  267. return false
  268. }
  269. nameType := d[0]
  270. nameLen := int(d[1])<<8 | int(d[2])
  271. d = d[3:]
  272. if len(d) < nameLen {
  273. return false
  274. }
  275. if nameType == 0 {
  276. m.serverName = string(d[0:nameLen])
  277. break
  278. }
  279. d = d[nameLen:]
  280. }
  281. case extensionNextProtoNeg:
  282. if length > 0 {
  283. return false
  284. }
  285. m.nextProtoNeg = true
  286. case extensionStatusRequest:
  287. m.ocspStapling = length > 0 && data[0] == statusTypeOCSP
  288. case extensionSupportedCurves:
  289. //
  290. if length < 2 {
  291. return false
  292. }
  293. l := int(data[0])<<8 | int(data[1])
  294. if l%2 == 1 || length != l+2 {
  295. return false
  296. }
  297. numCurves := l / 2
  298. m.supportedCurves = make([]uint16, numCurves)
  299. d := data[2:]
  300. for i := 0; i < numCurves; i++ {
  301. m.supportedCurves[i] = uint16(d[0])<<8 | uint16(d[1])
  302. d = d[2:]
  303. }
  304. case extensionSupportedPoints:
  305. //
  306. if length < 1 {
  307. return false
  308. }
  309. l := int(data[0])
  310. if length != l+1 {
  311. return false
  312. }
  313. m.supportedPoints = make([]uint8, l)
  314. copy(m.supportedPoints, data[1:])
  315. case extensionSessionTicket:
  316. //
  317. m.ticketSupported = true
  318. m.sessionTicket = data[:length]
  319. }
  320. data = data[length:]
  321. }
  322. return true
  323. }
  324. type serverHelloMsg struct {
  325. raw []byte
  326. vers uint16
  327. random []byte
  328. sessionId []byte
  329. cipherSuite uint16
  330. compressionMethod uint8
  331. nextProtoNeg bool
  332. nextProtos []string
  333. ocspStapling bool
  334. ticketSupported bool
  335. }
  336. func (m *serverHelloMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  337. m1, ok := i.(*serverHelloMsg)
  338. if !ok {
  339. return false
  340. }
  341. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  342. m.vers == m1.vers &&
  343. bytes.Equal(m.random, m1.random) &&
  344. bytes.Equal(m.sessionId, m1.sessionId) &&
  345. m.cipherSuite == m1.cipherSuite &&
  346. m.compressionMethod == m1.compressionMethod &&
  347. m.nextProtoNeg == m1.nextProtoNeg &&
  348. eqStrings(m.nextProtos, m1.nextProtos) &&
  349. m.ocspStapling == m1.ocspStapling &&
  350. m.ticketSupported == m1.ticketSupported
  351. }
  352. func (m *serverHelloMsg) marshal() []byte {
  353. if m.raw != nil {
  354. return m.raw
  355. }
  356. length := 38 + len(m.sessionId)
  357. numExtensions := 0
  358. extensionsLength := 0
  359. nextProtoLen := 0
  360. if m.nextProtoNeg {
  361. numExtensions++
  362. for _, v := range m.nextProtos {
  363. nextProtoLen += len(v)
  364. }
  365. nextProtoLen += len(m.nextProtos)
  366. extensionsLength += nextProtoLen
  367. }
  368. if m.ocspStapling {
  369. numExtensions++
  370. }
  371. if m.ticketSupported {
  372. numExtensions++
  373. }
  374. if numExtensions > 0 {
  375. extensionsLength += 4 * numExtensions
  376. length += 2 + extensionsLength
  377. }
  378. x := make([]byte, 4+length)
  379. x[0] = typeServerHello
  380. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  381. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  382. x[3] = uint8(length)
  383. x[4] = uint8(m.vers >> 8)
  384. x[5] = uint8(m.vers)
  385. copy(x[6:38], m.random)
  386. x[38] = uint8(len(m.sessionId))
  387. copy(x[39:39+len(m.sessionId)], m.sessionId)
  388. z := x[39+len(m.sessionId):]
  389. z[0] = uint8(m.cipherSuite >> 8)
  390. z[1] = uint8(m.cipherSuite)
  391. z[2] = uint8(m.compressionMethod)
  392. z = z[3:]
  393. if numExtensions > 0 {
