- /*
- xmss.c version 20150811
- Andreas Hülsing
- Public domain.
- */
- #include "xmss.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "randombytes.h"
- #include "wots.h"
- #include "hash.h"
- #include "prg.h"
- #include "xmss_commons.h"
- // For testing
- #include "stdio.h"
- /**
- * Macros used to manipulate the respective fields
- * in the 16byte hash address
- */
- #define SET_LAYER_ADDRESS(a, v) {\
- a[6] = (a[6] & 3) | ((v << 2) & 255);\
- a[5] = (a[5] & 252) | ((v >> 6) & 255);}
- #define SET_TREE_ADDRESS(a, v) {\
- a[9] = (a[9] & 3) | ((v << 2) & 255);\
- a[8] = (v >> 6) & 255;\
- a[7] = (v >> 14) & 255;\
- a[6] = (a[6] & 252) | ((v >> 22) & 255);}
- #define SET_OTS_BIT(a, b) {\
- a[9] = (a[9] & 253) | (b << 1);}
- #define SET_OTS_ADDRESS(a, v) {\
- a[12] = (a[12] & 1) | ((v << 1) & 255);\
- a[11] = (v >> 7) & 255;\
- a[10] = (v >> 15) & 255;\
- a[9] = (a[9] & 254) | ((v >> 23) & 1);}
- #define ZEROISE_OTS_ADDR(a) {\
- a[12] = (a[12] & 254);\
- a[13] = 0;\
- a[14] = 0;\
- a[15] = 0;}
- #define SET_LTREE_BIT(a, b) {\
- a[9] = (a[9] & 254) | b;}
- #define SET_LTREE_ADDRESS(a, v) {\
- a[12] = v & 255;\
- a[11] = (v >> 8) & 255;\
- a[10] = (v >> 16) & 255;}
- #define SET_LTREE_TREE_HEIGHT(a, v) {\
- a[13] = (a[13] & 3) | ((v << 2) & 255);}
- #define SET_LTREE_TREE_INDEX(a, v) {\
- a[15] = (a[15] & 3) | ((v << 2) & 255);\
- a[14] = (v >> 6) & 255;\
- a[13] = (a[13] & 252) | ((v >> 14) & 3);}
- #define SET_NODE_PADDING(a) {\
- a[10] = 0;\
- a[11] = a[11] & 3;}
- #define SET_NODE_TREE_HEIGHT(a, v) {\
- a[12] = (a[12] & 3) | ((v << 2) & 255);\
- a[11] = (a[11] & 252) | ((v >> 6) & 3);}
- #define SET_NODE_TREE_INDEX(a, v) {\
- a[15] = (a[15] & 3) | ((v << 2) & 255);\
- a[14] = (v >> 6) & 255;\
- a[13] = (v >> 14) & 255;\
- a[12] = (a[12] & 252) | ((v >> 22) & 3);}
- /**
- * Used for pseudorandom keygeneration,
- * generates the seed for the WOTS keypair at address addr
- */
- static void get_seed(unsigned char seed[32], const unsigned char *sk_seed, unsigned char addr[16])
- {
- // Make sure that chain addr, hash addr, and key bit are 0!
- // Generate pseudorandom value
- prg_with_counter(seed, 32, sk_seed, 32, addr);
- }
- /**
- * Initialize xmss params struct
- * parameter names are the same as in the draft
- */
- void xmss_set_params(xmss_params *params, int m, int n, int h, int w)
- {
- params->h = h;
- params->m = m;
- params->n = n;
- wots_params wots_par;
- wots_set_params(&wots_par, m, n, w);
- params->wots_par = wots_par;
- }
- /**
- * Initialize xmssmt_params struct
- * parameter names are the same as in the draft
- *
- * Especially h is the total tree height, i.e. the XMSS trees have height h/d
- */
- void xmssmt_set_params(xmssmt_params *params, int m, int n, int h, int d, int w)
- {
- if(h % d){
- fprintf(stderr, "d must devide h without remainder!\n");
- return;
- }
- params->h = h;
- params->d = d;
- params->m = m;
- params->n = n;
- params->index_len = ceil(h / 8);
- xmss_params xmss_par;
- xmss_set_params(&xmss_par, m, n, (h/d), w);
- params->xmss_par = xmss_par;
- }
- /**
- * Computes a leaf from a WOTS public key using an L-tree.
