- /*
- * Generate intermediate test vectors useful to test implementations.
- */
- // Number of sample vectors to be generated
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "../fips202.h"
- #include "../params.h"
- #include "../randombytes.h"
- #include "../utils.h"
- #include "../wots.h"
- #include "../xmss_commons.h"
- #include "../xmss_core.h"
- #include <sys/random.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <json.h>
- struct param_t {
- uint8_t oid;
- const char *hash;
- unsigned height;
- unsigned n_samples;
- };
- void sprint_hex(char *sbuf, unsigned char *buf, int len) {
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- sprintf(&sbuf[2*i], "%02X", buf[i]);
- }
- sbuf[2*len] = '\0';
- }
- void vectors_keygen(uint32_t oid, json_object *jreq, json_object *jres, uint32_t n_samples) {
- xmss_params params;
- struct json_object *tc_req, *tcs_req, *tc_res, *tcs_res;
- xmss_parse_oid(¶ms, oid);
- unsigned char seed[params.n * 3];
- unsigned char pk[params.pk_bytes + XMSS_OID_LEN];
- unsigned char sk[params.sk_bytes + XMSS_OID_LEN];
- char *sbuf;
- unsigned i;
- tcs_req = json_object_new_array();
- tcs_res = json_object_new_array();
- for (i = 0; i < XMSS_OID_LEN; i++) {
- pk[XMSS_OID_LEN - i - 1] = (oid >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF;
- sk[XMSS_OID_LEN - i - 1] = (oid >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF;
- }
- for (size_t i=0; i<n_samples; i++) {
- tc_req = json_object_new_object();
- tc_res = json_object_new_object();
- getentropy(seed, 3*params.n);
- xmssmt_core_seed_keypair(¶ms, &pk[XMSS_OID_LEN], &sk[XMSS_OID_LEN], seed);
- json_object_object_add(tc_req, "tcId", json_object_new_int(i+1));
- sbuf = malloc(2*params.n + 1);
- sprint_hex(sbuf, seed, params.n);
- json_object_object_add(tc_req, "S_XMSS", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- sprint_hex(sbuf, &seed[params.n], params.n);
- json_object_object_add(tc_req, "SK_PRF", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- sprint_hex(sbuf, &seed[2*params.n], params.n);
- json_object_object_add(tc_req, "I", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- free(sbuf);
- json_object_object_add(tc_res, "tcId", json_object_new_int(i+1));
- sbuf = malloc(2*params.pk_bytes + 1);
- sprint_hex(sbuf, pk, params.pk_bytes + XMSS_OID_LEN);
- json_object_object_add(tc_res, "publicKey", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- free(sbuf);
- sbuf = malloc(2*params.sk_bytes + 1);
- sprint_hex(sbuf, sk, params.sk_bytes + XMSS_OID_LEN);
- json_object_object_add(tc_res, "secretKey", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- free(sbuf);
- json_object_array_add(tcs_req,tc_req);
- json_object_array_add(tcs_res,tc_res);
- }
- json_object_object_add(jreq, "tests", tcs_req);
- json_object_object_add(jres, "tests", tcs_res);
- }
- void json_header_keygen(json_object *jobj) {
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "vsId", json_object_new_int(0));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "algorithm", json_object_new_string("XMSS"));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "mode", json_object_new_string("keyGen"));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "revision", json_object_new_string("1.0"));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "isSample", json_object_new_boolean(1));
- }
- void keygen_KAT(const struct param_t *h) {
- struct json_object *jres, *jreq, *tgs_req, *tgs_res, *tg_req, *tg_res;
- char buf[256];
- jreq = json_object_new_object();
- jres = json_object_new_object();
- json_header_keygen(jreq);
- json_header_keygen(jres);
- tgs_req = json_object_new_array();
- tgs_res = json_object_new_array();
- tg_req = json_object_new_object();
- tg_res = json_object_new_object();
- // Request file
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "tgId", json_object_new_int(1));
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "testType", json_object_new_string("AFT"));
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "OID", json_object_new_int(h->oid));
- // Response file
- json_object_object_add(tg_res, "tgId", json_object_new_int(1));
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "OID", json_object_new_int(h->oid));
- vectors_keygen(h->oid, tg_req, tg_res, h->n_samples);
- json_object_array_add(tgs_req, tg_req);
- json_object_array_add(tgs_res, tg_res);
- json_object_object_add(jreq, "testGroups", tgs_req);
- json_object_object_add(jres, "testGroups", tgs_res);
- sprintf(buf, "XMSS-%s-%s-H%u", "keyGen", h->hash, h->height);
- mkdir(buf, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
- sprintf(buf, "XMSS-%s-%s-H%u/%s", "keyGen", h->hash, h->height, "prompt.json");
- json_object_to_file_ext(buf, jreq, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED | JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY);
- sprintf(buf, "XMSS-%s-%s-H%u/%s", "keyGen", h->hash, h->height, "expectedResults.json");
- json_object_to_file_ext(buf, jres, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED | JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY);
- json_object_put(jres);
- json_object_put(jreq);
- }
- void json_header_siggen(json_object *jobj) {