  394. z[0] = byte(extensionsLength >> 8)
  395. z[1] = byte(extensionsLength)
  396. z = z[2:]
  397. }
  398. if m.nextProtoNeg {
  399. z[0] = byte(extensionNextProtoNeg >> 8)
  400. z[1] = byte(extensionNextProtoNeg)
  401. z[2] = byte(nextProtoLen >> 8)
  402. z[3] = byte(nextProtoLen)
  403. z = z[4:]
  404. for _, v := range m.nextProtos {
  405. l := len(v)
  406. if l > 255 {
  407. l = 255
  408. }
  409. z[0] = byte(l)
  410. copy(z[1:], []byte(v[0:l]))
  411. z = z[1+l:]
  412. }
  413. }
  414. if m.ocspStapling {
  415. z[0] = byte(extensionStatusRequest >> 8)
  416. z[1] = byte(extensionStatusRequest)
  417. z = z[4:]
  418. }
  419. if m.ticketSupported {
  420. z[0] = byte(extensionSessionTicket >> 8)
  421. z[1] = byte(extensionSessionTicket)
  422. z = z[4:]
  423. }
  424. m.raw = x
  425. return x
  426. }
  427. func (m *serverHelloMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  428. if len(data) < 42 {
  429. return false
  430. }
  431. m.raw = data
  432. m.vers = uint16(data[4])<<8 | uint16(data[5])
  433. m.random = data[6:38]
  434. sessionIdLen := int(data[38])
  435. if sessionIdLen > 32 || len(data) < 39+sessionIdLen {
  436. return false
  437. }
  438. m.sessionId = data[39 : 39+sessionIdLen]
  439. data = data[39+sessionIdLen:]
  440. if len(data) < 3 {
  441. return false
  442. }
  443. m.cipherSuite = uint16(data[0])<<8 | uint16(data[1])
  444. m.compressionMethod = data[2]
  445. data = data[3:]
  446. m.nextProtoNeg = false
  447. m.nextProtos = nil
  448. m.ocspStapling = false
  449. m.ticketSupported = false
  450. if len(data) == 0 {
  451. // ServerHello is optionally followed by extension data
  452. return true
  453. }
  454. if len(data) < 2 {
  455. return false
  456. }
  457. extensionsLength := int(data[0])<<8 | int(data[1])
  458. data = data[2:]
  459. if len(data) != extensionsLength {
  460. return false
  461. }
  462. for len(data) != 0 {
  463. if len(data) < 4 {
  464. return false
  465. }
  466. extension := uint16(data[0])<<8 | uint16(data[1])
  467. length := int(data[2])<<8 | int(data[3])
  468. data = data[4:]
  469. if len(data) < length {
  470. return false
  471. }
  472. switch extension {
  473. case extensionNextProtoNeg:
  474. m.nextProtoNeg = true
  475. d := data[:length]
  476. for len(d) > 0 {
  477. l := int(d[0])
  478. d = d[1:]
  479. if l == 0 || l > len(d) {
  480. return false
  481. }
  482. m.nextProtos = append(m.nextProtos, string(d[:l]))
  483. d = d[l:]
  484. }
  485. case extensionStatusRequest:
  486. if length > 0 {
  487. return false
  488. }
  489. m.ocspStapling = true
  490. case extensionSessionTicket:
  491. if length > 0 {
  492. return false
  493. }
  494. m.ticketSupported = true
  495. }
  496. data = data[length:]
  497. }
  498. return true
  499. }
  500. type certificateMsg struct {
  501. raw []byte
  502. certificates [][]byte
  503. }
  504. func (m *certificateMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  505. m1, ok := i.(*certificateMsg)
  506. if !ok {
  507. return false
  508. }
  509. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  510. eqByteSlices(m.certificates, m1.certificates)
  511. }
  512. func (m *certificateMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
  513. if m.raw != nil {
  514. return m.raw
  515. }
  516. var i int
  517. for _, slice := range m.certificates {
  518. i += len(slice)
  519. }
  520. length := 3 + 3*len(m.certificates) + i
  521. x = make([]byte, 4+length)
  522. x[0] = typeCertificate
  523. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  524. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  525. x[3] = uint8(length)
