- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include "hash.h"
- #include "hash_address.h"
- #include "params.h"
- #include "randombytes.h"
- #include "wots.h"
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "xmss_commons.h"
- #include "xmss_core.h"
- /**
- * For a given leaf index, computes the authentication path and the resulting
- * root node using Merkle's TreeHash algorithm.
- * Expects the layer and tree parts of subtree_addr to be set.
- */
- static void treehash(const xmss_params *params,
- unsigned char *root, unsigned char *auth_path,
- const unsigned char *sk_seed,
- const unsigned char *pub_seed,
- uint32_t leaf_idx, const uint32_t subtree_addr[8])
- {
- unsigned char stack[(params->tree_height+1)*params->n];
- unsigned int heights[params->tree_height+1];
- unsigned int offset = 0;
- /* The subtree has at most 2^20 leafs, so uint32_t suffices. */
- uint32_t idx;
- uint32_t tree_idx;
- /* We need all three types of addresses in parallel. */
- uint32_t ots_addr[8] = {0};
- uint32_t ltree_addr[8] = {0};
- uint32_t node_addr[8] = {0};
- /* Select the required subtree. */
- copy_subtree_addr(ots_addr, subtree_addr);
- copy_subtree_addr(ltree_addr, subtree_addr);
- copy_subtree_addr(node_addr, subtree_addr);
- set_type(ots_addr, XMSS_ADDR_TYPE_OTS);
- set_type(ltree_addr, XMSS_ADDR_TYPE_LTREE);
- set_type(node_addr, XMSS_ADDR_TYPE_HASHTREE);
- for (idx = 0; idx < (uint32_t)(1 << params->tree_height); idx++) {
- /* Add the next leaf node to the stack. */
- set_ltree_addr(ltree_addr, idx);
- set_ots_addr(ots_addr, idx);
- gen_leaf_wots(params, stack + offset*params->n,
- sk_seed, pub_seed, ltree_addr, ots_addr);
- offset++;
- heights[offset - 1] = 0;
- /* If this is a node we need for the auth path.. */
- if ((leaf_idx ^ 0x1) == idx) {
- memcpy(auth_path, stack + (offset - 1)*params->n, params->n);
- }
- /* While the top-most nodes are of equal height.. */
- while (offset >= 2 && heights[offset - 1] == heights[offset - 2]) {
- /* Compute index of the new node, in the next layer. */
- tree_idx = (idx >> (heights[offset - 1] + 1));
- /* Hash the top-most nodes from the stack together. */
- /* Note that tree height is the 'lower' layer, even though we use
- the index of the new node on the 'higher' layer. This follows
- from the fact that we address the hash function calls. */
- set_tree_height(node_addr, heights[offset - 1]);
- set_tree_index(node_addr, tree_idx);
- thash_h(params, stack + (offset-2)*params->n,
- stack + (offset-2)*params->n, pub_seed, node_addr);
- offset--;
- /* Note that the top-most node is now one layer higher. */
- heights[offset - 1]++;
- /* If this is a node we need for the auth path.. */
- if (((leaf_idx >> heights[offset - 1]) ^ 0x1) == tree_idx) {
- memcpy(auth_path + heights[offset - 1]*params->n,
- stack + (offset - 1)*params->n, params->n);
- }
- }
- }
- memcpy(root, stack, params->n);
- }
- /**
- * Given a set of parameters, this function returns the size of the secret key.
- * This is implementation specific, as varying choices in tree traversal will
- * result in varying requirements for state storage.
- */
- unsigned long long xmss_xmssmt_core_sk_bytes(const xmss_params *params)
- {
- return params->index_bytes + 4 * params->n;
- }
- /*
- * Generates a XMSS key pair for a given parameter set.
- * Format sk: [(32bit) index || SK_SEED || SK_PRF || root || PUB_SEED]
- * Format pk: [root || PUB_SEED], omitting algorithm OID.
- */
- int xmss_core_keypair(const xmss_params *params,
- unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *sk)
- {
- /* The key generation procedure of XMSS and XMSSMT is exactly the same.
- The only important detail is that the right subtree must be selected;
- this requires us to correctly set the d=1 parameter for XMSS. */
- return xmssmt_core_keypair(params, pk, sk);
- }
- /**
- * Signs a message. Returns an array containing the signature followed by the
- * message and an updated secret key.
- */
- int xmss_core_sign(const xmss_params *params,
- unsigned char *sk,
- unsigned char *sm, unsigned long long *smlen,
- const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long mlen)
- {
- /* XMSS signatures are fundamentally an instance of XMSSMT signatures.
- For d=1, as is the case with XMSS, some of the calls in the XMSSMT
- routine become vacuous (i.e. the loop only iterates once, and address
- management can be simplified a bit).*/
- return xmssmt_core_sign(params, sk, sm, smlen, m, mlen);
- }
- /*
- * Derives a XMSSMT key pair for a given parameter set.
- * Seed must be 3*n long.
- * Format sk: [(ceil(h/8) bit) index || SK_SEED || SK_PRF || root || PUB_SEED]
- * Format pk: [root || PUB_SEED] omitting algorithm OID.
