Henry D. Case e5c37bded5 Testing rework
Goal of this PR is to rework testing script so that actual testing is
easy to extend and perform during development cycle.

* For interoperability testing I use python script and test framework,
  instead of complicated bsah scripts. Script itself is not yet perfect
  but it makes it much easier to extend tests and work with them during
  development time

* Makefile has been extended and now includes all steps needed to build
  the library and run tests. It's now possible to run any kind of tests
  without exporting environment variables.  Thanks to this change it is
  stupid-easy to run any kind of tests.

* There are 3 kinds of tests implemented in the library - unittests,
  interoperability tests and bogo. Travis has been changed and now
  dashbord will show only results for those 3 targets.
2018-03-29 13:15:52 +01:00

117 lines
3.4 KiB

# Constants
PRJ_DIR = $(abspath $(dir $(MK_FILE_PATH))/..)
DEV_DIR = $(PRJ_DIR)/_dev
# Results will be produced in this directory (can be provided by a caller)
# Compiler
GO ?= go
DOCKER ?= docker
# Build environment
OS ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOHOSTOS)
ARCH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOHOSTARCH)
OS_ARCH := $(OS)_$(ARCH)
VER_OS_ARCH := $(shell $(GO) version | cut -d' ' -f 3)_$(OS)_$(ARCH)
GOROOT_ENV := $(shell $(GO) env GOROOT)
# Flag indicates wheter invoke "go install -race std". Supported only on amd64 with CGO enabled
INSTALL_RACE:= $(words $(filter $(ARCH)_$(shell go env CGO_ENABLED), amd64_1))
# Test targets used for compatibility testing
TARGET_TEST_COMPAT=boring picotls tstclnt
# Some target-specific constants
# Build targets
$(BUILD_DIR)/$(OS_ARCH)/.ok_$(VER_OS_ARCH): clean
# Create clean directory structure
mkdir -p "$(GOROOT_LOCAL)/pkg"
# Copy src/tools from system GOROOT
cp -r $(GOROOT_ENV)/src $(GOROOT_LOCAL)/src
cp -r $(GOROOT_ENV)/pkg/include $(GOROOT_LOCAL)/pkg/include
cp -r $(GOROOT_ENV)/pkg/tool $(GOROOT_LOCAL)/pkg/tool
# Swap TLS implementation
rm -r $(GOROOT_LOCAL)/src/crypto/tls/*
rsync -rltgoD $(PRJ_DIR)/ $(GOROOT_LOCAL)/src/crypto/tls/ --exclude=$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(DEV_DIR)))
# Apply additional patches
for p in $(wildcard $(DEV_DIR)/patches/*); do patch -d "$(GOROOT_LOCAL)" -p1 < "$$p"; done
# Create go package
GOARCH=$(ARCH) GOROOT="$(GOROOT_LOCAL)" $(GO) install -v std
ifeq ($(INSTALL_RACE),1)
GOARCH=$(ARCH) GOROOT="$(GOROOT_LOCAL)" $(GO) install -race -v std
@touch "$@"
build-test-%: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(OS_ARCH)/.ok_$(VER_OS_ARCH)
$(DOCKER) build $(BUILDARG) -t tls-tris:$* $(DEV_DIR)/$*
$(DOCKER) build $(BUILDARG) -t $(*)-localserver $(DEV_DIR)/$*
build-all: \
build-test-tris-client \
build-test-tris-server \
build-test-bogo \
$(addprefix build-test-,$(TARGET_TEST_COMPAT))
# Builds TRIS client
build-test-tris-client: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(OS_ARCH)/.ok_$(VER_OS_ARCH)
cd $(DEV_DIR)/tris-testclient; CGO_ENABLED=0 GOROOT="$(GOROOT_LOCAL)" $(GO) build -v -i .
$(DOCKER) build -t tris-testclient $(DEV_DIR)/tris-testclient
# Builds TRIS server
build-test-tris-server: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(OS_ARCH)/.ok_$(VER_OS_ARCH)
cd $(DEV_DIR)/tris-localserver; CGO_ENABLED=0 GOROOT="$(GOROOT_LOCAL)" $(GO) build -v -i .
$(DOCKER) build -t tris-localserver $(DEV_DIR)/tris-localserver
# BoringSSL specific stuff
build-test-boring: BUILDARG=--build-arg REVISION=$(BORINGSSL_REVISION)
# TODO: This probably doesn't work
build-caddy: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(OS_ARCH)/.ok_$(VER_OS_ARCH)
# Test targets
test: \
test-unit \
test-bogo \
test-unit: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(OS_ARCH)/.ok_$(VER_OS_ARCH)
GOROOT="$(GOROOT_LOCAL)" $(GO) test -race crypto/tls
$(DOCKER) run --rm -v $(PRJ_DIR):$(BOGO_DOCKER_TRIS_LOCATION) tls-tris:bogo
$(DEV_DIR)/interop_test_runner -v
# Utils
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)/$(OS_ARCH)
clean-all: clean
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
.PHONY: $(BUILD_DIR) clean build build-test test test-unit test-bogo test-compat