  526. certificateOctets := length - 3
  527. x[4] = uint8(certificateOctets >> 16)
  528. x[5] = uint8(certificateOctets >> 8)
  529. x[6] = uint8(certificateOctets)
  530. y := x[7:]
  531. for _, slice := range m.certificates {
  532. y[0] = uint8(len(slice) >> 16)
  533. y[1] = uint8(len(slice) >> 8)
  534. y[2] = uint8(len(slice))
  535. copy(y[3:], slice)
  536. y = y[3+len(slice):]
  537. }
  538. m.raw = x
  539. return
  540. }
  541. func (m *certificateMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  542. if len(data) < 7 {
  543. return false
  544. }
  545. m.raw = data
  546. certsLen := uint32(data[4])<<16 | uint32(data[5])<<8 | uint32(data[6])
  547. if uint32(len(data)) != certsLen+7 {
  548. return false
  549. }
  550. numCerts := 0
  551. d := data[7:]
  552. for certsLen > 0 {
  553. if len(d) < 4 {
  554. return false
  555. }
  556. certLen := uint32(d[0])<<16 | uint32(d[1])<<8 | uint32(d[2])
  557. if uint32(len(d)) < 3+certLen {
  558. return false
  559. }
  560. d = d[3+certLen:]
  561. certsLen -= 3 + certLen
  562. numCerts++
  563. }
  564. m.certificates = make([][]byte, numCerts)
  565. d = data[7:]
  566. for i := 0; i < numCerts; i++ {
  567. certLen := uint32(d[0])<<16 | uint32(d[1])<<8 | uint32(d[2])
  568. m.certificates[i] = d[3 : 3+certLen]
  569. d = d[3+certLen:]
  570. }
  571. return true
  572. }
  573. type serverKeyExchangeMsg struct {
  574. raw []byte
  575. key []byte
  576. }
  577. func (m *serverKeyExchangeMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  578. m1, ok := i.(*serverKeyExchangeMsg)
  579. if !ok {
  580. return false
  581. }
  582. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  583. bytes.Equal(m.key, m1.key)
  584. }
  585. func (m *serverKeyExchangeMsg) marshal() []byte {
  586. if m.raw != nil {
  587. return m.raw
  588. }
  589. length := len(m.key)
  590. x := make([]byte, length+4)
  591. x[0] = typeServerKeyExchange
  592. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  593. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  594. x[3] = uint8(length)
  595. copy(x[4:], m.key)
  596. m.raw = x
  597. return x
  598. }
  599. func (m *serverKeyExchangeMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  600. m.raw = data
  601. if len(data) < 4 {
  602. return false
  603. }
  604. m.key = data[4:]
  605. return true
  606. }
  607. type certificateStatusMsg struct {
  608. raw []byte
  609. statusType uint8
  610. response []byte
  611. }
  612. func (m *certificateStatusMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  613. m1, ok := i.(*certificateStatusMsg)
  614. if !ok {
  615. return false
  616. }
  617. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  618. m.statusType == m1.statusType &&
  619. bytes.Equal(m.response, m1.response)
  620. }
  621. func (m *certificateStatusMsg) marshal() []byte {
  622. if m.raw != nil {
  623. return m.raw
  624. }
  625. var x []byte
  626. if m.statusType == statusTypeOCSP {
  627. x = make([]byte, 4+4+len(m.response))
  628. x[0] = typeCertificateStatus
  629. l := len(m.response) + 4
  630. x[1] = byte(l >> 16)
  631. x[2] = byte(l >> 8)
  632. x[3] = byte(l)
  633. x[4] = statusTypeOCSP
  634. l -= 4
  635. x[5] = byte(l >> 16)
  636. x[6] = byte(l >> 8)
  637. x[7] = byte(l)
  638. copy(x[8:], m.response)
  639. } else {
  640. x = []byte{typeCertificateStatus, 0, 0, 1, m.statusType}
  641. }
  642. m.raw = x
  643. return x
  644. }
  645. func (m *certificateStatusMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  646. m.raw = data