- */
- static void l_tree(unsigned char *leaf, unsigned char *wots_pk, const xmss_params *params, const unsigned char *pub_seed, unsigned char addr[16])
- {
- uint l = params->wots_par.len;
- uint n = params->n;
- unsigned long i = 0;
- uint height = 0;
- //ADRS.setTreeHeight(0);
- SET_LTREE_TREE_HEIGHT(addr,height);
- unsigned long bound;
- while ( l > 1 )
- {
- bound = l >> 1; //floor(l / 2);
- for ( i = 0; i < bound; i = i + 1 ) {
- //ADRS.setTreeIndex(i);
- //wots_pk[i] = RAND_HASH(pk[2i], pk[2i + 1], SEED, ADRS);
- hash_2n_n(wots_pk+i*n,wots_pk+i*2*n, pub_seed, addr, n);
- }
- //if ( l % 2 == 1 ) {
- if(l&1)
- {
- //pk[floor(l / 2) + 1] = pk[l];
- memcpy(wots_pk+(l>>1)*n,wots_pk+(l-1)*n, n);
- //l = ceil(l / 2);
- l=(l>>1)+1;
- }
- else
- {
- //l = ceil(l / 2);
- l=(l>>1);
- }
- //ADRS.setTreeHeight(ADRS.getTreeHeight() + 1);
- height++;
- SET_LTREE_TREE_HEIGHT(addr,height);
- }
- //return pk[0];
- memcpy(leaf,wots_pk,n);
- }
- /**
- * Computes the leaf at a given address. First generates the WOTS key pair, then computes leaf using l_tree. As this happens position independent, we only require that addr encodes the right ltree-address.
- */
- static void gen_leaf_wots(unsigned char *leaf, const unsigned char *sk_seed, const xmss_params *params, const unsigned char *pub_seed, unsigned char ltree_addr[16], unsigned char ots_addr[16])
- {
- unsigned char seed[32];
- unsigned char pk[params->wots_par.keysize];
- get_seed(seed, sk_seed, ots_addr);
- wots_pkgen(pk, seed, &(params->wots_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- l_tree(leaf, pk, params, pub_seed, ltree_addr);
- }
- /**
- * Merkle's TreeHash algorithm. The address only needs to initialize the first 78 bits of addr. Everything else will be set by treehash.
- * Currently only used for key generation.
- *
- */
- static void treehash(unsigned char *node, int height, int index, const unsigned char *sk_seed, const xmss_params *params, const unsigned char *pub_seed, const unsigned char addr[16])
- {
- uint idx = index;
- uint n = params->n;
- // use three different addresses because at this point we use all three formats in parallel
- unsigned char ots_addr[16];
- unsigned char ltree_addr[16];
- unsigned char node_addr[16];
- memcpy(ots_addr, addr, 10);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ots_addr, 1);
- memcpy(ltree_addr, addr, 10);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ltree_addr, 0);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(ltree_addr, 1);
- memcpy(node_addr, ltree_addr, 10);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(node_addr, 0);
- SET_NODE_PADDING(node_addr);
- int lastnode,i;
- unsigned char stack[(height+1)*n];
- unsigned int stacklevels[height+1];
- unsigned int stackoffset=0;
- lastnode = idx+(1<<height);
- for(;idx<lastnode;idx++)
- {
- SET_LTREE_ADDRESS(ltree_addr,idx);
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr,idx);
- gen_leaf_wots(stack+stackoffset*n,sk_seed,params, pub_seed, ltree_addr, ots_addr);
- stacklevels[stackoffset] = 0;
- stackoffset++;
- while(stackoffset>1 && stacklevels[stackoffset-1] == stacklevels[stackoffset-2])
- {
- SET_NODE_TREE_HEIGHT(node_addr,stacklevels[stackoffset-1]);
- SET_NODE_TREE_INDEX(node_addr, (idx >> (stacklevels[stackoffset-1]+1)));
- hash_2n_n(stack+(stackoffset-2)*n,stack+(stackoffset-2)*n, pub_seed,
- node_addr, n);
- stacklevels[stackoffset-2]++;
- stackoffset--;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- node[i] = stack[i];
- }
- /**
- * Computes a root node given a leaf and an authapth
- */
- static void validate_authpath(unsigned char *root, const unsigned char *leaf, unsigned long leafidx, const unsigned char *authpath, const xmss_params *params, const unsigned char *pub_seed, unsigned char addr[16])
- {
- uint n = params->n;
- int i,j;
- unsigned char buffer[2*n];
- // If leafidx is odd (last bit = 1), current path element is a right child and authpath has to go to the left.