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "vsId", json_object_new_int(0));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "algorithm", json_object_new_string("XMSS"));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "mode", json_object_new_string("sigGen"));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "revision", json_object_new_string("1.0"));
- json_object_object_add(jobj, "isSample", json_object_new_boolean(1));
- }
- void vectors_siggen(uint32_t oid, unsigned char *sk, json_object *jreq, json_object *jres, uint32_t n_samples) {
- xmss_params params;
- struct json_object *tc_req, *tcs_req, *tc_res, *tcs_res;
- xmss_parse_oid(¶ms, oid);
- unsigned char sm[params.sig_bytes + 128];
- unsigned long long smlen = 0;
- unsigned char msg[128];
- unsigned q;
- unsigned height = 1u << (params.full_height);
- char *sbuf;
- tcs_req = json_object_new_array();
- tcs_res = json_object_new_array();
- for (size_t i=0; i<n_samples; i++) {
- tc_req = json_object_new_object();
- tc_res = json_object_new_object();
- getentropy(msg, 128);
- getentropy(&q, sizeof(q));
- q = q % height;
- smlen = 0;
- ull_to_bytes(sk, params.index_bytes, q);
- xmss_core_sign(¶ms, sk, sm, &smlen, msg, 128);
- json_object_object_add(tc_res, "tcId", json_object_new_int(i+1));
- json_object_object_add(tc_req, "tcId", json_object_new_int(i+1));
- sbuf = malloc(2*128 + 1);
- sprint_hex(sbuf, msg, 128);
- json_object_object_add(tc_req, "message", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- free(sbuf);
- sbuf = malloc(2*smlen + 1);
- sprint_hex(sbuf, sm, smlen);
- json_object_object_add(tc_res, "signature", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- free(sbuf);
- json_object_object_add(tc_req, "q", json_object_new_int(q));
- json_object_array_add(tcs_req, tc_req);
- json_object_array_add(tcs_res, tc_res);
- }
- json_object_object_add(jreq, "tests", tcs_req);
- json_object_object_add(jres, "tests", tcs_res);
- }
- void siggen_KAT(const struct param_t *h) {
- xmss_params params;
- struct json_object *jres, *jreq, *tgs_req, *tgs_res, *tg_req, *tg_res;
- xmss_parse_oid(¶ms, h->oid);
- char buf[256], *sbuf;
- unsigned char seed[params.n * 3];
- unsigned char pk[params.pk_bytes + XMSS_OID_LEN];
- unsigned char sk[params.sk_bytes + XMSS_OID_LEN];
- jreq = json_object_new_object();
- jres = json_object_new_object();
- json_header_siggen(jreq);
- json_header_siggen(jres);
- tgs_req = json_object_new_array();
- tgs_res = json_object_new_array();
- tg_req = json_object_new_object();
- tg_res = json_object_new_object();
- // Request file
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "tgId", json_object_new_int(1));
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "testType", json_object_new_string("AFT"));
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "OID", json_object_new_int(h->oid));
- // Response file
- json_object_object_add(tg_res, "tgId", json_object_new_int(1));
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "OID", json_object_new_int(h->oid));
- getentropy(seed, 3*params.n);
- xmssmt_core_seed_keypair(¶ms, pk + XMSS_OID_LEN, sk + XMSS_OID_LEN, seed);
- sbuf = malloc(2*params.n + 1);
- sprint_hex(sbuf, seed, params.n);
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "S_XMSS", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- sprint_hex(sbuf, &seed[params.n], params.n);
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "SK_PRF", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- sprint_hex(sbuf, &seed[2*params.n], params.n);
- json_object_object_add(tg_req, "I", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- free(sbuf);
- sbuf = malloc(2*params.pk_bytes + 1);
- sprint_hex(sbuf, pk, params.pk_bytes + XMSS_OID_LEN);
- json_object_object_add(tg_res, "publicKey", json_object_new_string(sbuf));
- free(sbuf);
- vectors_siggen(h->oid, sk + XMSS_OID_LEN, tg_req, tg_res, h->n_samples);
- json_object_array_add(tgs_req, tg_req);
- json_object_array_add(tgs_res, tg_res);
- json_object_object_add(jreq, "testGroups", tgs_req);
- json_object_object_add(jres, "testGroups", tgs_res);
- sprintf(buf, "XMSS-%s-%s-H%u", "sigGen", h->hash, h->height);
- mkdir(buf, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
- sprintf(buf, "XMSS-%s-%s-H%u/%s", "sigGen", h->hash, h->height, "prompt.json");
- json_object_to_file_ext(buf, jreq, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED | JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY);
- sprintf(buf, "XMSS-%s-%s-H%u/%s", "sigGen", h->hash, h->height, "expectedResults.json");
- json_object_to_file_ext(buf, jres, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED | JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY);
- json_object_put(jres);
- json_object_put(jreq);
- }
- int main() {
- const struct param_t OIDs[] = {
- {0x01, "SHA256-N32", 10, 10}, // H10
- {0x0D, "SHA256-N24", 10, 10}, // H10
- {0x10, "SHAKE256-N32", 10, 10}, // H10
- {0x13, "SHAKE256-N24", 10, 10}, // H10
- {0x02, "SHA256-N32", 16, 5}, // H16
- {0x0E, "SHA256-N24", 16, 5}, // H16
- {0x11, "SHAKE256-N32", 16, 5}, // H16
- {0x14, "SHAKE256-N24", 16, 5}, // H16
- {0x03, "SHA256-N32", 20, 3}, // H20
- {0x0F, "SHA256-N24", 20, 3}, // H20
- {0x12, "SHAKE256-N32", 20, 3}, // H20
- {0x15, "SHAKE256-N24", 20, 3} // H20
- };
- for (size_t i=0; i<12; i++) {
- keygen_KAT(&OIDs[i]);
- siggen_KAT(&OIDs[i]);
- }
- }