  647. if len(data) < 5 {
  648. return false
  649. }
  650. m.statusType = data[4]
  651. m.response = nil
  652. if m.statusType == statusTypeOCSP {
  653. if len(data) < 8 {
  654. return false
  655. }
  656. respLen := uint32(data[5])<<16 | uint32(data[6])<<8 | uint32(data[7])
  657. if uint32(len(data)) != 4+4+respLen {
  658. return false
  659. }
  660. m.response = data[8:]
  661. }
  662. return true
  663. }
  664. type serverHelloDoneMsg struct{}
  665. func (m *serverHelloDoneMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  666. _, ok := i.(*serverHelloDoneMsg)
  667. return ok
  668. }
  669. func (m *serverHelloDoneMsg) marshal() []byte {
  670. x := make([]byte, 4)
  671. x[0] = typeServerHelloDone
  672. return x
  673. }
  674. func (m *serverHelloDoneMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  675. return len(data) == 4
  676. }
  677. type clientKeyExchangeMsg struct {
  678. raw []byte
  679. ciphertext []byte
  680. }
  681. func (m *clientKeyExchangeMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  682. m1, ok := i.(*clientKeyExchangeMsg)
  683. if !ok {
  684. return false
  685. }
  686. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  687. bytes.Equal(m.ciphertext, m1.ciphertext)
  688. }
  689. func (m *clientKeyExchangeMsg) marshal() []byte {
  690. if m.raw != nil {
  691. return m.raw
  692. }
  693. length := len(m.ciphertext)
  694. x := make([]byte, length+4)
  695. x[0] = typeClientKeyExchange
  696. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  697. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  698. x[3] = uint8(length)
  699. copy(x[4:], m.ciphertext)
  700. m.raw = x
  701. return x
  702. }
  703. func (m *clientKeyExchangeMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  704. m.raw = data
  705. if len(data) < 4 {
  706. return false
  707. }
  708. l := int(data[1])<<16 | int(data[2])<<8 | int(data[3])
  709. if l != len(data)-4 {
  710. return false
  711. }
  712. m.ciphertext = data[4:]
  713. return true
  714. }
  715. type finishedMsg struct {
  716. raw []byte
  717. verifyData []byte
  718. }
  719. func (m *finishedMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  720. m1, ok := i.(*finishedMsg)
  721. if !ok {
  722. return false
  723. }
  724. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  725. bytes.Equal(m.verifyData, m1.verifyData)
  726. }
  727. func (m *finishedMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
  728. if m.raw != nil {
  729. return m.raw
  730. }
  731. x = make([]byte, 4+len(m.verifyData))
  732. x[0] = typeFinished
  733. x[3] = byte(len(m.verifyData))
  734. copy(x[4:], m.verifyData)
  735. m.raw = x
  736. return
  737. }
  738. func (m *finishedMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  739. m.raw = data
  740. if len(data) < 4 {
  741. return false
  742. }
  743. m.verifyData = data[4:]
  744. return true
  745. }
  746. type nextProtoMsg struct {
  747. raw []byte
  748. proto string
  749. }
  750. func (m *nextProtoMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  751. m1, ok := i.(*nextProtoMsg)
  752. if !ok {
  753. return false
  754. }
  755. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  756. m.proto == m1.proto
  757. }
  758. func (m *nextProtoMsg) marshal() []byte {
  759. if m.raw != nil {
  760. return m.raw
  761. }
  762. l := len(m.proto)
  763. if l > 255 {
  764. l = 255
  765. }
  766. padding := 32 - (l+2)%32
  767. length := l + padding + 2
  768. x := make([]byte, length+4)
  769. x[0] = typeNextProtocol