- // Otherwise, it is the other way around
- if(leafidx&1)
- {
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- buffer[n+j] = leaf[j];
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- buffer[j] = authpath[j];
- }
- else
- {
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- buffer[j] = leaf[j];
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- buffer[n+j] = authpath[j];
- }
- authpath += n;
- for(i=0;i<params->h-1;i++)
- {
- leafidx >>= 1;
- SET_NODE_TREE_INDEX(addr, leafidx);
- if(leafidx&1)
- {
- hash_2n_n(buffer+n,buffer,pub_seed, addr, n);
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- buffer[j] = authpath[j];
- }
- else
- {
- hash_2n_n(buffer,buffer,pub_seed, addr, n);
- for(j=0;j<n;j++)
- buffer[j+n] = authpath[j];
- }
- authpath += n;
- }
- SET_NODE_TREE_HEIGHT(addr, (params->h-1));
- leafidx >>= 1;
- SET_NODE_TREE_INDEX(addr, leafidx);
- hash_2n_n(root,buffer,pub_seed,addr,n);
- }
- /**
- * Computes the authpath and the root. This method is using a lot of space as we build the whole tree and then select the authpath nodes.
- * For more efficient algorithms see e.g. the chapter on hash-based signatures in Bernstein, Buchmann, Dahmen. "Post-quantum Cryptography", Springer 2009.
- * It returns the authpath in "authpath" with the node on level 0 at index 0.
- */
- static void compute_authpath_wots(unsigned char *root, unsigned char *authpath, unsigned long leaf_idx, const unsigned char *sk_seed, const xmss_params *params, unsigned char *pub_seed, unsigned char addr[16])
- {
- uint i, j, level;
- int n = params->n;
- int h = params->h;
- unsigned char tree[2*(1<<h)*n];
- unsigned char ots_addr[16];
- unsigned char ltree_addr[16];
- unsigned char node_addr[16];
- memcpy(ots_addr, addr, 10);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ots_addr, 1);
- memcpy(ltree_addr, addr, 10);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ltree_addr, 0);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(ltree_addr, 1);
- memcpy(node_addr, ltree_addr, 10);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(node_addr, 0);
- SET_NODE_PADDING(node_addr);
- // Compute all leaves
- for(i = 0; i < (1<<h); i++)
- {
- SET_LTREE_ADDRESS(ltree_addr,i);
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr,i);
- gen_leaf_wots(tree+((1<<h)*n + i*n), sk_seed, params, pub_seed, ltree_addr, ots_addr);
- }
- level = 0;
- // Compute tree:
- // Outer loop: For each inner layer
- for (i = (1<<h); i > 0; i>>=1)
- {
- SET_NODE_TREE_HEIGHT(node_addr, level);
- // Inner loop: for each pair of sibling nodes
- for (j = 0; j < i; j+=2)
- {
- SET_NODE_TREE_INDEX(node_addr, j>>1);
- hash_2n_n(tree + (i>>1)*n + (j>>1) * n, tree + i*n + j*n, pub_seed, node_addr, n);
- }
- level++;
- }
- // copy authpath
- for(i=0;i<h;i++)
- memcpy(authpath + i*n, tree + ((1<<h)>>i)*n + ((leaf_idx >> i) ^ 1) * n, n);
- // copy root
- memcpy(root, tree+n, n);
- }
- /*
- * Generates a XMSS key pair for a given parameter set.