- */
- int xmssmt_core_seed_keypair(const xmss_params *params,
- unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *sk,
- unsigned char *seed)
- {
- /* We do not need the auth path in key generation, but it simplifies the
- code to have just one treehash routine that computes both root and path
- in one function. */
- unsigned char auth_path[params->tree_height * params->n];
- uint32_t top_tree_addr[8] = {0};
- set_layer_addr(top_tree_addr, params->d - 1);
- /* Initialize index to 0. */
- memset(sk, 0, params->index_bytes);
- sk += params->index_bytes;
- /* Initialize SK_SEED and SK_PRF. */
- memcpy(sk, seed, 2 * params->n);
- /* Initialize PUB_SEED. */
- memcpy(sk + 3 * params->n, seed + 2 * params->n, params->n);
- memcpy(pk + params->n, sk + 3*params->n, params->n);
- /* Compute root node of the top-most subtree. */
- treehash(params, pk, auth_path, sk, pk + params->n, 0, top_tree_addr);
- memcpy(sk + 2*params->n, pk, params->n);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Generates a XMSSMT key pair for a given parameter set.
- * Format sk: [(ceil(h/8) bit) index || SK_SEED || SK_PRF || root || PUB_SEED]
- * Format pk: [root || PUB_SEED] omitting algorithm OID.
- */
- int xmssmt_core_keypair(const xmss_params *params,
- unsigned char *pk, unsigned char *sk)
- {
- unsigned char seed[3 * params->n];
- randombytes(seed, 3 * params->n);
- xmssmt_core_seed_keypair(params, pk, sk, seed);
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Signs a message. Returns an array containing the signature followed by the
- * message and an updated secret key.
- */
- int xmssmt_core_sign(const xmss_params *params,
- unsigned char *sk,
- unsigned char *sm, unsigned long long *smlen,
- const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long mlen)
- {
- const unsigned char *sk_seed = sk + params->index_bytes;
- const unsigned char *sk_prf = sk + params->index_bytes + params->n;
- const unsigned char *pub_root = sk + params->index_bytes + 2*params->n;
- const unsigned char *pub_seed = sk + params->index_bytes + 3*params->n;
- unsigned char root[params->n];
- unsigned char *mhash = root;
- unsigned long long idx;
- unsigned char idx_bytes_32[32];
- unsigned int i;
- uint32_t idx_leaf;
- uint32_t ots_addr[8] = {0};
- set_type(ots_addr, XMSS_ADDR_TYPE_OTS);
- /* Already put the message in the right place, to make it easier to prepend
- * things when computing the hash over the message. */
- memcpy(sm + params->sig_bytes, m, mlen);
- *smlen = params->sig_bytes + mlen;
- /* Read and use the current index from the secret key. */
- idx = (unsigned long)bytes_to_ull(sk, params->index_bytes);
- /* Check if we can still sign with this sk.
- * If not, return -2
- *
- * If this is the last possible signature (because the max index value
- * is reached), production implementations should delete the secret key
- * to prevent accidental further use.
- *
- * For the case of total tree height of 64 we do not use the last signature
- * to be on the safe side (there is no index value left to indicate that the
- * key is finished, hence external handling would be necessary)
- */
- if (idx >= ((1ULL << params->full_height) - 1)) {
- // Delete secret key here. We only do this in memory, production code
- // has to make sure that this happens on disk.
- sk[0] = 255;
- sk[1] = 255;
- sk[2] = 255;
- sk[3] = 255;
- memset(sk + params->index_bytes, 0, (params->sk_bytes - params->index_bytes));
- if (idx > ((1ULL << params->full_height) - 1))
- return -2; // We already used all one-time keys
- if ((params->full_height == 64) && (idx = ((1ULL << params->full_height) - 1)))
- return -2; // We already used all one-time keys
- }
- memcpy(sm, sk, params->index_bytes);
- /*************************************************************************
- *************************************************************************/
- /* Increment the index in the secret key. */
- ull_to_bytes(sk, params->index_bytes, idx + 1);
- /* Compute the digest randomization value. */
- ull_to_bytes(idx_bytes_32, 32, idx);
- prf(params, sm + params->index_bytes, idx_bytes_32, sk_prf);
- /* Compute the message hash. */
- hash_message(params, mhash, sm + params->index_bytes, pub_root, idx,
- sm + params->sig_bytes - params->padding_len - 3*params->n,
- mlen);
- sm += params->index_bytes + params->n;
- set_type(ots_addr, XMSS_ADDR_TYPE_OTS);
- for (i = 0; i < params->d; i++) {
- idx_leaf = (idx & ((1 << params->tree_height)-1));
- idx = idx >> params->tree_height;
- set_layer_addr(ots_addr, i);
- set_tree_addr(ots_addr, idx);
- set_ots_addr(ots_addr, idx_leaf);
- /* Compute a WOTS signature. */
- /* Initially, root = mhash, but on subsequent iterations it is the root
- of the subtree below the currently processed subtree. */
- wots_sign(params, sm, root, sk_seed, pub_seed, ots_addr);
- sm += params->wots_sig_bytes;
- /* Compute the authentication path for the used WOTS leaf. */
- treehash(params, root, sm, sk_seed, pub_seed, idx_leaf, ots_addr);
- sm += params->tree_height*params->n;
- }
- return 0;
- }