  770. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  771. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  772. x[3] = uint8(length)
  773. y := x[4:]
  774. y[0] = byte(l)
  775. copy(y[1:], []byte(m.proto[0:l]))
  776. y = y[1+l:]
  777. y[0] = byte(padding)
  778. m.raw = x
  779. return x
  780. }
  781. func (m *nextProtoMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  782. m.raw = data
  783. if len(data) < 5 {
  784. return false
  785. }
  786. data = data[4:]
  787. protoLen := int(data[0])
  788. data = data[1:]
  789. if len(data) < protoLen {
  790. return false
  791. }
  792. m.proto = string(data[0:protoLen])
  793. data = data[protoLen:]
  794. if len(data) < 1 {
  795. return false
  796. }
  797. paddingLen := int(data[0])
  798. data = data[1:]
  799. if len(data) != paddingLen {
  800. return false
  801. }
  802. return true
  803. }
  804. type certificateRequestMsg struct {
  805. raw []byte
  806. certificateTypes []byte
  807. certificateAuthorities [][]byte
  808. }
  809. func (m *certificateRequestMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  810. m1, ok := i.(*certificateRequestMsg)
  811. if !ok {
  812. return false
  813. }
  814. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  815. bytes.Equal(m.certificateTypes, m1.certificateTypes) &&
  816. eqByteSlices(m.certificateAuthorities, m1.certificateAuthorities)
  817. }
  818. func (m *certificateRequestMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
  819. if m.raw != nil {
  820. return m.raw
  821. }
  822. // See
  823. length := 1 + len(m.certificateTypes) + 2
  824. casLength := 0
  825. for _, ca := range m.certificateAuthorities {
  826. casLength += 2 + len(ca)
  827. }
  828. length += casLength
  829. x = make([]byte, 4+length)
  830. x[0] = typeCertificateRequest
  831. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  832. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  833. x[3] = uint8(length)
  834. x[4] = uint8(len(m.certificateTypes))
  835. copy(x[5:], m.certificateTypes)
  836. y := x[5+len(m.certificateTypes):]
  837. y[0] = uint8(casLength >> 8)
  838. y[1] = uint8(casLength)
  839. y = y[2:]
  840. for _, ca := range m.certificateAuthorities {
  841. y[0] = uint8(len(ca) >> 8)
  842. y[1] = uint8(len(ca))
  843. y = y[2:]
  844. copy(y, ca)
  845. y = y[len(ca):]
  846. }
  847. m.raw = x
  848. return
  849. }
  850. func (m *certificateRequestMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  851. m.raw = data
  852. if len(data) < 5 {
  853. return false
  854. }
  855. length := uint32(data[1])<<16 | uint32(data[2])<<8 | uint32(data[3])
  856. if uint32(len(data))-4 != length {
  857. return false
  858. }
  859. numCertTypes := int(data[4])
  860. data = data[5:]
  861. if numCertTypes == 0 || len(data) <= numCertTypes {
  862. return false
  863. }
  864. m.certificateTypes = make([]byte, numCertTypes)
  865. if copy(m.certificateTypes, data) != numCertTypes {
  866. return false
  867. }
  868. data = data[numCertTypes:]
  869. if len(data) < 2 {
  870. return false
  871. }
  872. casLength := uint16(data[0])<<8 | uint16(data[1])
  873. data = data[2:]
  874. if len(data) < int(casLength) {
  875. return false
  876. }
  877. cas := make([]byte, casLength)
  878. copy(cas, data)
  879. data = data[casLength:]
  880. m.certificateAuthorities = nil
  881. for len(cas) > 0 {
  882. if len(cas) < 2 {
  883. return false
  884. }
  885. caLen := uint16(cas[0])<<8 | uint16(cas[1])
  886. cas = cas[2:]
  887. if len(cas) < int(caLen) {
  888. return false
  889. }