- * Format sk: [(32bit) idx || SK_SEED || SK_PRF || PUB_SEED]
- * Format pk: [root || PUB_SEED] omitting algo oid.
- */
- int xmss_keypair(unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *sk, xmss_params *params)
- {
- uint n = params->n;
- uint m = params->m;
- // Set idx = 0
- sk[0] = 0;
- sk[1] = 0;
- sk[2] = 0;
- sk[3] = 0;
- // Init SK_SEED (n byte), SK_PRF (m byte), and PUB_SEED (n byte)
- randombytes(sk+4,2*n+m);
- // Copy PUB_SEED to public key
- memcpy(pk+n, sk+4+n+m,n);
- unsigned char addr[16] = {0,0,0,0};
- // Compute root
- treehash(pk, params->h, 0, sk+4, params, sk+4+n+m, addr);
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Signs a message.
- * Returns
- * 1. an array containing the signature followed by the message AND
- * 2. an updated secret key!
- *
- */
- int xmss_sign(unsigned char *sk, unsigned char *sig_msg, unsigned long long *sig_msg_len, const unsigned char *msg, unsigned long long msglen, const xmss_params *params)
- {
- uint n = params->n;
- uint m = params->m;
- // Extract SK
- unsigned long idx = ((unsigned long)sk[0] << 24) | ((unsigned long)sk[1] << 16) | ((unsigned long)sk[2] << 8) | sk[3];
- unsigned char sk_seed[n];
- memcpy(sk_seed,sk+4,n);
- unsigned char sk_prf[m];
- memcpy(sk_prf,sk+4+n,m);
- unsigned char pub_seed[n];
- memcpy(pub_seed,sk+4+n+m,n);
- // Update SK
- sk[0] = ((idx + 1) >> 24) & 255;
- sk[1] = ((idx + 1) >> 16) & 255;
- sk[2] = ((idx + 1) >> 8) & 255;
- sk[3] = (idx + 1) & 255;
- // -- Secret key for this non-forward-secure version is now updated.
- // -- A productive implementation should use a file handle instead and write the updated secret key at this point!
- // Init working params
- unsigned long long i;
- unsigned char R[m];
- unsigned char msg_h[m];
- unsigned char root[n];
- unsigned char ots_seed[n];
- unsigned char ots_addr[16] = {0,0,0,0};
- // ---------------------------------
- // Message Hashing
- // ---------------------------------
- // Message Hash:
- // First compute pseudorandom key
- prf_m(R, msg, msglen, sk_prf, m);
- // Then use it for message digest
- hash_m(msg_h, msg, msglen, R, m, m);
- // Start collecting signature
- *sig_msg_len = 0;
- // Copy index to signature
- sig_msg[0] = (idx >> 24) & 255;
- sig_msg[1] = (idx >> 16) & 255;
- sig_msg[2] = (idx >> 8) & 255;
- sig_msg[3] = idx & 255;
- sig_msg += 4;
- *sig_msg_len += 4;
- // Copy R to signature
- for(i=0; i<m; i++)
- sig_msg[i] = R[i];
- sig_msg += m;
- *sig_msg_len += m;
- // ----------------------------------
- // Now we start to "really sign"
- // ----------------------------------
- // Prepare Address
- SET_OTS_BIT(ots_addr,1);
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr,idx);
- // Compute seed for OTS key pair
- get_seed(ots_seed, sk_seed, ots_addr);
- // Compute WOTS signature
- wots_sign(sig_msg, msg_h, ots_seed, &(params->wots_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += params->wots_par.keysize;
- *sig_msg_len += params->wots_par.keysize;
- compute_authpath_wots(root, sig_msg, idx, sk_seed, params, pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += params->h*n;
- *sig_msg_len += params->h*n;
- //Whipe secret elements?
- //zerobytes(tsk, CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
- memcpy(sig_msg,msg,msglen);
- *sig_msg_len += msglen;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Verifies a given message signature pair under a given public key.