  890. m.certificateAuthorities = append(m.certificateAuthorities, cas[:caLen])
  891. cas = cas[caLen:]
  892. }
  893. if len(data) > 0 {
  894. return false
  895. }
  896. return true
  897. }
  898. type certificateVerifyMsg struct {
  899. raw []byte
  900. signature []byte
  901. }
  902. func (m *certificateVerifyMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  903. m1, ok := i.(*certificateVerifyMsg)
  904. if !ok {
  905. return false
  906. }
  907. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  908. bytes.Equal(m.signature, m1.signature)
  909. }
  910. func (m *certificateVerifyMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
  911. if m.raw != nil {
  912. return m.raw
  913. }
  914. // See
  915. siglength := len(m.signature)
  916. length := 2 + siglength
  917. x = make([]byte, 4+length)
  918. x[0] = typeCertificateVerify
  919. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  920. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  921. x[3] = uint8(length)
  922. x[4] = uint8(siglength >> 8)
  923. x[5] = uint8(siglength)
  924. copy(x[6:], m.signature)
  925. m.raw = x
  926. return
  927. }
  928. func (m *certificateVerifyMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  929. m.raw = data
  930. if len(data) < 6 {
  931. return false
  932. }
  933. length := uint32(data[1])<<16 | uint32(data[2])<<8 | uint32(data[3])
  934. if uint32(len(data))-4 != length {
  935. return false
  936. }
  937. siglength := int(data[4])<<8 + int(data[5])
  938. if len(data)-6 != siglength {
  939. return false
  940. }
  941. m.signature = data[6:]
  942. return true
  943. }
  944. type newSessionTicketMsg struct {
  945. raw []byte
  946. ticket []byte
  947. }
  948. func (m *newSessionTicketMsg) equal(i interface{}) bool {
  949. m1, ok := i.(*newSessionTicketMsg)
  950. if !ok {
  951. return false
  952. }
  953. return bytes.Equal(m.raw, m1.raw) &&
  954. bytes.Equal(m.ticket, m1.ticket)
  955. }
  956. func (m *newSessionTicketMsg) marshal() (x []byte) {
  957. if m.raw != nil {
  958. return m.raw
  959. }
  960. // See
  961. ticketLen := len(m.ticket)
  962. length := 2 + 4 + ticketLen
  963. x = make([]byte, 4+length)
  964. x[0] = typeNewSessionTicket
  965. x[1] = uint8(length >> 16)
  966. x[2] = uint8(length >> 8)
  967. x[3] = uint8(length)
  968. x[8] = uint8(ticketLen >> 8)
  969. x[9] = uint8(ticketLen)
  970. copy(x[10:], m.ticket)
  971. m.raw = x
  972. return
  973. }
  974. func (m *newSessionTicketMsg) unmarshal(data []byte) bool {
  975. m.raw = data
  976. if len(data) < 10 {
  977. return false
  978. }
  979. length := uint32(data[1])<<16 | uint32(data[2])<<8 | uint32(data[3])
  980. if uint32(len(data))-4 != length {
  981. return false
  982. }
  983. ticketLen := int(data[8])<<8 + int(data[9])
  984. if len(data)-10 != ticketLen {
  985. return false
  986. }
  987. m.ticket = data[10:]
  988. return true
  989. }
  990. func eqUint16s(x, y []uint16) bool {
  991. if len(x) != len(y) {
  992. return false
  993. }
  994. for i, v := range x {
  995. if y[i] != v {
  996. return false
  997. }
  998. }
  999. return true
  1000. }
  1001. func eqStrings(x, y []string) bool {
  1002. if len(x) != len(y) {
  1003. return false
  1004. }
  1005. for i, v := range x {
  1006. if y[i] != v {
  1007. return false
  1008. }
  1009. }
  1010. return true
  1011. }
  1012. func eqByteSlices(x, y [][]byte) bool {
  1013. if len(x) != len(y) {
  1014. return false
  1015. }
  1016. for i, v := range x {
  1017. if !bytes.Equal(v, y[i]) {
  1018. return false
  1019. }
  1020. }
  1021. return true
  1022. }