- */
- int xmss_sign_open(unsigned char *msg, unsigned long long *msglen, const unsigned char *sig_msg, unsigned long long sig_msg_len, const unsigned char *pk, const xmss_params *params)
- {
- uint n = params->n;
- uint m = params->m;
- unsigned long long i, m_len;
- unsigned long idx=0;
- unsigned char wots_pk[params->wots_par.keysize];
- unsigned char pkhash[n];
- unsigned char root[n];
- unsigned char msg_h[m];
- unsigned char pub_seed[n];
- memcpy(pub_seed,pk+n,n);
- // Init addresses
- unsigned char ots_addr[16] = {0,0,0,0};
- unsigned char ltree_addr[16];
- unsigned char node_addr[16];
- SET_OTS_BIT(ots_addr, 1);
- memcpy(ltree_addr, ots_addr, 10);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ltree_addr, 0);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(ltree_addr, 1);
- memcpy(node_addr, ltree_addr, 10);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(node_addr, 0);
- SET_NODE_PADDING(node_addr);
- // Extract index
- idx = ((unsigned long)sig_msg[0] << 24) | ((unsigned long)sig_msg[1] << 16) | ((unsigned long)sig_msg[2] << 8) | sig_msg[3];
- printf("verify:: idx = %lu\n",idx);
- sig_msg += 4;
- sig_msg_len -= 4;
- // hash message (recall, R is now on pole position at sig_msg
- unsigned long long tmp_sig_len = m+params->wots_par.keysize+params->h*n;
- m_len = sig_msg_len - tmp_sig_len;
- hash_m(msg_h, sig_msg + tmp_sig_len, m_len, sig_msg, m, m);
- sig_msg += m;
- sig_msg_len -= m;
- //-----------------------
- // Verify signature
- //-----------------------
- // Prepare Address
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr,idx);
- // Check WOTS signature
- wots_pkFromSig(wots_pk, sig_msg, msg_h, &(params->wots_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += params->wots_par.keysize;
- sig_msg_len -= params->wots_par.keysize;
- // Compute Ltree
- SET_LTREE_ADDRESS(ltree_addr, idx);
- l_tree(pkhash, wots_pk, params, pub_seed, ltree_addr);
- // Compute root
- validate_authpath(root, pkhash, idx, sig_msg, params, pub_seed, node_addr);
- sig_msg += params->h*n;
- sig_msg_len -= params->h*n;
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- if(root[i] != pk[i])
- goto fail;
- *msglen = sig_msg_len;
- for(i=0;i<*msglen;i++)
- msg[i] = sig_msg[i];
- return 0;
- fail:
- *msglen = sig_msg_len;
- for(i=0;i<*msglen;i++)
- msg[i] = 0;
- *msglen = -1;
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Generates a XMSSMT key pair for a given parameter set.
- * Format sk: [(ceil(h/8) bit) idx || SK_SEED || SK_PRF || PUB_SEED]
- * Format pk: [root || PUB_SEED] omitting algo oid.
- */
- int xmssmt_keypair(unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *sk, xmssmt_params *params)
- {
- uint n = params->n;
- uint m = params->m;
- uint i;
- // Set idx = 0
- for (i = 0; i < params->index_len; i++){
- sk[i] = 0;
- }
- // Init SK_SEED (n byte), SK_PRF (m byte), and PUB_SEED (n byte)
- randombytes(sk+params->index_len,2*n+m);
- // Copy PUB_SEED to public key
- memcpy(pk+n, sk+params->index_len+n+m,n);
- // Set address to point on the single tree on layer d-1
- unsigned char addr[16] = {0,0,0,0};
- SET_LAYER_ADDRESS(addr, (params->d-1));
- // Compute root
- treehash(pk, params->xmss_par.h, 0, sk+params->index_len, &(params->xmss_par), pk+n, addr);
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Signs a message.
- * Returns
- * 1. an array containing the signature followed by the message AND
- * 2. an updated secret key!
- *
- */
- int xmssmt_sign(unsigned char *sk, unsigned char *sig_msg, unsigned long long *sig_msg_len, const unsigned char *msg, unsigned long long msglen, const xmssmt_params *params)
- {
- uint n = params->n;
- uint m = params->m;
- uint tree_h = params->xmss_par.h;
- uint idx_len = params->index_len;
- unsigned long long idx_tree;
- unsigned long long idx_leaf;
- unsigned long long i;
- unsigned char sk_seed[n];
- unsigned char sk_prf[m];
- unsigned char pub_seed[n];
- // Init working params
- unsigned char R[m];
- unsigned char msg_h[m];
- unsigned char root[n];
- unsigned char ots_seed[n];
- unsigned char ots_addr[16] = {0,0,0,0};
- // Extract SK
- unsigned long long idx = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < idx_len; i++){
- idx |= ((unsigned long long)sk[i]) << 8*(idx_len - 1 - i);
- }
- memcpy(sk_seed,sk+idx_len,n);
- memcpy(sk_prf,sk+idx_len+n,m);
- memcpy(pub_seed,sk+idx_len+n+m,n);
- // Update SK
- for(i = 0; i < idx_len; i++){
- sk[i] = ((idx + 1) >> 8*(idx_len - 1 - i)) & 255;
- }
- // -- Secret key for this non-forward-secure version is now updated.
- // -- A productive implementation should use a file handle instead and write the updated secret key at this point!
- // ---------------------------------
- // Message Hashing
- // ---------------------------------
- // Message Hash:
- // First compute pseudorandom key
- prf_m(R, msg, msglen, sk_prf, m);
- // Then use it for message digest
- hash_m(msg_h, msg, msglen, R, m, m);
- // Start collecting signature
- *sig_msg_len = 0;
- // Copy index to signature
- for(i = 0; i < idx_len; i++){
- sig_msg[i] = (idx >> 8*(idx_len - 1 - i)) & 255;
- }
- sig_msg += idx_len;
- *sig_msg_len += idx_len;
- // Copy R to signature
- for(i=0; i<m; i++)
- sig_msg[i] = R[i];
- sig_msg += m;
- *sig_msg_len += m;
- // ----------------------------------
- // Now we start to "really sign"
- // ----------------------------------
- // Handle lowest layer separately as it is slightly different...
- // Prepare Address
- SET_OTS_BIT(ots_addr,1);
- idx_tree = idx >> tree_h;
- idx_leaf = (idx & ((1 << tree_h)-1));
- SET_LAYER_ADDRESS(ots_addr,0);
- SET_TREE_ADDRESS(ots_addr, idx_tree);
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr, idx_leaf);
- // Compute seed for OTS key pair
- get_seed(ots_seed, sk_seed, ots_addr);
- // Compute WOTS signature
- wots_sign(sig_msg, msg_h, ots_seed, &(params->xmss_par.wots_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- *sig_msg_len += params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- compute_authpath_wots(root, sig_msg, idx_leaf, sk_seed, &(params->xmss_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += tree_h*n;
- *sig_msg_len += tree_h*n;
- // Now loop over remaining layers...
- uint j;
- for(j = 1; j < params->d; j++){
- // Prepare Address
- idx_leaf = (idx_tree & ((1 << tree_h)-1));
- idx_tree = idx_tree >> tree_h;
- SET_LAYER_ADDRESS(ots_addr,j);
- SET_TREE_ADDRESS(ots_addr, idx_tree);
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr, idx_leaf);
- // Compute seed for OTS key pair
- get_seed(ots_seed, sk_seed, ots_addr);
- // Compute WOTS signature
- wots_sign(sig_msg, root, ots_seed, &(params->xmss_par.wots_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- *sig_msg_len += params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- compute_authpath_wots(root, sig_msg, idx_leaf, sk_seed, &(params->xmss_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += tree_h*n;
- *sig_msg_len += tree_h*n;
- }
- //Whipe secret elements?
- //zerobytes(tsk, CRYPTO_SECRETKEYBYTES);
- memcpy(sig_msg,msg,msglen);
- *sig_msg_len += msglen;
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Verifies a given message signature pair under a given public key.
- */
- int xmssmt_sign_open(unsigned char *msg, unsigned long long *msglen, const unsigned char *sig_msg, unsigned long long sig_msg_len, const unsigned char *pk, const xmssmt_params *params)
- {
- uint n = params->n;
- uint m = params->m;
- uint tree_h = params->xmss_par.h;
- uint idx_len = params->index_len;
- unsigned long long idx_tree;
- unsigned long long idx_leaf;
- unsigned long long i, m_len;
- unsigned long long idx=0;
- unsigned char wots_pk[params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize];
- unsigned char pkhash[n];
- unsigned char root[n];
- unsigned char msg_h[m];
- unsigned char pub_seed[n];
- memcpy(pub_seed,pk+n,n);
- // Init addresses
- unsigned char ots_addr[16] = {0,0,0,0};
- unsigned char ltree_addr[16];
- unsigned char node_addr[16];
- // Extract index
- for(i = 0; i < idx_len; i++){
- idx |= ((unsigned long long)sig_msg[i]) << 8*(idx_len - 1 - i);
- }
- printf("verify:: idx = %llu\n",idx);
- sig_msg += idx_len;
- sig_msg_len -= idx_len;
- // hash message (recall, R is now on pole position at sig_msg
- unsigned long long tmp_sig_len = m+ (params->d * params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize) + (params->h * n);
- m_len = sig_msg_len - tmp_sig_len;
- hash_m(msg_h, sig_msg + tmp_sig_len, m_len, sig_msg, m, m);
- sig_msg += m;
- sig_msg_len -= m;
- //-----------------------
- // Verify signature
- //-----------------------
- // Prepare Address
- idx_tree = idx >> tree_h;
- idx_leaf = (idx & ((1 << tree_h)-1));
- SET_LAYER_ADDRESS(ots_addr,0);
- SET_TREE_ADDRESS(ots_addr, idx_tree);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ots_addr, 1);
- memcpy(ltree_addr, ots_addr, 10);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ltree_addr, 0);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(ltree_addr, 1);
- memcpy(node_addr, ltree_addr, 10);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(node_addr, 0);
- SET_NODE_PADDING(node_addr);
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr,idx_leaf);
- // Check WOTS signature
- wots_pkFromSig(wots_pk, sig_msg, msg_h, &(params->xmss_par.wots_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- sig_msg_len -= params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- // Compute Ltree
- SET_LTREE_ADDRESS(ltree_addr, idx_leaf);
- l_tree(pkhash, wots_pk, &(params->xmss_par), pub_seed, ltree_addr);
- // Compute root
- validate_authpath(root, pkhash, idx_leaf, sig_msg, &(params->xmss_par), pub_seed, node_addr);
- sig_msg += tree_h*n;
- sig_msg_len -= tree_h*n;
- for(i = 1; i < params->d; i++){
- // Prepare Address
- idx_leaf = (idx_tree & ((1 << tree_h)-1));
- idx_tree = idx_tree >> tree_h;
- SET_LAYER_ADDRESS(ots_addr,i);
- SET_TREE_ADDRESS(ots_addr, idx_tree);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ots_addr, 1);
- memcpy(ltree_addr, ots_addr, 10);
- SET_OTS_BIT(ltree_addr, 0);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(ltree_addr, 1);
- memcpy(node_addr, ltree_addr, 10);
- SET_LTREE_BIT(node_addr, 0);
- SET_NODE_PADDING(node_addr);
- SET_OTS_ADDRESS(ots_addr,idx_leaf);
- // Check WOTS signature
- wots_pkFromSig(wots_pk, sig_msg, root, &(params->xmss_par.wots_par), pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sig_msg += params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- sig_msg_len -= params->xmss_par.wots_par.keysize;
- // Compute Ltree
- SET_LTREE_ADDRESS(ltree_addr, idx_leaf);
- l_tree(pkhash, wots_pk, &(params->xmss_par), pub_seed, ltree_addr);
- // Compute root
- validate_authpath(root, pkhash, idx_leaf, sig_msg, &(params->xmss_par), pub_seed, node_addr);
- sig_msg += tree_h*n;
- sig_msg_len -= tree_h*n;
- }
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- if(root[i] != pk[i])
- goto fail;
- *msglen = sig_msg_len;
- for(i=0;i<*msglen;i++)
- msg[i] = sig_msg[i];
- return 0;
- fail:
- *msglen = sig_msg_len;
- for(i=0;i<*msglen;i++)
- msg[i] = 0;
- *msglen = -1;
- return -1;
- }